What a stupid mask

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Who cares? Most characters are so easily recognizable that it's stupid that people around them don't recognize.

What a stupid religion.

Easy fix

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It's really rare for them to make a character with nice costumes.

ur mask is probably worse, idiot

Eh. Not much better but at least it covers the eyes.

Shariah for Europe now

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i actually like the mask. the rest of the costume could use more work tho

A domino mask is nothing new. She’s not exactly the first person to use one

Why does she not shape shift her body? You could even squeeze out a story about her accepting herself or some shit

OP here. Come to think of it. There's actually worse.

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Like giving her gloves?

That was her very first story arc.

She is getting a new one

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Can we just stop and appreciate how shit this costume is? Like, we're approaching 90s comics levels of tackiness.

Well isn't that what Yea Forums's been bitching about with thread after thread? Going back to that 90's look?

Heroes should only be in costume in other cities where nobody could recognise them imo

Going right for the neck huh?

that is absolutely horrific

Sana Amanat was a mistake. She single handedly crashed sales of marvel comics in to the dirt.

It'll be gone in a year and then only ever appear again as her "Black Suit" for especially dark-and-serious storylines.

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wtf is this nonsense

That looks god damn awful. Kamala's costume is already perfect.

her feminine curves and hair are exposed. Allah, the prophet (PBUH) and her fundamentalist brother not to mention her Imam would not approve of this haram costume. Who exactly is Ms Marvel supposed to appeal to?

Barbara desperately trying to get her dad to give her attention apparently. /s

> Look, dad! I'm Bat-Girl!

> Bat-Girl!? Great! We got a situation at the Gotham National Bank!

I fear her MCU costume is going to look like this

Everybody, which means she can't be allowed to offend anybody.

Seriously, why do they keep making the thunderbolt such a prominent part of her design while not giving her any thunder/lightning related powers? It's so retarded.

Well... can she shape herself into a thunderbolt?

All pale in comparison to this one.

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> Those stockings

Opaque everywhere but sheer at the bottom? Huh...

but she offends muslims with her haram style of dress+behavior

Have the barefoot version as well.

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You cannot lewd muslim girls user! ABJECT HARAM

I understand

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It would be halal if she was six years old.

Hiding cheekbones and white eyes do not conceal an identity, user

Works for Superman, he does less than that

If she wanted to hide her identity why wouldn't she just wear the niqab?

Perhaps the same could be said of ALL religions.

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I think my best explanation for that is thus:
>"C'mon! It's obviously that Kent reporter guy! We could really hurt him if we-"
>"Yeah. But does knowing his identity make him any less super? And do you think he'd wouldn't be extra pissed if we attacked his loved ones or whatever idiotic shit you're thinking?"
>"Good. Now help me irradiate this gorilla."

Your words are as empty as your soul! Mankind ill needs a savior such as you!

Perhaps we could kidnap his mom, give her to a guy with a flamethrower, and tell Superman we won't release her unless he kills Batman.


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yeah. or at least making it more symmetrical. looks dumb not having both arms match

Maybe the long term plan for her is to put her in with the Thunderbolts?

What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets. But enough talk, HAVE AT YOU!

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Doesn't Kamala have that lightingbold on her costume because she is a fan of Carol back when she was Miss Marvel?

too bad we'll never get to see her in any of carol's old costumes

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I don't know anything about this character, but that's a bitchin costume. The other one looks generic.


What are you talking about? This is just her cosmic suit and it was barely used.

We need more Kamala in these sorts of outfits.

Goth Kamala when

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and this?

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