Marvel to Cancel, Relaunch Entire X-MEN Line

>Writer Jonathan Hickman, who takes over the X-Men franchise with July's House of X #1 and Powers of X #1, says that the "entire line" of X-Men comic books will be canceled to coincide with the launch of the two biweekly titles.

>“I didn’t feel like just doing a new number one was enough. I also didn’t think that if we were serious about what we were trying to do we should have a mixed message in the market about what an X-book is,” Hickman explained of the decision to “So I argued for cancelling the entire line: Why it would work, why it was a good idea, and most importantly, why it was what we needed to do narratively to return the X-Men to their rightful prominent position in the Marvel Universe.”

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Other urls found in this thread: Mutant Quest

>“We needed to sell the idea that this is what we’re going to be doing for the next few years. So if you want to read X-Men books during the run from late-July through September, House of X and Powers of X are the only new X-books available and everything that’s going to follow is based on them,” he continued. “We wanted to be clear to the fans, to the stores, and just as importantly, to the creators who are going to be staffing these books in the future. We wanted the message to be very clear: This is a whole new era for the X-Men. This is what we’re doing now. And so, POX and HOX is how we’re starting. It’s a solid plan, I think.”

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>House of X and Powers of X (to be read "Powers of Ten," like the Roman numeral) will run for 6 issues each over three months, with each title publishing on an alternating weekly schedule.

>Following that, Hickman says Marvel plans to relaunch the X-Men line, with some "traditional" titles, and some new ideas - including a new core flagship X-title which Hickman will write. What's more, it's all part of a multi-year, multi-wave plan to revamp the X-Men. More information will be unveiled at Comic-Con International: San Diego in July.

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Didn't they already do this a while ago?

Oh yay another x men 1 maybe they’ll be super risky and give us another uncanny 1 after this shit show is over

>“At the conclusion of our 12 weeks of HOX and POX, we'll be launching an entire new universe of X-books,” Hickman revealed. “Some will be traditional fare, some carry through on ideas presented in HOX and POX. Some books are completely new concepts. I, personally, will be writing the ongoing flagship X-book.”

>“Now, we're already in production on all of these 'Wave 1' books and our plan at this moment is to introduce the titles, creative teams, and publishing details around SDCC, which is a week before HOX #1 goes on sale. We also just finished our plans for our 'Wave 2' books that will debut in 2020 and we're getting ready to hire talent for those.”

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>“It's pretty exciting, and this kind of long-term planning is one of the benefits of knowing what direction you're headed for the next few years.”

>House of X #1 is due out July 24, followed by Powers of X #1 on July 31.

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Are they going to cancel the Rogue and Gambit book?

So Hickman is staying then

It's a part of the X-line, so yes. I don't expect half measures from this initiative.

Are they going to cancel Deadpool?


The only book that doens't count as an X book is Deadpool.

Deadpool hasn't been an X-book in years user.

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Thank God! The current X-men line of books have been largely boring. And Larroca's art has been shite-tier on Uncanny.

I'd love for them to reboot the line and sell an X-men comic that's engrossing again.

>Deadpool hasn't been an X-book in years user.
Deadpool kid is a x-man.

Mods, this user has been avatarfagging for too long.

She's a mutant but her powers haven't kicked in yet and she isn't attending the school

This kid was black...

Here we go again...

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>Imply that it's a future Nightcrawler spawn and some kind of Magik/Colossus hybrid
>Turns out it's just a miscolored Nightcrawler and Magik.

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We had ResurrXion about two years ago.
Disassembled, less than a year ago.
Now this, probably going to end in late 2020, early 2021 because editorial's not happy with the sales, Hickman's not happy with interfering or something

I quit around the time storms dumb bitch daughter cut his hand.


Hope this means less books. I would say put out one or two X Books to keep a good grip on the story.

Dang, I was liking that book

who's taking over writing Deadpool?
Hopefully Hickman purges the X-offices of all their fat women, Kelly Thompson and Leah Williams suck mad dick at writing

According to the interview this means there will be only two bi-weekly X-Men books: Powers of X and House of X, until Wave 2 where other books will branch out from these two, with creative teams attached and all that. But apparently every other X-book is cancelled, and given how there was an overabundance of X-books until now, this is pretty good news.

I think he means his other "kid"
But Evan isn't part of the X-men after Axis, and....
Where is he now anyway? Is he still living in Deadpool's abandoned house?

>we'll be launching an entire new universe of X-books
This explains why Rosenberg has been able to kill off so many minor characters.
Nothing matters.

I mean the X men books have been shit for two decades now, but if I'm a writer that Hickman's campaigning to get fired I'd be fucking pissed


Can't wait for the biggest chart ever

Why would you cancel and relaunch just to give it to the same garbage writers are are already handling half your universe anyway?

Get new talent.

Is it really Relaunch O'Clock already?

After Secret War, no thanks.

>Get new talent.
>>“Now, we're already in production on all of these 'Wave 1' books and our plan at this moment is to introduce the titles, creative teams, and publishing details around SDCC, which is a week before HOX #1 goes on sale. We also just finished our plans for our 'Wave 2' books that will debut in 2020 and we're getting ready to hire talent for those.”

and if you go further back it's about the fifth or sixth time x-men is relaunching within this decade.

Pretty sure these writers will be back in some capacity later on, it's just that Hickman is taking over and doing a clean slate after years of a constant rambling mess of X-books. Too many relaunches and minis/ongoings that certainly don't go anywhere, and the recent AoX shitshow is a perfect example of this.
I mean, I'm not even an X-Men fan, but even then I used to follow a few books here and there from a couple years ago. Then shit got too convoluted, cancellations came, like four miniseries for Wolverine's return, another miniseries for Cyclops, etc etc, and it's so tiresome that I cannot imagine how it can be for an actual X-Men fan. I swore off on everything X-Men since earlier this year, and the only way I would return is if Hickman's two books are the ONLY books during this period.

>funny books for kids are too complicated for my feeble mind

>actually defending this shitshow
Hi Jordan White

That's not really what I said, but keep trolling I guess.

The franchise is a mess. I think Marvel has legitimately killed it. The hardcore Marvel faithful went away during the Quesada era. The x-books are just running on fumes. And Hickman is not transformative enough to create a new status quo that can make the books top sellers again.

I mean you want more AOX stuff?

The #1s can each have a variant cover that combines to form a massive chart

Wasn't this supposed to be Jean and Bishop's daughter?

Attached: Jean blacked.png (1024x768, 1.19M)

So just because there is a Black kid it has to Bishop's?
Bishop fans are annoying. Hope Jean cucks him with Logan

I will miss Juggernaut.

"Bishop fans"? Dude this is all Jean "fans", and I put it in quotes because a lot of people here hate Jean, but they turn around to defend her because she's getting "blacked" and since she's a redhead, they get even more protective out of some confused white pride shit. Don't get it confused, this isn't at all about Bishop.

It seems like whoever colored these originally fucked up but Marvel went ahead and pushed out the preview images anyway.

Bullshit most Jean fans want her to a "strong independent woman", nobody was asking for her getting niggered by a psycho.

OMG. I can't wait to buy all those new #1's!

Attached: d90.png (644x800, 15K)

When did Bishop fuck Jean?

