Kdbd Kill Six Billion Demons

>It's the Gog-Agog show! Featuring Gog-agog, and Gog-agog, starring Gog-agog, with Gog-agog and Gog-agog. Produced by Gog-Agog. Written and directed by Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog. Gog-Agog.

Attached: KOS63.jpg (980x1515, 1.6M)

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Would you eat the worm?

No, but I would lick it seductively while looking her in the eye

Fuck no. It probably eats you and reproduces in you like cancer until it kills and becomes you. Sounds like a horrible way to die.

The Ramen shop is literally bugged

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Is this euphemism for sucking dick?

So she’s basically the thing right?

How would you know? Maybe it's the best feeling in the world and you cum your pants off.

She's what the thing prays to.

Is she going to tell Allison about the tournament, or is she going to offer Allison her seventh of creation?

Place ya bets.

>Allison, that's...
Wow, thanks Cio. She needed you to help her put 1+1 together just in case all the billboards and tv shows didn't clue her in first. What a great, insightful and helpful friend you are! A true asset to this team.

She's like the thing if the thing could be more than one thing

The latter would make no sense what so ever so I'm betting this is all about getting to David Solomon.

I just want you queers to know that this last two pages along got me interested in the series.

And I'm enjoying the ride thus far.

I got a slight Yivo from Futurama vibe.

you're right, it wouldn't

but also, it's Gog

Gog being everywhere, doing everything, is really great. I want to see an excerpt from a tv show acted entirely by Gog.

So Incubus, Gog, Jadis and Solomon control their subjects directly or indirectly. Jagganoth and Mammon have a cult following and Mottom let herself be controlled. I wonder if there is any significance to those differences.

Probably yeah


Attached: All around me are familiar faces.gif (1307x501, 1.11M)

>that pout
Gog is cute!

So how come early gog didnt have the marks on her face. Is this a minor retcon by abbaddon?

Several questions answered on this page:
-Gog is in thousands of places simultaneously and has known Allison's location for a while
-Gog's entourage are all people who ate the worm, and that clown who exploded earlier was most likely one of those people
-Allison has actually learned from the Incubus incident earlier not to accept gifts from the gods
-Gog, in all her infinite glory, lets you have several channels to chose from. What a pal.

Probably because her helpers were caking makeup on her face before Mottom blew it up.

She was putting on makeup in the earlier panels.


>Learned from the Incubus incident
She still regularly lets Incubus into her mind

Gog confirmed for most horrific demiurge.

Did you even watch The Thing?

Thats not how you spell ADORABLE

How could such an eldritch abomination be so cute?
I'd jerk off and drown the worm in a semenjar, do you think she would mind?

She's your basic parasitic hive-mind entity (infiltrator subclass), only spread across multiple planes of existence. And with the personality of a neurotic tween.

Even though there could be multiple Things at once, there was no indication that they shared in the same mind. Once born, every Thing was out for itself and would set up situations to ensure their own survival, even at the cost of fellow Things. Gog has no such problem. Anyone who eats a worm IS Gog. There's no division between them.

>I knew one of you would show up
I mean
What's stopping Jagganoth from just showing at her door and stepping on her
The others wont do it because of the mutually assured destruction that it would cause but hes already at war with all the others

Jadis is also in the cult pile, since she (or rather, her minders) run everything through the Temple of the Eye Revealed.

No doubt he has some scheme: Jags is a master tactician, not just a lumbering brute.

It's Gog. She'd probably encourage it.

>KSBD epilogue
>Cio finally finished her awful fanfiction about the adventures of Allison the godhead aspirant
>sells script to Gog-agog who turns it into a full motion picture starring Gog as all the characters
I really hope Allison doesn't have to kill all the demiurges to finish her quest.


Why is the worm monster an attractive white woman? Kind of problematic if you ask me. Why can't female monsters be gross or scary?

If she can reproduce and duplicate herself so efficiently and stealthily, why hasn't she completely taken over everything yet? All those people she's infected should be sneaking worms into everyone's food. She should have people planted in other demiurges' courts so they can sneak worms into their food and get their keys.

first for C L U S S Y

Attached: 1557727623730.png (2700x4000, 1.96M)

>What's stopping Jagganoth from just showing at her door and stepping on her

She's part of Jag and Incubus's plan, remember?

That depends, would you let her record it?

That’s a nice Twin Peaks reference in the bottom left screen

She wants to be pretty

>tfw YISUN turns out to be JUDY

at this point it's not certain that she could stop Incubus from entering her mind. At least she is making the most of it with his training

Kek. Im going to need a sauce user.

This is obvious bait but I like talking about Gog. The worms are most likely taking the form of their first "victim", a girl whose envy and want was so strong that her personality imprinted on and overwhelmed them. She can really look however she wants, though. That includes being gross.

It's likely that the other demiurges took measures to prevent exactly that once they realized just how pervasive Gog truly is. And Gog can't be assed enough to focus on trying to overwhelm them, despite how easy it would likely be.

I'll bite your low quality bait. Because her backstory is envy, and the woman whose face she's wearing was the one who started it. The world would be a better place if you cut off your fingers you know.

Probably because A) Gog is not some mastermind who's out to take over everything and B) she may not want to eat everyone because then she'd be lonely

Gog-agog is a proud worm with self respect. They have to willingly accept her into their hearts and brains and digestive tract, that way she knows they truly love and want her.

only if she drinks it all

Attached: jar.jpg (263x315, 15K)

it was from some drawfag in the last thread

This is what Abby meant when he said Gog would be the strongest if she ever got serious.

>Oh, uhh, a grotesque flying water beetle.

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Those descriptors are not mutually exclusive.

I don't know why, but for some reason I read all Gog's lines in the happy huggy bears voice from Billy & Mandy. It was adorable, yet strangely intimidating.

I don't think you need to learn by trial that eating live worms is a bad idea.

Shit that sounds horrifying, i mean hopefully the other gods devolved some contingency plan since it sounds like she’s a endgame threat, may a weaponized memetic virus that’ll neutralize all the worms could work

Even new born thing bodied weren’t all together since somehow every thing cell was really just out for itself and would ditch the whole it necessary

I think I’d get a second opinion first. I mean, if all i’d heard about it at that point was what the weird worm lady promised me it did at that point, then I don’t have a very unbiased account of it.

