Thoughts about it?
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It's shit like everything DC makes
There's really nothing else to say
Looks cringe. Superhero tv shows suck.
Her head looks big.
Intimidated by a woman? How cliche.
Why must DC insist on making Kate a thing? She’s a shit character and only sticks around because she’s gay. Big deal.
hi ladderbro
Whats up with the hair??? Why does she have it? Does it have any use????
Because making her part of Batman does half the work for them, no need to figure out a hook, just "female Batman who is a lesbian like 95% of all women in Gotham."
it's to show she's female. that's literally all it does
It's a wig and it's for aesthetics
Well it pisses me off because we have like 3 other Batgirls a available and Kate is just so lazy its insulting. Christ she’s Bruce’s cousin and that hardly matters
hey DC, you got a bunch of female super heroes to make TV shows for
>black cannery
>Big Barda
nah, lets do the female version of our most famous heroes and make it as woke as possible
I would honestly love a Vixen or Zatanna push
The butthurt in this thread is exquisite.
as an actual kate fan i'm assblasted by this terrible casting
>as an actual kate fan i'm assblasted by this terrible casting
>I'm a Kate fan, not just some whiny incel.
i'm not any of the above people, stick your reaction gif back in the 'internet randos i btfo' folder
Have sex
seething? Cope?
>make it as woke as possible
This really, why can't a girl hero just be a girl hero?
>you're a female Bruce Wayne
>I'm not going to let a man take my credit
>it will be, once it fits a woman
rose whatsherface is actually a decent actor
skinny as fuck tho
also the feminism thing is about as on the nose as expected, here's hoping it's just the trailer.
Their Gotham looks better than it did in the Flash episode.
Muh I am woman is the worse thing
Just be a fucking hero
Dykes are kryptonite to good writing, any show where they pop up is garbage or becomes garbage.
Is this connected to the arrowverse?
I used to like those shows but I stopping watching because there were annoying crossovers all the time and you couldn't just marathon a season without watching the other shows.
If Supergirl is any indication we're going to get some recycled batman plots and one or two genderbent villains. What dastardly ladies(formerly men) would you like to see?
Batwoman was garbage, I won't watch her show.
Zebra Woman
Ten Eyed Woman
Kite Woman
Road Runner
Tiger Shark
>Is this connected to the arrowverse?
Yes, 100%. She was in the Elseworlds crossover this past season. I'm guessing they'll keep it somewhat separate most of Season 1 though since it seems to be a prequel since Kate doesn't have the finished suit (at least in the pilot for sure)
Have sex
>"You're a female Bruce Wayne"
My God, way to miss the point Berlanti. And that's nothing to say of how hard they're butchering my girl Alice.
Looks halfway decent but they need to tone down the stronk womyn rhetoric.
lick pusi
fem killer croc
shota baby doll
we're starting off with that one half decent batwoman villain who turned out to be her sister or something
if we're lucky we might even get vampire lesbian batwoman
Daily reminder that Nolan Bats 1 and 2 and Chris Reeves Superman 1 and 2 are better than any Disney Marvel movie.
It's shit
Looks good. Glad Arrow is ending and we are getting a Bat show. Glad it isn't Bruce desu sick of him. I prefer Batwoman and most Robins over him lately.
I hope it's going to end up like how titans was not as edgy as the FUCK BATMAN trailer.
She gets to have a series specifically because unlike Batgirl she's very much her own separated thing and supporting cast that can work without Batman being there (with Babs you need Gordon, which draws too close to Batman and Cass is not workable without requiring heavy use of other Bat-characters to interact with) and because she's so new she's unlikely to get a movie. Batgirl is an IP suits obviously want to hold on to for a potential movie because she's more iconic.
Yeah why can't she be a shrinking violet?
Everything the CW puts out is incomprehensibly awful and its existence continues to prevent a step up from soap opera quality. Batwoman deserves a Netflix show, not this fucking shit.
so fucking tilted every time more DC stuff goes to the CW.
i might watch the fight scenes on youtube
basically same impression i get from CW shows in general
I can see a female Penguin being a thing. Also a female Harvey Dent, where half of her face is scarred, but not really because she still needs to pretty for whatever reason.
>unlike Batgirl she's very much her own separated thing
>her own thing
>Recycling Batman plots and villains
So is Renee Montoya gonna be in this? Or is that a no go, because she's in the movies now? Kate is probably gonna get OC girlfriends because of how Maggie Sawyer exited the show on Supergirl.
>Tries to make user look like an insecure incel despite the fact that the post points out how Kate insults other heroines
Learn to shitpost
>Her own thing
If that were true she wouldn’t be called fucking Batwoman
>If that were true she wouldn’t be called fucking Batwoman
>So is Renee Montoya gonna be in this?
No. Kate's love interest will be Sophie Moore, played by pic related.
Condiment Queen
>no parent trap shenanigans for Alice
She as a character works without you having to constantly wonder "well why doesn't she just go to Batman" unlike Batgirl, because her debut was entirely about not being connected to the Bat-family.
>I'm not about to let a man take credit for a woman's work
Oof, wasn't the wig supposed to throw opponents off thinking they could end the fight by just pulling her hair? I don't like this change.
Almost like a parody. Cringe.
>Arrow 2.0
pass. I mean shit, they even have the same annoying gay black guy tech assistant
I love Ruby!
Don’t pretend Kate is anything more than a marketing gimmick; lesbian superhero with the bat-brand to keep her relevant.
She just finds the batcave and decided to be Batwoman?
She was reintroduced into continuity by Greg Rucka, who has a passion for lesbians, the marketing scheme, if there's any, came after.
Which is odd since I'm assuming thats supposed to either be Lucious Fox or his son, Luke. And if it's Luke, then this opens a whole "what" type questions since Luke is with Babs in the comic.
Is this really the hill you’re dying on? You can’t just admit that, just maybe, Kate was a poorly conceived idea only kept around for brownie points and ultimately adds nothing new to the Bat-Family? It’s okay to admit. No one is pretending Duke, Harper, or Batwing were good ideas either. I’d rather Huntress go back to associating with Batman and company (not exclusively BoP)
One day I'll get my Cassandra Cain movie
Talk like an actual human.
And Batgirl isn't by this logic?
>Firdt female dc lead
>Is a lesbian
Why are women always treated as objects ?