>Hi Jordan White

Attached: 353.gif (400x190, 1.69M)

Point proven.

I hope Hickman is ready for the absolute asshurt from Xfags he’s going to receive but literally everything he’s saying sounds good. It reminds me of Morrison New X-Men which has me excited. Fuck the losers who just want to rehash Claremont.

That's the thing, he didn't. He's, as the kids say, living "rent free" in those white pride nerds who take panels out of context.

stupid nigger

So I guess that Toad is green again. He has got to be one of the most inconsistently drawn characters ever.

With Avengers last year though rather than having an Avengers line, they compressed it into just 1 team which was a mistake if you ask me

Please observe global rule 3

>You will not post any of the following outside of Yea Forums: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.

>You will not post any of the following outside of Yea Forums: Trolls, flames, racism

Attached: Thanos Think.png (657x657, 128K)

In the Age of X-Man alternate reality, so it doesn't really count.

Specially when every stealthy Avengers group living in the sidelines (like No Road Home's team that later became "Avengers World") is more interesting than the bland Aaron team.

Attached: file.png (600x737, 766K)

See It's not 616, which is where it counts.

that's not a real rule, dumbass
it's just a catchall "gotcha" for when mods feel like going on a power trip and banning people

They're the same 616 characters, they're just trapped in an universe created by X-Man. Eventually the universe will be undone and they will remember their real lives, but also the life they've lived inside that manufactured universe.

It's always like this. Either way you slice it, Bishop fucked and came inside Jean.

Think you’re reading that a little too literally.

So is X-Force getting canceled? And since we are getting new X-books, X-Factor please?

POX is accurate but shouldn't it be HAX?

>It's always like this. Either way you slice it, Bishop fucked and came inside Jean.
Does it get you mad, though?

One avengers team is enough, if you ask me

I don't care about Jean.

Not true. And Young is out after issue 15

This is incredible news.
>Hurr Durr *another* relaunch, Le sigh
Fuck off, this is different, you don't sound savvy

Hell no. Earth is too big for just one team, and besides, having a single take is boring. I agree that some teams might be superfluous, but having an Euro team, a heavy-hitters team and a main one that coordinates the rest is always a good idea.
Besides haven't you read Aaron's Avengers? For all the power they supposedly have, they're constantly getting their asses handed to them.

No, that was just shitposters trying to bait /pol/.

>yadda yadda blah blah blah heavy hitters schlorp
Let me repeat it again: ONLY ONE TEAM OF AVENGERS. Nobody cares about them anyway

You're not getting it, you sub-60 IQ pavement ape
the rule is not enforced. It's a fake rule that nobody actually gives a shit about. It just conveniently lists common elements of a Yea Forums post so mods can ban you whenever they feel like it

Riveting argument, you sure showed me.

Nobody is buying these comics dude
Marvel needs to cut their output way the fuck down

He’s been back with the X-Men for years now. Where have you been?

Only. One. Team. Of. Avengers

> so mods can ban you whenever they feel like it

Like when you break the established, posted rules? Is that what you mean by "whenever they feel like it"?

Oh christ tell me they’re not keeping Emma a villain.

Good, there were too many X-books
Shame for Mr. and Mrs. X though, i was really enjoying that one. Hope they'll have enough time to wrap things up properly.

Found the nigger selfinserting as Bishop.
What does it feel to selfinsert as a failed baby killer

different user, but "posting garbage outside of Yea Forums" is ambiguous enough that even you could be banned for the post you just made.

That book as selling like garbage so of course they were regardless.

The editor in charge of the X-books, dummy

i'm saying this as someone who loved USAvengers and would read the shit out of a Euro Force book:
if a book doesn't sell, there isn't much you can do about it sadly.

Morrison literally rehashed Claremont lol

no, i mean like whenever they feel like it.
The rules aren't established if they're not enforced, and they're not enforced.

Of the things listed, only furry, loli/shota and guro gets regularly deleted.

I want this team.
Let's make it sell, then. Cancel Aaron's and force people to like me! I mean, the book.

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So that's supposed to be Moira McTaggart in the middle, right? Including Apocalypse Moira?
I'm kinda surprised that Moira has managed to stay dead for so long.
And it looks like Pyro and Destiny are back too.

This will be the THIRD time in two years. I can't fucking believe how low the franchise has come to, nothing but constant relaunches

>Of the things listed, only furry, loli/shota and guro gets regularly deleted.
well, I would say only guro gets regularly deleted, albeit that also depends on the context

No he didn’t you retard. Morrison gave the X-Franchise an enema it sorely needed. He embraced the X-Men being weird and did crazy shit which is what Hickman seems poised to do as well.

Why would I care about some office peon?

Don't acknowledge him, he's a literal teenager that has been shitposting in X-Men threads for like a year

>The rules aren't established if they're not enforced, and they're not enforced.
You can get banned or warned for low effort shit like this, though . And that's also in the rules.

>I want this team.
Write a fanfic. That way you'll get exactly what you want and won't be disappointed. I might even give you a like

What a random post, literally out of nowhere

>No he didn’t

>if Hickman's two books are the ONLY books during this period.

Hell is more likely to freeze than that happening.

What part of "in charge" did you not understand?

>Get new talent.
They're too busy doing something better.

He didn't user. That run is only remembered because Cyclops cucked Jean, nothing more.

By principle, I don't write fanfics because that's one less idea they can't use (since writers aren't allowed to steal or be influenced by stories like these or else they get sued). Hell, not even pitches.
It's a catch-22 situation.
We'll see how long it lasts, then. It's unlikely sure, but it's also like 3 months w/o X-Men shit, so it's not such a huge compromise.

You do not go as big as Avengers did, especially in the Hickman era and step back to 1 team. It’s a total backpedal

Then write it for yourself and never share it with others

You can, but it's entirely at the moderators' leisure. They don't actually care about the rules.

See also:
>6. The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

Pyro was actually brought back with no explanation or fanfare not too long ago. He's back to being a bad guy, it seems nobody remembers that he died a heroic death saving Senator Kelly.

Wasn't that a new Pyro? Do they have two around now?

I can't fucking believe the new X-Force's entire story with teen Cable ended up being
>Cause a superfluous revolution at a random former soviet block country and then get kidnapped back to the future by teen Stryfe
OG Cable was murdered for this shit? I didn't know I could get more pissed at the baby Cable shenanigans.

Avengers for most of their publishing history were a whatever book. Ironically, in the 60s, Avengers sold as much as the X-Men, but it was the X-Men that had a hiatus. Avengers are not JLA, never were, never will be. They serve as this mandatory assemble book that nobody reads, but just has to exist

>Marvel needs to cut their output way the fuck down
Over 50% of the market share last month faggot

It was a new one, it seems like even Jordan has no clue about who is who

is that FUCKING MONET????

>what Hickman seems poised to do as well

Morrison had heart and character. Hickman is all plot, horrible characterization and dumbass charts. And I'm sure somehow Dr. Doom will out of the blue steal the show from the X-men in the climax.

and? your point? they'll still be the market leaders, even if they publish less books, unless we just go by quantity over quality. OH WAIT

Yes, she’s one of Hickman’s faves.

