
Homestuck/Hiveswap thread
not sure why the last 3 were deleted

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>not sure why the last 3 were deleted
cause it's shit and so are you

It's banned on Yea Forums and has been for a long time. Not sure why, since it's over and /hsg/ is no longer the force it once was but them's the current breaks.

It's dead leave it alone

It's not banned

threads seem to be allowed only on release of news, otherwise threads are really poor quality of not absolute shit

>Not sure why the last 3 were deleted
Are you new? /hsg/ has been banned since 2014, threads that don't get banned are the outliers

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>i don't see why the last three were deleted
oh god here we go
post bro before he shows up

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It's funny, I'm rereading the Roxy/John conversation at the end of Candy and it's still mostly the same as most of their other interactions, superficial bonding in one direction without it being a two-way street. Roxy basically makes no attempt to empathize with John and instead explains her enigmatic self and attacks John's perceptions, which is something he desired long ago, but also needed empathy on top of that.

>JOHN: i just kept wanting to find ways to make everything make sense, you know?
>JOHN: but maybe it just fucking doesn’t.
>ROXY: i know we became grownups in a world built specifically n cosmically for us
>ROXY: so i get wanting to find a pattern in everything
>ROXY: but not everything has 2 b that deep
>ROXY: n when u think abt it
>ROXY: lookin at it that way, like evrythin has to be this elaborately purposeful heroic design to be worthwhile
>ROXY: is actually p shallow
>JOHN: oh.
>JOHN: yeah, i guess.

This "heroic purpose" is fundamental to John's personality, and being unable to relate this with anyone else alienates him and prevents him from reaching self-actualization. Roxy doesn't truly understand John, and John didn't truly understand Roxy until now. And he decides that understanding her alone is good enough, he doesn't need to feel complete. Their marriage fundamentally cannot work, but they can be friends.

>This "heroic purpose" is fundamental to John's personality
The point is that this is bad for him, and he needs to stop.

Just like the reader needs to stop trying to impart True Meaning to particular aspects or predictions of canon.

Meat and Candy are critical frameworks for analyzing the meta concept of fandom.

Hussie is a lit theory GENIUS whose theories can only be applied to his work. A shame.

For real any respect I lost for Hussie over the course of act 6 has been gained back from his commentaries and the epilogues. I am curious weather or not the epilogues themselves will get commentary eventually, I feel like it's not really needed but I'd love to see his commentary on Vriska and Gamzee having humilating public sex in a bush.

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I know this is reductive but frankly I think the Epilogues don't need commentary as they're commentary in their own right.
I think Hussie explaining his thoughts on the bits of fandom he was mocking would ruin the joke, as it were.

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I don't buy it. Roxy is being a cunt here, and indirectly calling John shallow, even though the guy went through humongous suffering.

There ARE patterns in Homestuck. There IS stuff going on, and John has PLENTY of reasons to feel depressed and confused.

What Roxy is describing is pure stagnancy. A world where no one is right, and no one is wrong. People just vaguely tolerate each other, or maybe have a passing respect.

They might as well just lick the trickster lollipops and fuck each other for all eternity, if they're not gonna try and find meaning.

I always thought that murder came a bit out of left field. Does Hussie actually do this to spite the fans?

But he CAN'T stop that, the hollowness of his heart is something he's felt his entire life. In the context of a victory state an active protagonist is worthless. What's the point of power and agency if there's no more bosses to defeat, no more dungeons to conquer? That's why even when he was dating Roxy, got married to her, and had a kid he still empathized with Terezi more, even through just a text communication. John mentioned that he thought he HAD to die, he was willingly walking to his death under Rose's orders, and yet no one said anything when he survived. Even though Roxy says their lives are legitimate, we know that Candy Universe C exists within a black hole, an eternal purgatory. And John feels that sensation, which he can't relate.

You can't just say "all your feelings are lies and mean nothing" without there being a death of one's self in the process of accepting that.

Is this Candy?

Candy is supposed to feel wrong. The characters aren't living up to their potential in Candy. The fiction is shallow and misinterprets meanings.

I mean, that's the point. That interaction is the culminating thesis of the candy route

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I guess somewhere between "Meat" and "Candy", we forgot about "Love."

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The real point is that neither is actually canon in a way that matters.

There are infinite universes of possibility and these are just the two from which the Gods of this Universe awoke.

I just found out about this epilogue shit because I heard it turned Roxy into a tranny kek

I just checked but it doesn't have pretty pictures so I won't even bother. But I'd like a quick rundown on what happens in it if you don't mind

It's just 70 pages of Andrew Hussie milking his hormone infused Prostate

All the while that people were begging for the Epilogues of HOmestuck, they eem to have forgotten what an Epilogue is.

