Batman #71 Storytime

Intruder Alert.

"The Fall and The Fallen" Part Two.

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Fuck King!

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this but unironically

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Jason is the only good member of the Batfamily in the past decade

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>being this much of a fag

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Dick and Damain are cancer and need to die

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does Janin sell his shitty tracer art pages?

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What the hell, Bruce?

Prepare for the mad Tumblr landwhales

Thanks for reading.

Support the Official Release at your Local Comic Shop.

Superman: Bring on the fake outrage for that last page.

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is DC trying everything in their power to ruin Batman?

It is because of garbage writing like this why Batman is selling less than the Hulk.

What did he do?

can someone fill me in? last issue i read had batmans dad wrestling with bane. also thanks for story timing

wow, what a twist, King sucks
not DC, a writer, Tom King, Batman is fine in the rest DC books

>Prepare for the mad Tumblr landwhales
Tom king is still shit.

they're doing a New Coke. if it works, then people move on to different titles and they spread some of Batman's readership around, since Batman is one of those comics that people'll read no matter what. if it doesn't, they can declare they're fixing everything and bring back everyone they lost.

New Coke.

>Tom King hates his kids this much
King needs a therapist.

Imagine being this contrarian.

if king had any real balls he would have had bruce hit barbara but he’s a pussy

I can relate.

King hates therapy and calls it evil. He even made a event comic about how much he hates therapy.

But wouldn't DC editorial have some say on what goes on?

So, what's the deal with Flashpoint Thomas Wayne, how did he get there and is he still trying to get Bruce to stop being Batman?

if he had real balls, he'd have Bruce cockpunch Barbara's pussy

I think King is free from editorial constraints. Didn't he fire the previous bat editor or something just because he wanted Tony Daniel as an artist for an issue? I don't think many writers can do that.

Who approved this?

I see my theory was wrong. Batman won't kill all the Arkham inmates, he will punch everyone around him to death.

Bravo King, you disgusting mentall ill son of a bitch.

Hope DC puts a muzzle on their rabid writer before he goes and wrecks more shit.

So instead he writes scripts as Therapy. Depressing, Disgusting and Edgy Scripts.
About Therapies, Suicide and Depression.
Ruining Batman and other characters in the process.

Is Tom a legit Autist or he is just plain evil?

Yes. This is clearly how Editorial works.

I wish Disney would buy out DC already and fire Tom King and everyone. Then fix the DCU so garbage like this never happened and never happens again.

You know who, stop pretending you don't.
It's DiDio, it's ALWAYS DiDio.

Remember when DC use to be fun?

That's hilarious. Imagine if Byrne got his editor fired around 1989 when he had problems to write his She-Hulk run.

What a fucking joke of a company. Worse part is that there is no one who can stop pricks like King or Didio, because they scared to loss their jobs or they just jumped the ship into Marvel or other companies.

Yesh back in 69.

He’s an autist that got an erection killing Muslim children in the Middle East and can’t satisfy his lust unless he is jerking it to misery porn. So he makes everything misery porn, even if he shouldn’t.

What would Englehart or Dennis O'Neil say about all this?

a little bit of both

It's ok Tom I still like Mister Miracle. Go to sleep.

Then instead of writing comics he should write fanfiction or/and porno and leave the industry alone, but yeah, that would not give him money and popularity, fucking drama queen, then he cries about why everyone sends him death letters.

I fucking swear, King will become the New Quesada, "One More Day" will be a masterpiece compared to what he's doing this last years to DC.

I'm a bit out of time, what happened to Dick?

He's a living corpse, a Shell of what he used to be. King made him lose his memory and he now thinks he's an OC called Rick or some shit like that. He doesn't even want to be Nightwing anymore even when Barbara tries to cure him.

He got shot in the head by KGBeast and his brain was messed up and now he's Ric.

I liked it better in Detective when Jim and didn’t hate Bruce cares about his family.

Crashing this comic


King manages to ruin a beloved meme with his Bane/BatCat

PTSD and depression only go so far. Now you're just actively ruining characters.

Ruining characters is Tom King’s favorite hobby, just look at Wally West.

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Fuck, we still have the last issue to rage over later this month.
Lucky us.

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I fully, FULLY believe that King is out to destroy Batman.

Bruce looks like a damn idiot in his own book.

I mean, of course he is.
The real question is who's gonna stop him before that?

