Was he in the wrong?

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Where is this from?

Planetary. Liking it so far.

What issue?

What's going on here? Some metacommentary on edgy retcons?


Why the fuck is the creator portraying him as wrong?
He's 100% right that edgy retcons are retarded

You mean Ellis for writing this issue? Yes. Yes he was.

Because Ellis is edgy.

The character is throwing a tantrum about his life having any problems at all, but we're only interesting because we have problems.

He's slightly justified in pitching a fit, because it's just so out there and some of the changes are ridiculous, but overall what he desires is childish and kind of dumb. It's almost like Ellis is saying there's a middle ground between retarded character assassination and having a boring, pristine Superman clone when we already have Superman and that reinterpreting a character is a valid artistic endeavor.

Can anyone recommend me a good ongoing earnest superhero comic? No metacommentary or wink wink nudge nudging at superhero tropes? No anti-heroes? Just a dude in colorful tights trying his best to make the world around him better?

Pretty Cure.

What I wouldn't do for a new comic with Batman: The Brave and the Bold's tone.

>MMM graysons
Do you know how to read between the lines?
This isn't about his life having issues, it's about edgy retcons and revamps
Fucking edgelord apologist retard

It's not a long series, just read the whole thing.

t. comfyfag
Shezow or my hero academia

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*Grayons, not graysons

Not-Miracleman is screaming at the grave of edgy British comic writers from the 80s while a hundred+ year old albino that can subtract heat, a magic hacker and Tarzan's daughter watch. He gets shot in the back by Transmetropolitan. Brought to you by Warren Ennis.

The entire series is basically meta-commentary on different eras in mediums or movements in fiction. But you can also just read it as a sort of investigatory look into a strange world.

Anyone else getting Bendis/Iceman vibes from this? It’s like Ellis was prescient.

white men are always in the wrong in comics released after 2014

>The entire series is basically meta-commentary on different eras in mediums or movements in fiction
the first issues a bunch of superheroes kill the cabal of pulp adventurers, only survivor their Doc Savage.

Time out, Hitler had personal sex midgets?

Planetary isn’t subtle and I kinda love it

How much of a tragedy is it that Moore’s reconstruction(Tom Strong, Supreme.) stuff is so overlooked.

Of course not. He was too busy with meth, watching women poo and his dogs to be bothered with sex midgets.

>Talks about reading between the lines while missing the blatantly stated idea of the post you reply to

Boku no Hero.
That is all.

He's not. It's played for comedy, but it's ultimately a tragedy. Change happens regardless - The Constantine-expy transforms into Spider Jerusalem at the end, symbolically going from the 80s / 90s to the 00s.

What exactly is the plot of this comic? Only one I read had them dealing with Batman who kept changing into different variations of his character.

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