>I suspect that last bit also has a lot to do with why we've been in a nostalgic feedback loop for quite a while. Where everyone is telling X-Men stories about other X-Men stories.
Kind of weird for him to say that since everything shown in the promotional materials is a big nostalgia fest with classic characters and concepts and their derivatives. Haven't seen anything actually new yet.

'sup tommy.

>Morrison had heart and character.
Now this is pure bollocks. Of all the things I could say about Morrison's run, there was neither heart nor character. Morrison was taking the piss out of X-Men tropes, the 60s era of the X-men, and Claremont's legacy. I'm really happy that basically everything that Morrison did was retconned back. Now if they only could rid of the school, I would feel an orgasm

A market in which nobody fucking buys anything

Okay I don't think you guys realize that a big reason why Marvel has this huge dominance is also because of the deluge of miniseries due to AoX and the X-Men line. With Hickman's plan, the output will be considerably cut by at least 30%.

Shut up, Millar.

that's never going to happen. He ripped it off of the movies and they were really popular for some reason


If you don't think Xorn's Chinatown story, Beak's arc, Quintin's evolution as a tryhard edgelord just to impress a girl, the special education class, Scott's deconstruction or Fantomex's subterfuge didn't have heart, you're a complete idiot with no taste for anything.

I must admit, this is some god-tier meta-trolling on your part. I feel genuinely flabbergasted

The Pyro seen in Iceman, Weapon X, and Uncanny X-Men was the original, they outright identify him as Allerdyce, he has an Australian accent, and he has those tubes connected to a flamethrower, which the New Pyro didn't since the New Pyro made his own flame.

It's not that the stories didn't intend to have heart, it's just that they didn't deliver on that heart due to limitations of the medium and format.

I don't see why you are so worked up about this.

>I'm really happy that basically everything that Morrison did was retconned back.

And look at the state of the x-books.

Morrisonfags are literately the worst

look at the state of comics

>they didn't deliver on that heart due to limitations of the medium and format
So you're just some moviefag trying to blend in.

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They were until they became a household name. And AvX and the incursions presented a natural trigger that they needed to get bigger with the Hickman era supporting the fact. Hell its growth even started before that with the Heroic Age having multiple Avengers teams and an academy dedicated to training future heroes. Whatever it may have been originally, the Avengers hasn’t been just an ensemble team of nobodies for quite a while

stop pretending Leah Williams isn't a shitty writer, Marvel and kick her to the curb

They were a major thing during the Quesada and early Alonso eras with Hickman and Bendi, which accomplished that by making the Avengers the center piece of the shared universe.

Just look at the state.
Counterpoint: she's good in the books she's been.

>Where have you been?
Avoiding X-books.

B-but big tits!

user, let me remind you of something. avengers were d-list team that had so-so sales. good enough to continue, but not good enough to be a hit. THEN, House of M happened, THEN Bendis became the main writer, THEN Wolverine and Spider-Man joined the team, THEN every issue was a crossover with some event. You are talking to me, like I was some kind of newfag, when in fact I have a better knowledge both historical and factual

Morrison is well known for setting up stories with heart and emotion and never following through. Joe The Barbarian is prime example.

But look, if you got heart and emotion out of it. Great! I'm just saying that a lot of other people didn't. Accepting others differing points of view doesn't have to invalidate your own.

and that also goes to you tooavengers were big, because they were marvel's priority. they were marvel's priority, because both Spidey and X-dudes were in foreign studios. Now that they're back, there's literally no reason to invest in avengers, especially after endgame

>pls agree with me
user, not all opinions are valid. Yours is not valid. Sorry.

>avengers were d-list team

Say whu?

Attached: 3c239b1e-29ff-44ee-a52f-a882623fd2a8.jpg (900x1349, 322K)

thanks for proving my point, idk if you did it on purpose, though

This. The Avengers are finished.

Seethe more.

>Now that they're back, there's literally no reason to invest in avengers, especially after endgame
The reason is that there won't be any X-Men movies for 5 years. So Avengers have about 4 more years before the X-Men become the priority once more.

One can only hope. I'm really tired of "everyone's an avenger now!" mentality of marvel

>I'm really tired of "everyone's an avenger now!" mentality of marvel

Great! Maybe you'll like our new take: Everyone's a Guardian of the Galaxy Now!

Attached: marvel_who_are_the_guardians.jpg (1200x680, 385K)

Guess not

Isn't marvel really good at planning? I mean, when the inhumans were still supposed to be a thing, marvel already started pushing them in advance for few years before that unfortunate shitty tv sitcom. It's nice that you're worried about the condition of the avengers, but reality is that everyone is more excited about HOW the mutants will be integrated into the MCU (I'm not, though). But remember that at the end of the day, we are talking about comics, and how they will be affected by the movies

Joe the Barbarian is one of Morrison's few misses, it in no way is a good representation of the quality of his body of work properly, especially when it comes to the emotional beats.

Man, I already forgot that GOTG still has an ongoing

A market with 10 customers. Amazing.

You sound like you are working for Grant as a PR Agent

>relaunch as soon as the mouse gets the rights back

>Calls it "The Mouse"

Edgelord detected

>calls it "it"
Another edgelord.

If that was the case, how come there are no Eternals or Shang-Chi comics on the stands right now? There aren't even any announced.

I apologize. You are clearly not an edgelord.

You're a teenage pedant.

Marvel attempted to make Inhumans a thing because Perlmutter who runs Marvel and its publishing unit wanted to make it a thing since they didn't have the movie rights to X-Men. Before Feige broke off from Marvel, Perlmutter had strongarmed him into getting an Inhumans movie that Feige promptly dumped after he started reporting to Alan Horn.

So it's not Marvel being good at planning, it's just that the guy who runs everything had wanted Inhumans to be a big thing for awhile and had almost gotten what he wanted until reality said no.

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Avengers No Road Home served as some sort of re-introduction of Eternals (albeit mostly for Hercules). Eternals are certainly on the table, and I think it's safe to assume that there will be comic. In regards to shang chi, idk about any movie in development

I know why marvel attempted that. It's just that the point was that when something, anything is a priority for marvel, it gets different treatment. One day, Inhumans are in limbo, the other day, they have 5+ books, few events dedicated to them, massive push in media, and so on. Next day, they are back to being in limbo. Same thing should be expected to happen with the avengers, especially after that they even had recently a movie that served as a finale. That's the point

don't lie, her books are bad

Key word, were. That’s not the case anymore especially after it’s been turned into the juggernaut it is today. You don’t get Champaign taste and then go back to cheap beer

Except Cates killed most of them anyway, so it's whatever really. He's a hack.
Don't worry, it's not good anyway. Tomorrow you'll see just how bad.

You want to bet?

Meanwhile back in the real world, nobody cares and the Big Two still circles the quality drain as nothing more then a placeholder for marketable properties.

It’s amazing how ridiculously optimistic these jackasses writing this shit are.

I hope we get charts, lots of them.

Why do you think the MCU will make more than 1 X-Men movie per phase? By the time they make one, they will have spent almost 20 years establishing the existing brands and franchises, they're not going to throw it all away to push only the X-Men. Consider that no X-Men movie has ever grossed higher than a mid-tier MCU movie.

They are basically propagandists for the Big 2.

X-Men is definitely circling the drain and Marvel's own self-sabotage is possibly irreversible.