I fully believe that King is out to destroy the whole DC universe.

He has already given most of the big characters mental illnesses (including Superman of all people). His PSTD/SUICIDE fetish is going to infect and destroy everything.

Was this supposed to be the moment tthat would change batman forever according to king ?
It's literally the my parents are deaaaad meme

>Dude Batman punches Robin lmao hes so crazy now
Snyder already did it you fucking hack.

The plot twist is that King stops himself because his depression will inevitably flare up as he'll throw himself into traffic.

Hit Dick
Hit Jason
Hit Tim
Watch Your Back Damian !

No one can stop him. DC promised King a hundred issues. They couldn’t remove him even if they wanted to (which they don’t because they are down with King’s edgy shit) because it would hurt them. King will have his hundred issues and leave after #105 or 106. King will brag that he got to write a hundred of the worst Batman issues. Then DC will put someone else on Batman (either Bendis or Tom Taylor).

>Tom Taylor).
I hope.

No for god sake, keep that man far away from Batman, he will do the same damage as King.

Only Spencer or Zsdarsky can save Batman now. Maybe Dini, if they don't fuck him up.

At this point a monkey with down syndrome would do a better job. The lettered gibberish on the pages would at least be amusing.

>His PSTD/SUICIDE fetish is going to infect and destroy everything.
Nah, he's going to write some more shitty stories, then DC will move on to other writers and everything he did will be forgotten.


Even if that were the best case scenario, we still have to put up with King's bullshit for at least another 15 months if they keep with the bimonthly schedule.

Yes and? King's run will be over eventually and someone will replace him. It may or not be referenced in future story lines. That's it.

>ITT, Yea Forums hates any Batman writer that isn’t Morrison, surprising nobody

Yeah, King will be replaced, but who will want to be a king in a world full of lunatics, or in this case, bad characters who are not even as interesting as they were in the past?

Hi Tom

why don't you just stop reading it? you're reading it online for free, just stop. walk away.

why torture yourself for a biweekly dose of batdick?

Parker's '66 was great


Go away.

So wait...did Bats punch himself? Or was he knocked out cold for a bit after Bane punched him?

Because even if he does, another 1000 people will read it and keep King's reign of terror alive.

Beat up Arkham Asylum.

>or in this case, bad characters who are not even as interesting as they were in the past?

Then they get revamped/reinvented/reinvigorated,etc. That's cape comics, just enjoy the roller-coaster.

O'Neil Bats was GOAT.


Yea Forums hasn't read any of those runs.

Pretty sure we're all a bit masochistic here on Yea Forums.
I don't even really read Batman, especially in the past couple years, but I'm not for seeing characters get wrecked by some deranged writer with way too much power.

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So when does this take place in relation to DdC? Wouldn't Imra have seized the opportunity to leave Arkham if it was busted right open?

Go cut your wrists, King.

Ho do you feel that you have to defend your work here Tom?

Go back to killing off titans Tom

Local man just keeps punching how kids.

Of course he was, he created Manbat and Ras al Ghul. BASED.


There's a last issue? Hallelujah.

Don't forget the Big Guy himself.

Even Scott Snyder is better than this shit. Heck, I’d take Tynion’s Detective Comics over this. Even Lobdelll could do a better job with Batman. His Daffy/Joker comic was a billion times better.

King is the Chuck Austin of Batman.

How do you spell that guys name? I've been trying to figure that out for 10 years at least.

i am so fucking sick and tired of Kings garbage writing, they have made batman unlikable and uninteresting.. i never thought that could happen

Lobdell should be in charge of Batfamily comics

It's spelled "Reish Al Ghul". Common media uses to spell it "Ras", but the correct way to spell his name is "Reish" actually.

That was for

"Reish"? I always spelled is as "Rays". Did DC ever address this?

For some as of yet unseen reason, Dick cannot be functional for King's big "generational twist" he's pulling around issue 85 of Batman, so recently he was shot in the head by KGBeast and given amnesia to take him off the board of presumably becoming Batman again once whatever happens to Bruce happens in 85

Lobdell sucks.

Haven't been reading all the latest issues. So does Selina ditching him play a big part or a tiny part in this?

That's a delicious Barbara.

I think it was in Arkham City when they started to call him like this. I don't think they adressed it because they don't even thinked about it, but I heard some people says it's "Reish" and not "Ras".

all DC writers suck

Oh wait, I got it.