Cooked and seasoned, maybe. Pic related makes them look pretty tasty, like huge crinkle cut fries or something.

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The whole "personality of a neurotic tween" thing is kind of an inbuilt limiter: she wants to be popular and loved, not to eat the cosmos. Abby said she'd be the most powerful Demiurge in terms of sheer fighting ability if she ever got serious, and her nature makes the "why" pretty clear: she's an army of millions with one mind guiding it, any one of which may spontaneously explode into a nearly-invincible arch-sorcerer. And that's ignoring the real possibility of her being able to unleash a verminous tide of her parasite-stage from the sewers of Throne.
And here, I think I see where Solomon's pride comes into play; he's assumed that the greatest threat to the balance is the greatest swordsman alive or an invincible behemoth with Thanos syndrome, and underestimated the true power of the humble worm.

Technically-speaking, I believe those are grubs. Worms are annelids, and the thing Gog is proffering appears to be a maggot (larval Diptera). Grubs are larval beetles.

Jag seems to be planning on her killing the other demiurges along her path thus making his plan of killing her/any remainders she doesn't kill and then the rest of all living things that much easier, since the six have him on lockdown right now. Though in all likelihood by the time she takes down the rest she'll be strong enough to handle jag himself.

I hope Solomon smites this dumb bitch already. God she's so damn annoying

We know it's you, Salami Dave.

I learned my lesson in Tulum. Never eat the worm.

I think it was less telling who she is and more WHAT she is. I mean, allison has been living in Throne for a year, while Cío has been there since always. She is not mentioning the person, she is afraid

That's exactly what it does, as we just saw with the jester that turned into Gog.

I think Cio was going to explain what the worm being held does.

Sounds like this user didn't eat the worm.

Gog-agog seems like a good enough buddy to hyper-stimulate your pleasure centers while consuming you from the inside out, making it much less painful than it looks. Only problem is you can only do it once.

>Would you like ...to fuck?
I would fuck worm lady.

Eugh... sounds like an excuse for the artist to draw a hot girl instead of an ugly monster. What a sexist slimeball.

Eat the worm, Yea Forums.

I once created an entire story just for an excuse to have men wearing dressestunic, it was set in the early middle ages

Doesn't seem like a bad way to go, honestly.

So is Gog actually a good actor, or is everyone in a gog agog movie very obviously gog agog in the most suspension of disbelief breaking ways

Does she stick to scripts, improvise when necessary, and give emotional performances, or is it just a dozen neurotic tweens on stage every time

The implications of this are pretty horrifying. Imagine how long she's been sneaking into peoples mouths and spreading. She could have control over most of the throne for all we know.


It doesn't matter because the intended audience is probably Gog-Agog. Anyone else enjoying is is just a bonus.

Hnng they got that cute little bit of blonde hair that hangs out that abb used to draw her with

She' been smote twice already, a kung fu punch that explodes her body really isn't going to do much

You assume she’s got the planning skills to have been doing this en masse. It’s been stated already, but her being nutty, stupid, and neurotic are big limiters on her.

It doesn't matter not because the intended audience is gog agog, but because there is nothing else to watch. Gog controls ALL entertainment on throne. When all you've got to watch is neurotic teens, your standards drop pretty fast.

doesn't mean she's planning anything. But the fact she's got herself in potentially millions of people is pretty grotesque and terrifying. Don't need to have a plan to simply spread influence through infestation.

Yeah, my guess is that the worms normally take a long time to eat out a follower, all the while making then feel good through Gog's influence (whatever form that may be). The jester was probably an extremely devoted follower who is fine with the consuming process being accelerated to "transport" Gog to different locations at the cost of their own life. He already looked off while walking up to the house.

>everyone in throne has shit tier tv taste because gog makes garbage television

Oh no, it’s a dystopia

>Gog is in thousands of places simultaneously and has known Allison's location for a while
>can pop into any person at will
How the fuck do you kill her? What the hell is she?

Perhaps if I didn't know what I know about Gog-Agog. Namely that being Gog-Agog isn't fun.

She’s worms that ate part of god’s Name, user. Invest in pesticide.

>Allison has actually learned from the Incubus incident earlier not to accept gifts from the gods

I mean, Gog literally just exploded from inside somebody and just offered her a worm to eat. Even before Incubus I'd say Allison would be justified in declining that offer.

Probably not into any person at will. Probably only those already infested with her.

>How the fuck do you kill her?
Break the Wheel user, its the only way, come user, join the Jag army today.

Based and Redgodpilled

>giving Allison a choice
That's nice of her.
But now Allison is going to inspect everything she eats for now on and hope a worm doesn't crawl into her mouth while she sleeps.

>a worm doesn't crawl into her mouth while she sleeps
Fucking terrifying user
I keep thinking of the short film about the germaphobic man and the cockroaches now.

>Too many Gogs

I think I'd start sleeping with some kind of mouth protector.

I have a feeling Gog can't just infect someone without their permission, similar to how Incubus works. There might be an explicit pact that's required.

No. I don't want to be Gog-Agog, I want to be WITH Gog-Agog.

>it sounds like she’s a endgame threat
She's mid level at best.

The Big Red has already become powerful enough to stop her out.

I don't know if it's because she CAN'T so much that it doesn't occur to her.

>She's mid level at best.
Abby has said in his answers that Gog would be most powerful if not for her "flights of fancy", ignoring the fact that Jagg is literally invincible.

does this look like someone who a god would waste time doing a pact with?
she's infected thousands/millions with her worms.
>so much that it doesn't occur to her
really seems like she can make people explode into worms, have those worms forcefully enter into other people, and repeat the process.
if a worm entering your body is all it takes then she seems fucking broken.

forgot the pic of the happy customer

Attached: gogged.png (458x232, 178K)

Her limiter seems to be how childish she is, like said.

