Give me your best Yea Forums caps

I want to make a video compilation of some of the best ones

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Other urls found in this thread:

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>video compilation

Someone please post the Shake one

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Kill yourself, you r/Yea Forums reject.
Everyone else, report him for breaking >>>/global/rules/16


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these are hilarious

Shame on you for spoonfeeding. By not encouraging the OP to use Google for easily answerable requests and recommendations, you're giving him and other like minded retards the impression that making shitty, rule breaking threads like this one is acceptable, thereby reducing this board's quality.
Moreover, that fucking subhuman explicitly stated that he's going to make a compilation video, which will undoubtedly be monetized and simultaneously bring a bunch of goddamn troglodytes from youtube.

>I want to make a video compilation of some of the best ones

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Don’t care

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Well then, I guess I have no choice but to initialize chemotherapy.

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wag your fag finger some where else

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No remission

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At least read them in your own voice instead of using that fucking british text-to-speech voice every godawful Yea Forums and reddit youtube channel uses

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But this is 4channel, my good sir.

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What was his problem?