Attached: FireShot Capture 001 - Ra's al Ghul - Wikipedia - (721x132, 7K)

Selina ditching Bruce is worse than watching his parents or any Robin dying and is the most important thing in his existence.

>out of context thread
(even if I cheated with a little edit)

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The building? Damn, what a nutso


Buraian Maikeru bendisu!!!!

Reminds of Slott in Spider-Man

1000 proved to me that King's dialogue is worse than Bendis.

Another incredible issue from the King himself. But of course Yea Forums is determined to hate anything different, even if it's great. Oh well, I'm going to go suck his cock on Twitter so that he'll like my tweet.

So people reacting like this to King's Batman about how he's evil and out of control and the world is going to end is just shitposting, right? None of these posts are unironic, right?

Yeah, King shot Dick in the head to take him off the table to he couldn't be used in his story.

>gee King how come your artists let you have 2 batslap references

>Weeks and Janin on the same page
I get what youre trying to do King but youre doing Janin no favours

Do you mean pronounced rather than spelled?

i can't be the only one who laughed at this. it's fucking incredible

Pronounce, sorry.
So its Reish, right? Not Rahs or Rays?

He's right and you're being an idiot for not seeing it.

Eh, I dunno, man. Don't see it. But, at least, we have an actual plot in RHATO, and he even had Jason being a detective doing detecting a few issues back. I wish Batman would be that.

He sucks way less than others though.

I don't get it
Are these supposed to be taking place at the same time?

"Batman sales arent low enough, we want them even lower" - DC

Now make a bubble for Batman in last panel saying "I WANT ICE CREAM!"

The start of the book says the stuff with the Bat Family was "earlier." So I'm guessing he punches out Tim, goes home to cry about it, and then Alfred and Bane.

why do both Batmans look like Adam West?

>and Dick is Ric.
I don't know why that cracks me up.

Based,Tim is trash.

Tom King was never a good writer.

I liked Vision and I Am Gotham. In fact I wish we would see more of Gotham Girl because I liked the price tie-in with her.

Cool. They're still both the same melodramatic shit on display here.

that's not even Weeks. But yes. It looks that much better vs Janin's tracer garbage.

I wonder how CBR is reacting to the final page. I was banned a long time ago, but I remember that place being full of alarmingly obsessive Robin fans.

Yeah, but it is about execution. The execution here is, I think, bad. In those stories I thought it was good. Melodrama isn't in and of itself bad.


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Consensual sex with the Joker.

Why...does every...fucking line of...dialogue...use ellipses?

You can tell things are serious now because the spotlight is red.

Is this the beginning of the end of King's arc that is supposed to CHANGE BATMAN FOREVER?

Should I start reading from #70 or is the final stretch later?

I think it’s gonna reveal Thomas and Martha were abusive to Bruce

Yaknow I was on bourd with this story to a point, but I seriously have no fucking clue whats going on anymore like there should be grounded parts so the viewer can understand weres the reality and weres batman insanity that banes put him into, but its all just the insanity part with nothing helping you understand what the hells going on.

Denny O'Neil already experimented with making Thomas Wayne a mean dick and it's rightfully regarded as one of his rare missteps.

Taylor did a great job with that Annual a while back

It doesn't work like that. It's a cowl not a helmet.

I miss the dark trinity

How does this ruin Batman? No, seriously. How the fuck do self-entitled little pissants like you think this in anyway ruins the character unless you're an autistic character fag who cannot abide the idea that Bruce has been slowly breaking psychologically down under Bane's deliberate plan to break him mentally?

He slips as a part of a storyline that is all about Batman being dismantled by Bane's master plan and you think this is somehow destroying a character that has had far worse depictions in his nearly century long existence. Your butthurt is meaningless. Your opinion doesn't matter. Because it's hyperbolic trash.

This is the level of reading comprehension this board has. Jesus Christ.

This is the page everyone is complaining about?
This is fucking fine. It's Bruce being an emotionally compromised ass, but it's not character ruining
What the fuck is it with everyone's hateboner for King right now?

It's a meme.

It’s hard to recover from beating a loved one, look at Hank Pym

Hi Tom


Tim's got Brightslapped, without a reason. Marvellous. Now Jason and Tim can finally go together and get drunk.

It's not. King said this arc is changing Batman forever and people hate him so they're jumping on literally everything like it's the big change even though it won't actually come for months.

