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The entire company has gone full retard and is now more or less walking all over Walt's corpse.

They can keep 101.

Also user, if they aired them, they'd just get the same treatment as their shows right now. Dying in the weekend morning timeslots with no reruns.

It's a good point
If Caballeros goes on streaming then gets Disney to want another season it might be better then having it die off on the channel during a bombing off of episodes.
Just want some more merch goddamn

Did you just shit talk the idea of Saturday morning cartoons?

He doesn't need to, everyone else in the business already has while burying its corpse.

Saturday mornings are a dead slot now. Most people don’t wake up early enough to watch cartoons now.

because disney channel has stopped caring about animation, replacing them with tween sitcoms. you either get dumped on disneyxd, international channels, or maybe late at night/early morning.

kids just watch Youtube anyway

there ain't no justice.

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because Disney+
you gotta pay or we break your bones


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i'd almost rather just hold out for finding more lost cartoons.

they try it in 2019 i know they'll fuck it up

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Because a couple hundred furries aren't going to make them a lot of money.

What about one hundred and one furries?


America is a futile market. Better to release it somewhere that people will honorably give them views instead of where people will pirate it.

Oswald will get his day soon. I just love there's people as passionate about him on here as me
How would they fuck it up

they could fuck it up by using the Epic Mickey story, setting it in Wasteland with all those weird dead-eyed animatronic versions of characters, and that mad doctor with his shitty rhymes.

they could fuck it up by making it all Ren and Stimpy gross-out-animated like the new Mickey shorts.

they could fuck it up by making him white like in 1935.

also, Animaniacs is coming back and there will no doubt be comparisons.

>We keep getting more shitty new Ducktales
>No cabs

This calls for the deadliest weapon of all.

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>We keep getting more shitty new Ducktales
You people are insufferable.

Your show sucks.