Master Splinter I'm trying to escape my bonds but I'm dummy thicc and the ropes keeping me tied up

Master Splinter I'm trying to escape my bonds but I'm dummy thicc and the ropes keeping me tied up.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I didn't watch this all the way through. Is it true they shipped her with Donetello? Because lol if true.


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This had to be someone with that fetish doing it intentionally, it's too sexualized especially in the ass
This is my fetish so I am quite fond of it

We'll never see scenes like these anymore.

The worst part is, Donnie acted like a creepy weirdo stalker towards her (especially during season 2), but the show still encouraged people to root for this pairing.

who let the guys from totally spies work on this?

the claps of my ass cheeks keep alerting the ninjas!

Attached: 64.jpg (1280x718, 548K)

April what are you saying? I can't understand you with your mouth gagged. Quick use your thicc cheeks to clap out morse code!

Attached: tfw.png (442x542, 305K)

That's really dark

Attached: 1558032392807~2.jpg (1280x718, 300K)

>no beach episode


Can't blame Donnie with an ass like that

I don't like this April that much, but I would be lying if I told you I didn't love that ass.

>Can't blame Donnie with an ass like that
Weird to think of all the turtle dicking that would result of the show's ships. At least with Karai she can turn into a snake. And Rapheal choice is the most feasible

Attached: 1df204743af3ea9b1df493f4e7bace53.jpg (1032x774, 165K)

yeah, but at least it's better than the current one


Attached: April'O Pizza.webm (1280x716, 2.55M)

Current one is black Irma as much as they try to meme that she's April.

The fuck kinda fetish is that? Pizza vore?

what the fuck is happening here? I demand an explanation

Don't kinkshame women who are into turtle fucking.
You ever see a turtle dick? Once you go Terrapene, you never go back agene.


Great pic, but this isn't the thread for Atomic Adult Ant Soldiers, you fucking mongrel.

Attached: april hung up.jpg (1912x1072, 91K)

I figure you didn't watch the show?

Fuck off, user.
I just masturbated.

That horrendously stretched out star texture on her jean shorts bothers me to an unreasonable degree

Remember pizzaface? The gross chef from the 87 toyline with the pizza cutter pegleg?
The 2012 was instead a man who became a giant mutant pizza that could hypnotize people and brainwash them. Then Mikey ate him, I think.

It was basically that diner episode from Teen Titans, sans the moped bullshit.

I most definitely did not user. Was it Miraculous lady bug levels of fetish fuel with turtles?


Attached: April dance.gif (398x718, 3M)

Because it looks really bad when it's so up close to the camera and really obvious. Generally you try to avoid extreme positions that stretch out textures in shows like these, or if you can't then at least hide the textures that look mangled with lighting or by positioning the character in a different way.

Yep, I can tell you most episodes were weird.

How come she wasn't in the recent movie?

Attached: tmnt vs penguin.webm (854x480, 1.55M)



>How come she wasn't in the recent movie?

Because she was white in the comic the movie is adapting, but they'd have to make her black since All April O'Neils Must Be Black From Now On. That would be confusing for the people who were familiar with the comic, so they cut her.

Batgirl took center waifu stage

>Kids only familiar with Rise of the TMNT wouldn't understand why April is white in this movie
>Adults who red the comic wouldn't understand why April is black in this adaptation

Better to just cut her out completely, then. April was deadweight to the story, anyway.

Well not like the clothes look that realistic to begin with. And they could be those weird jeans that are made to be stretchy compared to ordinary ones. Still a nice ass though

>All April O'Neils Must Be Black From Now On

I fucking hate this. Is there no going back from a race-swap?

I feel like you're just being a sensationalist and overanalyzing the issue. Sure, they made April black for the latest cartoon, but I highly doubt anyone would be offended if she were white again in a one-off movie or any other future work, especially when it's only been like 2 years since the previous cartoon where she was pale as the moon and people's memory isn't that shit.

>I highly doubt anyone would be offended if she were white again in a one-off movie or any other future work

C'mon user. You can't be that naïve in this age of WOKEness.

Sort of.
Eventually donnie stopped bothering her after lady bigfoot gave him a taste of his own medicine.

Then it kind of teeter off and she was mostly with casey.