Batgirl at least has seniority and did the gimmick of female bat hero first. However I fully admit she works FAR better as Oracle, even more so in the wheelchair. Kate has no excuse, especially in this age in comics. You want me to give a shit about Kate? Give her a different name, put her in a different setting, and actually have her relation to Bruce matter since they’re related
>It's another more popular hero has abandoned their city (out of character for both Supes and Bats)
>Katy Kane did get discharged for being a lezbo but that wouldn't happen in current year
>Ruby Rose makes a cute little boy. They seriously couldn't give her a proper hair style?
>I don't even want to know the contrived reason she knows about the Wayne Tower R&D bat cave. Bruce and Lucious would yave so many ways to keep that stuff hidden
>Lucious is yet another neutered black guy in the CW list of neutered Black Guys. Why would he just stand there and let Katy breach security. As if he isn't afraid to manhandle a woman. Gosh forbid Catwoman or Harley go to the Tower to get WMDs
>Are we seriously still pretending this Womyn who was able to at least join up with the army (before actimg like a hormonal teenager in a Spartan army) who can beat the crap out of guys over half her size without the suit who literally comes from the biggest money in Gotham is so oppressed that she has to "not let man take credit for doing a womans job"?
In short this show is going to do to Batfags what Riverdale did to Archie Comics fans.
Make it crazy and off the wall kino?
>Batgirl at least has seniority and did the gimmick of female bat hero first
Completely meaningless.
>Missing the point
The constant need to affirm that, yes, I am a woman and I am better or just as strong as my Male counterpart, is cringy and stupid. It has nothing to do with her being confident, it has everything to do with being obnoxious bad writing.
I want it to be good but I know it wont be
In her first appearance it was her real hair, Rucka and J.H. Williams later rewrote it as a wig, meant to serve as a distraction during fist fights.
I love how you willingly ignored the rest of that post, and can’t offer a single argument to justify Kate’s existence
Honestly Batwoman has a stronger chance because her comic tends to deal with the supernatural, urban legends, and the weirder side of Gotham. So long as they keep that angle they can do some unique things.
I would have loved to see the Question. I mean Renee has been up for grabs since season 2 of Gotham. I expected her or him in Arrow. Now I'm not so sure I'd like to see her here what with Renee being a lesbian CW would only use her for sex and have no actual clue what to do with The Question persona. Like they did with Linda Park, Iris West, Black Canary (Formerly Dinah Queen), and Huntress
....wonder woman??
>Katy Kane did get discharged for being a lezbo but that wouldn't happen in current year
kate did have a period of being a useless drunk post discharge, pre batsuit
I always assumed that she was originally part of a "What If" silver age story. What if Batman turned into a Baby? What if Lois Lane was black? What if there was a genderbent version of the superhero? I saw Mystery of the Batwoman and thought she was pleasent. If anything making her gay seems like an attempt to keep her modern.
She adds something new to the batman mythos, LGBTQ+ representation and new modern version of Batwoman that actually makes the title have seniority over Batgirl.
Why do Katefags insist supernatural shit is her gimmick when Batman regularly does that too?
>Solomon Grundy
>Gentlemen Ghost
>The Court of Owls
>Deacon Blackfire
>show us that doing a decent Batman show with tv budget
>waste it on dyke batwoman
Kate's backstory alone makes her better than Duke, Tim, Harper, Steph or Batwing.
Because she tackles it regularly, Batman does it once a year on Halloween.
That fact you draw attention to her sexual preference as an exception rather than the norm just proves how stupid you are and how little Kate’s actual character offers the bat mythos. You are literally proving my point that she’s only marketed for being gay and having a bat logo. You’re not progressive, you are holding society back by further supporting segregation because you lack self awareness. I hope for your sake you’re just shitposting
No I mean the actual Archie Comic fans. Right. And i forgot to add in the current year she wouldn't be discharged for being gay in the military, but she would be discharged for being the platoon slut and having relations with her fellow soldiers. I think the heads at CW are implying the former and will try to take the fault from Katy not beimg able to close her legs
No, it doesn’t. And I say that as someone who doesn’t give a fuck about Tim or Steph
Well that’s just plain incorrect
Blah blah blah blah.
Alice doesn't talk like a Lewis Caroll character. Ruby Rose acts like a plank. The obvious pandering to the LGBTQ+ instead of making an interesting LGBTQ+ character. Not the crazy supernatural gothic stuff like in the comics. This is going to be terrible.
It's a DC show on TV, so already no-one gives two fucks about it.
The least you can give a shit about DC nowadays are their animated movies.
it's an inside joke. the original batwoman was created in an attempt to make batman seem less gay by giving him a love interest
and she's been gay for a long time in continuity, before it was trendy at least but why expect co to read comics
Well thank you for resorting to shitposting, ultimately proving you can’t argue your point
Well, here's the full Cast.
>An openly lesbian ex-soldier and the cousin of Bruce Wayne, Kate returns to Gotham City after being discharged from the military and finds a new purpose in defending a city on the edge of chaos following Batman's mysterious disappearance three years prior. Armed with a passion for social justice and flair for speaking her mind, Kate soars onto the streets as Batwoman, but in a city desperate for a savior, she must overcome her own demons before embracing the call to be Gotham's symbol of hope.
ALICE (Rachel Skarsten)
>The psychotic leader of the Lewis Carroll–inspired Wonderland Gang. Swinging unpredictably between maniacal and charming, Alice has made it her mission to undermine Gotham’s sense of security, and holds a secret connection to Batwoman's past.
I had to watch it on mute at work, but HEY it looks like they kept in the Don't Ask Don't Tell part of the origin.
I was worried it would he left out. I always liked that part of her sticking to the truth even if it meant losing everything like it is in her origin. Real guts.
why so pink, she looks like lavagirl
suit doesn't look awful though
SOPHIE MOORE (Meagan Tandy)
>Kate's closeted former lover, a high-ranking private security agent and one of Gotham’s fiercest protectors. Feisty, charming and with incredible fighting abilities and a softer side beneath her regimented exterior.
You're legit surprised people only pay attention to stuff with BAT in the title?
Welcome to comics. Where nobody pays attention until you get a in shadow pic of Batman's penis in which all the internet will freak out.
LUKE FOX (Camrus Johnson)
>The son of Wayne Enterprises' R&D director Lucius Fox, the man who provided Batman with his equipment for years. In the Dark Knight's absence, he is the one keeping the long-abandoned Wayne Tower secure. Brilliant with technology, but lacking in social skills, Luke considers himself the guardian of Batman's legacy and symbol, but soon begins to understand Gotham City’s need for a new hero, and finds one in Kate Kane.