That's why I said melodramatic shit.

Wait that’s it? Tim getting slapped? Shit I thought something bad happened

If you see nothing wrong with this then you are part of the problem.

Ahhhh, the good ol' Pymslap.

The problem of your bleeding ashole?

The problem of garbage comics.

Tom King likes analsex..

It wasn't that bad but the worst is to come I'm afraid.

Batman being written as imbecelic is just normal at this point. But I did find the comic amusing, like Bruce punching Tim Drake and punching Bane only to get punched right back by Bane. Likewise King taking the time to acknowledge continuity of other books but not his own was also hilarious. There's some progression so thats a plus.

This arc suffers from the same flaws as King's first few arcs, he's got solid ideas but laughable execution but there is progression which atleast makes it better than the dumpster fires he's been churning out for almost 2 years. Not that it is saying much.

Snyder just gave Batman another armor. Which makes it the sixth since he started writing the character, eighth if we count bunnybat and Dickbat. This guy really wants to write Iron Man doesn't he?

Oh well, now Hellbat is about to be replaced as the most powerful Batsuit if the armor even remotely lives up to its description. This is before I even get started on the amped up Mobius Chair/cerebro hybrid that Batman has as a throne lol.

Red spy is in the base

It's just a panel, a very quick reminder to Batman's readers of where Jason is and how he's standing in relation to Bruce now.

tom king really out here talking about how he’s doing something that will “change batman for a generation” is it fucking making him an unrepentant child abuser??

I guess it’s because I grew up with “I’m the goddamn Batman!” but I always thought Bruce was an abusive parent so I’m not surprised.

Stop copypasting posts of other people, please.

I don't know, user. I cannot believe so many people supporting and even helping and following to the T such an unheroic, unreasonable and clearly abusive character. But I guess that's generally speaking my problem with Batman nowadays.

Isn’t the Batman of Zurr en Ah supposed to surface is someone tries to mentally fuck with Batman like this? Or is Morrison’s run not at all canon anymore?

Zur en Arrh is fun and this is the no fun allowed run of batman. if Zur en Arrh did show up king would probably retcon it to be a split personality that diddles kids or something

They don't, learn how to read fucking comics. The ellipsis is used as it would be in a partial quote. It simply means the sentence continues on from that bubble.

King not using walls of text and pacing his dialogue and captioning is NOT one of his weaknesses. His shitty dialogue, plotting, characterization and voice differentiation is atrocious. Pacing is a bit slow but it's the only thing he achieves his intent with.

>I'll post false flags and the conly reapond to them to the normies who find this in the catalogue think only retards hate king
Fuck off shill.

>Batman is an emotional wreck that hits his adopted children
>the same Batman who almost stabbed riddler and needed joker to stop him
Fuck you and fuck King I fucking hope both of you get hit by a bus today.

Catwoman would have been able to easily win against Bane.

The problem with King is that he doesn't get what superheroes of the big two, the big ones, Batman in this case, are escapist powerfantasies. Sure, they have lowpoints, but they are people you are supposed to want to be. To envy their life.
King probably can't get that, because of his own issues with daddy not being there and his mommyworship and his ptsd and all the crap that makes him unable to believe a man is capable to carve a successful and satisfying path for himself, without a mommy to lean on and solve his problems.
There have been times when batman lost. Was beaten up. Drugged. Broken. Betrayed. Hallucinating. Manipulated. Used. Even killed.
Hell, all of these have happened in the same fucking run, you know which I'm talking about.
But even in that run, you never pitied bruce.
Pity is the one emotion capecomic folks shouldn't evoke under no circumstances.
But King's "batman"? This shell of a man, I pity throughout the fucking run. It's not about him winning or being on top or whatever. You can have dignity in loss, you can be enviable even in the way you break.
But not this.
This is the pathetic work of a pathetic man with a pathetically obvious lack of positive role models.
It's sad. And pitiable.

And luckily free on the internet.

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Is Morrison's run being "canon" the same thing as hacky writers reusing his ideas?

People in-universe? Because if that’s the case, I can just see these kids being indoctrinated into the abuse and just seeing it as commonplace. Sort of like Gen Xers and whipping their children with belts and switches. Batman is a nutcase but if there is any son he shouldn’t be doing that with, it’s Damian since he should’ve developed past that point.