I thoroughly hated April in this. Found her annoying.

Loved this episode, awesome fever dream.

You can see them being really close that episode Mona Lisa comes to earth

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They aren't nearly as prevalent as they were a few years back.

Attached: April's weekly kidnapping.png (1920x1080, 1.66M)

good lord this place is filled with degenerates, why did i come back

show me your dick!

Attached: April tied up.png (1912x1072, 1.37M)

Goddammit I jus masturbated

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I didnt watch a single episode of this, but that gives a whole new angle to that one pic where she invites Splinter to a gangbang that Leo, Mikey, and Raph are already started on, accidentally sending the invite to Don's shell phone. As a cuck I strongly approve.


Donnie and Casey both pine over her and they both spend time with her throughout
And yeah, there’s no definitive choice from April
Take your pick I guess

That was an honest mistake.
Give me a few days time out.

Attached: 2014-04-07-april-loligagging.jpg (900x900, 424K)

La Dee Fucking Daa!

Attached: April distracted.jpg (850x1000, 321K)

Isn't this the one that was supposed to end with a flash-forward to a post-apocalyptic NYC that revealed that everyone besides the turtles and a few mutants died horribly?

Why are they covered in thick black lines.
It looks kinda weird.

I still can't believe they got Raimi to write and direct that episode.

The part with April being converted into the Turtle's brood mare was truly ahead of it's time

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>but the show still encouraged people to root for this pairing
Tell me about that.

She actually give him hopes by the end of that big foot episode. Season 6 basically put Casey on the bus mid season to have Donnie and April all chummy, affectionate even. And the official music video above.

Isn't she sixteen?

>It's actually stretched because they inflated her model's butt for this shot

>the closest thing to an ending is a dystopian future where nearly every character is dead but the writers say it's not an actual ending
>so the alternative is just unresolved plot threads

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What do you think it smells like hehe

Too young for me.

It ended at season 4.Season 5 is just wrapping up other shit
And the only really unresolved thing I can think of is fugitoid still being alive somewhere
>they focused the season 5 space episode on Mona fucking LISA
we got robbed
But yeah. That’s all I can think of for unresolved shit

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I thought the writers said it was canon and that Nick were the ones saying it wasn't. Which is it?

This is the tastier hazing ritual I've ever seen.

>April has been a reporter, a detective, a ninja, and a psychic mutant ranging from 13 to 30 with varying tones and hair colors
>But there's NO WAY she's ever going to change again, she's black forever now.
user, I think you're just constructing problems in your head so you can have an excuse to be upset about something. Why do you even care? They've already done this shit before with characters like Baxter Stockman, plus Rise is a radically different take on all of the characters.

Attached: TMNT_April_Mirage.jpg (331x542, 49K)

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I forgot about this movie. Was it good?

this version of April has a nice anus

Attached: shadMcMan.gif (162x149, 3.21M)

Whoever was doing this, care to finish it here?

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Gross. Wheres the dicks? Unfapable.

They kind of got real fan-fictiony with the "resolution" to all that. If they didn't have the guts to follow through, why set up any of the drama to begin with?

The entire posterior is nice.

This but unironically

Miko, April, and who's the third one?

I think that's Pepper from that teen Iron Man cartoon.

I started to think that after I made the post, since my first guess was Gwen, even though she never had a robo-arm. Though I can't recall any instead of Pepper using one of the gauntlets from Tony's armors. Of course, I guess the artist was just giving the girls items to hint at their respective shows. A pretty cute idea nonetheless, given the shows all came out fairly close to one another and shared some similarities.

Because you have nowhere else to go

Who the fuck gave the ‘OK’ on these shots??? Like episodes take a while to story board. Someone was either persistent with the positions of April and the camera angle or the show wasn’t tightly managed lol

I watched the show while it was on, stopped after season 3 because the writing turned to shit. But I appreciate that in later seasons they made a leopard gecko mutant. I have two of those little dudes they’re so cute

Okay I’ll admit I shipped them from the get go because I love me an awkward nerd boy

So I might have been watching that arc with Donnie being too clingy, with rose tinted glasses on.

Yeah he did kinda become a stalker...

What was the last cartoon to show a girl in bondage? Was this it? Does it even happen any more? It used to be all over TV.