>Kate Kane's excitable, talkative and scrappy stepsister. An influencer-in-the-making, Mary carries a lovely and heavy demeanor, which makes it easy to view her as an airheaded amateur. But what she lacks in a filter she makes up for with her compassion for Gotham’s underserved communities, proving she has more in common with Kate than she thinks. And like her sister, Mary will have a secret life of her own in Gotham City.
Possible Batwing in the future?
JACOB KANE (Dougray Scott)
>Kate's extremely tough, political and emotionless father, who is haunted by the death of his wife and one of his daughters years prior. A former military Colonel with a grudge against Batman, Jacob now commands Gotham’s elite private security firm The Crows, and has made it his mission to protect his city better than the Dark Knight ever could. But it’s only a matter of time before his unwavering disdain for vigilantes puts him at odds with Gotham’s new caped crusader, who also happens to be his own daughter.
It's a show for the twitter crowd, the gays who clamor to make Kara/Supergirl gay and pretty much that entire show gay because representation is only representation until the work is wholly it for them. Well, no problems with Batwoman. I won't be watching and I don't care either way.
They better sell this shit hard for the LGBTs because it's hard to see the appeal outside of them, even with the batwank.
Yes it does. Being kidnapped as a kid, being traumatized by it, losing your twin sister, later losing your career in the military that defined you due to your sexual orientation that you coukd and would not deny only to be betrayed by your lover, all are way more interesting than say Duke or Steph. Even Tim, whose whole thing was being a fanboy wish fulfillment.
>Kate's knowledgeable, motivated and ambitious stepmother. Catherine made her fortune as a savvy, bullheaded defense contractor, even supplying weapons for her husband's paramilitary activities. One of Gotham’s most powerful residents, Catherine effortlessly pulls the strings of the elite to advance her frequently less-than-legal enterprises. For her, it’s a matter of the bottom line: Batwoman is bad for business.
>if you enjoy a lesbian superhero you're promoting segregation
I feel there are some leaps in that logic.
It's a fucking trailer.
Heard a rumor that Ashley Scott is gonna play Gabrielle Kane. Anyone else hear about this?
Fair, but with all that said she would benefit not being a part of the bat family
>he is the one keeping the long-abandoned Wayne Tower secure
Well he's making a shit job
It's not an exception p, it's what makes her special and unique among the batman family. That, along with her far more militaristic approach to crime fighting, which doesn't cower from using deadly force. She doesn't live to prove herself to Batman, like Jason. She was inspired by Batman but doesn't beg to get his approval like Huntress did. She's a gay bat-character and that gets her attention, sure. But you think that's somehow segregationist is laughable. It's inclusive and diverse, that's what it is. It's pretty clear you're just triggered by the fact there's a gay character around.
The fact that you like her because she’s gay, draw attention to it, and disregard her character makes you a jackass because normal people don’t give a shit. Apparently we can’t just have a well written character, we need to focus on her sexuality and further classify people under labels/social groups.
It's set in Gotham. If you're gonna have a superhero with resources might as well make her part of 1 of the 5-6 big name families of the city, that way you get to have any tech you want and the writers write it off as "old money and military connections".
Now user. You know what he said is "if you enjoy a superhero because he or she is LGBTQ+ that is bad." If you enjoy Batwoman despite her being gay, there is no problem.
>puts him at odds with Gotham’s new caped crusader, who also happens to be his own daughter
why does this keep happening to superheroes
it's a more interesting backstory but it's not a 'better' one. different character suit different things.
Wow it really is just Supergirl with the gay one swapped
Dumbass I'm not the original person you were replying to. I never referenced her sexual orientation beyond the fact she stuck by it in her origin (I'm the poster here ).
That being said you're fucking hung up on it way more than those who say they like the character. Is there actually anything about the character you hate beyond her being gay?
>It's not an exception p, it's what makes her special
That’s an exception you tumbltard.
>Triggered over her being gay
And now you’re trying to paint me as a bigot, classic retard response. No, I have no qualms with characters being gay, user. I just hate it when it overshadows a character and make it a marketing point. A good gay character doesn’t make a big fucking deal about being gay. It’s frankly insulting.
I disagree. I'd say the fact that she is related to Bruce Wayne keeps her from being another Batgirl. For example people know Dick Grayson for being leader of the Teen Titans, the first Robin, and Nightwing. No one cares that he's slept with Barbara Gordon, Starfire, Donna Troy and Harley Quinn.
user do you realize how many comic fans are fucking sick of Batman making every hero his bitch following his rules? I don’t hate her being gay, nice reading comprehension. I personally don’t care for Kate because DC apparently has zero faith in her to begin with this why she has a bat mantle.
Those twitter gays are a very small demographic. They're just loud and obnoxious
And they’ve done ZERO with the information that they’re related so it’s practically irrelevant
>horrible acting
>horrible camera work
>literally turned my mobile phone to its brightest setting just to see whether my screen is fucked or whether they just used fucking GREY as the main colour theme for this shit
>"when it fits a woman"
I literally rolled my goddamn eyes into the back of my skull, good fucking lord. This will literally be the first DC show I won't watch on the regular because the CW shows are fucked to the point of no return. And I say this as a huge Smallville fag. Arrow S01 and Flash S01 were great but that's it. This will be even worse than Supergirl and that says something. Just end this shitty franchise, for the love of god. Krypton, DP, Titans, and probably Swamp Thing are all a thousand times better than this abomination
Well, then the show has some work to do for ratings then
Gay superheroes are rare. Just like solo women heroes carrying their own book. That's why people make it a big deal. Dumbass.
Why not? If they make a good show, it's acceptable. Problem is that this looks worse than dog shit and that they won't do anything interesting with the character other than making her a dyke
Ladderbro hates good shows and movies. This looks really bad no matter how you try to twist it
>Ruby Rose
Isn't that the chick from RWBY?
>because DC apparently has zero faith in her to begin with this why she has a bat mantle.
Completely nonsensical logic. DC has been pushing Kate specifically because they believe in the character. There's nothing wrong with a modern version of Batwoman, a character that's sixty years old.
have sex
>Just end this shitty franchise, for the love of god. Krypton, DP, Titans, and probably Swamp Thing are all a thousand times better than this abomination
Can confirm DP and Krypton. The latter I passed on initially but caught up on DCU and it's surprisingly leagues better than current CW output, and a far better Superman family story than Wokegirl.