*positive male role models

>I have to concoct feeble conspiracy theories to bitch about King now


>The problem with King haters is that they cannot accept the fact that superheroes of the big two, the big ones, Batman in this case, can be other things besides infantile escapist power fantasies designed to pacify man children


I dunno, I just thought it would be cool if writers remembered Batman’s back up plan if someone attacks him mentally like this. Though I’ve definitely stopped being a fan of King’s a while ago, he might do something to sour the Batman of Zur en Arrh if he showed up.

It's all because of pussy. Think about it. Batman mainly lost his shit because of Catwoman.


I will, what do you gain from that? You didn't alter my mood to anger me so I fail to see why anyone has this reaction.

Continue to be a smarmy faggot, I guess?

You simply used baity language, you didn't even disagree with user that king doesn't understand the target audience.

>it's okay to hit your adopted son because your girlfriend left you
I bet you're a complete faggot user.


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>What the fuck is it with everyone's hateboner for King right now?
Peoples that didn't have any fun with this issue, or haven't enjoyed the comic in a while, blame the person in charge for the direction/tone of said comic.

What did King actually do for the CIA? Was it really fucking crazy shit or was he just a desk jockeying analyst?

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Started at the desk but the Middle East is such a shit show it turned into fucking crazy shit because it does for everyone over there. Read Sheriff of Babylon.

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That lowkey looks familiar...

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Man, this shit will never cease to amaze me. In every other industry, when your audience doesn't like something, the creators have to adjust. In the entertainment industry? Creators are infallible, the audience has to adjust.

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It's gotten worse in the last few years. They simply refuse to accept that whT they've written is shit. "It's just not for you." Well I'm a Batman fan thats been buying floppies for over a fucking decade, that's a problem if Batman isn't for me.

It's why some batfags hate the Robins. Writers love to have Bat punches or pushes them way too hard for the drama and give Bruce some flaws or play with his dark side. It also piss off robinfags since there is no real pay off to it and Batman never really get to face consequences or acknowledges he crossed the line.

Not going to lie, Batman surrounded with his army of teens and two young adults is pretty silly to look at. It doesn't work with the "mature" tone of this comics.

Killed brown kids.

>Remember when Batman actually had fun being Batman?
We're sorry, Frank. We're sorry for everything.

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What are you talking about user? He's always had kids surrounding him from the very start of his comics. The only reason people have a problem with it now is because of hack writers that don't know how to write more than one character at a time or in King's case any at all

Shill detected

Yes and that's not the problem. It just doesn't fit well in the "I'm taking this seriously" tone this issue try for, to me.

Just you wait. After City of Bane everyone will be fine.

Screencap this.

That ain't coming until after City of Bane.
74 is the said lowest point.

No shit. King could murder and rape literally every character in the Bat canon and reboot #462 would bring it all back to status quo in 3 months

>Very start
This is a tad bit picky but no. Dick shows up like a year in.
>kids, plural
Jason didn't show up for decades, this isn't true at all.

Newfags like you need to stop reading wikis and REEing at people who've read Batman for years.

Wow, so that big Batfamily teamup that was teased so much was fucking nothing, huh?

Daily reminder that the best modern Batman run by a country mile proved that the escapist power fantasy is an integral part of Batman's identity and is not incongruous with the darker interpretations of the character. King is just a bad writer who doesn't understand the character and equates slit wrists with depth which is ironically more immature than a child watching Saturday morning cartoons.

Do you guys think this will have anything to do with Tim getting a new identity?

Not only did Snyder have Batman punch Dick, but remember when he had Bruce launch Harper Row through a fucking fence and broke her nose?

Why does DC want Batman to be a child abuser? If a normal person had done those things to Harper, Dick, and now Tim, they would be in jail for years.

Which run is that?

If you want to play that game, I've been reading Batman over two decades, your opinion doesn't matter.

It sure as shit ain't King or Snyder.

My problem with cape comics and Batman in particular is that I read the Morrison's run first. Everything has been a downhill ever since, and Snyder and King know it too, or they wouldn't try so desperately to "leave their mark" anyway they can.

Are you forgetting Jason who spent a whole month to recover from the beating Batman give him? He pretty much had it worst.

can anyone explain why Thomas Wayne is in this timeline?

>Bad art.
>Bad writing.
>No point to the story.
King sure is changing Batman, that's for sure.

