>follow artist
>they have an emotional breakdown and delete everything
Follow artist
>artist becomes popular for being into crazy shit
>all of a sudden they turn vanilla
>find artist I like
>their only outlet is twitter
>Find artist I like
>They claim they are going to leave and delete everything
>Talk to them, give them self-worth and convince them to stay
>follow artist
>he has an emotional breakdown
>wanders into the wilderness to die
>comes back and wont shut up about how he literally cant die
>uploads his shit to pinterest
When was the last time shad did explicit lolicon?
>find artist, constant uploads, last one was 3 days ago
>follow artist
>no posts since you followed artist, not even explanations
>full year later, most recent post was still that one just before you followed
early last year
>follow artist
>they get really fucking ill
>in hospital all the time
Yea Forums what is your preferred website to follow artists on? Genuinely curious
It's been over a year. He didn't even bother to art for the Hat in Time DLCs.
>follow artist
>long pause
>"haha sorry I had health problems it's ok now I'm back"
>last posted : 1 years ago
Any site that gives artists a gallery, full resolution uploads, and tagged submissions.
>porn/lewd artist
>they always, at some point, make a large post about how depressed they are and their lack of drive is really affecting them
the problem is right in front of you...
>they say they're gonna get better
>they die
>follow artist
>artist gets a boy/girl-friends
>site becomes endless cat pictures and "haha did I tell you how we are in love! I wish I had time to draw, soon I promise thehee!"
>nsfw artist
>despite drawing for a decade, they still can't properly draw breasts
Maybe pornhub will rehabilitate twitter.
Fuck pinterest, I've saw that some faggot there uploaded two things I drew and claimed them as his own.
>follow Madoc
>years of elder godtier artwork
>zero bullshit
>actually has genuine artistic skill and range coupled with more than impressive technical ability
>follow Incog
>starts out great
>ends up churning loads of technically good #34 but it's soulless
>burn out
>follow Padoga
>starts out great but artstyle devolves into rubber hose
>artist can't draw anymore because of a natural disaster
>artist can't draw anymore because their content is strictly forbidden by their government
>artist can't draw anymore because they have a lethal illness
My one died.
>follow artist
>a commissioner start to pay for basically all the art it can produce, and it's always variation of the same theme and characters.
At least wonderbread due knows how to change his artists.
I know one who was popular for loli but banned it from his commissions in fear of the barbaric laws of his country (Canada).
>Don't follow any artists
>Never disappointed or angry when they have an inevitable breakdown and delete their work
>Follow YouTuber
>Turns out they are a pedo who's cheating
>try to follow artist
>they have 6 different usernames
This, digital artists tend to be prima donnas with fake depression
>follow artist
>they delete and disappear
>this isn't even the first time
Hey sometimes it works out for them.
Just look at that guy who used to do the hardcore Loli shit, went to NaruHina vanilla, and now has a long running shoujo manga.
People who post on the Internet are usually mentally ill.
>usernames are either character names or common words so even when you know it the search is full of irrelevant stuff.
Being an obese shut-in has it's downsides.
I mean Any one who draws Naruhina is good in my book
I hate how everytime I find something on google it's source is pinterest.
it is convenient for storing lots of pictures though, even if it is lacking in the browsing department
>Follow artist
>they delete all their shit out of nowhere
>they try to prevent other sites from posting it
>doesn’t even say why they’re doing any of this
Honestly, fuck keadonger
>follow hardcore artist
>artist actually leave near your area
>hints even imply you could actually know him
>it could even be familly
>follow artist
>half their posts are complaining they don't make enough money and shilling their patreon
So yourself and the billions of people who use the internet are mentally ill. Gotcha.
On a more depressing note.
>be a WWOEC member
>loads and loads of people with whom you get along
>old friendly community
>fun things are fun
>WWOEC dies
>everyone scatters across the net
>people with whom you've been in contact for years and chatted via IRC daily are simply gone
>that one fetish artist you loved
>Suddenly realizes his fetish is garbage and deletes his art to spite everyone else to “cure us all”
Fuck you, I’m still jerking it to size content
>actually have real sex
>balloon tits and dumb porn shit like that dont do it for you now that you know what real sex feels like
>follow artist
>they follow you and start to talk about your art on their stream
>artist goes by multiple names
>doesn't even bother to link to his other sites on his profile
you played yourself
>Follow artist
>They live in Venezuela
>Discover japanese artist in pixiv
>They stop uploading new context on pixiv
>Instead they do it on twitter
>Good luck finding them in a sea of Food and Cat pictures or their MOBAGE progress
Poor schmuck missed scheduled streams because of blackouts.
