Hi Yea Forums, I just graduated with my Master's and I'm finally teaching English to college kids like I've wanted since I was a kid. I'll have my own office that they said I can decorate with whatever I want as long as it's not offensive. I've always loved Calvin and Hobbes and Peanuts since I was a kid thanks to my elementary school's librarian, can we have a thread for the funniest strips of those so I can put the best ones on my door and on my walls?
Hi Yea Forums...
Does your boss know you browse Yea Forums?
Based user giving kids good taste
Eyyyyyyy, I'm currently working on a Master's myself OP, congratulations! This particular strip always stuck with me because it got me into actual trouble when I wrote this answer verbatim in response to the same question.
Considering during my second interview he said something about a green frog, yes.
Either that or he browses himself
Good on you, user! What're you going for?
International Relations. It's a fairly specific field but the school I'm going to has direct ties into the major players and is pretty highly regarded among them. Involves lots of travelling too so I'm looking forward to that, hell part of my curriculum has be travelling in just a few days.
Congradulations. How comfy is the job? Sorry I don't have any Peanuts or C&H, but here's a Mickey.
Hey that's pretty nice! I traveled with my dad a lot when he was with the government so I'm kind of tired of moving around.
It's good you have ins though. I specified in teaching Shakespeare and I was lucky enough to have one of the top Shakespeare experts in the US teach me for 4 years.
My advice? Use however much time you've got until graduation collecting as many references as possible. If you can guarantee your director will remember you if they call for a reference like I have, that will be great
All comfy comics are accepted really.
It's super comfy. Conservative school, but good sense of humor. I'm this school's only men in the English department and I love to go hunting and that really put me in good with my department's head.
Yeah I've been making sure to cozy up with my professors and a lot of the staff in general. Lots of former diplomats and the like that I've been working with.
Small world that you would have traveled a lot with a parent that worked for the government, when that's sort of my goal right now. I feel you on getting burned out on travelling and I can see it happening to me when I get older, but for now I'm young and still have that itch to see the world.
>frogposting is unique to Yea Forums
Where are (((you))) from really?
What fun, I don't think I've read this one!
That's because it's a poorly-crafted edit.
>browsing Yea Forums at work
Why are you a faggot, user?
My plebian eyes couldn't tell when I posted it
I'm not at work Papa it's midnight, please don't get the belt
How exactly do you have your MA only and already have a position with your own office? An MA in English means, frankly, nothing.
Speaking of which
Early morning bump
I always forget this phase of Peanuts.
Comparing the early and old Peanuts is a trip