In naming a section of the story an Epilogue, the author tacitly acknowledges that these events occur outside of canon. If they were meant to be inside of canon, they would not be an epilogue.

Hussie knows that his readers couldn't get any canonical closure from an epilogue by its very nature. He reminded us.

>it doesn't have pretty pictures so I won't even bother

Uh, I dunno about tranny, but she wants to be known as genderless if that's what you mean. Porbably too much time spent with Calliope that did it.

There's two routes, in one Roxy goes full lesbo with callie and becomes tranny kek, the other she gets knocked up by john and has a bunch of kids, the epilogue is a lot of things but the main point is to make your own post canon content in whatever way you want

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>pretentious meta bullshit that we've seen a million times over
Give me John mating pressing Rose or something good.

Just let it die, there's nothing left of what people loved the comic for.

They aren't living up to their potential in meat either. They're both awful for various reasons.
Where's our Pumpkin epilogue where Dave stops being a bitch.

I think it would be more fun to dissect why john/rose wouldn't work than throw canon to the wind and just get a fapfic.

The only important webcomic in the world updated

Why would Hussie give you that?

That's what fanworks are for, cumbrain, that's literally the whole point.

Nowhere. The Epilogues are an explicit "Fuck you" to the people who demanded things from the Epilogue.

"You don't get the story you want, but you're free to create it yourself" is literally the text of the epilogues.

Your whiny ass is exactly who this was written for.

There's Davekat. All the remaining fans only love the comic for Davekat.

If I became a god I'd just pull a Ranma 1/2 and switch based on what I felt like.

You're a fucking God why are you abiding by the conventional gender spectrum you are literally not limited by biology BECAUSE YOU ARE A GOD

Well I suppose it depends on how much your godly powers can do, I guess

I don't trust modern Hussie to do that well. I don't trust him to do anything well. The only thing he's good at is failing to run a company.

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But they never fucked so what's the point

Pretty sure this was written for the people who write long diatribes about how secretly brilliant Homestuck is and how it's all about the healing power of gay love.

Creepy image

So you haven't read it.


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I have. What you obviously haven't read is every god awful fanfic this fandom puts out. They're all like this.

wen vrasky

>The epilogues are actually a take down of-
>You see it's Hussie pissing on fans who thought-
>This proves his genius because he DOESN'T give people what they want

What, are all these writers like Rian Johnson trying to become creative conservatives? "Write a story for a man and he'll be entertained for a day, teach a man to write and you can cruelly crush his hopes and dreams."

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Next update is a relevant

>there are people who think the ultimate self is the same thing as your ideal self
>there are people who think lounging around doing nothing and losing all the things that made you you is healthy
>there are people who think that falling out of touch with all your friends and family is realistic just because they're NEETs who refuse to go outside

The epilogues get across the point that flew over everone's head back when act 7 dropped. There's a reason it ends on an image of a kernal and lingers on it. It's literally telling you whatever happens next is up to you, throw whatever you want in here and see what it turns out like

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The most important thing people are forgetting is that hussie didn't even write the epilogue

Homestuck fans are abused animals who will basically defend their master no matter how much he shits on them
They're literally dumber than normies, who can recognize stuff like this for what it is: trash.

"Love" is still there, but only for the stories that intertwine between both Meat and Candy. A story that has both blood and sugar to feel real. (Terezi)

These are the only two realities that CAN exist though, that's the point. The food choice just frames the real choice, which is John choosing to return and fight, or stay and abdicate. Advance or abscond, once again. There are no other options, and nothing else to eat.

>the epilogues were so bad it gave the main writer of them brain damage, for real

I can't remember: did epilogue Dave ever doing anything, like at all? Did he ever draw his sword or did he just sit around complaining about his shitty childhood?

That does sound like a potential rogue of void power. It would undermine the whole Dave cosplayer (female) thing though.

In Meat he tried to help Karkat run for presidency, failed, hooked up with Karkat thanks to Dirk, and left Earth C with friends to chase Dirk.

In Candy he did fuckall, married Jade, committed suicide via Obama, became his Ultimate Self, and left Earth C, and the paradox universe altogether.

so still pretty pathetic
fucking shame

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where was the report button again?

>Did he ever draw his sword
Why would he need to draw his sword?

What exactly did you want from the epilogues? Just another big boss fight to end the comic in a spectacular fashion?

>what do you want from the epilogues? Something good????????


