Cool DC is reprinting Shazam in a nice hardcover omnibus collection

>cool DC is reprinting Shazam in a nice hardcover omnibus collection
>oh wait it's the 70s Denny O'Neil version
Gee thanks

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the 70s Shazam is fun too

Back when Mary Marvel was flat.

In the 70s flat was were it was at

So... No Ordway?

Not yet

Aw, that run was great though.

But some like 'em perky, you jive turkey.

Is Denny’s run not any good?

I think it made a lot of alterations to the characters and settings to coincide with the TV show that was running concurrently at the time, which, of course, fans of the character weren't too jazzed about.

>coincide with the TV show that was running concurrently at the time
Not that user but are you talking about that TV show where Billy teams up with that Mentor guy and drives around in his Van?

the very same

Aughh! Why? That shit stank man.
Total injustice to the character, Denny should've known better!

It was clearly editorial mandate

All I recall from this series is that C.C. Beck fucking hated it. DC treated him like shit when he was working on it.

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Yeah, they gave Dudley a mustache and had Billy have long hair, obviously to reference the TV show going on at the time.

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To hammer the point home they refer to Dudley as a "Mentor".

Also E. Nelson Bridwell wrote the book at this point, not Denny O'Neil. I think Denny O'Neil wrote the early issues, but I can't remember.

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Yeah, he hated the stories.

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Is this the same run that was printed in the Showcase Presents edition?

a few Maggin issues are in there right? worth it

>ywn get GA Monster Society of Evil.
Fucking DC being dickless faggots afraid of a handful of no-skinned whining bitches who wouldn't buy it anyway.

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I think it's more about being afraid that kids will buy it and their parents will complain.

There's no problem with stuff like The Spirit Archives because only literal boomers are going to buy it, but with Shazam it's like Disney or Looney Tunes, they want kids to buy it but if it has weird racist stuff in it parents are gonna go ballistic.

Think a disclaimer notice page would help at all?
>Product of its time, try not to be triggered, blah blah blah

That doesn't stop most lunatic parents, hence why Disney still hasn't released stuff like Song of the South and never will.

I just remember CC Beck bashing it,
I thought it was fine...golden age fans probably hated it

Eisner's spirit
Jack cole's plastic man
All good golden age comics that DC will never reprint

I mean in their current "omnibus" series

Their loss.

Political correctness is a joke.

>respecting Ordway
They basically froze him out of comics because he was "too old" which is something he complained about years ago.

The rights to Eisner's Spirit aren't owned by DC though. I don't know where they are now, weren't they at Dynamite at one point?

Hey remember that time when maybe a year or two after that, a bunch of veteran creators like Conway or Wein or whoever were announced as doing other comics for DC? And then Woke Comics Twitter complained about more white men getting jobs, without any sense of irony or awareness?

Is the Ordway Power of Shazam series one of those series they don't want to reprint because of royalties or something?

This. I think they did something similar on the first issue of Detective Comics.

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It's quite literally become a meme at this point, even among people who don't like Shazam.

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They reprinted one of the stories for that Greatest Shazam Stories Ever Told trade, but nothing other than that.

A shame, I thought it was a near-perfect modernization.

It's currently at Dynamite. They've currently killed Colt off and Ebony is the new Spirit; He recently teamed up with Green Hornet and Kato.

What's weird is that recently WB sent a takedown notice to public domain comic sties that took down much of the Captain Marvel stuff up, including the final part of Monster Society, but not all the other chapters.

Fuck. That's probably why randomly I couldn't access the Mary Marvel and The Marvel Family stuff on comicbookplus. It sucks; all the other sites like getcomics have shitty scans that I refuse to read. That also probably explains why the Whiz Comics and Captain Marvel Adventures are both incomplete on there.

This is after Denny O'Neil. Most of his issues (#1-18) were before the show.
#16 (cover date february 1975 but actually a couple of months before) was the first one after the show started (and brought the "meet TV's newest super-star" on the cover)

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Apparently it happened a month ago. The ones they had to take down did actually get their copyright renewed, but the ones that stayed up are probably really are unrenewed and now PD.

Is that for new stuff though ? The kitchen sink reprints were good if you Can find them in dollar bins
Actually had Will giving "commentary" to each story

What's a place for good whizz comics scans?
Readcomicsonline has mostly shit scans, it's a pain to read.

maybe ?

Going to check, thanks. used to be good, but also got shit up by copyright and their comics companies outputs were scrambled and mostly converted to cbrs instead of cbzs.


I've always hated how the mainstream publishers handle the inherent campiness of their characters. When pointed out, they either get mad and go edgy or play it up to the point of stupidity.

It's like they don't understand the appeal.

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>It's like they don't understand the appeal.
Serious comics for serious readers is their problem.

That is incredibly sad.
Does DC and Marvel do this often? or is it just DC?

Mostly just DC. They take preorders into account when actually printing stuff, but people don't really preorder because we can get it cheaper on release date.
DC also had royalty agreements on good-selling stuff from 1976-1996, meaning they need to pay more for some reprints. If a planned reprint doesn't hit a sales target, it geta cancelled.
Marvel doesn't really do royalties like that, and everything was work-for-hire during that same time period (except for creator owned Epic stuff). This lets them print anything they want, especially since Disney doesn't seem to pay attention to what they do. AT&T bought WB (DC) last year, and the trade department got overhauled (with one executive being fired).

The Whatever Happened to Baby Jane reference fucking kills me each time.