>advertise commissions once a month
>get bitched at constantly for that one, single post, once a month
>wait 6 months this time
>advertise again
>still get an inbox full of bitching saying you shill too much
Trust me, no one likes having to advertise. But a guy's gotta make a buck somehow, and a day job isn't always enough.
Fuck anyone who complains about not making enough on patreon or commissions though, that's like bitching at potential customers for not throwing money at you.
why would anyone complain about commissions posts?
>artist used to do cute vanilla
>now does scat and gore because it pays well
The one I'm talking about advertised weekly commission streams, did it a couple times to plenty of interest, and never did them again. Money's on the table, man!
>Follow artist
>He follow you back and enjoy chatting with you
>You two become the best of friends
>And now you going to go to birthday party with him
Be responsible and use protection.
>follow artist
>they """forget""" to update their actual account
>but not their patreon
I have absolutely no fucking idea, but they do.
Maybe it's just that some people hate that artists want to make any money with their art because it's not a "real job." I can at least understand the argument when it comes to patreon, but commissions are active "you pay me, you get product" deals, compared to patreon's "you pay me and maybe get more product or maybe not maybe I'm sleepy today." I don't have much against patreon, but I can at least understand why a lot of people find it sketchy.
Oh yeah, then fuck that guy. Lots of artists do those sorts of commission streams and make a good chunk of change with them. If he did them and decided to stop for no particular reason, that's his loss.
>banned it from his commissions in fear of the barbaric laws of his country (Canada).
It's worse than you think, because the laws in leafland are so vague, anything stylized can be interpreted as under 18. So even your standard anime girl who is canonically 18+ and has a job and shit can be risky to lewd. You can pretty much only draw big breasted cakes here.
Day of the Rake soon.
>Follow artist.
>They abandon their old site and strictly move to the gilded community that is Patreon.
>They put all the good shit like the porn scenes and sometimes the entire story you were following and interested in behind a donation wall.
Those Ivory towers will come crumbling down sooner or later.
Seiren, you're a piece of shit. How could you?
>follow artist
>artist start to "try animation"
>reduced to one update per year
it's never worth it for a single person.
Parrapa32, Barry Blair, Doug Winger, Julius Zimmerman, Shon "KingCheetah" Howell [/spoiler ]
artists dont deserve money
34from1800, who changed their name to Plague of Gripes. No idea why they even did it, they still post borderline porn all the time and you know they're drawing it in private anyway.
>follow artist
>they make a separate account for your fetish
Wholesome. Have fun user.
Based trinityfate
>Being an artist
>Never get any followers or views
pictures for sad children?
>artist follows you
>he's the sickest of fucks
>years later and still no idea what he sees in your stuff
>If he did them and decided to stop for no particular reason, that's his loss.
Said they hate doing them. I think their hope is to get enough money on patreon to do whatever they want.
Post your blog then.
>be an artist
>hey could you draw this please, I have like a whole website for my fetishes and references and I want this, that and this
>I can do it that will cost you X
>It was just a suggestion brah
Interact with people to start off, comment on mid-tier artists who work's likes/reblogs/retweets are out of balance with the comments on that specific piece. Good luck
>follow artist
>they share all of your more fucked up fetishes
>bond trough your shared love for degeneracy
>they're forced to stop posting said fetishes to avoid drama but they're now you're best friend in the whole world for years so it doesn't matter
>Find artists
>Most of them, Twitter and Tumblr (Before purged)
>Artist tweets out commission slots
>Didn't find an slot
>Wait either an month or two hoping for commission slots
>Email the artist you want to commission
>Two or four week, they respond
>Weeks or months later, no update
Fuck it, vent time
>be artist
>random fan art from a year ago blows up out of blue
>current personal art projects barely get 1 or 2 likes from people who have been following me and giving me tips for a long time
>get followed by a lot people who shared or saw previously mentioned fanart
>they never pay attention to my recent crap
Or alternatively
>old sketch gets reblogged by the same person twice a week
>they only reblog this one post and nothing else.
