Will we ever have a JL run as glorious as this again? Was this the absolute peak of the team of all time?

Will we ever have a JL run as glorious as this again? Was this the absolute peak of the team of all time?

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you mean this run?

Attached: A1hvN8yqhML.jpg (1790x2560, 1.15M)

Doubtful. Every era of DC gets the JLA it deserves. It's no accident the two best runs happened in the Post-Crisis/pre-Didio era.

Nope, guys like Morrison are once in a lifetime writers.

Didio is the only guy keeping Morrison around, and got the best Batman runs and best Superman story. Johns got us Tomasi's Superman and Dogfucker's GL.

Grant Morrison almost quit several times because of Didio.

The cover alone is pure classic perfection, I wish they made the Justice League movie more like JLA than that somewhat bland shit we got with JL.


Why did Johns turn Lord into a villain?

Truly great comics have truly great artwork. This is why JLA is not truly great.

Same reason the Red Lanterns became all out villains during Rebirth after years of pushing them as sympathetic anti-heroes.

Lol. Sauce? Your ass. Morrison is there only because Didio gave him full control. Stop believing reddit.

Best Superman story being All-Star?

Yes. Not to mention Morrison's run being the best Superman run since the silver age.

I love how he talked about JLA in Supergods like it was really no big deal for him. He was just having pure comic book fun and it fucking showed. I hope we get anither series like this from Morrison where he just writes shit he finds cool and fun.

Green Lantern has been a laugh riot so far.

It's definitely the best alternative version of the Justice League and a classic on its own right, but it's not THE League.

I think Kelly's run was just as good. It obviously didn't have the ending payoff that Morrisons did, but it had solid stories.

I hate DiDio with a passion but I was at MorrisonCon and got the chance to speak with Grant. He said he's immensely grateful for the absolute freedom DC gives to him.

Attached: JLA Classified Cold Steel 1 of 2-00fc.jpg (1200x1844, 398K)

JLA has awesome artwork. OPs pic is timeless.

Pre injury Howard Porter was amazing