>Gog discovering sex
>Finding out that the reason she up witht he abuse from her fellow kings
>She is actually a huge masochistic bitch

Stupid sexy worms.

that's not the customer, that's the waitress

you ever gonna leave these threads

The lines on their faces and the round things on their foreheads makes me think of the Gems

>you're in bed fucking a chick
>getting ready to cum
>she suddenly starts convulsing and then explodes into worms
>those worms then form a laughing Gog-Agog who immediately leg locks you
>you then bust a nut while wondering why this keeps happening to you

It's entirely possible that most or all of those worms are as easy to kill as regular ones, so the only people getting infected would be people who are willing or extremely weakened. Of course that would only work for passive infection.

>worm crawls up your dick

I generally like the convention that there are cosmic rules to be followed and that she cannot infest someone without permission. But she's not a devil or angel but a mass of worms and I don't really see a great reason why there's anything stopping her besides a clause in the Pact of the Seven. And to me, it seems like the Pact isn't actually a hard cosmic rule laid down by the Demiurges - it's a gentleman's agreement to avoid mutually assured destruction. We haven't seen any real consequences for Mottom acting against Mammon nor is there an overarching power making sure Jag's actions are not in violation of the Pact.

As much as I really really want to see the orderly conduct of the Pact to be enforced, the story probably doesn't permit it because it is so centered around everyone breaking the rules. I want more than anything to see Solomon's demands that the Pact is upheld actually is respected and that he won't just die as a symbol of the Pact falling apart. I actually want it to be Allison's fault for disrupting the balance and the Demiurges for the most part trying to keep it together in spite of encouraging her to fuck things up.

Because to me, the real question that hasn't been answered is exactly what happens if one of the Demiurges acts against the other six. That consequence should be explained because it puts into context what will actually happen in the story. If one of the Seven die for any reason, exactly how is their portion divided? Or is another candidate nominated to take their spot? Everyone knows everyone else isn't permanently immortal - there certainly must have been a discussion what would happen should one of the Seven fall due to unforeseen circumstances or just fucking up.

I guess what I'm getting at is that I'd rather not see the equilibrium fall apart due to the members just forgetting its value. I want everyone including Gog to really respect the Pact and that Jag is the only real shitter here.

It would have been pretty funny if she ate the worm and then had two demiurges having catfights in her subconcious.

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A thought just occurred to me. Gog-agog runs a place called the paradise dome. An entertainment/pleasure dome so large one could easily spend weeks there and not grow bored. We can assume that all of the employees there are also her, which means that all of the prostitutes are her as well. And she is also the oldest of the current demiurges, meaning that she could have been running this pleasure dome for a very, very, very long time. It is quite possible, nay, almost completely certain that judging simply by the numbers afforded by her nature and her lifestyle Gog-agog is the biggest slut to have ever lived and probably by a vast, vast margin. One or more of her puppets is almost certainly getting a good dicking at any given moment. Gog-agog is fucking/getting fucked 24/7, and probably has been for thousands of years. I would not be at all surprised if the number of unique sexual partners she has had numbered in the tens of millions.

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I bet she can do all kinds of crazy shit with her snatch by moving the worms around. Like godly muscle control, but infinitely weirder. I bet she could use the motion of the 'walls' to jerk you off inside her, without an ounce of movement from the rest of her, if she wanted.

>How the fuck do you kill her?
Same way that type of enemy is usually killed. Some conceptual attack that kills her throughout all her different iterations. Come on, user, not like this is the first piece of fiction that's used this concept, and K6BD's setting should allow for that sort of shit.

>Allison becomes royalty and banishes the concept of "worms" from existence

Sounds great.

worms declared fake and gay, gog ago blown the fuck out

Everyone with the worm is a happy customer. Eat the worm.

only if I can have extra long worms, and eat them as spaghetti

So it could multiply from the pieces, then to eat me hollow from inside out? No thanks.

Cover every single corner of the multiverse with pesticide. That or skip the whole physical violence part and succeed doing some kind of psychic lobotomy on the hivemind.

Stop this anti-worm propaganda. Gog-agog just wants to be loved forever.

No way, I remember last time. People aren't allow to actually climb the damn stairs anymore thanks to that. Never again.

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I think it'd be less like "Gog Agog is possessing her subconscious" and more like "She is now completely Gog Agog". Not controlled by the worm, she is now worms.

Yea but Gog is probably more like The Thing. Allison would turn into a pile of worms that look like Allison.

Oh I'm guessing folding her with mastered magus gate energy could use her own gate as a sort of key to incinerate all of them. That or there's a plot related 'first worm' at the center the controls them all. Or or just kinda break her will so she can't hold herself together. I mean she already seems ready to give up her shit, unless she's about to make some weird offer.

Make sure to read the lore bits at the bottom and the alt-text user. I like em better than the main plot, honestly.

>I mean she already seems ready to give up her shit, unless she's about to make some weird offer.
I think she's going to tell her about Solomon David's tournament, and maybe even sponsor her to fight in it.

Get her to start eating herself.

>going to sleep every night worried that the worms might come to get you, and when you wake up you arent you anymore

Attached: no humanity.jpg (564x428, 53K)

>you aren't you anymore
Eh, that isn't definitive. There are different takes on hive organisms in fiction.

>the hive functions as an oversoul with individual members of the collective retaining their personality and the oversoul able to drop into one or all of them at will to conduct business, when a member dies, the oversoul either loses that part of itself
>the hive functions as an oversoul with individual members of the collective retaining their personality and the oversoul able to drop into one or all of them at will to conduct business, when a member dies, the oversoul permanently integrates them into itself
>the hive is a destructive parasite, stealing the identities and intelligence of its victims without retaining any of their sense of self. Effectively the hive is a single mind able to multitask at a high degree across multiple bodies
>that last one, but the hive isn't shared across multiple bodies with each body functioning as a separate hive, able to integrate portions of and cast off portions of the intelligence and mass of the whole
>the hive is just all members psychically linked operating everyone's bodies at once
>that last one, but all the members are condensed into a single intelligence that multitasks across multiple bodies
>that last one, but instead of all members condensing into a single intelligence, a separate evolving composite hivemind is born and added to which operates the bodies while the original personalities ride shotgun
>the hive copies an integrated mind into all bodies of the collected and copies all minds of the collective into the body, all bodies retain a psychic link, but the link is only for communication and copying, each mind in each body actually retains its individuality with each body either run by committee or a representative mind for whatever identity that body is assuming
There are tons and tons of takes on bodyjacking hive organisms. Plenty don't erase your sense of self.