Looks even worse than Supergirl. Black Alfred and Lesbo Batwoman. Who might be behind this?
And the fact that you keep drawing attention to it ultimately prevents them from being more common/the norm.
user don’t even try to call Kate the same fucking character. You have so much faith in Kate? Fantastic. Let’s truly have her stand out and have her create a persona of her own like several characters before her. Or does the fear of her fading into obscurity the minute she stops riding off Batman’s gimmick prevent you from wanting that?
no it's this chick
That makes no sense whatsoever.
it really is. Admittedly, I'm a DC fag but I never cease to criticise the product if it has shitty quality. Went in expecting nothing with Krypton because I know DC can knock it out of the park with ideas people expect the least (Gotham with Gordon as the lead) but Krypton came as a huge surprise. Fuck, Brainiac's skull ship coming to Krypton was some awesome shit
batman's setting up franchises of batguys, i don't think being batwoman is limiting her
Titans is good. It may feel slow and edgy but it has some good episodes. Enough so that i eagerly await season 2. Gotham was good but only if you don't take it seriously
Well I’m sorry you’re that stupid and can’t follow a simple conversation
Batwoman didn't even work for Batman or follow his code until he hired her for Detective Comics.
Hell, I don't even think she was part of Batman Inc. in the early 10s.
Now you could say her being called Batwoman was just DC wanting a new Bat-name for sales, which might be true. But you can still make a good character and interesting story just from a company trying to make easy sales.
A trailer that had like three different versions of those lines in there, all of which were pretty dreadful and felt out of place
It is because it Kate doesn’t like playing by his rules, so why even fucking bother? Furthermore, there numerous complaints about the abundance of Bat characters running around. I’m actually supporting the idea of Kate standing out and you fags can’t stand it
Then get a new name/gimmick! It will only help her
Wasn't hating on Titans. I've yet to watch it. I'll probably get around to it sooner or later. It looks interesting enough and I'm a fan of the Titans concept, books, and animation. I think I'm on season 4ish of Gotham. Probably finish that someday. I enjoy it for what it is.
She isn't crowding the Bat-family, unlike people like Luke and Duke are. And it's specifically because she doesn't rely on Batman to be relevant. So she wears a bat-emblem, boo-fucking-hoo.
Yeah, I'm still gobsmacked by the look of Krypton and the look of Brainiac they were able to pull with what I'm guessing isn't a huge budget. It's really nice on the eyes. And I'm not sure there is a character I genuinely hate on the show. They've done a good job making me care about almost all of them. Next season looks so doooope.
what could be a good new gimmick for her?
>lets make a show for 4% of the population
I only like Kate because Elegy was kino and JHWIII art is super fun to look at.
Isn't that pretty much what the entire CW lineup and continually bad ratings suggests?
Yea I saw a poster once that had all Bat themed heroes standing in a row and it looked like it had as many characters as that one Marvel Poster. From Spoiler to Terry McGinnis to Batlash to Knight and Squire to all the sidekicks both when they were with Bruce and when they went their own way.
And this is off topic but the whole Batman Inc. Thing would've worked if it was more for crusaders like Green Hornet, Rorshach, the Shadow, etc. and wasn't limited to keep all Batman themed heroes together. I'm a Batfag but Batwing was the moment I knew their were just too many people too close to someone whose supposed to be a loner like Bruce Wayne is
Ah yes like how it helped that black Robin when he became The Signal.
Just skyrocketed in popularity.
Or other Gotham based crime fighters like Onyx. She's still nice and relevant.
She looks like a slut in some kind of porn video thats cosplaying as batwoman.
CW only gets 4% of the audience share anyway
>can't go five seconds without cringe 'future is female' type dialogue
>Alice might as well be Harley
>turned black Tony Stark into Felicity mark 4.0
>doesn't even have the decency to be visually intriguing like Batwoman comics
Glad they're dumping this on Sunday
in my experience women watch CW for the chads, not for lesbians.
they are getting the 4% of that 4%
>and only sticks around because she’s gay
u answered your own question user
>in my experience women watch CW for the chads, not for lesbians.
They all get wet for the ginger lesbo on the archie show and the tranny in Sabrina tho
Super lol if after the second season everyone will be a "bat" something like happened with Arrow and its million sidekicks
Do they? I'm pretty sure the fact that theres 20 flavors of hunk to schlick over is what actually keeps them watching.
What they've done to Lucius is the worst part. He's a suave black older man who is a genius, not a simpering dork. Fucking Felicity as a trope needs to fuck off.
It's practically the same with Flash too. Good ideas seem to run out by the second season.
Batwoman from the get-go was the result of that condition anyway. You know they're gonna spread that shit with relish.
Have trouble trusting trailers anymore due to awful editing, but I do pay attention to visuals at the least. It's definitely a visual downgrade from Gotham with how the city looks which is a bummer(Not really a Gotham fan, stopped after season 1).
The Batman suits definitely an upgrade from Gotham lol
Not sure how to feel about the villains, if they'll be interesting or not. I love the idea of her father being a part of the military, gonna lead to some cool conflicts.
I don't like these shows being 20 episodes so I hope the count is LOW
>"Kate can stand on her own! She's WAY different than Batman, and isn't crowding the family!"
>"Okay, cool. Why not give her a new name, her own city, and further prove how great of a character she can be."
>"W-Wait a minute! L-Let's not get crazy..."
Fucking hilarious. Will Katefags ever admit they only like her because she's lesbian and pretend like it adds something to the family?
It's his son Luke you idiot, someone even posted it in this thread already,
Forget trusting trailers. The real question is if you trust CW capeshit in this time and age.
Your answer should be "not after the first season, and I'm being kind"
Sorry forgot to post Batmans suit in the case.
they'll probably introduce cassandra kane, spoiler etc
Female Hush.
Do any of these seem plausible?
Why can't we have a tight half hour live action Batman show?(or any superhero show) Not done by CW of course, but in general. They are all way too long with uninteresting stories and needless drama.
I like the Cw shows mostly, I have my issues here and there but I enjoy it. (I wish Arrow never went off the deep end). I watch Flash and Legends and Super-girl, I have my issues with them but I enjoy them.