Because it's so stupid it's funny.

Shit like this...
This is why I can barely read cape shit...

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Jason is a Adult.

He's supposed to be in the deleted Flashpoint timeline, and no we haven't been shown how he got yoinked out of there before he got deleted with it. Just that he indeed has. So Batman's part of The Button was basically pointless.

Probably shouldn't have mentioned "my own father", Batso...

And Dick is underage?

You're a fucking idiot. I can find at least a dozen examples of ellipses being used multiple times in a single sentence within the same speech bubble. There is nothing natural about this writing style, it's amateurish and a chore to read.

>When it's a direct follow up, with BatDad trying to make Bruce quit being Batman specifically due to their previous interaction in the Button

How the fuck can you people be this goddamn stupid?

Morrison's run is decent, but not special on its own. The reason it's hailed as high-art around here is mostly due to the desolate wasteland that DC has become.

So this issue is just Knightmares, Part 8, right? Or did Bane break Alfred, too?

Big if true.

No, you haven't. And you won't prove that either.

Find them and post them dumbass. I never said it was natural, you shouldn't expect natural dialogue. You seem to think I was defending king wholesale when really all I was doing was telling you that you don't know dick about writing. His use of ellipses is not a problem, your casual nature is the problem.

Can we just make Batman a power bottom for Zatanna/Wondy/Talia/LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE
and escape this Batcat hell.

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> King has only seen Nolan's trilogy.

Eh. I like Morrison tho.

It seems like Tynions writing the polar opposite of King. Is that on purpose? I’m fairly new to keeping up with modern comics.

No doubt about that.


Excuse me


It's seven years of homerun after homerun, using a large swath of Batman's history and embracing it all equally. It's at the pinnacle of mainstream superhero runs.

he was in charge of the X-Men line with Fabian, Bat stuff can't be any more pressure

Why Jason is so based?

So it’s basically confirmed he’s more of a threat than Joker, right?

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I honestly dislike Bruce as a punching machine. I enjoy a lot more actually mystery stories in which you get to see him as what he is: a detective, and not just another cape hero who punches shit.

Which, I guess, makes sense as for why I hate the idea of Batman being an abusive mentor.

Your English is Still Awful.

Remember that Tomasi was the dude that made Bruce lie to Jason and brought him to the place of his death for remembering his fucking death, under false pretences. And not caring about Jason's own mental health at all. And never apologized.

I know, and I know that he can work team books pretty well too, and isn't bad at thriller either. But he rarely writes pure seriousness and tends to be way less readable when he has to manage many books at the same time.

And I would rather him not leaving RHATO, to be honest.

Unless someone I trust takes over that book. And I don't trust a lot of the current writers in DC.

Really good stuff.

I welcome Batman/Zatanna

That is Tom King’s Specialty: Disappointment

Tomasi is ignoring everything that is happening in King’s Book. Even having Jim, Alfred, and Damian still friends with Bruce.I wonder how long he can keep it up?

Of course, he broke up Batman and Catwoman! That is literally worse than the Wayne’s death, the death of any Robin, Batgirl being shot and stripped, Jim being tortured by naked pictures of his daughter, Alfred dying, and the Earth blowing up! according to Tom King. How can any villain compete!

Catwoman is the only that understand and accept Batman, after all.

Attached: Batman 015 (2017) (2 covers) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr-Batman (2016-) 015-013.jpg (1988x3056, 1.47M)

Me too.

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they should bring JF Moore back, he was a good X-Men and Batman writer

>akshually this is anti-consumer
You know what's a good adjustment? Focusing your attention on something that you actually enjoy.
Instead people who hate King continuously come to these threads, cry how much they hate it, prove time and time again that they don't even understand what they're reading, and demand this run to be another example of grey, uninventive capeshit slop they enjoy so much. There is an audience for these run, and people who use their brain actually enjoy themselves and feel rewarded, but Kinghatebabs can't comprehend that they are not the audience. They are like a group of inbred rednecks that go to the theater to heckle during a Beckett play.

>everything has to be for meeeeee

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>The problem with King is that he doesn't get what superheroes of the big two, the big ones, Batman in this case, are escapist powerfantasies.
Your problem is that you don't get that they don't have to be.

And in this metaphor you're comparing this poorly written issue of Batman to Waiting for Godot?

You either want to fuck King or you work on staff. Or you're a hell of a LARPer. The asshurt in that post feels genuine.