>How the fuck do you kill her?
Which worm is the best Gog-Agog?
>all of her explodes

>she means media empire

She's gonna tell her about Solomon's tournament.

Start counting and numbering them, now these worms are individuals and thus rebel against Gog.

>There are tons and tons of takes on bodyjacking hive organisms.
Yeah but we just saw a guy explode because of all the worms inside him. So odds are Gog is the "eats you from inside and wears your skin like a suit"-kind of hivemind.

Eh, she could be the drop in/drop out type. When she drops in, the body casts off excess flesh to make a Gog-Agog body and to drop out she bulks up back to the host's mass and reforms her flesh back to theirs. Her flesh is fairly fungible.

You're Gog-Agog, I'm Gog-Agog, we're all Gog-Agog!


I would. My only problem is I walk without rhythm, so I’ll never see her.

>sticking a rod with a hole in a cluster of parasitic worms
a dangerous game, user

Oh you.

>I walk without rhythm
Have you tried Walken instead?

Are there any other Gog-Agog's I don't know about?!


That's it I'm out of here.

I wonder if the rest of the demiurges gave her control over all the media as a way to distract her. After all, if she's entertained in making series and movies she can't turn her attention in conquest and expansion.

I don't think the rest of the Seven underestimated her in the beggining, they probably knew how dangerous and erratic she was, so they made a lot of concessions to please her. But now, hundreds of years later, they have forgotten that.

Is Gog just high fantasy Slither crossed with the Thing?

Seems like she want to keep Allison in good terms with her for some unknown (for the moment) reason, so she's being cordial and honest, but I don't doubt she could do things the wrong way, like forcing her to eat the worm.

These are good points. In all mythologies, no matter how powerful they are, the gods had some rules they couldn't break, one of them being promises they made. My theory is that while Gog can eat any creature against her will, those who eat the worm willingly become actual servants. They become something like mind controlled, so they're more autonomous and can do more tasks than the regular eaten creatures, and the relation is pleasurable for both of them like said, until she eats them whole and they live in a burst of ecstasy and guts.


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>Every show in the existence is a shitty reality-tv.
Now thats a bleak dystopia.

>Gog looks down at the note she wrote on her hand earlier
>"Offer worm to eat before exploding out in a shower of gore"

Attached: 6084714_keep_calm_and_eat_the_worm.png (600x700, 41K)

>Allison has actually learned from the Incubus incident earlier not to accept gifts from the gods
Not necessarily. Gog's offer is blatantly worse than Inc's at first glance. In the end both are a path to ruin but Inc sugared it with sweet lies, while Gog just comes out and says "if you eat the worm you will cease to exist as a person and your body will become a hollow meat suit puppeteered by my gestalt consciousness". Allison is still kind of dumb, so she fell for Inc's offer, but Gog mad no attempt at deception at all. If Inc offered the same deal to her as she is right now, I imagine she'd still accept while ratting off threats about how she'll kill him if he tries to fuck her over.

But the note was on the exploded hand.

I'm fairly certain Gog didn't expect Allison to take the worm, it's a terrible offer and Gog knows it
However it does make the next proposition seem better, and makes Alisson more likely to take it

>t. Mottom

I'm sure incubus is going to to use that deal for a major twist in her life but Allison didn't have much of a choice with that offer. Either she got the power then or she died.

I want to imagine the Pact, in addition to being a gentlemen's agreement, could possibly just a requirement to maintain the status quo - namely seven Demiurges at any given time and if someone dips out the other six will accommodate the new seventh whomever it is.

I think everyone would be perfectly happy to no longer bear their keys, which is exactly why they aren't happy. They all seem to have a mechanism to give their keys away it's just that nobody has stepped up for whatever reasons similar to how White Chain and Cio both have refused Allison's key. Mottom clearly wants out and was hoping Allison could take over as she would be unlikely to kill Mottom after taking over and allow her to maintain the immortality fruit. Solomon has his stupid tournament but he too seems to hope Zaid can take over so he can pursue Royalty; the tourney itself is likely out of his sense of finding someone "worthy" - he had to work for what he has, the bearer of his key would also need to prove their worth. Jag's plan to get out may just be a great act of murder-suicide put into his head by Michael. Incubus is stuck as his survival probably depends on something that he cannot maintain without the keys. And Jadis is literally stuck with nobody willing to kill her. Mammon, interestingly, was comfortable in his senility; he of all of them legitimately was surrounded by people who pitied, cared for and loved him unlike all the other Demiurges.

I think Maya got away. And not only did she get away, she got away safely and intact. I think it would be interesting if the only reason why Maya is back at all is because Incubus killed Meti AFTER Maya gave the key up to Incubus.

That one just said, "see other note."

wtf i love gog now

Better late than never user, welcome to the hive

>Sneaking worms into peoples food
Nah, 37-complains-to-waiter rushes around throne picking worms out of food with chopsticks and smiting them with his finger of a thousand palms technique.
If you let your mind go down that route you wander towards zombie movies where the most efficient and prolific strain of zombie is the one that just licks all the Pringles tubes in convenience stores.

So basically Seattle if being a homeless druggie was a transmittable disease?

I think she wears you as a skinsuit but let's your soul stay there unless you die.

>All the brainlets in this thread who think gog actually expected or wanted Allison to eat the worm.
A) Gog's an actress.
2) She wants to make Salami Dave suffer and die because of what he said at the last meeting.
B) Offering someone a shitty deal first, and then offering your real bargain when they refuse makes it more likely they'll accept (or at least listen to you). It makes it look like they're getting something special out of you.

>that one dead goddess’ corpse became birbs
>gog a worms
>Allison can summon dead deities eith her key, among other things
Bros...I don’t want the early bird to get this worm...

You’re assuming Jag doesn’t want Allison to run roughshod over everyone to make his job easier

>Nah, 37-complains-to-waiter rushes around throne picking worms out of food with chopsticks and smiting them with his finger of a thousand palms technique.
I fucking love this. Weird picky bitchy angels are the best angels.

