Richard the Lionheart was a Lion

Richard the Lionheart was a Lion

What animal was Saladin?

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>saladin was an actual nice guy while Lionheart was an asshole
How comes?


Attached: dallassallad.jpg (900x900, 47K)

Another lion.

A salamander?

Take your anti-western back to /his/ where it belongs.

He was refered by some Turkic clerics as kaplan, meaning tiger, so...

Saladin was an actual Caucasian though

>What animal was Saladin?
Probably a goat, you are what you fuck right?

Cats are sacred in Islam maybe he is one too?

>Siding with the fucking English of all people solely because of a cardinal point


Probably this. The Crusades would be a literal Catfight, lol.

This was before the Tudors ruined England.

Some kind of desert hawk maybe?
>Cats are sacred in Islam
Isn't that Egyptians.

Prophet Muhammad loved cats a lot and hates dogs though (Except when they were hunting or defending crops).

>One of Muhammad's companions was known as Abu Hurairah (literally: "Father of the Kitten") for his attachment to cats.[1] Abu Hurairah claimed that he had heard Muhammad declare that a woman went to Hell for starving a female kitten and not providing her with any water.[4] According to legend, Abu Hurairah's cat saved Muhammad from a snake.[2] In gratitude, Muhammad stroked the cat's back and forehead, thus blessing all cats with the righting reflex. The stripes some cats have on their foreheads are believed to mark the touch of Muhammad's fingers.[5]

He was a starfish

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Richard was French.

>Abu Hurairah claimed that he had heard Muhammad declare that a woman went to Hell for starving a female kitten and not providing her with any water.
Sounds fair.

This is true.
Why do you think many Muslim nations have so many cats?

I like that.

>it turns out the reason for suicidal jihadis is that brain parasite

Also, how long before this thread devolves into bara furry fighting?

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How exactly is a fox related to a Lion?
What events would lead to Maid Marian being part of a lion lineage?

That is one amazing piece of headgear.

Fox genes > Lion genes

Saladin spared every single Christian when he conquered Jerusalem, while Richard slaughtered thousands of prisoners because he was in a hurry.

Marriage in the family?


Saladin flew an eagle flag. Probably a bird of some sort.

>The Eagle of Saladin, in Egypt known as the Egyptian Eagle, also known as the Republican Eagle, is a heraldic eagle used as a iconic symbol of Egypt. It is currently also used as part of coat of arms of Egypt, Iraq, and Palestine.

>your anti-western
>more like your historical facts

Read a fucking book you retard."""The West""" was born only last century. The Crusades where a backstab-fest where retarded princes and rape-kinghts regularly pillaged and burned each other to the ground using the pretext of "holy war".

>City in the Middle East
>Surrounded by Middle Easterners
>Middle Easterners claim it


Thank god we have based """Western Values""" nation-state today to keep getting us involved in shit America has no business or interest giving a fuck about.

Reminder that the Crusades would have never needed to happen if Catholics hadn't gone full retard in 1054.

Since we are talking about the Crusades.
Which animal would Daddy Dandolo be?

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If any historic figure would be a goat, it would be Skanderbeg. He had a literal goat helmet, it seems it was an Albanian pagan symbol of strength,
Also he has a goat-like beard

Attached: skanderbeg4 004.jpg (338x450, 38K)

The crusades would have never happened if the Moors and Turks hadn't sperged out 300 years before.

Skanderbeg as a Goat fighting Turkeys would be a pretty funny thing to see.

The "Middle Easterners" were already there. The Catholics were fucking morons who didn't even know that half of the people they attacked were Christians because they didn't look like their own schismatic tomfoolery.

>Robin Hood and his crew was a subhuman S*xons
>John and his mighty band of heroes were glorious Normon French

How does this tie in to the animals?

And here comes the OrthoLARPer. Name your favorite desert father. I dare you.

Irenaeus for BTFOing New Age """"""wizards"""""" before they even exists.

I gotta say you're totally selling me on a Disney Film about the Crusades.


Kurds are the descendants of the Medes, who were sons of Japheth
Thus white

A pig

A falcon.


Desert fox?

what i give to be his fucktoy

Saladin gets a pretty good rep in the west because, some court minstrel made a song about him being an honourable infidel and it got really popular, so others started to copy him.

Richard was just a Norman dude with a bunch of people hating his guts for various reasons and got offed sieging a French castle on his way home.

Richard getting popular was a lot later withbooks like Ivanhoe.

Saladin was trying to pacify the city.

Richard killed his prisoners because he was running out of food and Saladin was dragging his feet with the ransom to buy time for reinforcements to arrive.

History is a whole lot more realpolitik than youtubers will have you believe.

>Saladin spared every single Christian
Yes , and Hitler loved Jewish culture .Rope yourself .

Fantastic argument.