Hurt feefees or not the fact of the matter is this run isn't been enjoyed by as many longtime Batman fans, even when they are reading it free, as DC would almost certianly like. I know I'll never be buying the trades. I'd much rather go back and reread Long Halloween, No Mans Land, Gotham Central, and so on. In my personal and admittedly subjective opinion this entire run has been subpar and written by someone putting too much of themselves into the story, rather than trying to write a good Batman. And though subjective, I've been watching and reading Batman since reruns of the '66 show, the Burton movies, and the DCAU were on tv all the time, Todd died and Tim Drake was just learning to be Robin. So, thirty years give or take's worth of 'knowing' the character.

Bruce's deathwish at it's best has generally been an almost unspoken and subtle aspect of what he does. Making him a cutter who considers Batman a 'living suicide' is high school fanfiction tier writing. Worst of all, this hyped up moment, was done already this very arc, and meant more. Batman genuinely unloading on Gordon like he did 'felt' more than him snapping on RR. Their relationship is older and means more, in and out of setting, than his distant semi-partnership with the kinda-adopted Tim who had to add 'Red' to his title because the blood son got the proper mantle.

Attached: BatmanDeathwish.jpg (1041x1600, 507K)

Jason is right in keeping himself out. This Bruce is toxic, more even than Jason could be at his worst: and that's saying a lot, being a psychotic murderer and all that when he's at his worst.


Attached: Batman 015 (2017) (2 covers) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr-Batman (2016-) 015-015.jpg (1988x3056, 1.15M)

It's kind of cool and funny that the chair looks like the rest of the cowl

Ironically, Joelle Jones.

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Thats a good batgirl redesign that both girls and boys can like.
I mean, the other wasn't that bad for her own "I want that girls demographic" comic book, but the moment she stepped out towards anything else, it looked off, like she was from another universe.


My only argument against it is that anyone who knows Barbara, like her fucking dad, is going to recognise her instantly.

What I learned thanks to Batman threads is that if someone on this board needs a simple metaphor to be explained to them, then time spent on clarification is time wasted.

Attached: Batman 012 (2017) (2 covers) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr-Batman (2016-) 012-011.jpg (3975x3056, 1.67M)

I don't need it explained to me, I was just incredulous. Comparing a guy who made Batman a cutter to Samuel Beckett is retarded. Enjoy smelling your own farts some more.

He literally always has been.

Sounds good Cass/jasonfag

Sounds good faggot. Why not focus this energy on comments you agree with?

>I'M the one who is not infact an idiot indeed good sir
Just stop you pathetic fuck.

It hasn’t reached Dedato level yet, but pretty fucking close

That's because Tomasi cares about his writing

Where's this from?

Jason would have beat the shit out of Bruce if he saw this

>I'm going to break your damn back!
This would be more effective if King wasn't making Bruce repeat this autistically for the last three years.
Then again everything Bruce says here is autistic repetition


This is fake Alfred, right? Alfred was never this much of a passive defeatist cunt before. The first thing Alfred would do if Bane and some crazy Batman showed up to Wayne Manor to torture Bruce would be to get his shotgun to blast them full of lead in their face and hurry Bruce to either come up with a plan or run to safety. He'd go down fighting. He'd never tell Bruce to just give up either.

Is Joelle Jones' Catwoman any good? The art looks pretty appealing, but I don't want that to be the only thing.

>Is Joelle Jones' Catwoman any good?
>The art looks pretty appealing, but I don't want that to be the only thing.
She doesn't even do the art anymore.

You can say the same thing about dick, tim and damian suits. Domino masks do shit to hide your identity but try to use anything else and you get that hideous red robin mask.

They set that woman up for failure with that book.

At least the Robin masks hide the eye brows and pupils, and if the Robin's change their hair in costume, it could create a convincing disguise if the Robins weren't all that public outside of costume.

You're clueless

What's so bad about it? Is it screwed over by King's run? The release schedule?

The writing is just terrible.

It launched out of the "wedding"

And you suck Grant's cock. The run is fine, it's not amazing. Deal with it.

Its ok pal I agree with ya. All this pain for Bruce is probably going to pay off in a cool way, but people don't have patience

Does anybody ever write a Batman story where he himself is not the source of the villain's plots? Does he ever just investigate crime anymore or is it just all deconstruction?

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