>The characters are supposed to KILL THINGS

Jesus Christ imagine missing the point this hard.

Well if Homestuck is about one thing, it's certainly not about quality.

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>expecting good things
Don't be so entitled! You just don't get it! And buy Hiveswap!

>the only good things possible in homestuck is fight scenes

I don't get it. Thereodaer nac uoy sgniht reht era that are like that Why do you want HOmestuck to be like that too?

Does everything you read need to be about glorifying battle?

A character in Homestuck entire arc is giving up the idea that he needs to be a big hero who kills monsters. .

My man I'm not asking for a shonen anime
I just want Hussie to stay saying "and then a fight happened" and completely glossing over it.

>A character in Homestuck entire arc is giving up the idea that he needs to be a big hero who kills monsters

It's funny because when he does he becomes a terrible person, and a less interesting character.

Old Dave and New Dave are a metaphor for Old Huss and NuHuss.
It's meta.

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You forgot Game Over Dave stabbing LE through the chest and getting his head chomped. I mean they did the boss fight, it was just absurd and depressing.

Poor Game Over Dave, the last true, good Dave.

>I just want Hussie to stay saying "and then a fight happened" and completely glossing over it.
Why? It's clearly not what he wants to focus on. He's the writer, not you, he gets to decide what's in it, and you don't.

Man, fuck, if you read the whole epilogue and came away with like, requests? I'm surprised you can read, frankly.

Homestuck had big fight scenes. The fight scenes are over. Why would the epilogue have more?

It doesn't even have an ending.

>Man, fuck, if you read the whole epilogue and came away with like, requests?
Can I request my time back?

> He's the writer, not you, he gets to decide what's in it, and you don't.
and that's a bad thing

There can't be a Pumpkin epilogue because there were only two choices, fight, or flee. No third option. The food analogy just framed that. And really, there was only one option due to John's heroic desire: Fight. It's the choice he had already decided on before Calliope had him choose, and it's the one that resulted in canonical events, so "flee" was sequenced into an event horizon as a necessary paradox. It's like when Terezi killed Vriska, she kept turning over the possibilities in her head but only saw two options, because that's who she is. Her decisions, holdbacks, fears, advances, all make her "Terezi". She'll never choose literally every option because then she'd have no identity. And just like her, John's own indecisions, determination, regrets, and hopes make him "John".

There cannot be a third option, because there IS no third option to take. Really, there was only one option at all.

At least we got some good dave dialogue, him complaining to three johns about time travel and comparing Jane's regime to speed running the 20th century were great

There was only one option because it literally already happened in canon.

But there are infinite universes where each decision is made.

turns out i don't have many non-horny pics of bro saved

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It's easy to get good Dave dialogue. Dave is the easiest character to write.

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Sqwark is that you?

Well you're in luck, because Dave DID draw his sword and killed Lord English with it.

It would have been better if Dave had realized that Bro, while abusive, still loved him (and also highlight far more fucked up aspects of the whole thing). But that'd take a better writer.

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real talk, cephiedvariable said that V had to take over as main writer after she suffered a severe concussion. that's what the brain damage tweet was about.


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Yeah but it's still funny.

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It's honestly wild that any davekat fan could be okay with the epilogue when it has them acting like blushing middle schoolers. They're two grown men in their 20s, no way they aren't fucking already.

Because most davekat fans are about as emotionally mature as blushing middle schoolers, and all their fanart has them acting like blushing middle schoolers.

Dave saying that he felt like Bro hated him is actually why I buy into the slowly-corrupted-by-LE-via-Lil-Cal theory. Dirk's an intense weirdo, but even then there's nothing to explain the whole no food in the house thing. Not to mention how ridiculously pretentious & wordy Dirk is compared to Bro's Caliborn-esque notes and LOL WEED webcomics.

They don't care.

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Why would they need to fuck for their relationship to be fulfilling?

Do you think John's still a manlet?

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Dave was raised by LE, who gave him PTSD so he'd never want to fight. A Genius plan.

I don't think anyone doubts that Bro wasn't completely insane, it's just the idea that he despised him.
Dave realizing that simply loving someone isn't enough, and that can you still really screw them up, and that good intentions can lead down darker paths but that he can still be a hero on his own terms is way better than what we got (and was Hussie's original actual goals for him according to his Formspring answers). Instead we got a high schooler's first attempts at writing an abusive parent.

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To be fair, if Hussie handed me the plot notes of Homestuck I'd probably suffer a brain aneurysm too.

Good thing their relationship is neither fulfilling or sexual!