I get the first one because people will obviously care less for oc or personal work but I'd rather have no followers than a bunch of lurker ones. The second is just a weird case because I tried asking the dude who keeps doing that once and they have their account set to only get messages from people they follow.
>Email the artist you want to commission
>Two or four week, they respond
>Weeks or months later, no update
I'm experiencing this with an artist right now. It took them two months to respond to my inquiry, and when they did it was very well-structured and informative, so I sent my request and now it's been two weeks, and still no response.
>artist dies in real life
>realize you have enough money to commission artists every now and then
>start coming up with ideas
>ideas snowball into long image sequences that are impossible or too expensive to commission
Why do I do it to myself?
>they have their account set to only get messages from people they follow.
Is that seriously a thing?
this sounds like a good thing to me.
It is on tumblr, I debated on leaving that setting when I was gonna drop it but left it be. I still use my old one to dump wips
That setting sounds dumb. I have used Tumblr in forever.
From what I gather from these threads, artists are either bro-tier chads or an absolute pain to follow or work with. And there is zero in-between.
Mostly the latter, the former is a rare occurence
>contact artist for commission
>explain idea
>artist wants to change inherent aspects of character, and entire scenario presented
>ask why
>say they have a half-finished sketch of said scenario
>basically tried to get me to pay them to finish their own idea
Just get a Patreon, goddamn.
>follow artist
>they start retweeting lgbt stuff
>gender reveal tweet
>deletes fucking everything by the end of the year
>follow artist on tumblr
>they make really well drawn smut
>visit daily
>huge inspiration
>nsfw purge
>never reupload their smut again
>only sfw shit and fucking animation memes
>contact artist to commission fetish art
>artist gives discount because they share fetish
>follow fetish artist
>they post a journal on how they're Christian and want to spread God's word and whatnot
>they're STILL making fetish art under this pretense for some reason
I'm just genuinely confused
>animation memes
What are those? I hear about those from friends along with fanzones but never cared to look into them
>find artist
>pronouns in bio
its just fucking furfags waving their oc in front of the screen while a song plays in the background
Big red flag right there. If you see pronouns mentioned you're likely to see them undergo some kind of social media meltdown down the line.
Geez, this...sounds exactly like what flipnote hatena was back in 2010
Fuck, you just reawakened some deep seated rage when I discovered that tripe. Why the fuck do they even call them memes? They don't even attempt to be comedic in remotely any fashion. And it's not like anyone's actually gonna share them over and over like an actual memes. They're just shit. I hate furfags so goddamn much.
Eh his heyday of content was years ago.
Americans are usually trash. There are good artists but the signal to noise ratio is off the scale. They will run away with your money.
Euros are mixed but usually a big leap more humble than Americans. Eastern Europe and Russia are in a league of their own.
>pay russki for comission, a fraction of what a comparable yank would ask
>he draws just what's expected, on time and everything
>he draws another picture for free as thanks for business
>Follow Artist
>SJW bully artist into dropping their art
It's the same way that jokes are sometimes called "IRL shitposts" now, people are throwing around online terminology in fucking retarded ways lately.
Similar experience with Asian and Mexican artists. Contact, explain, they give price and eta, delivered right on time.
Very few scruples, too.
A metric shitton of online artists are from Latin America, like a disproportionate number. No idea what's up with that, not that I'm complaining though, in my experience they're often some of the bigger names.
I know it's hit or miss with some artists but from personal experience when reaching out to a couple I've noticed they're actually pretty lonely and really enjoy when people try to talk to them.
I'd really like to get into nsfw art/animations, any tips/nonos?
American dollars go farther there. They only need to do a few commissions per month to cover the cost of living. As such they can really focus on their art. American artists have to juggle dayjobs with their art, they're under more financial stress and have less time to dedicate to their craft.
>doing a commission
>it slowly became more detailed than I expected and so it took way longer to finish
>I start drawing my own stuff in between commission work to keep myself entertained
>don't dare post any of it until at least a week after I deliver
The client was cool about the time it took, but I still felt bad. I think the only reason he didn't lose it is because my price was lower than what most artists would ask for.
> be artist
> take a short break from art to organize life a bit
> still do art just dont post it on accounts
> anxiety kicks in hard
> have to get accounts going again
> you're taking too long to start posting again
> endless cycle of being too nervous to come back and anxiety building up from not posting
> it's been months now
> i hate my goddamn monkey brain
Make it a comic page dude