>Greetings, demiurge. We are YS-Voya

>yfw you're about to unwittingly eat a worm and become possessed by an eldritch monstrosity when 53 Dyed Bobcut Demands To See Manager fucking karate chops your plate and saves you


Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.png (226x226, 19K)

if gog-agog is cunning then there’s a chance her whole joker act is one big conjob.
and if that’s true, everyone is fucked if she decides to finally get serious.
so it’s best if she was really hoping allison would have went for plan a.

>Allison can summon dead deities eith her key
Can she, though? I thought that was just an effect/aura, not the actual Ys-Myra.

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I love how after hundreds of years, the thing to finally get her mad enough to fuck over a fellow demiurge, the only demiurge who's got his shit together for the mutual benefit of all of them, is he made her feel a bit sad. Gog-agog best girl.

I can't imagine that. Remember the reason the demiurges hate Incubus: he didn't earn his key with violence and victory, he inherited from Maya, a serious disgrace in ksbd universe. And even then I'm sure Incubus had to fight a lot to become a Seven, because I doubt Maya came even close to that kind of power (powerful sure, but not seven tier). If they despise Incubus who didn't earn a full key, can you imagine the respectibg or allowing a newcomer obtain a full key and be on their level? They would try to destroy the fucker, and he would defend himself. Bam, new war, the universe goes to the crapper.

That's why the seven can never leave their place. The only way of mantaining order would be if they quit at the same time, and that won't happen.

She is completely insane, per Abby's word, so I think the clown getup is genuine.
She is however still somewhat intelligent and cunning, and Solomon and the others annoyed her a bit too much at their last get-together and wants to get back at them
I don't think she realizes the rammifications of her actions though - how it will leave them all vulnerable to Jagganoth

Yeah, definitely a power aura, a la anime/Indian mythology.

I've always liked it when authors try to depict someone who is "cunning but insane". Writing a really smart character (that is, smarter than the author) is difficult, and that goes doubly if the character has to work around mental illness and extreme irrationality. I would venture to guess that gog is capable of brief bursts of insight and complex planning, but her priorities are utterly fucked and she usually doesn't feel the effort to make a good keikaku is worth it most of the time. I'm thinking she mostly relies on instinct and believes that making everyone around her feel "happy" is more important than anything a well-adjusted person would focus on. Granted, her idea of making people "happy" is to either put on an exhausting show of forced cheerfulness or offer someone the worm. Add to this that she effortfully rationalizes the pertinent things she ignores as unimportant somehow, and she's prone to bouts of rage when she feels slighted or ignored. It could make for a very compelling character or a fishmalk schlockfest.

Given her appearances, I'd say that her actual personality is petulant and childish so even if she was completely lucid and sane you'd see a lot of the same behavior.

>now I'm uneraseable
>I'm indestructible
>I'm Jagannath

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Am I stupid for just now noticing the connection between Ys Mara and the Head of John?

I don't Incubus has ever lied to Allison.


It's hillarious how Incubus went from a scrawny silent murderkid to dressing himself up like that in the mind of an insecure adolescent woman

Even if she's not physically there, it's still visible. at least one demon in the back is turning to face it.

Unless the demons behind Alison facing the wrong way are meant to convey how quickly she moved.

You don't. There's been speculation for a while that Gog-Agog was like this. It's why the other demiurges tolerate her even though they can explode her head at will (they can't get rid of her), it's why Abaddon said even Jag would have a bad time against her physiology and that she'd be the most powerful demiurge if she were less... y'know... Gog-Agog.

That said I'm sure she can't pop into anyone, just all the ones she's already infected.

Only way you get rid of her is murdering all life. Jagganoth got the right idea

>the worm is droopy and sad when allison rejects her

I wanna HUG the GOG.

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Worms are not that good cooked. Never tried one raw, but cooked they are pretty shitty.

>Gog-Ago, being a mimicker, just copies random TV shows and inserts herself in
Good touch really.

Nice catch, user.

I don't like how all the Gog's have the eyes and skin marks. That uniformity is a bit on the nose.

Overconfident Alisson is worse than Allison being a fuck up at book 2.

Huge downgrade.

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The Gog-Agog Theory is very popular I hear.

Why is this white dude allowed to appropriate Indian culture to write some fucking shounen coming of age story about his lesbian waifu? Is Indian heritage and religion a toy for white people to play with?

Vedic heritage is from Indo-European Roots. So yeah it's technically his heritage unless he's a chink or african.

>Indian culture

It's vedic or Hindi, "Indian" is a nationality of which several dozen ethnicities are held under.

If Allison wanted to kill the guy there would he get obliterated or was she too untrained to one hit an ebon? She probably didn't intend to kill him so that's exactly what happened but if she gets pissed enough does she have the destructive capability or is that something she needs to be trained to do evwn without the key? Most uses of the keys so far were more for show than for killing powerful beings.


Expected? Probably not. Wanted? She's confirmed to be legitimately childish and insane, to her it was probably like offering candy like a token of goodwill.

Just because she's bonkers doesn't mean she can't be tricky.

No reason she can't make a genuine offer expecting it to be declined, which is exactly what happened.

How pathetic do you have to be to keep making those posts?

It does look weird. Before it seemed like a fashion choice for the demiurge meeting but now it's a bit much.

I might just say it's a form of boasting. She doesn't seem the kind to care about subterfuge, so just openly marking those taken to be a part of her as a way of saying "Yeah, this person is also me now, it's inevitable for you peons" might explain why she's given Beast.

I'm sure they'd appreciate how it has inspired a lot of people to actually read up on religions.

Where's the updated demiurge title reveal compilation thing

Morrowind did it earlier and, depending on how which medium you like more, did it better. All the people pretending this is new are children.

I can hook you up, Post the other one and Ill put them together.

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The only 2 left are Blade and Mind for Jadis and Jag. Feel free to argue about them.

Here you go.

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Thank you, user.

Yeah, sure

Mottom is better as a loli


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Good taste.

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Who does Incubus have bleeding in there?

Which demiurge owns the county earth is in, again?






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I think it was mentioned that Allison's earth is not our earth at one point.

>everything is based on something therefore nothing can be called new or unique in any way
You sound fun.