Well, Kingpin went from black in the Daredevil movie to white in the Netflix TV show.. But the movie was a critical failure, although it did alright commercially, and the followup Elektra was also a commercial failure. Black Electro appeared in ASM2, the film had a franchise low box office and was a critical failure, and we never saw black Electro again. However the movies that the MCU Nick Fury appeared in were successful, and now white Nick Fury has been sidelined in the comics and given a black replacement in 616.

When something with a race swap is successful, it seems much more likely that the swap will be permanent. Which is why no one should watch RotTMNT if they ever want the real April to be seen again.

I feel like you're posting that picture to try to imply April used to be black, as is sometimes claimed. but no, she was canonically white there, and her hairstyle is a perm, as was common at the time.
Baxter Stockman was turned white in the 90s cartoon because it was deemed offensive to have a black man in a subordinate role to Shredder. Times changed and black people became more represented in general by the time the next series aired, so having a black subordinate villain was not as controversial since there were also lots of positive black characters in the media. That is a completely different context from the April thing, the reasons Baxter switched races back again aren't applicable to April.

It's hilarious that they were worried about racial backlash with the 87 version of Stockman, who's worst suffering was being turned into a fly. Then the 2003 cartoon gets made and makes him black again, only to have him suffer literal fucking mutilation over and over to the point that he's rendered nothing but a brain in a jar. Can't imagine that shit would fly now, even if Shredder was an alien pretending to be an Asian dude.

Attached: Aladdin grin.jpg (264x229, 12K)

certainly you'd be able to scour personal blogs and find some idiot who was offended. But those have always existed. It's likely the only ones who would care are the other anons in the circle jerk thread you make with a link to that blog.

She wasn't black. I think.

That's the thing about the internet, you can always find someone who will say any retarded thing, and then it gets reposted with "people(plural) are saying this!" This is why we should ban Twitter screencap threads.

To be fair, there are some fairly large and vocal groups out there who take things too seriously and try to force changes that suit their tastes. With that said, not every single outrage is always going to become a threat, as seen with that little hissy fit resetera had over the actor who plays Dante in the Devil May Cry games voicing completely harmless opinions, and the idiots on that shithole site trying to organize and get his job taken away, only to be slapped down before they could even get any kind of movement going. It also helps that the worst of the PC movement is dying down. People are either being ignored and forced to turn their attention to other things that might bend to their will, or some begin to realize that there's more to life than sperging out over supposedly controversial shit on the net.

>there are some fairly large and vocal groups out there who take things too seriously and try to force changes that suit their tastes
Whatever side you're on, you should know people say this about you too. I dont even need to know what issue or what side, I just know people say that about you because everyone says that about everyone else.

Depends on who you mean from the other side. There are some people out there who really are just too out of touch with reality and think totally insane shit like power plants are stage props or that there's such a thing as "cultural appropriation"

Right but all the really wild rediculous and extreme things are cherry picked. If enough people believe a thing, it's probably not that crazy and just has a bad rep. Crazy people exist sure but its SERIOUSLY unlikely that large groups of people are all crazy in the same way.

In some cases, sure. But there are instances where the stunted mentality of some people is just seeping into places where it shouldn't. Sony's getting all retarded with censoring fanservicey games, and other companies are adopting extremely aggressive stances that target a demographic and effectively tell them to fuck off which is just stupid as hell and not at all how a business should be acting.

Do you not see two sides trying to yell louder than the other that they want games to be made to appeal to them? One side says its censorship to force designs to be sexual and one side says its censorship to for designs to be modest. If you have to appeal to one side you pick the side that moderates wont care about, and in this case children are a huge part of the market and they generally dont miss sexy designs. It's not pandering to PC culture or anything.

Define "large".
10.000 (I'm generous) buttmad spergs that managed to band together on tumblr may seem like a large amount of people, until you remember there's ~7.5 billion people on the planet and at least half of them are on the internet. Then it's just an entitled vocal minority.

No. You are not doing this to me again, Yea Forums. I am not getting trapped in a cycle of watching bad cartoons and hating myself for it just so I can have one masturbation-worthy scene. I've learned my lesson.