I'm sorry i insulted your favorite faceless billion dollar corporation. i'll buy a year sub to Disney+ as penance.

I've seen creatives already tossing around the idea of wanting to draw Eternals. I'm sure there's people on the inside already working on them, and if this actually means Eternals, then Ewing basically spoiled it already. If it doesn't, then it's the closest adjacent anyway.
Next year we'll see a lot of reprints and reissues of old Eternals stuff for sure, that's pretty much guaranteed. Then a competent writer (because not every Aaron and Cates chump can write them) will take a stab at them.

dude, you have to be x-tremely naive to think that. there is a reason that a lot of people were afraid of X-men rights reverting back to marvel, becuase it was akin to opening a pandora box. There is a reason that there are still multiple x-books (even if no one reads them). If you don't understand it yet, you will soon

Make Iceman Straight Again

Eternals already have shitload of reprints solicited, so at least there is going on something

I really don't think Hickman is a good fit for the X-Men, but this can only be an improvement.

Say hello to your new master, boys.

Attached: Hickman X Logo.png (1000x1000, 36K)

And the Pyro in X-Men Gold and Uncanny X-Men: Winter’s End is the new one, Simon Lasker

The first issue he killed almost all of them and the rest of the ones that aren’t on Star-Lord’s team now are trying to actively kill him and Gamora. Probably the complete opposite.

Of course he's not. After how he resolved the main plot in Avengers/New Avengers with Doomwank, Hickman's rep as a writer has really plummetted imo.

>With Hickman's plan, the output will be considerably cut by at least 30%
Not if Absolute Carnage is getting the "bunch of other minis" treatment

Obligatory where are these guys?

Attached: 134174-45666-xavier-institute.jpg (400x326, 118K)

Sure, but consider the following: Right now we have War of the Realms and a truckload of X-Men stuff. When Hickman arrives, it will be all the Absolute Carnage stuff but only 2 X-Men books. It will all depend on whether Absolute Carnage will rely on tie-ins or just crossovers.

It's not the 1980s anymore. It's not the 1990s anymore. There are still a lot of X-Men books because Marvel editorial is stuck in the past, or is willing to settle for a large line of books selling 30-40k per month.

The MCU is not going to drop all of the Avengers and cosmic characters and make 3-4 X-Men spin-off movies a year instead, when movies like Black Panther and Captain Marvel made more than any X-Men movie did, and the Avengers are now more popular with normies than the X-Men ever were.

You're going to get new movies, but you're not going to get everything else that's already a part of the MCU to go away. Marvel is never going back to being all about X-Men and nothing else.

Nate's dream world stuff is pretty good, Rosenberg's direction is okay, the execution is where it goes to shit. I have no hope for Hickman to be anything but CONSTANT PLOT BUILD UP to a sudden horrible ending. Hickman is also shit at writing teams.

Fix Psylocke and get her back in the asian body.

Good, they have way too many books. They need quality over quantity. Though I doubt that will happen anytime soon.

>There are still a lot of X-Men books because Marvel editorial is stuck in the past
dude, that's not how business works. they tried to make Avengers a wide line of books, they failed. Same with GOTG. Black Panther. And others that shall not be named. Each and every one failed. You are correct that it's not 90s anymore, but if you just look at marvel's publishing history, at the height of Avengers fame (Civil War/Secret Invasion era), you had at the same time a record amount of various x-books, minis,one-shots, crossovers and so on. Heck, even during shithumans era, you still had shitload amount of x-men stuff even if it was lousy as hell. Meanwhile, FF disappeared for a while. Do you know why? Money.

I'm not saying that MCU will drop avengers, it's just that they won't be the same priority again, like they used to be. I myself don't know what to expect, but believe me, the x-men franchise in proper hands can be basically a money printer. You don't have to believe me, but you better prepare for Wolverine to appear in every MCU movie

>they tried to make Avengers a wide line of books, they failed. Same with GOTG.
GOTG's book under Bendis, as shitty as it was, sold really damn well and to this day is the most successful GOTG book... And guess what, that came AFTER the movies. And Duggan's run that followed it sold better than DnA's run too, which was the main inspiration for the movies.
I think you're talking massively out of your ass here.

Rosenberg's direction is the same old bullshit we get from every bad X-Men writer.
Leaning hard on the terrible dated allegory, making characters act like childish cunts, being dour to the point of tedium, killing minor characters to try upping the stakes, and a fundamental misunderstanding of multiple characters.

One thing you movie-fag casuals fail to understand is that there is big, and then there is influential. Yes, Avengers are big, but they are not influential. The X-Men were both influential in comics with Phoenix Saga, DOFP and others, and in movies with X1, X2, and recently with DP. I don't want to praise the movies, because I didn't like them, but them, along with Spider-Man opened the floodgate for capeshit movies, while at the same time, the comics paved way for stuff like Watchmen

>the comics paved way for stuff like Watchmen
That's a reach

Okay. Let me start again, because you don't understand what I'm talking about. There are marvel properties, and there are x-men. GOTG sold well under bendis, because it was written by bendis, not because it was GOTG. And duggan's run sold so badly that not only they had to overship the book, but also cancel it and replace it with a shitty event. I don't know if it sold better than DnA's run, because I didn't compare the numbers, but it's irrelevant, because DnA's GOTG was the first time since 90s that GOTG had a book, so it was back then a massive risk for marvel to give them another go. And yet, the volume last 25 issues, more than duggan's run

>they tried to make Avengers a wide line of books, they failed.

No they just stopped trying. It worked fine with Bendis and Hickman. But once they stopped using the main avenger book as a tentpole, the franchise withered. But that's more late Alonso era Marvel being a general mess.

>Meanwhile, FF disappeared for a while. Do you know why? Money.

No FF disappeared because Isaac Perlmutter wanted it gone since the movie rights were with Fox. Marvel made it abundantly clear by giving the editing job for FF to the one guy who got all the shitty editing jobs at Marvel nobody else wanted.

The X-books are no longer selling as well as they did in the heyday of the 90s. That is the reality. If anything the changing readership demographics probably has consigned the franchise to the b-list or c-list. The readership being largely apathetic even with the return of Jean/Cyclops/Wolverine signals that X-books are in bad shape.

You do realize that Moore was under huge influence of Claremont? You do realize that Phoenix saga is the first time in history of comic books that deconstructs a good hero into a dangerous villain, long before Marvelman? You do realize that DOFP is one of the earliest dystopian grim futures that later movies like Terminator ripped-off? Not to mention other stories like God Loves Man Kills that are unique on their own.

I hope all the writers in Age of X-Man aren't allowed to do any more X-Men work ever, some of the most boring books ever
besides the Prisoner X one

And somehow, the x-men didn't wither despite being complete garbage, lacking direction, and no one really caring or trying, and so on. Maybe because avengers "fame" was artificially inflated, and didn't have an actual fanbase?