I never pretended media making people aware of the interesting parts of religion was a new concept. I think you might just be retarded.

Would you risk a Gog-Agog bj, anons?

I'm not gay but I'm not stupid either


Who would win in a fight? Gamzee or Gog?

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No, he said she'd give even Jagg a hard time.

Only if it was at the bottom of a bottle of ebon devil absinthe.

>kill dix billion demons

I'm sure that Gog-Agog is happy to tell you that it doesn't hurt at all. And sure, it doesn't hurt Gog-Agog one little bit. The opinions of those who are eaten might be different, but they don't have opinions that matter any more.

So is Gog just Princess Pony Head, star of The Pony Head Show?

Consider the following:

Hey any advice on how to deal with that shit IRL?

You tried.

I like that Solomon bit
The Diamond is going to get devoured

Great post

>overconfident Allison talking shit to a god
didn’t she almost get her ass kicked by that tall henchman?

God I fucking love angel name funposting

I love Gog's big fucking dumb slut face

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gamzee would eat the worm instantly

That would be an ironic end for him, so I'm guessing you're right

>All For One/One-For-All
Similarities abound, but OfA is just DNA, not specifically those worms, right?

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Abbadon says that all the Demiurges are stagnant, and it seems like a core theme in the comic is that each Demiurge loses his stagnancy after meeting Allison sans Incubus. I can only assume it's going to happen to Gog too, but isn't Gog's real problem is that she's insane?

How could Allison rile up Gog-Agog and set her upon the path once again? Make her sane somehow?

Ayy... I see you, user.

is joke

Yeah but quirks are like this sort of virus thing and it's not so subtly suggested that as much as OfA empowers Deku it also fucks him over. Ah whatever. I'll smoke a bowl. Stop thinking. Just, like, live life man.

sometimes the art is this comic, specifically the lines and wobblyness, is not so good

She's more like Khepri from Worm, honestly.

Hiveminds, parasitic worms, or neurotic tweens?

>901 Tasteful Patrician Submits Righteous Opinion

>agreed to the demiurge pact of the seven not for political reasons but because she thought they were starting a friendship
I wonder if Gog-agog realized what it was she was getting into.

...actually, I agree.
Abbadon's strengths lie in his consistent output schedule, his mind-boggling details, sweeping landscapes, and clever use of gradients and negative space.
He is not so good with stuff like basic anatomy and zoom-in shots like with Gog in the last panel.

How would Chosen undead fare in the throne?

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It might be partly due to subconscious Allison fantasies. It would explain Incubus Bowie despite Incubus not knowing who he is.

Fuck no

Ranging from a pursuer tier to a demiurge tier depending on build
Giantdad would wipe the floor of most but the bigger powerlevels in the throne

She can't be a fuckup forever.

If I'm not mistaken Allison's Earth doesn't have Australia

Undead are functionally immortal. They are only limited by the extent of their perseverance.

>Keep coming back and getting stronger
>Eventually you get so powerful that you will the curse out of your body
>Die again and don't come back

This doesnt work like that

Absolute quarantine/isolation of either the hive mind source or all worms.
Which would mean for in the situation of KSBD learning how to a realm from the rest of them or some OP shit like that.

>she seems fucking broken

Did you forget the part where she rules a seventh of existence?

If they arrived during the height of demiurge civilization, good chance of winding up among final contenders, if they could keep up their willpower and perseverance.

If they arrived now, they likely wouldn’t be toppling any demiurges, but they’re in a good position to become either a permanent thorn in someone’s side, someone’s favored emmisary, or one of the most dangerous bits of guild muscle or leaders in throne.

The Great Devourer claims another victim

>Thinking this

Not a lot of chefs worth a shit trying to make anything of interest with worm, it's not mainstream enough, don't sign it off before someone with credentials is cooking you worms.

Worms are fuckin' cheap to raise on literal trash.

Given it 30 years of moral rhetoric against beef, prices spiking the moment impossible meat becomes a cheaper substitute, and both diminishing returns on new (shittier) grazing land and animal feed farming combined with rapidly rising worldwide populations, somebody will make you a burger and 20% of it will or whatever will be farmed worm.

listen dude if you market it properly you can probably sell a burger made out of literally anything as long as it tastes as good as what people are used to

that's the entire premise behind the impossible burger

all other factors being equal, some people would be even MORE interested in a worm-burger than a veg-burger cause it has 'actual meat' in it

Showing exactly what would happen right before offering is not the best way to sell

>literal trash
There are many animals, especially fish, that will eat anything including trash. Problem is you usually don't want to eat those things not because trash is gross but because it means those bottom feeders are toxic and are likely to cause cancer, damage liver and create all sorts of health issues. Clean organic trash isn't nearly as common and requires supply chain.

>Gog Agog could be in anything you eat or drink at any time and you can't possibly pay enough attention to prevent one of her worms or an egg from getting inside you at any moment

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>until she eats them whole and they live in a burst of ecstasy and guts.
Gog started a conversation with gore.
She's old Yea Forums, she does it for the lulz.

The clown who died?

He wanted to go out like that. She asked and he agreed.

> Does it matter that he was mentally fucked for decades to where he WOULD agree to exploding in gore?
No, because this is THRONE where there was never a worse hive of scum and villainy to be found in the whole multiverse.
There is absolutely someone on Throne who wants to die in a horribly violent manner, PRIOR to being worms.

We don't know if Jagganoth needs to eat

Khepri could just straight up mind control you if you're in her range so not really.

>Allison draws one drop of blood from Soloman after a long fight sequence: a small and almost accidental cut, just like with Incubus.
>Gog ends the fight and immediately pulls Soloman and Allison into a TV Interview!
>Gog: You can have anything you want Allison, tell us, what do you desire?


"I don't want anything besides my boyfriend back. Soloman has him locked up in that tower over there, and I'm not leaving without him."

>Wooow! Soo dramatic!!!! Do you love him?


>You two are probably real lovebirds!

"...Not really, but, like, he's-"

>You two are Cleaaaaarly lovebirds


"Let's get this straight: I get to say what I am, not you, and I'm saying we're not lovebirds. I just want him back, and I'm not here to do an interview."