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I forgot to mention how the ARG says that Jake Harley set a trust fund up for Bro just as he did for Mom so he could recruit them both into SkaiaNet but from the looks of it Bro kinda dropped off their radar or whatever? and there's no explanation as to why.

He had clear Sburb knowledge, but Jake Harley probably knew he was a wildcard to begin with.

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I'm surprised twitter hasn't been furious at Hussie for making Jade sad over being unable to have kids, after the whole Age of Ultron shit.

I just read both candy and meat, yt is starting to recommend me hs videos and i bought friendsim

Please somebody help me i dont want to go back to this shithole

I'd say maybe they remember that she in the comic proper wanted to have kids, but of course they don't.

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>meat and candy
>they're both fucking horrible
>Hussie can never and will never be able to finish a story that isn't Problem Sleuth

I miss 2009-2012

I miss Act 4

I miss HSG

I miss everyone who used to be here

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CV being recruited to write the epilogues even though she hasn't been active in the fandom since early Act 6 is so obviously due to her & ipgd being friends in MGS fandom.

Remember how Hussie said he learned how people loved Problem Sleuth for its definitive, satisfying ending?

You can't ever go back home.

Going through the Texas foster care system while also being a gay kid in the 80s probably fucked Bro up so bad he immediately became a liability.

I miss Dirk & Jane's friendship.

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Oh, so we're back to just getting Hiveswap updates with just concept art?

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I miss everyone's friendship

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Usually I'm one to complain but being a fat nigger actually fits Jane pretty well

she thicc

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Why did they turn Jane into DRUMPF?

Hegelian Dialectics. He made Homestuck a hot experimental mess for what comes next.

Like how Berseria works so much better as a game because it directly confronts Zestiria's themes and philosophy.

I think what I hated most about the epilogues was it completely abandoning the friendships. They were what kept me reading even when the plot was garbage.

Yes. Without a doubt.

But that's how humans work user!!

>He made Homestuck a hot experimental mess for what comes next.

Too bad he'll never escape Homestuck now.

I miss all the potential Jake had to not be the saddest joke in Homestuck. Why do the writers hate him so much.

They hate all Harleys, because they're the biggest breeders and that's toxic masculinity.

I think an important thing to think about is that the perception of a hero in the comic is closely intertwined with death, and facing it. Dave had to face death multiple times in the B1 session, staring at his bloodstained hands and eventually swearing off all time travel at all once he was forced to face an inevitable death at Jack's hands.

Meanwhile John has always flown in the face of danger, and willingly jumped into hopeless situations that would get him killed, because that's what a hero would do. Even in the epilogues he reminisces about the past he's cast off, but his blood rages upon starting the fight with Lord English, even as his friends die around him. And Dave's Bro is the same way, a man who would face certain doom for the sake of others, fending off Jack with Davesprite to the death. The epilogues show this too, Dave gets to live the casual life he's always wanted, save for the version John ripped out of canon and sentenced to death in the fight.

Dave is very much an ordinary guy trapped in the extraordinary. John is an extraordinary guy trapped in the ordinary. They're polar opposites in needs and wants.

So in other words, he's a pathetic loser.

Yet they gave Gamzee so much.

Gamzee is Hussie's special boy.

Thought that was Equius.

>Dave just sits on a couch and regresses emotionally while John makes the effort to fix shit

Based John, Jade should fuck him instead.

>She tugs him against her side and rests her head on his shoulder. She’s a bit taller than him in her nice shoes, so it’s kind of awkward. Feels uncomfortable to him, and looks more so for her.

roxy in heels is taller than him so

yeah kinda

Equius is everyone's special boy.

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Jade wants a househusband and knows she has to *tie* the best one down.

Him too

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Homestuck would be better if it was just Equius and caliborn's bizarre adventure

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That candy tasted fucking awful.

Homestuck AU dreamteam.

I think it's really fucking adorable how Hussie proves time and time again just how much he hates shipping yet nobody stops.

If he wants us to stop he can stop being a pussy and pull an Anne Rice

Yeah and the meat was rotten

Well his self-insert literally hung himself during the retarded shipping portion of the epilogue. Does that count?

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>the best one
But Dave is a pathetic house husband. He doesn't cook, clean, or do anything to better himself. He said he wanted a family but probably wouldn't even change diapers.

Remember that one comic with Big Fat Dave where he just sits on the couch eating chips all day and then randomly hits karkat? That's the Dave we got. And if you try and complain about that he'll just go MY BRO WAS ABUSIVE! like a fucking chump.

>Remember that one comic

So what was hitler's classpect?