What is his fucking problem?

What is his fucking problem?

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Sempai won't notice him.

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Goddamn this show and their convenient time rules
Now present and future exist at the same damn time, shouldn't the dagger just stopped existing in the future and Thawne literally stuck 15 years in prison for shit and giggles?
No fuck you Berlanti


superheroes suck

>He will never laugh like that at your penis.

Existence is a cruel joke.

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he's too big of a big fish in a small budgeted network pond

Just turn your brain off bro, what you didn't like seeing Thawn jizz himself when he got his powers back? Also Thawn's a happy camper now hes free and he got to kill both of Barry's Nora's.

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Literally nothing, it's been five years and he's still the GOAT live action capeshit villain. He topped himself last night by erasing Barry's daughter and getting away with it.

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>He topped himself last night by erasing Barry's daughter and getting away with it.

I mean he gave her an out she just refused to take it.

>nora my reverse daughter
>you have choice
>erased from exsistence
>or live forever in a realm that amplifies and feeds your very worst emotions, loniness and feelings of abandonment that in short order alter your brain chemistry like someone forced opioids and meth had an autistic baby and render positive, forward emotions almost impossible.
>I’ve given you an out.

I mean she didn't have to stay there forever. Just tap into enough of it that she becomes immune to timeline changes like Thawne is.

But yeah it would have messed her up. But it was a way to survive.

We must protect that smile.
Eobard is too pure for this world. So pure that not even repeated deaths can keep him from coming back to fuck shit up.

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>Responsible for offing not one but TWO Noras.

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He quit the snack game

>watch supergirl/flash/arrow
>only make it like 20 minutes because too much soap opera shit

christ lads how do you do it

It may shock you if your main exposure to comics is movies, but it was a joke for decades that comics were just soap opera with super powers, which is why people still compare pro-wrestling with comics.

must kill all noras

Man, I love Grant, he's such a good Flash. I wish he'd play the Flash in the movies and not that creepy fuck Ezra.

this is the reason why character embargoes exist IMO. people can't help but compare another actor for the same role even if it's in a different setting.

Barry exists
Thawne: This injustice cannot stand

Average movie going public doesn't seem to have any issues understanding the multiverse so far. And they're releasing Joker with the explicit instruction to not consider it to be a part of the DCEU, so Warner Bros. seems to be pretty confident with the multiverse strategy too.

And besides, Miller's played as Barry a grand total of one time, and even then he was too busy worshiping Batman to actually have a personality. Give him a chance, he's a good actor.

Whose hate crush is more powerful between Thawne and Black Manta?

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Thawne has an excuse for his shit, he has a huge mancrush on Barry and when he discovered he was the Reverse Flash he became committed to living up to it

He'll never kill Barry, but he'll make his life hell

Manta won't stop until Aquaman is dead

He is a wave of pure hate, and any excuse given is as flimsy as Ahab's excuse of vengeance upon Moby Dick

He just hates Aquaman

I really hope that Wan plays up just how horrifying this fucker is in the sequel.

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Both have similar amounts of hate expressed differently. No matter how autistic Manta gets about Aquaman, I don't think anything can top the sheer pettiness of Eobard traveling back in time and preventing Barry as a kid from catching a baseball

The definition of glorious bastard.

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He looked cooler blonde.

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Eh, he has no ass and looks ridiculously thin in every single outfit they have stuck him in

His bobble head action is also getting annoying

I liked/thought that was his original genes coming back to the forefront after he bodyswitched with Wells, Matt Letscher being blonde and all.

...I'd go gay for him.


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I hate how he whispers now. S1 had the right amount of reserved and menacing. Also, his vibrating voice was changed; too much like Wells now. S1 had the ambiguity and the yellow horror thing he had going.

When he shouted though, he sounded like Amell in vigilante mode too.

Did he even try to prove history wrong?

Sort of, but in a very crazy Thawney way.

He's not the guy...

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Redemption arc when?

If by "prove history wrong" you mean "have a psychotic breakdown and LARP as Barry Allen", then yes.

Good times.

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He could live a sedentary life from that point on.

Was it ever brought up if Wells' was still floating around in Thawne's head or just his memories and DNA? Imagine the literal "I have no mouth and I must scream" moment of being absorbed into another body and the creep is wearing your face while he's off doing fuck all for 15+ years.