And it was easy to cancel FF, because they were a 30k selling book. And yes, the x-books might not be a massive sellers, but they still make enough money to be produced in ridiculous amounts. And sure, they are in a really bad shape, but they sell good enough anyway. Otherwise they just wouldn't be published period. There is nostalgia, but there are also marketshare and stockholders to satisfy

>And duggan's run sold so badly that not only they had to overship the book, but also cancel it and replace it with a shitty event.
No, it actually sold fine, it was Marvel that retooled it into an Event because of Infinity War, when the whole Infinity Quest thing was just another arc, and "Infinity Warps" wasn't even a thing originally.
>And yet, the volume last 25 issues, more than duggan's run
Duggan's run is 18 issues + Infinity Countdown, which was the bridge arc for Infinity Wars. They lasted pretty much about the same. See, I know my shit because I follow Cosmic Marvel closely. Here's the chart to prove it, even though you'll start screaming "overship!!" without proof.

Attached: GOTG Sales (January 2019).png (2300x1080, 158K)

Why does it seem like Hickman ruins everything he touches

Attached: 1370191050649.gif (94x122, 16K)

user, if it was selling fine, it wouldn't be retooled. I remember myself being surprised that it was selling really badly, it's like people stopped caring about GOTG overnight. And again, DnA volume was like over 10 years after previous one, not to mention that they had a task of reviving a completely forgotten property. Duggan's run followed after Bendis run, not to mention a successful movie, so it should had been at least on the same level in terms of sales as Bendis era, but it wasn't. Despite featuring RR and Groot that are memetically iconic characters already. I don't really know why, but it just wasn't. And the drops in your charts are like "holy shit, what a drop"-tier

Can't wait for all the threads bitching about how x-men is shit now acting like it wasn't shit before.

it's bad enough that we got like 10 threads about "waaah, x-men don't fit the marvel universe! separate them plox" daily. it's especially annoying that before the buyout there were like 10 threads about "waaah, fox gib back the x-men rights to marbel!" daily

*we get

How about bitching about people saying it's great when it's just a different brand of shit

>user, if it was selling fine, it wouldn't be retooled.
Jesus christ you're dense. The reason they did that was because they didn't have an event to capitalize on the Infinity War hype, but it was originally meant to be an arc. In fact the whole thing was going towards making an Infinity Watch until it was clearly derailed by editorial, holy shit. Even with the chart right there, you're still peddling your bullshit.
>And the drops in your charts are like "holy shit, what a drop"-tier
This is how I know you're talking out of your ass: the rise and "drop" are because of Legacy renumbering, every title went back to classic as if to restart the whole line.

What is this even about? It just looks like a giant ball of confusion.

I'm saying it like it is. Normally, you would have both Infinity War and All-New GOTG being published together. Unless you think that marvel would consciously publish less of something that sells?

if you didn't notice, the comment about drops was sarcastic, because obviously, marvel gimmicks tend to inflate the numbers. still, it shows how desperate marvel was in trying to make GOTG happen. And that was the original point - marvel tried, but failed at making GOTG the franchise

This so much. I need an easy to follow, concise pitch or it's like why bother? Rosenberg understood this.

They don't want to spoil it this soon, we'll probably know more closer to the release date.

Considering that Avengers support hasn’t slowed down in the least, it ain’t happening. Hell even with them downsizing to 1 team, they’ve upgraded from the mansion to a fucking mountain fortress with worldwide teleport systems, are connected to Wakanda directly and Marvel lately has lived their big Avenger weekly stories with the latest one setting up for another. The Avengers brand is hardly dropping back to what it used to be

Gender Queer Blue Team
Slay Queen Gold Team

>I'm saying it like it is.
No, you're not, the opposite of that, you're bullshitting even when numbers are presented because you're sticking to a narrative that doesn't fucking make sense. Last (You) for you, because I realize I wasted my time even posting evidence.

>Hickman’s run will be like Morrison’s run where everything new and different will be retconned as soon as he leaves because X-Men editors can’t have anything that goes against the status quo of the X-Men.

I mean I knew it, but I still really hoped that Juggernaut in the X-men again would stay a thing.

AfuckingGAIN???? Goddamnit Marvel, you and your fucking relaunches. Pathetic.
You. Fuck you for being okay with this.

Attached: 1540282694828.jpg (695x750, 75K)

I hate this fucking shitty trope. As much as I hate every single member of the X-Men and every citizen in the Marvel universe being an Avenger at some point, everyome being a Guardian makes even less sense. Marvel's policy has always been quantity over quality and shit like this and their relaunches are when it rears its ugly head.

Attached: DAEB2D07-AE0E-40E1-B7BB-A428437EB6FA.jpg (828x1198, 629K)

over under
it will be called Gigantic X-men #1

Cates is an idiot, no surprise. But again, 90% of them got killed, and like 20% of those are actual GOTG members, past and present.

>>Hickman’s run will be like Morrison’s run where everything new and different will be retconned as soon as he leaves
Fuck you! FUCK!! YOU!!!

I mean: you're 100% correct, but I didn't need to hear it out loud this early, ya know?

Attached: clark.png (205x276, 84K)

That is a thing that truly happened. Zdarsky speaks for us all.

the man has taste at least


>POX and HOX is how we’re starting
"A POX on their houses!"
This shit just writes itself, seriously.

>basically everything that Morrison did was retconned back
most mutants as just deformed freaks with at best useless powers, at worst powers that are as bad as curses, the concept that everyone irrationally hates mutants, x-men who try to keep mutants as a group separate from the rest of humanity are all things introduced by Morrison and that still exist and have ruined them.
I hope hickman will undo those things

>This kid was black...
#GreenWashing #Woke #RabbleRabble

>genocidal maniac and powertripping bitch get together
like pottery

Morrison's run was relatively easy to ignore since Morrison intentionally limited himself to his own little bubble where only like a dozen established characters actually showed up, he ignored all of the other X-Books and the rest of the MU, and viceversa.
Hickman on the other hand is using EVERYONE, and will be controlling the direction of the X-Men line far more closely, and he probably won't ignore the rest of the MU like Morrison did.

Zdarsky has never lied in his life.

that's hard to believe.
Everyone tells a lie sometimes

He only lies in private.

That worked out great for Avengers.

Oh wait it didn't.

How many X books have been canceled and relaunched in the past year alone

>He only lies in private.
With underage boys?

I'm not sure what you mean. Hickman's Avengers sold well (or as much as can be expected in this era of declining sales), and it had a huge impact on the Marvel line even after it was over.

user... He's no Singer.
He's the same guy who insists NOTHING on Marvel sells well except X-Men, don't encourage him.

>most mutants as just deformed freaks with at best useless powers, at worst powers that are as bad as curses
Sounds like the 'jokers' from GRRM's Wild Card series of books from the 90s.

They're gonna to ruin it like they do all the time

>They're gonna to ruin it like they do all the time
Could be. But putting the current lineup out of it's misery would be a mercy killing, senpai.

>And somehow, the x-men didn't wither despite being complete garbage, lacking direction, and no one really caring or trying, and so on. Maybe because avengers "fame" was artificially inflated, and didn't have an actual fanbase?

A large fanbase that supported bad product for decades is nothing to be proud of. Marvel would have felt pressure to change course and fix the books a long time ago, if everyone had quit instead of supporting something they weren't enjoying.

>And it was easy to cancel FF, because they were a 30k selling book.

And now most of the X-Men line is 30k selling books or worse. The fanbase was so large that it's taken a long, long time for things to get this bad, but here it is, and it's getting harder and harder to justify an entire line of books that sell at FF numbers.