That's some strong projection
The Netflix shows and Doom Patrol are good for you then, Haven't tried Umbrella Academy yet.
>So she wears a bat-emblem, boo-fucking-hoo.
It's the only reason why she's lasted this long
The Netflix shows are garbage. They're also boring plots that are stretched out across thirteen hours. I haven't tried Doom Patrol yet.
Does Batgirl not exist anymore?
Oops, still, I find the 'nerdy whimpering guy/girl jn the tech chair' trope very annoying.
Telltale made it and it's a videogame. Still, best Batman TV show made to date.
That's true for all of them save Daredevil.
>Do they? I'm pretty sure the fact that theres 20 flavors of hunk to schlick over is what actually keeps them watching.
the tumblerinas love the ginger lesbo and lesbo ships in general. I was at comic con last year, the ginger lesbo got the loudest shrieks from girls in the crowd apart from the guy who was on suite life with zack and cody (am embarassed to admit I was in the audience for the archieshow panel, but it's the truth)
Tumblrinas arent really the biggest demo though. The average 15 year old girl gets her clit wet when Archie takes his shirt off.
You were actually still right except he's not an older black man
Luke is a suave tech genius that struck out with his own company because he couldn't understand why his father was so loyal to the Waynes
He's a black millionaire playboy
excuse my tiny mobile screen, but is her love interest black? Because hell, they could have made her latina, or asian, or middleastern with all the muslim shit going on. Now don't get me wrong, I'm literally unironically subscribed to BLACKED, but we need more diversity than just black and white. They already did it on Flash, even if the actors have zero chemistry (Patty shouldn't have left.)
This being said, this looked way too preachy. I can side with their ideals, they are noble, the heart is on a good place... but couple it with good writing. Like, please, hire GOOD writers. Is all I ask. The dialogue there was so BAD, like, teenage levels of bad. It is making Sabrina dialogue looks good in comparison and, man, you can't dive much lower. Well... you always can, I see Arrow and (worse) Flash. At least I never got into Super Grill that apparently is downright a circus.
>After being introduced in last fall’s DC/CW mega-crossover “Elseworlds” event, Kate Kane is getting her own show. Starring Ruby Rose, “Batwoman” will bring to television not just a female-led superhero show, but the first one ever to feature a lesbian hero (played by a genderfluid actor).
Who exactly is the demographic for this
there is so many WMAF relationships in media yet no one complains because no blacks.
For you
Looks about on par with the other CW Super junk. If you like arrow and flash and the rest of the related shows you'll probably like this.
Who cares about the general media? We are talking CWverse here, and Flash owns the BLACKED couple already, complete with children. The even have BL for pure BLACKED dreams. I just want a relationship explored from a totally different culture. Latino communities are surging and growing so much on the US, it should have been a sweet latina to destroy that ginger pussy. That's my issue here.
I mean, ffs, Arrow 2049 is another BLACKED show since Mia (arrow's daughter) is fucking a black guy (bronze tiger son).) At least here the actor is actually pretty good (unlike Candice on Flash; she is really bad, but you can blame it on the actors hating each other here for the most part.) Like dude, the US isn't only black and white. Where is the native american representation? Even so, I would push more for a muslim actress. The only one so far is on Legends and she is cute as hell man.
The jewry is out on why Hollywood has such a BLACKED obsession.
Kite Woman, hell yeah.
Too much women power for my test
It reminds me of that fake CGI Batgirl show from the BatB Finale. And not in a good way
>not let a man take credit for a womans work
>after she stole his suit, gear, lair, identity, job and team
wew boy. At least her American accent seems to have gotten better since the crossover.
I don't know how many times I've defended the A-Force scene in Endgame this month but I don't know how this trailer has so many defenders in this thread
>Literally does the "She's a girl!" statement 4 different ways in the span of a minute
Jesus. I guess if girls like this obnoxious crap than it's not my place to criticize but god damn sell your superheroines differently for once.
>Nolan inspired suit
Would've happily accepted a face mask.
isn't renee montoya aka batwoman's actual love interest a latina
You're expecting these nutjobs to have any self awareness.
>kate just walks into the batcave
thanks dc I hate it
The show looks like shit but I'd bust a nut in Kate.
Apparently, she's getting B-side Batman villains like Ventriloquist and Dr. Phosphorus.
This looks terrible
this and her villain too
Lol. Let’s just hope that Batman doesn’t show up just to be a jobber, and to keep telling Batwoman how much better she is then him at everything like they’ve done with Superman and Supergirl.
Crows? As in Blaxkhawks?
>They think I'm him
Yeah, they think a person seen up high in a bat suit with a big cape and wearing the same thing as Batman while using Batmans Tech is Batman.
>I'm not about to let a man take credit for a woman's work.
Then don't wear Batman's shit? Take off Batman's shit and then they won't think you're batman and you won't give him the credit.
Ironically that line is super relevant in today's age when transgender 'women' are absofuckinglutely mopping the floor with people like her in pretty much everything.
Yea because Batman taking credit for things is a common problem.
Woof I'd hope this show won't hang on "Not Batman but MEEEEE"
>stronk man hating dyke with black gf and black sidekick
more like wokewoman
ruby rose is some form of transgender lol
You're expecting women to be rational
>not Lady Kite Man
>It will be perfect when it fits a woman
>I'm not gonna let a man take a woman's credit
I was genuinly interested until they started doing cringe
>Yea because Batman taking credit for things is a common problem.
This line is actually even stupider when you think about it. Batman wants to be seen as mostly a myth, somewhat 'is he an actual guy or a bunch of guys?' and occasionally 'is he actually human?' He's supposed to be terrifying because he can be anyone, anywhere, and swoop in and fuck you up before you know what happened. "Superstitious and Cowardly Lot" and all that, he's not supposed to be given 'credit'. He's not Superman drawing attention to it to show that even someone with power can be 'good'.
Getting pissy about someone wondering if its batman shows you really should stop trying to pretend to be Batman.
Imagine all the animated movies they could make if retarded cunts didn't watch these idiotic cosplay shows
Fun fact, the C in CW actually stands for Cringe.
so would it be more likely for everyone to assume batwoman was doing everything? she is a bit more noticable visually than him
>Yea Forums is super triggered by every second of this trailer
I've never been less surprised about anything in my life. I'll give it a go, might be enjoyable.
I'm sorry that you lack common sense to see trite when presented to you
With this pattern, I'm hoping to start watching around Season 4.
