After Batman #71 how can King possibly redeem himself?
How do we undo his murder of Batman's character?
After Batman #71 how can King possibly redeem himself?
>Batman has never punched a Robin before
Oh shut the fuck up.
Theres plenty to actually complain about this is by far the dumbest complaint
>how can King possibly redeem himself?
suicide. He's been fantasizing about it and writing comics about it for long enough.
Is that really what OP is bitching about? Was it Damian? Please be Damian.
Nah Tim. Which is even funnier if King had ended up getting to use Tim in HiC and made him autistic like he intended
There’s nothing that can be done since King has til Batman #106
The only thing that can be done is to hope DC can survive til then
There's nothing to be redeemed, you sperg. King haters are literally getting more frothing from the mouth delusional every month if they think this is somehow controversial.
When was the last time Batman saved a life under King's pen that wasn't a villain's
I don't come to Yea Forums very often; is King not received well?
I thought Mister Miracle and the first part of Grayson were good and stylish.
Poor Tim ;_; Why does everybody gotta be a dick to the best Robin?
Really? This is the straw you're grasping into now? Holy fuck you're dumb.
The turn happened as it happens to all aspiring writers that are put on an A-lister
>After Batman #71 how can King possibly redeem himself?
He kills Selina,Tim Drake and Duke,
Surface level faggot. MM was overrated trash that people wank over because of muh mental health
you are just now realizing he ruined that book?
i realized he was a fucking hack when i saw what he did to the Riddler
Yeah what the hell was that about?
>Has abs
>Needlessly edgy
I'm serious. When was the last time King's Batman saved a bystander's life?
>>saw what he did to the Riddler
>not realising that after Omega men
You're not much better user
King Batman has been shit since I am Suicide.
stop buying the book. money talks.
wanted to leave "his mark" on the character
>how do we
well unless you work for DC in an editorial or writing capacity you don't do anything, you whiny little nonentity
I liked his vision but from everything I heard he fundamentally misunderstands mr miracle and that fuck up is going to last forever now
Going back to marvel
make like batman and kys
Wah, I thought it was pretty interesting; the mental illness thing was whatever to me, the surrealism I thought was the strong selling point.
What did he do to the Riddler?
user is mad that the riddler isn't acting like the riddler from his fanfictions.
Issue 64.
So what does this prove?
Um wasn't that a dream?
So what was the thing people were saying that would change batman's character for a generation?
The flash crossover was a fill-in story by Williamson, it wasn't King's Batman.
I liked his Mister Miracle too. The mental health stuff wasnt really the focal point, just the impetus for his “suicide” in the beginning. I really don’t think he misunderstands Scott at all and I say this as someone who owns the Fourth World omnibuses. He is just exploring an aspect of the character.
Some of the things I really liked was how he tries to “escape” both life and death but is ultimately stuck in the omega sanction, the life that is death.
I like how this parallels his relationship to both apokolipse and new gensis, where he doesnt want to be invovled with either side really but is forced to. He grew up with the apokoliptians but is technically part of new gensis and is on their “side”, when really he just wants the war to be over. It makes a strong point about war and how it is like the omega sanction, you are forced to kill and be responsible for the lives and deaths of potentially thousands, but are also expected to go home and live a normal life after (or when u are on a break) and raise a family.
hey King's one man army! it has been some time
He's doing it so people accept Duke as the new Batman, like Spencer with all the Cap Hydra shit.