>Gog looks miffed

>Gog: ...Okay, cut.
>Allison, you can't deflate the tension like this, this is the moment you've dreamed of! All of your hearts desires, centered on one man, and you get to walk off into the sunset with him! Isn't it dreamy?

"You think this is my dream? I'm talking to a pile of worms and shirtless wonder, and honestly? I'm just here to save a creep who I'm not leaving behind.

"You've built up this whole narrative of who I am and what this is. I'm not going to lie for your cameras because you think it's cute or whatever.

>Gog: Well, okay, maybe you're not lovebirds, but we can pretend, you know, acting is-

"Shut up about acting! I'm not acting, you are! You're not a girl. You're not even a human. You're a pile of disgusting, ugly worms, and you act like you know me and that I'm part of your show. I'm not. Grow up."

>Allison has crew remove her mic, Gog looks like she's having an existential crisis
>While Allison and Soloman go to get the boyfriend, Gog goes Hulk Mode. She turns into the massive writhing hiveball of worms she always was, and devours everything Soloman ever built for himself. Soloman goes to fight, we see him devoured, and the universal war officially begins.

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I think he mainly exploded cause he had to manifest the full, real-deal key-bearing Gog-Agog.

Entirely too sane a set of reactions for gog

why does only Salami Dave get a funny name

I want funny names for all the monstrous gods

He exploded because Gog wanted to be dramatic. No other reason

Swallow flames and devour god user

Nah it'll be something more like

>Allison makes Salami Dave bleed, he tells her she gets her hearts desire clearly expecting her to take his keys
>She declines and asks for Zaid which infuriates him
>Gog reminds him he has to grant her whatever she asks for
>They fight and Allison makes off with Zaid.

I don't think any of the demiurges other than Mottom need to
Im sure this has been discussed before but a huge hole in Solomon's plan is that whoever is worthy of drawing a drop of blood from him could ask for a million things other than his empire

Zoss is from our earth and is australian
>"you call that a BLADE? This is a BLADE"

He probably thinks that anyone strong enough could only want one thing.

It might be that the empire just sort of comes along with the thing you want. Like he takes care of whatever you ask for, then you also get the empire.

No bully gog-agog.

>clown guy eats worm
>expects nothing and looks amazing
>one day walking
>worms do bodysnatch and eat him from inside
>take over

gog agog is the thing with billions of copy. most likly none of the bodies we see are really the original with the key but the main body is a bundle of worms

>I don't think any of the demiurges other than Mottom need to
I think only three of them still need to eat (Mottom, Mammon, and Gog).
Incubus has his soul flame thing.
Solomon has ki rata.
Jag has his nails.
Jadis is in stasis within her glass.

I hard, hard hard disagree.

>Allison already fought Salami Dave presumably if she's asking for the boy, so you don't get much more drama or juice out of extending the fight sequence into a part 2.

>If you instead go with snubbing Gog and sending her on a rampage, we get to see the fall that follows pride (Dave's playing house and pizza man in the middle of universal war)

>We still get to wound his pride that somebody who had the enlightenment he sought couldn't give two shits about the empire he's built himself,

>Gog becomes weaponized (which we now know weaponizes Throne),

>Gog's arc completes (she's no longer a child playing dressup, but instead recognizes that she's a powerful and angry mass of worms who doesn't need to pretend she's anything else)

>Soloman gets a good bookend

>We can smoothly go straight into the endgame, because we've only supposedly got one more book

Whereas just snubbing Soloman instead means you only resolve Soloman's arc, because imo that ending leaves Gog basically a non-player who's just around. It also means the story doesn't have any clear and immediate direction thereafter, nor a clear route to an end game where demiurges start fighting.

I guess maybe it's the kind of play that works if you have another 2 or 3 books, but not one.

Mammon just is immortal by nature. Same with gog.

Mottom needs to eat the fruits since she's the most "human". the rest work how you said they do.

I read this post like 3 times over but Im not sure if I understand. Can you explain more laymans what you're saying?

There's lot of good narrative reasons why you'd want Gog to kill off Soloman

>It permanently changes the world
>It progresses the plot, which Abbadon wants to finish sooner than later
>It plays into a lot of tropes about Pride, which is Soloman's thing, and about Envy, which is Gog's thing
>It makes Gog immediately important to the ending

Which are all good things.

If you instead just have more fighting with Soloman and leave Gog as an unresolved plot thread, I suspect the ending will be even more unnecessarily rushed than the one that's probably planned.

Oh now I understand.

Yeah. I totally agree with you. I think gog will be the one to kill solomon, or inadvertedly cause it somehow. It makes the most sense, and its been foreshadowed.

I hope to god abby doesnt get the "subverted expectations" disease and changes it just because we've all kinda figured it out already.

Abbadon visited a thread a few years back and said that some main characters would die in book 4. Imo it will be

>White chain

That bite it in this book. Place your bets anons

Servants are immortal because they don't die from old age. They still eat, reproduce, and die when killed like others.
Gog is immortal because her worms are just so many that you can't kill them all. Since she's obviously a lot more worms than what she started as (a bunch of worms consuming a corpse), it can be assumed that those worms eat and reproduce too. They most likely die off over time and are replaced by others.

Sauce? After all of this "Jag is beast" stuff being flung around these threads for years, I need to see screenshots.

The jag beast stuff was always retards, no amount of Aba actually being around would have changed their minds, but he generally does lurk, or at least use to, when they first started the vault heist he made comments on the page art.


>Plot armor tier
>Ghost Zoss

>So okay it hurts tier

>White Chain
>Allison's sorority sisters

>Shaky but probably okay tier


>I've fallen and and I can't get up tier

>The Pursuers
>Praman Vash

>Omae Wa Mo Shindeiru


>These poor savage things will never embrace salvation.

>I will have to rape it into them.

White Chain is a good candidate for death because he can't be truly permakilled, so he can be killed off without it being too sad.

It erases any character arc though.

>Implying this isn't literally what the condom was invented for

Strap your shit so you don't get bugs

He said "not everyone will make it to the end of the story".

>he thinks a pitiful layer of rubber is enough to stop ravenous worms

It works because Gog's a nice queen, she knows you wear them so you don't get bugs!