Dumbasses like you never contribute to anything.
>so would it be more likely for everyone to assume batwoman was doing everything?
What? No, they see her and she's visually noticable, they'd be like "Oh, okay, that's clearly not the person doing all that stuff, we can like... see her."
>she is a bit more noticable visually than him
Right? Also means you know it's not a bunch of people doing stuff.
that looks atrocious
what were they thinking?
how much will you bet that they will add a shitty team like the other shitty CW shows
>Not really a Gotham fan, stopped after season 1
season 1 is the weakest, i really recommend you to pick up again
Its pretty wild, but not unexpected
>Supergirl 2.0
On the other hand, great contribution there, bro.
>“Armed with a passion for social justice and a flair for speaking her mind, Kate Kane (Rose) soars onto the streets of Gotham as Batwoman, an out lesbian and highly trained street fighter primed to snuff out the failing city’s criminal resurgence. But don’t call her a hero yet. In a city desperate for a savior, Kate must overcome her own demons before embracing the call to be Gotham’s symbol of hope,” the official synopsis reads.
>Armed with a passion for social justice
Sounds great, can't wait!
Too bad DC wants to pretend they never happened.
>common sense
>literally crying about women this, women that, muh fragile male ego
I hate everything about this.
Funny, because the slut who cosplays as batwoman in the porn parody looks and acts better than ruby
Just give me Mia/Nora spinoff
>You voted for Trump? Well I won't kill you, but I don't have to save you.
Nora is cute.
Nice strawman, faggot. Have the (You), you whore. That's what you really want, don't pretend otherwise
I've seen the wonderland gang before but not Alice. That design just looks like a knockoff Harley Quinn.
Anybody remember the fight scenes of Arrow S1 and LoT as well? They were pretty good. Hopefully we'll get at least that from this. It looks honestly bad.
Not anymore.
Why won’t they just make batman tv show
I wanted to see Nora and chink weather witch hate fuck each other so bad; the sexual tension was there. A fucking shame it won't happen now. Either that or mommy/daughter hot steamy sex with that reporter whore. Shit was hot man.
I hope they don't forget about our forum.
was its just me, or did the trailer boil down to “i have a pussy, i have a pussy, batman doesn’t so im better the him....also im a dyke”
More like this.
I'll never watch it, I'll groan whenever it gets brought up in the one group of friends who will get suckered in by it, and regardless of viewership CW will give it at least three seasons. People will watch out of morbid curiosity and then argue that one season is better than another, and I will hide that thread and all subsequent ones.
Member how you DCfags cried for months how Cap Marvel was going to be a pro-feminism shitfest. And how it actually was just a regular Marvel film and was criticized for being not feminist enough? Yeah, we never got our APOLOGY.
So this shitfest... this is karma coming back around with a strap on and fucking you right in your incel asses!!! Blaahhaaha!! You shoulda just kept your fucking mouths shut, but now the universe is back, and she's one pissed off bitch!
Seriously, there was literally only one male in that trailer. Maybe two. It's a wholly female cast. And diverse by the looks of not only a lesbian, but a black lesbian! Sweet!
Batwoman makes Cap Marvel look chauvinistic and full of testosterone. You DCfags did this to yourselves. I warned you. Now it's time to reap the whirlwind... reap it!!!
>he hasn't seen Doom Patrol
DC is like AEW at this point. They cannot compete against their superior competitor, so they're resigned to go after the "people" who don't have a medium to identify with.
This includes, blacks, females, latinos, gays, lesbians, asians, transgenders, etc - ALL of which were fully represented in this show (there's only one white male, the father, who dies).
DC is anti-straight white male. Not by choice, but by necessity. It's over for DC and the only losers left to support them are LGBT libcucks.
Y'all hate to hear this, but what I've said and what other anons say is 100% true: DC is already dead. just don't know it yet.
>LGBT libcuck
samefag autist
The only good to come from this is CW are shitting on a character literally nobody cares about.
If I'm no wrong she might be appearing in the next DCEU movie Birds of Prey.
Ur welcome
>I need you to fix his suit
>The suit is literal perfection
>It will be.. When it fits a woman
Should we have characters talk like people, or in easy to market panderspeak?
This is like an absurdist parody of one of those late-90's superhero TV shows like Night Man or MANTIS
the YouTube comments are obliterating this show
Everyone should be.
Nobody expects you to have any self-awareness.
So you're saying it will be great. That's kind of annoying. I wasn't planning to watch it.
>letting public opinion positive or otherwise effect your own opinion
God you sound like a pussy bitch. Kys.
>they spent money to produce a shitty Green Arrow show, a shitty Flash show, a shitty Supergirl show, a shitty Batwoman show, and a shitty team-up show
>when instead they could have taken all that money and made a good Batman show
Where's the logic behind these decisions?
I'm not the one who invoked youtube comments.
One Batman show doesn't fill up a programming schedule, and these were started back when DC was trying to do a movieverse.
>One Batman show doesn't fill up a programming schedule
Who at Warner gives a shit about the CW? Just play reruns of whatever gay teenage dramas they've got like they have for the past twenty years. DCU's doing well enough with Doom Patrol, they just need to stop fucking up with bad writing.
If you don't like the answer, don't ask.
Doom Patrol sucks though.
I get the source material is LGBT heavy and overtly weird, but just because it's "different" doesn't make it "good".
not going to click that shit. I hope it fails.
Black Lightning is still on the air.
You think they'll cancel Batlesbian before 4 seasons (syndication) are over?
>Looks good
such a strong, independent woman, an inspiration to us all
I take it you never watched any of it.
Can we have Night Man back? At least it's entertaining in its stupidity.
Why is it so hard to make a good female-led show these days?
>dresses up in Batman’s shit
>gets mad when people think she’s Batman
When I first saw the poster for months I thought it was a fan mockup of a Michael Keaton shot.
>”The suit is literal perfection”
>”It will be when it fits a woman.”
See Kate this is why you’re the most forgettable member of the Batfamily.
I'm not sure audiences are ready for the first female superhero This year. On television.
Who's the blond villain chick?
Honestly this is probably the most I've seen her act in any one thing. It's not half bad in comparison to the one or two movies I've seen her in. Even in Resident Evil where she did have a speaking role it was largely forgettable. Maybe she was just meant for TV drama.
Yeah just talking a couple of AiW quotes does not an Alice make. There needs to be a sort of childishness to her. This comes off more like a middle aged thug trying to cosplay.