There are going to be 3 months where Hickman's two minis are the only X-Men books. If those don't sell significantly better than 30k, there is no argument why Marvel should publish more than 2 X-books per month, when they could devote the talent and budget to something else that might sell better.

Attached: giphy.gif (350x197, 1.17M)

I am talking about his management of the characters. He had zero impact in that regards. And likely it'll be the same for X-Men. Editorial are the ones that'll make the decisions about characters. I don't think he is willing to do the behind the scenes heavy lifting like reading the pitches to get the right creators. That is just not something in his job description.

Nate's going to psychic abort every baby made in his world before reverting back to the real world and turning into a good guy again thus returning to the status quo

>if everyone had quit instead of supporting something they weren't enjoying
How new are you, user?

Attached: marvel trolls for sales.png (607x775, 462K)

Right. X-Men is going the way of many of its Teen Titans and LoSH. It just took longer because it had a larger fanbase and better management. But undoubtedly the franchise is dying.

He's right though.

They'll sell fine, and then we'll get the main book, the kids book, the Wolverine book, and the edgy book as always.

>undoubtedly the franchise
>which has just been acquired by Disney
>is dying
Marble has their own li'l Ladderbro! ADORABLE!!

We're talking comics here. Movies are whatever, they'll use the best arcs possible to get butts in the seats, but X-Men comics have been the most relaunched, retooled, reworked and cancelled of the last couple of years, and personally I think people aren't talking enough about it because they keep insisting the X-Men are big sellers.

Brevoort is an idiot, if an idiot in a position of power at Marvel, and as wrongheaded as his anger = sales plan is, there is a big difference between publishing books that intentionally make readers angry, and publishing books that are just bad and nobody likes them. The X-books have been doing the latter.

Aren't you tired to spam the same garbage over and over, Tommy?
Shouldn't you start to think about doing something with your life or you simply gave up after even leddit rejected you?


Attached: x-books.png (1987x819, 696K)

>seems like whoever colored these originally fucked up but Marvel went ahead and pushed out the preview images anyway.
What are you morons even babbling about? Red Elf and Girl Colossus with Magick's Soul Sword showed up on the very first preview.

Attached: houseofxpowersofx_1_0.jpg (2100x1830, 977K)

So, X-Men is officially finished. Fucking figures.

Look at how many failed attempts at doing junior X-Men there has been since the end of the 90s. These properties at the edge have been failing or been kept alive by events and crossovers mostly. The X-books have been in a bad place for awhile. The symptoms are just more obvious now. People not giving a shit about the return of Jean, Scott and Wolverine being the most obvious of all this.

Quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, flies like a duck...

X-men more than any other franchise on earth, with the possible exceptions of Spider-Man in regards to OMD, have been harmed by status quo (and Marvel deliberately trying to kill them because movie rights).

They sorely needed a soft reboot, but if's just a rehash, which it likely will be, this will be nothing but cancer for the brand.

>"waaah, x-men don't fit the marvel universe! separate them plox"
I don't see how you tell an ongoing narrative in a universe where Jean Grey could solo the planet for mutant rights.

>he ignored all of the other X-Books and the rest of the MU
He's as far up his ass as bendis, see DC when he was supposed to set the directions.
>and viceversa
HA, we wish.

I'm scared, anons. I liked his FF a great deal. And his SW. But his Avengers, I don't like. Too much assholery in all directions, heroes acting like edgy crapsacks, instead of, you know, heroes.FF and SW had the FF at the core, who are, usually, a happy family, so the edginess was kept away, but I fear his x-men will be a lot like his avengers. Hickamn on x-men is something most of us in theory have been waiting for, but actually, I doubt it'll be fun to read.

>Look at how many failed attempts at doing junior X-Men there has been since the end of the 90s.

Did they fail or were they sabotaged? I remember a lot of random characters that were very popular around here randomly getting killed off by shithead writers.

...They're superheroes. They don't solo the world for rights. That's how it works.

They're certainly planning to do that, and the better those two minis sell, the more chance it happens. But if they don't at least double sales from 30k, it starts getting difficult to justify launching 4 books, and you maybe have to settle for just the main book and the Logan one.

> and personally I think people aren't talking enough about it because they keep insisting the X-Men are big sellers.

Bendis was unironically right when he talked about the X-Men fandom being full of paranoid delusional conspiracy theorists. A huge amount of them are in denial about the long slow decline in sales over 15-20 years because they were still enjoying some of it. What remains of the fandom mostly enjoyed Morrison, Whedon, Kyle/Yost and the Messiah trilogy, and have convinced themselves the books were still the best-selling comics in the industry that whole time, until Ike and the MCU ruined everything for them. 20+ years of being on top and having their every whim catered for created a lot of entitled fans who thought the good times would never end, and can't accept that they ended a long time ago.

>most of us in theory have been waiting for
[citation needed]

>evil Emma
Already noping out. This just means that White still retains some level of power which means the X-Men aren't going to actually improve.

The problem with the X-men isn't them ignoring the rest of the Marvel universe. That shit occasionally gets in the way, but it's not that bad.

The problem is the rest of the Marvel Universe ignoring them. Where's a story where Cap and the X-men both show up at the scene of some corrupt cops abusing a newly awoken mutant, the cop kicks the kid, and then Wolverine moves to slug the cop only for Cap to knock the cop the fuck out before he can?

Superhuman registration caused a Civil War. Mutant registration caused jack and shit.

>...They're superheroes. They don't solo the world for rights. That's how it works.
Uh...what about both Civil Wars?

White is still editing the books and he hates hero Emma because it happened after 1992 so yes.

>...They're superheroes. They don't solo the world for rights. That's how it works.

Which is incurably retarded, and you are a retard for thinking it's acceptable. You can't write legislation discriminating against gods. You would be smote.

>20+ years of being on top and having their every whim catered for created a lot of entitled fans who thought the good times would never end, and can't accept that they ended a long time ago.
Dude the worst part of it is that, even during the big Inhumans push, they NEVER stopped releasing X-Men books, they still had plenty. Once it ended, all they did was triple the amount of books with the exact same creative team behind the Inhumans, to add insult to injury.

Where are they going to get "new talent" from? There's no writers to be sure but the talent just isn't there. If it was DC and Marvel would've been able to find it in the last few years.

What about that time Thor told everyone to fuck off, he's settling Asgard in Midgard?

How do you figure she's gonna be evil? Because she's frowning?

Good Emma (mostly while being dicked by Cyclops) > Evil Emma >>>>>>>shit>>>>>>>>>> Edgy Black King"rogue antihero" Emma

Not him, but...

>Bendis was unironically right when he talked about the X-Men fandom being full of paranoid delusional conspiracy theorists.
The ones who guessed right that Marvel sabotaged them because of movie rights...

>A huge amount of them are in denial about the long slow decline in sales over 15-20 years because they were still enjoying some of it.
Not very fair when you have morrison flip shit upside down, then "No more mutants" (wonder who wrote that), then a bendis run (he likely said that to justify his own sales drop, too), then the IvX fiasco...

>What remains of the fandom mostly enjoyed Morrison, Whedon, Kyle/Yost and the Messiah trilogy
Notice not a lot would agree about these three runs. Kyle/Yost was the closest to the good Claremont days, not sure how sales went.