Of course, if you weren't wearing one, that means you MUST'VE wanted bugs!

>gog, seventh part lord of creation, is a sexually transmitted disease

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Princess can't die before she at least reaches Gold again.

She cute.
Is there more of her?

It would actually be a cooler character arc to have her returned to the flame, get wiped and no longer be a deviant, then get confused why everyone treats her like a female and gets angry at them, till she slowly learns why and finds she still does think of herself as female.

They are the same thing.

why gold specifically? not ebon?

because almost completing the character-goal is an equal if differently flavored gutpunch to 'died after completing it', but 'died midway through their goals' is just lame

If she reaches Ebon she'd just become Valuk against, gold is the highest she'd be and still be Princess.

Gog's feels so out of place, very cartoony which makes sense I suppose.

Incubus is going to eat it for sure. We're in his chapter.

Jadis is fucked imo. She literally wants to die, I think she'll get her wish. Though I suppose she could have cruel fate and outlive everything

Says who? Her original mask was shattered right? Allison gave her a new name and a new mask. She's mostly a new demon from what I understand. A demon cannot lose something as integral to their being as their mask without being fundamentally changed. She's only half of what she once was, like Cio. It's entirely likely that if she ever gets back to ebon then she'll be vastly different than her previous ebon form.

I could definitely see the black girl dying, she's pretty much walking around with a "kill me" sign on her back.

>like Cio. It's entirely likely that if she ever gets back to ebon then she'll be vastly different than her previous ebon form.
Did you miss the part of the story where The blackened name doesn't change, and Cio directly says she'd more than likely revert back to her old self if she became Yald again.

Nah, he has to be around to betray Jagg with Allison

Cio's old mask was put back together by her hubby and that's why she has pieces of her old identity. New mask means that won't happen for most devils.

I feel like Cio is a different story. She was re-summoned using the same mask she originally had and it's implied that that same mask might be bound to a different chunk of black flame than the original Yab. She says that her husband had her called her back from the void, or at least something resembling her.
Princess was bound to a new mask. She forsook her old mask, her very identity and became an unbound devil without a name. And Allison gave her a new name. I guess it comes down to whether or not a devil's black name is tied to their mask or the chunk of flame that is bound to that mask.

>Plot armor tier
Did I miss something? If it's due to the prophecy, then white chain would be plot armored as well.

Sounds like an unnecessary detour for little reward.

>Implying the author would kill off the face of the comic pre-final arc

Absolutely zero chance.

Zoss died in the first few pages of the comic. Yes, he kept on keeping on, but he's still dead.

Note that Vladok/Princess had his mask entirely destroyed, then was rebound using a completely new mask and name, yet still retains his self-identity and memory. Cio was rebound using a reassembled mask and presumably reused name, but from a presumably different lump of untamed chaos.

Neither of Allison's devil companions are perfectly in line with what common understanding of their nature would predict. I think it's rather interesting.

Do not underestimate him, I unironically still consider him a player in this comic still.

He doesn't stops being one until somebody has burned his physical remains on camera and the ghost is dispelled or fucks off - I'm convinced his remains exist obstinately.

It'd be stupid but also great if at some point his headless corpse joins the fight somewhere. Some kinda final battle thing, and Zoss' body is there holding a huge sword or some dumb shit.

>Bow down, you fucking extras

The sword is an idiot's weapon. I can see Zoss wielding a spear, hammer, or just plain using his fists.

True, but Princess' binding was very out of the ordinary because of the key of kings, she still remembers her old life or they she's Oscar's granddad
I think it had to do with the key of kings a and that it was the same mass of black flame that was bound

Attached: Bow down you fucking peasants.png (378x425, 277K)

I don't think you get dubbed "Devourer of Worlds" and "Scourge of Worms" by only parasitising/consuming people upon mutually agreed terms.

>having sex with five Gog-bodies at a time

How many light-years of dick has she taken since the establishment of the Pleasure Dome? Inches (feet? meters?) of dick, per thrust pr minute, per encounter, across all Gog bodies, for eons.

Gog's world was opened during the 2nd conquest, so she hasn't been on throne that long, despite being the oldest of the demiurges

>oh boy i'm going to Gogney World!
>i can't wait to ride 6 times on Big Tapeworm Mountain and then on the Jungleworm Cruise and eat some fluke cake!
>It's a Small Worm After All
Can you believe that the entire entertainment industry of Throne will be destroyed within our short mortal lifetimes?


She's more or less impossible to kill, but one should not forget that other Demiurges can do things like explode an entire continent with one punch.

You can't kill her, but I don't think she would be able to encroache on a Demiurge's world in open warfare. She's bullshit, but no more nor less than all the others.

Grubs and maggots can grow on rotten food and wood, and they are chubbier so they are way better food than worms.

And cricketts and grasshoppers, being crunchy and easy to fry/toast, could be served like cheetos and wasabi peanuts.

No this chapter is for Solomon and Gog.

Jag and Inc still have plenty of mystery around them, and Inc's story will likely wrap up together with Maya's.

Kings don't die when they are killed.

I'm not at all sure that Zoss exists linearly in time. That stuff he said to Alison about "this cycle bearing out differently" sounded pretty suss, the history of Throne hasn't been particularly cyclical so far from what we've seen.

Incorrect. Vladok's mask was shattered, Princess wears a different mask. She's a completely different devil fashioned out of the same black flame. Vladok doesn't exist anymore and never will.
If Princess reaches Ebon again she'll be a completely different Ebon. Yabalchoath's mask was reassembled and she was still changed enough in personality to never want to ascend to her old Ebon self again. Princess' rebinding changed her a lot more dramatically than Cio's.

This is the correct answer.

Lick it slow and long before telling her I could lick some worms she's got stored somewhere else too.

>We can smoothly go straight into the endgame, because we've only supposedly got one more book

Huh?? I was hoping for 7 books... y'know, with the universal number and all that.


Abby said Princess is a special king of keys fuckery devil. They could turn back into Valdok again, we just don't know.

Normal devil rules don't apply to them.

Do you think Abbadon will have the testicles to kill Allison, so Zaid can get her thingie?

>Hay Abbadon nut up and kill your main character so someone else can take over