At least make the eyeliner darker jfc
that's my gf, duh.
Lucifer is pretty fun
This. She had no business being In Gotham to begin with. While I would have loved to see her here as her story was one of the best in 52 to be honest
That wasnt her design when she first arrived, not when III and Rucka was running shit anyway, I don't know WHAT the fuck that is.
I guess.
Wait who becomes FireHawk? Is it her?
What the fuck are you talking about? Is this about Larry or the Danny The Street episode?
For comparison, look at the design she had back then
So wait, is she a woman?
she's strong independent genderfluid jewish bat-person
Would Gordon tell Batwoman to rape her own sister?
Batwoman was one of my favorite DC books of the last 20 years. Rucka and Williams created a fantastic book.
This. UGH. This looks like watered down, dumbed down, festering garbage.
This might be worse than Arrow somehow.
Plus.. Again? Again we have Batman leaving Gotham for a series set there? Wasn't WB's Birds Of Prey bad enough? And Batwoman just up and steals his suit because a woman needs to perfect it?
Yeah. Huge disappointment. Not only does she look like a second rate Harley Quinn, she looks like she stole the wardrobe of Harley from that awful WB Birds of Prey show.
No. This is why CW writers are trash.
5th Wave feminism was a mistake if this is the garbage writing these morons consider good.
>easy to market panderspeak
Is that like DoublePlusGood NewSpeak?
Nobody likes this "she's a girl" crap. Supergirl is a flop in ratings still airing because CW don't cancel show and especially muh Arrowverse and Disney bought tickets for Captain Marvel
There's a copyright issue with 20th Century Fox and WB for Batman live action TV shows for Adam West Batman. That's how Gotham happened in the first place.
>watered down, dumbed down, festering garbage
Par for the course for CW, really.
How does Supergirl maintain any kind of interest? It has the worst villains in Arrowverse.
Arrow has season 1 Merlyn, Slade and Prometheus.
Flash has Eobard and Zoom (fuck you, I liked Zoom)
Legends have Damien Darhk.
Supergirl has fucking nothing. Just shittiest villains for three seasons.
Heard they got Lex Luthor though, but I'm not interested to see how they butcher him.
I've seen clips, it looks like Duckie is doing great
But it's not enough for me to subject myself to that show, I get more than enough exposure in the crossovers
Legends of Tomorrow is their lowest rating show, overall.
Arrows popularity has died down and generally ratings are Flash > Arrow > Supergirl > Legends
so I assume batgirl will be above supergirl or below it.
Thank you
Needs paler skin.
Supergirl has better ratings than Arrow.
That doesn't answer the question how that boring trash maintains any interest
Legends has been getting better ratings than Arrow since they swapped timeslots
They are pretty close, but arrow still edges ahead.
Legends averaged .94m and arrow 1.09m. OF course legends still has its finale, but given its general trends? it wont break past 1.1m
Get out of my city, Lex.
>Thumbnail: Batwoman has flowing red hair
>Acuality: she's actually 2011's Justin Bieber
thanks, i hate it
>Chris Reeves
If you're gonna falseflag troll, at least learn his name.
This has a really nice visual contrast in designs
>pussy bitch. Kys.
You have to be 18 to post here.
>Youtube comment
>The earth is not flat
>Now im a flat earther thanks youtube comments
Because people actually watch that garbage so the logic is to create more garbage for people to watch
>Getting hyped for a CW show
They re-used the same shot like 5 times
>5th Wave feminism was a mistake
Everything post 2nd wave feminism was a mistake.
Networks these days don't count viewership but retweets. Basically they're a bunch of senile old men being tricked by the marketing department and throwing money at shows nobody watch. That explain a lot of modern TV
My fuckin sides. Even a parody would have less "grrl power" shit in it
Life really is a comedy
must be a hell of a time reading the whole alice book and having to remember and quote it constantly
We really are living in a Clown World.
Are we going to see some KaraXKate action?
All I really want from this is good action scenes. As much as you can hate Arrow, you can't deny that series have some really nice fights here and there.
Here, I come
Are your standards low or are you just dumb? Because ARROW fight choreography sucks.
>Let me just wack a ninja with my bow
Fuck the CW. Fuck Ruby Rose. They couldn't have found a less attractive, man-faced actress to play Batwoman. Anyone who's actually attracted to her is a fucking faggot. These nonbinary genderfluid fucking stunted tards shouldn't be cast as anything but that they are.
Well most CW viewers are women anyway so I'm sure it's just about appealing to the core audience.
The casting decision was totally a play to get more PC points while avoiding the controversy of having lesbians on TV. Parents can explain Ruby away as being a dude if they get triggered about it. Gotta cut the hair short because muh patriarchy. :(((
Wait, she’s not even really a dyke? At least Brie Larson is an appropriate level of thundercunt to play Danvers.
pretty sure she takes dick irl
All of this.
She's a nonbinary/genderfluid trans fucker. Definitely not an actual lesbo. She's on that vegan PC save the earth bullshit too, so she probably goes for cock as soon as the cameras stop.
Wait is Batwoman's dad the private military company!!?? I was so excited to see Batwoman vs OCP.
I kinda like how Alice is doing something totally different from comic Alice
Isn’t it “he” takes dick? Or “thon-thon” takes dick?
Fucking no gender bullshit.
I don't know what those things are.
Lmfao cast one of those fuckers so nobody can complain about it. Didn't technically have girls kissing. Didn't technically not do it either.
It means that Ruby Rose has half a fucking brain cell and can't decide if she wants a cock or not.
I’d say that she should just go futa like a true patrician, but she’d probably find a way to ruin it for the rest of us.
I like how she's going to steal everything from Batman then go fight while weighing all of two pounds.
God, vegans are always so hideously pinched.
>3D futa
Ayy lmao
With enough money, anything is possible.
Sophie Moore is an actual comics character
So it's Batman Beyond except exponentially worse?
>comparing this garbage to batman beyond
You couldn't be more wrong. When she first returned to prominence, she gained popularity because her stories were well written, the art and paneling were absolutely gorgeous, and she was fully independent and autonomous despite the clear inspiration from Batman, from whom she was distinguished by the fact that she largely dealt with paranormal criminals and the occult. Witches, ghosts, vampires, shit like that. Her being gay was obviously a part of her stories, but it was by no means the primary facet of her personality. Undue attention was never drawn to it, it was just a fact of her life, and that's the way it ought to be portrayed unless there's a good reason to do otherwise.