>the quality of the entire franchise is dependant on one villain being written as a hero

Is this a waifu thing?

>being dicked by Cyclops
Emma said during Death of X that Jean was the only person Cyclops ever loved, making that entire relationship toxic and pointless.

>the quality of the entire franchise is dependant on one villain being written as a hero
>Is this a waifu thing?
Who said anything about Game of Thrones?

Oh some of them will be back. Maybe not Brisson but no way will White allow his ventriloquist dummy Rosenberg to go anywhere. He'll be given one of the top non-Hickman books to be sure.

I'm fully expecting whatever teen/next generation book comes out (because there probably will be one) to be shit and further continue to at best ignore, at worst shit on the New X-Men era characters. They're my favorite generation of next gen mutants but that's all they've existed for over the last decade.

That was mostly government lapdogs hunting down heroes and them resisting. You're thinking of stuff Magneto would do in his heyday.

That was Iron Man spouting his "register" bullcrap. That was Thor's nice way of saying "no". You realize he could lead a bunch of literal gods and fuck shit up irremediably just like he pointed out to Tony, and half the heroes would probably be like "oh that's fair, guess I'll have to sit this one out, I don't have a license". But he didn't.
He had also been itching to give Tony a piece of his mind about lots of bullshit like making murder-clones without permission, murdering friends and the like.

Aw you're cute.

>Dude the worst part of it is that, even during the big Inhumans push, they NEVER stopped releasing X-Men books, they still had plenty.

"There were only five X-books a month! Five! You can't understand what that was like!"

>Once it ended, all they did was triple the amount of books with the exact same creative team behind the Inhumans, to add insult to injury.

"They gave Karnak a book! Karnak! That was just adding insult to injury when important characters like Sage, Lifeguard, Pixie and Hellion weren't appearing anywhere!"

>40% of current Marvel books are X-men or X-adjacent
>"wHeRe'S mUh StOrM bOoK tHo?

Silly user, don't you know that x-men stopped before bendis took them and nothing has been written since?

The X-Men have been shit since House of M killed the Morrison era status quo. That was the last time it felt like there was any sense of direction, energy and new ideas in the line. Which is why whatever new direction Hickman tries to push the line will just get abandoned immediately by shortsighted editors who want X-Men to remain in the mid-'80s status quo forever.

>like making murder-clones without permission
To be fair, that was Skrull sabotage. And his response was severe.

I'm excited AND worried for this but at least X-Men will be interesting. I'm slowly catching up on Uncanny and it's a bore with bad art. I've got all the Age of X stuff to read too but I'm not excited for it.

I have no desire to read all these interviews and hype which is weird. Plz don't fuck up my favs too bad Hickman

Attached: bill s dani.jpg (407x540, 77K)

>"There were only five X-books a month! Five! You can't understand what that was like!"
Now let's talk about the readable ones...

It's like when Brevoort was blaming readers who wanted a Fantastic Four book for not buying them. "Oh sure we turned Reed into a total dipshit in Civil War, and since then we had a bunch of Fantastic Four books that didn't even feature them, so what?"

>Giving a shit about X-Men books in 2019

Why tho?

Attached: 1542989862218.jpg (323x297, 20K)

I'm hype.

Fuck you guys

The whole concept of cloning an old friend, shitting his image and using him as a weapon sounds disgusting by itself, man.
Sure I blame the shit writers, not the characters, but still.

>Morrison's run was relatively easy to ignore
The "mutants now number in the millions, live in their own neighborhoods and are developing their own culture that interacts in new ways wiht the dominant majority culture" shit was Morrison's entire thing and prevalent throughout every fucking X-book from the start of his run until House of M. Books like X-Statix, Academy X, District X, probably something like Mystique and a lot of others produced during that time are almost impossible without the status quo for the X-Men that Morrison established.

The entire point of Morrison's run is what Hickman says here: that it's stuck in the past and it needs to start moving on from the narrative anchors and self-referential bullshit and move forward into the 21st cenury. The execution wasn't always there (especially in his handling of Magneto because despite that Morrison hated anti-hero/anti-villain Magneto because he himself was stuck on the Silver Age version of the character) but the sentiment was pretty spot on.


Heroes get replaced by clones and alternate universe versions of themselves all the fucking time. Fuck TONY is a merger of multiple versions of himself. Their friends and family tend to not give a shit. Why should Tony have thought Thor wouldn't want a Thor protecting earth?

He wasn't trying to shit up his image or use him as a weapon of murder. That was Skrull sabotage. And certainly the clone didn't deserve to be murdered (albeit he got better from both the hacking and the being dead and...has basically been doing fuck all since, right? The fuck has Ragnarok been up to?) for being hacked.

>Look at how many failed attempts at doing junior X-Men there has been since the end of the 90s.
In all fairness I think a lot of that is an ego thing. Each writer wants to leave their mark on the X-Men and an easy way to do that is by coming up with your own next generation of future X-Men who can grow up and carry the team (and thus franchise) into the future.

The problem is that for the most part little thought is put into them beyond that so they're often just mansion/school background filler. Also a new writer comes in with a new status quo and wants to leave their mark which means the old writer's next genners have to at a minimum be marginalized in favor of your own. Then you run into the issue of the editors, writers and others not wanting to move on from the '80s. You can't really have a "next generation of X-Men" when the same people are maxing up the team 35 years later and looking to go nowhere soon. So where does that leave the next genners?

X-Force in the '90s had the right idea post-Liefeld and especially post-O:ZT. That the New Mutants realized that they couldn't just be the Junior X-Men forever and would always live in the shadow of the senior members if they hung around so they needed to strike out on their own, away from the X-Men, and craft their own identity as heroes and young adults. Generation X existed which would've otherwise made them redundant and by the end of Generation X you had members actually graduating onto the X-Men (Chamber and Husk) or other avenues like X-Corporation that the characters could go. Then of course New Mutants v2/Academy X wasn't about "the next generation of X-Men" but instead was about Xavier's as an actual school there to educate and provide a solid foundation for young mutants wherever things would take them in the future.

>Why should Tony have thought Thor wouldn't want a Thor protecting earth?
He wasn't fending off Galactus, he was being used to lock up heroes because of some random law.
Using it to protect Midgard without permission might sound fair. Telling Captain America's friends to stop saving the day, surrender their secret identities or get thrown into the Negative Zone sounds like something Doctor Doom would do. It shits one's image by default.

Kyle/Yost's New X-Men run actually did a good job with the graduates... AFTER they stopped killing off random students.

>The ones who guessed right that Marvel sabotaged them because of movie rights...

And what did that 'sabotage' actually amount to in the comics? The line reduced to five books per month, long after sales had declined to a point where this was justifiable, and another "mutants face extinction" storyline, where the two significant characters to die both returned within 3 or 4 years.

The level of overreaction was vastly disproportionate to what actually happened.

Because most of the audience that's left loved the Morrison era, nobody talks about how the drastic status quo shift hurt the mainstream appeal of the books a lot. Morrison and Whedon's own fanbases made up the sales for a while, but a lot of the old audience was lost due to the speed and scale of the changes. In long-term effect it's actually a more significant moment in the slow decline of the franchise than Ike's Inhumans push ever was. Decimation was an attempted course-correction that was botched by veering into edgelord extinction stories instead of trying to return to the old status quo.

his best issues were literally retreading someone else's ideas

>Each writer wants to leave their mark on the X-Men and an easy way to do that is by coming up with your own next generation of future X-Men who can grow up and carry the team (and thus franchise) into the future.
When will they learn.