But that's not the case at all. The side that calls for censorship doesn't care about the games at all, they hardly even play them. They just want to be upset by things like short skirts, cleavage and other sexy qualities. And no, it's not about appealing to kids, it is pandering to PC culture that has no idea what it really wants. They think having sexy girls in something like Dead or Alive or Mortal Kombat is bad, when it really isn't and both series are aimed at adults, not to mention both have faired just fine with the fanservice for ages.

I'm just hear to say I don't care what skin color April has, I just want them to keep the nice butt.

Attached: shadakin.jpg (563x843, 229K)

Assumptions. You really think no liberals play games? That's just plain silly.

I said they hardly play, which implies that a lot of them don't. And they aren't liberals, actual liberals aren't retards who want to bring segregation and think racism is genetic and only a thing in "white" people. The PC crowd really don't care for the things that they complain about and barely have a grasp on reality. Just look at that Darth Vader comic with the obsessive nurse. Those people actually identified and sympathized with a lunatic who was stalking a dark cyborg wizard man and think he went too far in killing her when actual Star Wars fans know that Vader has done much worse.

Attached: Vader the thot slayer.jpg (1138x613, 127K)

Frankly I'm too drunk to keep up with you at this point. I only wanted to say that people are more complex than we like to imagine them to be and almost always too complex for compartmentalization. Ita good to keep that in mind with online discourse when it's too easy to dismiss people out of hand for being so "other".


>but I'm dummy thicc
Nobody would ever describe themselves in this situation, you dumbass.

If you observe Yea Forums, you might be inclined to argue that the pro sex appeal crowd doesn't play the games at all either.

Just gonna leave this here in hopes someone can leak it, it just sounds hilarious

Someone has to play them...right?

People who are too busy playing them to get into arguments about them online.

I was hoping this would be a thicc thread, not just an April thread.

I'd say go ahed.

part of her ass deforms with the legs, model wasn't designed to go that far

>Her ass goes beyond her limits

Wasn't the furry fox Raph's gf?

>I'm dummy thicc
excuse me?

god I wish that was me

Which one?

nice butt


>the Shad image had more reasonable proportions than the reference it was based off of
That's gotta be a first

The thing about MK was that when NRS went sexy, we got these tranny looking models in 9 that most of the community hated and never wanted back. The series never was that big about sexy design NRS and even back during midway because they fucking sucked at it and making attractive women. Even Injustice had problems. It wasnt the fans complaining, just the dipshits trying to make it about SJWs taking over the series when the game was at it's highest level of gore ever. That and the ones who wanted the tranny designs back.

Which episode is that pizza webm from

>>I feel like you're posting that picture to try to imply April used to be black
Late reply, but that's not what I'm imply. I'm just saying that April's been through a ton of changes over the past 20 something years, and the idea that a change as radical as her changing race doesn't seem like something that's going to stay in stone, in the same way Donny isn't going to stay a soft shelled turtle with a techno backpack.

Depends on what games you mean. The only game they might not be playing as much all that much might be Dead or Alive, but even then the people are still interested in the product and the characters, unlike the anti-fanservice people who just bang on about "muh objectification" when there's far more pressing problems with the gaming industry like shady review companies willing to take bribes to inflate scores for games/talk shit about the gamers for simply wanting more honesty, and the myriad of other incompetent actions that the 3 major gaming giants make on a daily basis.

I don't know how to feel about this.

Attached: thinkies.jpg (662x565, 30K)

This was 100% intentional.

And what if it was?

I'm not complaining.

Worst April, best ass.

>penguin henchman using smoking t-shirts
lol cool

Nah, Megan Fox April was much worse.

Attached: ezgif-2-349a6be1ec.webm (400x316, 1.56M)

Debatable, in the second one she was harmless.

Attached: April interview.jpg (536x793, 98K)

>Actual redhead 80's April

Yeah but that's from thd original comics

Ayy, that's the good shit...

Attached: 1501159165443.jpg (400x400, 12K)

Appropriate reaction.

>dummy thicc
I don't get this new nigger lingo.

You guys are seeing things. 2012 April's ass is flat. Karai on the other hand...