>only interested in becoming a crime fighter to rescue her girlfriend
Yep...gonna pass
>into continuity by Greg Rucka, who has a passion for lesbians
No he IS a least he said he was...
One can hope
>I don't know what those things are.
then you should watch more cw shows
yeah and i'm an interdimensional steamroller
It kinda looks good but i probably won't watch it cause i'm lazy about these shows
i don't like that the rent a cops are the good guys
I’ll watch it just to see how bad it is, if anything this will be like the America Chavez comic fiasco.
>It kinda looks good
>main character is white
Why is this allowed?
>mc is a cis woman instead of a trans woman
Imagine being Ellie in that cutscene and having to be all like "damn, jewess, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your androgynous body and horrific hooked nose. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all she really wants to do is fuck Joel again in his room. Like seriously imagine having to be Ellie and not only dance while Anita Sarkeesian's self insert rubs her disgusting cheek on your face, the booze barely concealing her stench and greasy skin, and just stand there, gameplay after gameplay, hour after hour, while she perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as every internet journalist tells SONY THEY STILL GOT IT and DAMN, THE LAST OF US 2 LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to stand there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of father figures and post apocalyptic buff dudes and later allegedly raped by zombies for your ENTIRE LIFE coming straight out of the loonies at Naughty Dog. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled nose as she sucks in her nostrils to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get controlled to stand there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty the art director worked so hard for in the previous months. And then the player restart the game for another speedrun, and you know you could kill every single non playable character in this room before the AI could put you down, but you stand there and endure, because you're fucking Ellie. You're not going to lose your future Hollywood adaptation over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
>kinda looks good
>i don't like cops that are good guys
hmmmmm......connecting some dots here.......really activating my my pistachios peculating......
>trans woman
I wish... even supergirl's tranny sidekick is cuter than ruby rose
>I'm not going to let Batman take my credit
>it will be, once it fits me
There, now she's just arrogant, not a generic feminist.
hahaha so many incels raging...
Maybe I just had bad taste back then but I remember Arrow's trailer being way much better than this trash.
>lesbians on tv
Its not 1949 bro. Besides Supergirl has a main character as a lesbian making out with her girlfriend like every episode
Oliver had an indian girlfriend in season 1 or 2, don't remember. You racists are way too nitpicky.
No one watches supergirl
In the earlier seasons definitely. Biggger budget, more dynamic angles, less people to worry about. It was just Oliver and baddies
Oh yeah that cop chick. So much hotter than Huntress
For the first 2 seasons and then it drops off hard
I don't think I care.
Are they gonna have her get raped like in the comics? Then backpedal because of the rape and say it wasn't rape? That she wanted a stranger to break into her apartment and have sex with her? Because that actually happened and it was really weird, vampires use their powers to rape people and feed on them...that shit is normal, there was no reason to get upset over that or backpedal out of it with that nonsense of an excuse. Just too incredibly stupid.
Boy did a shit job
CW has an app where you can watch their shows for free, so the buzz actually matters more than TV ratings in an era where people, especially the youth demo CW is aimed towards, watch shit mostly on their phones rather than when the shows air on TV.
This show is such a garbage tier show
I miss Gotham already
Guys, is fine to hate on Arrow, but simply cannot deny that up to the end they STILL had really nice fights on it's episodes. I don't have them downloaded otherwise I would make webms, but some examples are that one fight on a limo with knifes on the roof, the last episode of Deathstroke, and this season we got the whole prison sequences with goddamn Spawnie on it.
Arrow still have juice, is with all honestly better than Flash on quality. Just this season we had that one prison episode, we got a serial killer thriller one, and a documentary episode complete with interviews and shaky cam. We even fucking a 2049 complete plot with these guys sucessors on full sets. Everything MILES better than Flash, and man, the last episode of the season had much better writing AND acting than it. And dear fuck, this is not me being a fan boy 'cause I'm not downright insane, but you have to give them credit. This season was a fine work. It had rough edges as all CW shows, but they really tried hard with whatever budget they have. The goddamn Highlander was a guest actor, and last time we got Dolph Lundgren too (with nice fights too!)
The CW can do good, is just their choice of writing that can go totally wrong (see Flash seasons3-4-5, Legends s1 arrow s3-4) but when they got it right (arrow s5, legends s2tonow, flash hasn't recovered, I never see supersjw so can't comment there.) they got a nice enjoyable piece of media. The fact that we got all those vigilantes for how many years now on their little crossover universe is a real miracle man, and I'm happy it keeps expanding.
Also Ruby Rose have a girlfriend, and she cheated on her nonstop only to comeback crying to her. She is a serial cheater, and women throw their panties at her all the time. Can you blame her? I would honestly do the same. Lesbians hate her for some reason. Well, the reason being that she pretty much screams cheating and cunny bunnies.
that's fucking awful.
Why can't we have a proper Batman live-action show? On hbo or something like that.
I don't want this cw shit or that stupid alfred prequel show. dc bosses are idiots.
That was cool up until it turned shitty.
>Looks cringe.
And corny as fuck. Why did the CW lean so hard into corniness when the edginess of Green Arrow was received poorly?
>Superhero tv shows suck.
This. Only Daredevil and the first season of Jessica Jones were decent. Everything else has been bad.
>the edginess of Green Arrow was received poorly
I like edgy stuff. I really enjoyed Titans.
marflix shows were so boring
You have horrendous taste.
Her suit looks really good.
The only decent capeshow is Legion, the rest is shit.
Bitch looks like a caveman
cw shills go away
>discharged for being the platoon slut and having relations with her fellow soldiers
t. has never seen military
looks fucking terrible
Ya know...I kind of liked her in the crossover, but ho boy.
This trailer is trying to be woke as fuck and.....nah senpai.
>Gets called a female Bruce Wayne and takes it as a compliment
>Says his suit will be perfection "when it fits a woman"
>Doesn't want a man getting credit for a womans work even though she's literally stealing all Bruce's shit to go out as batwoman
I was wondering why I stopped hating Supergirl as much when I caught up on the last few episodes after hating pretty much all this season
Now I see where it went
>Heard they got Lex Luthor though, but I'm not interested to see how they butcher him.
They got Alan from two and a half men to play him, so....he's uh.....yeah
>t. femcel