
What made it so kino?

Attached: frozen.jpg (509x755, 199K)

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Are you on drugs, user?

lesbian incest

She's so sexy

Attached: Elsa's_powers.jpg (1080x1920, 522K)

Arendelle is the coziest of all Disney kingdoms and I want to live there.

Elsa should be completely naked

Attached: DzTeq_YXQAAxhFW.jpg (1200x600, 54K)

She should join a nudist colony


the songs were catchy

I was down the second the giant snowman grew ice claws and teeth but Let it go was neato, Hans being the villian was interesting and the final rush to Anna PLUS the fact that she did actually got frozen was a nice twist.
Visually the snow and the ice was good looking and the troll bullshit was over so quickly that I didn't give a fuck.

Don't forget the only thing it was competing with, in terms of Disney Princess movies was fucking Tangled and Brave.
not everyone appreciates ye olde accent or the hipswaying bear from Brave, user. Normies are weird like that

Other movies: One princess
This movie: Two princesses

By this logic we can predict that Frozen 2 will have an unprecedented THREE princesses and make billions in revenue.

Anna's bedhead is adorable

Attached: 7a6de96e4c16c10e08ef9838549eb76a.jpg (500x611, 61K)

>THREE princesses
why not four?

tangled was better.

Attached: Animation - Tangled.mkv_snapshot_00.54.30_[2019.05.16_20.30.16].jpg (1550x1080, 638K)

Probably the Elsagate moral panic that followed the movie's release.

>The YouTube video starts with a popular British children’s cartoon character, Peppa Pig, introducing herself and her family, but there are signs of trouble almost immediately. During the ninth second, Peppa’s mother opens her mouth and shouts, “Smoke weed!”
The video -- a doctored version of a real Peppa episode -- deteriorates from there. Over five minutes, there are explosions and racial and homophobic slurs, culminating with Peppa and her parents in dark sunglasses smoking marijuana as rapper Snoop Dogg dances nearby. Since it was uploaded in 2015, the altered video, which has no age restrictions, has been viewed more than 1.5 million times.

Attached: Frozen 2 Kinds of Reactions to a Big Dick.jpg (480x351, 24K)

I don’t know if the public is ready for that

Attached: Frozen Dat Ass.jpg (1136x698, 104K)

Elsa should have been stark naked at her coronation

Attached: Elsacoronation.jpg (1920x856, 112K)

Based and redpilled

Attached: feral_raps.jpg (1363x697, 135K)

I can’t believe Elsa is getting a princess girlfriend of her own

WHere can I find the Tangled series?

Wa la
Start with the Before Ever After pilot and then watch the rest

Kristoff is the only character I cared about.

Why the fuck? Holy shit it's 1GB per episode are you insane?

Elsa should walk around Arendelle buck naked

Attached: 1ccc43cdf5051371268906439cb09a02.gif (245x392, 2.51M)

Elsa is the hetero conversion therapy Bobby Drake needs.

Attached: Ice Queen Elsa.jpg (750x1122, 233K)

>Wa la
It's voila, dumb mouseposter.

Punzy deserves the highest video quality possible

Anna should grab a heater and melt Elsa's dress and heels

a show about a literal nudist

It took elements from different movies and combined them in a way that was never really seen before. Sisterly love? Princess Movie? A really good set of act 1 songs? A twist villian? A perfect snowstorm of bad movies to pave its way to a big box office finish?

All factors that contribute to its success. Man you can't even step one foot into a woman with ice power reference in Asia without Elsa being referenced nowadays.

yes. bed head. right.

Attached: SnappyAmbitiousBarnowl.webm (1920x1080, 346K)

what a tummy...

With tits that huge, she might as well just sleep naked


Other way around, big tits will smother you in your sleep unless restrained

>caring about the female perspective
That’s pretty gay

yeah, it's the coolest!

Chill out user!
It's really good user.

Attached: Vigor_tts.jpg (1280x720, 198K)

And your titties can fall asleep just like your leg. But not half as pleasant