Attached: butts -April vs Karai.jpg (790x425, 33K)

Attached: Karai Butt shot.jpg (1599x898, 192K)

they want people to forget that they made her a black woman who acts nothing like April in the new tmnt cartoon show but they also don´t want to be part of the retcon so the just wrote her out

>it was deemed offensive to have a black man in a subordinate role to Shredder.

What nigga?

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I shall teach you the true ways of thicc, my child.

Attached: giphy.gif (320x180, 1.49M)

He looked like that for a few seconds, so they weren't worried.

Hey, here. This is what peter laird said about white Baxter. Gonna need a source on that whole “they were afraid of being called racist” thing.

Attached: 0DBDF4BD-31AC-414A-A4E8-CDE454C10B3F.jpg (1910x974, 505K)

that series had a nice Splinter.

>He looked like that for a few seconds
He had several significant appearances in the first couple of episodes. Don't lie on the internet.

Attached: TMNT 1987 - Episode 2 - Rocksteady and Bebop (human form).png (509x378, 196K)

Weird I don't remember that. Unless it was a thing in the Archie comics.

>dad bod
>almost too handsome

I want to know who was the person that designed him for the series. Because they clearly had a "thing" for Daddy Splinter.

Attached: 31964195_60x60.png.gif (422x270, 1022K)

2012 TMNT was most definitely NOT a bad cartoon. The pilot isn't very good, but it rapidly gets better and better with each episode throughout the first season and reaches a steady level of awesome.

Also there's no way 2012 TMNT could be considered bad when Lo Pan of Big Trouble In Little China is one of their villains.

>might not be playing
>but even then the people are still interested

Interested in complaining about something they don't play? The situation you described fits the problem stated.

It looks so soft and round. Yep, dummy thicc, the foot keep getting found because of her.

So? As I said they have an interest in the characters and the IP and do care about it to some extent, unlike the people who complain who literally have no interest beyond "fixing" what they think is a problem.

Both are nice and shapely.

Both sides are often the latter pretending to be the former. And it's obvious in how they argue.

Got proof of that? While there's always a chance some people are trolling, there's plenty of proof that the outrage folk are real and as delusional as they appear to be.

>dummy thicc
WTF is this?

How could that even turn you on? Having pizza sauce poured on a person sounds really uncomfortable and miserable, not sexy.

Some offshoot of the thick meme. Not sure where it started, but it makes an already fairly cringey term just outright autistic sounding.


I guarantee you it's a black twitter meme. No other memes are as cancerous.

I looked it up and kept getting results talking about clapping ass cheeks like >pic related. I don't get it.

Attached: WD-JLnO8NW869PqD.jpg (1200x675, 67K)

Thick on its isn't all that bad, if a tad forced, but it's not exactly the worst meme word out there, that would be "twerk". But seriously, just makes it sound something you'd see in Chris Chan's comics.

someone's gonna get tickled

Now this is a thread I can get behind

Attached: 15350cfb93a201b774d2f52f8ea8841a (2).jpg (330x393, 34K)

I can already tell who drew this.


Hi grandpa.


That looks nothing like Jay-Marvel.

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Watching it now. It's some corny ass shit.

Attached: 乇乂丅尺卂 丅卄工匚匚.gif (480x270, 2.24M)

The anatomy sure as fuck did. But I see the sig at the bottom, so fuck me I guess.

Missed ya Aku.

kind of curious to hear it

Cheesy as fuck, but I enjoy this kind of cheese. WAY better than the comic. It even has a couple of references to the arcade game. It irks me that Damian is way out of character and has a different voice actor, though.

Regular Damian wouldn't work, it would be like another Batman.

Attached: April hot.jpg (747x951, 90K)

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That tweet took off as a meme because Solid Snake's voice actor read it outloud online.

because he was paid to
there's a service you can pay people to say shit and several famous VAs/actors/etc are on it

There's something about that face and that ass that wins you over.

whos fucking fetish is this

Pizza lovers?

April was nice but Sexy Ninja Witch in the last season was best girl.

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Attached: Multi-17.jpg (1063x1654, 315K)

Attached: Multi-18.jpg (1063x1654, 304K)

Well? What happens next?!

She gets hypnotised and becomes a sex slave for what I assume is a self-insert character.

Much as I enjoy big tits, these things just look she's carrying bowling balls taped to her chest.