Attached: X-Men generations.jpg (700x643, 205K)

honestly i cant wait for this

i have waited since morrison/wheddon runs for x-men to be relevant again


House of M killed all of this and everything just became tightly bound to the main X-Men. Creating junior X-Men is useless now because those characters a.) will never be X-Men and b.) never allowed to be heroes away from the X-Men. You sure as shit won't see Loa or Sprite as part of a new New Warriors or a bunch of the younger characters just splitting off to make their own team.

Meta-wise it'll never happen because the way sales are measured and the way comics are done is archaic and the entire structure of how comics are set up now (only "important" stories matter so that's the only things that get bought meaning WE NEED EVENTS) means that spinning off, say, a bunch of teen characters into their own book and letting it run is impossible. It won't be seen as important so nobody will buy it. It'll sell under 30k by issue 2, under 20k by issue 5 and be cancelled by issue 10.

Doing it in the style of, say, manga -- and by that I mean letting the newest issues be read for free in an online reader ala a Mangadex or some online Japanese magazines like Gangan Online and then charging (affordably) for the collected edition and a subscription fee for back issues -- is something that seems inconceivable to not just Marvel but among western comic publishers as a whole.

So editorially/creatively the environment is anathema to junior X-Men teams, the readership will never care about them because their minds have been warped to only care about things that are "important" (i.e. events), and the actual distribution methods/shortsightedness of suits mean that if a book isn't an immediate success it has no opportunity to grow because the actual distribution methods are against it.

>the two significant characters to die both returned within 3 or 4 years
Because it tanked harder than they expected, since the Inhumans replacement fortunately didn't work out.
Do you think all Wolverine fans were that into Millar's Edgy Future Wolverine Who Also Just Happened To Get A Movie? Maybe Cyclops fans were interested in bendis' alternate past Cyclops? Iceman Is Fresh Gay Boogaloo? They were going for a non-existing new market, and giving nothing to existing fans, that's the point.

Two of them died in the current shitshow and I wouldn't be surprised if Hickman removes them from continuity entirely.


I wanna know what happened with my girl Emma Frost since the end of the Bendis run, and now that we are at it, with the whole X-Men line. What's the new status quo? Anyone willing to tell?

Attached: emma-frost_marvel_gallery_5c4e11d7f26c5.jpg (700x1000, 169K)

as long as marvel continues to only publish sjw and feminist crap it doesn´t really matter
one modern comic is as bad as the next one since they are all the same. anti white male propaganda full of censored female costumes

got a magic breast reduction and now wears a burka to reflect marvel feminist attitude

Oh, Jesus, it’s you again. Just leave and get laid.

So is Inhumans canceled?

The other guy is trolling. It was actually revealed she's doing some sort of mental glamour and she's actually pretty fat, but she conceals her true appearance from the others as a coping mechanism. This was explored in X-Men: Gold and her Secret Empire tie-in.

I'm fucking glad I'm not the only one who noticed that same guy always posts the same shit. Just wait until he starts with:
"sex sells and Marvel is fully censored now
give us thongs and skimpy dresses
but feminists and liberals won't allow it"

>Havok is a shota
Umm ok

Is it wrong that I want to write a book about a bunch of students that are explicitly not "the next generation of X-Men?" They still have actually useful powers and fight villains, but it's all bunch of d-listers and they're not stuck in any grand story arcs.

You forgot to mention leotards

> "I didn’t feel like just doing a new number one was enough. We need to do new number ones of EVERY X-BOOK in hopes of briefly inflating sales."

Fixed that for you, Hickman.

Motherfucker, I knew I was missing something.

Let me look into my crystal ball to tell you how is run will go.

>a new grave threat of cosmic importance
>associated in some manner with some kind of retconned in secret history that's been opposed/directed by a secret cabal of important mutant figures throughout history
>extreme measures must be taken to ensure the world/mutants survive but two leaders will end up on opposing sides, probably Cyclops and Magneto
>lots of charts everywhere
>kids and a new generation that ultimately goes nowhere
>somehow Doctor Doom is the final boss

>Xavier going public with his mutant identity
>The School actually being a real school for mutants
>The Cuckoos, Quentin Quire, Cassandra Nova
>Emma Frost joining the X-Men and being a LI for Cyclops
>Jean becoming the White Phoenix
>Weapon X actually stands for Weapon 10
Literally everything about the modern X-Mythos has its origin in Morrison and Whedon’s shit

>if they only could rid of the school, I would feel an orgasm
Fucking why? What the fuck do X-Fags even want at this point. The last decade has been a Claremont nostalgia fest and it has fucking sucked.

FWIW I once had an idea that involved Preview coming back with her powers and the belief that she's seen her sister alive. The X-Men say that they don't have the means to investigate so Hellion, pissed, leaves with some of the other teenage/next gen characters to help her. It would've been more about these kids who feel forgotten and ignored trying to find their own place in the world away from the X-Men which is, of course, kind of a meta-commentary on how these characters are treated.

But I'll never be in a position to do anything like that (i.e. writing professionally and especially not at Marvel and especially not with enough clout to have that level of creative freedom) so it's all little better than fanfiction ideas.

you guys really need to get some help if you think every user disagreeing with you is the same person

I'm sure you can do a text search and you can find the exact same writing pattern in similar threads. The "leotards" thing is actually quite on point because the guy always complains that women in Marvel aren't wearing them anymore therefore they're censored, unsexy, and anti-white for some reason. It's not some ladderbro shit, even.

well releasing is #1 with at least 3 variant covers is the only way marvel manages to sell more then 80k issues
of course if they finally decided to stop only writing sjw stories they wouldn´t have to relay on this strategy but I guess Disney is pretty insistent on that part

>most mutants as just deformed freaks with at best useless powers
As opposed to the cringeworthy “all these beautiful supermodels with god-tier powers are stand ins for blacks/gays/Muslims”? I mean good God the whole allegory for minorities bullshit was always fucking retarded when even Kirk was living in a mansion and fucking 10/10’s.

I haven't really cared about Marvel since his Avengers run ended, this is the first time I'll be checking in again.

Don't let me down, Hickman.

Attached: 1337704781620.png (457x351, 121K)

>Muh comfiness
>Muh feel good stories
Fuck off

Feige didn't want to make an Inhumans movie, Ike didn't want Captain Marvel. Feige won, and Ike made Inhumans as a TV series instead.

>muh edge
>muh earth-shattering stories where everyone just dies
You first.

>Ike didn't want Captain Marvel
Nor Black Widow. So it's a double-fuck you what's coming next year.

granted I don´t go to Yea Forums much these days but I don´t remember seeing any leotard threads recently but since it is so specific it could very much be just one dude doing the same post over and over again I don´t know. Then again women do no longer wear leopard in comics thanks to sjws so it wouldn´t really be that shocking for several anons to point that out every now and then considering how extreme the switch has been.
the other topic is more broad but also a fair criticism of the current state of comics.
saying that everybody who complains about sjws in comics must be the same guy is like saying that everybody who posts "have sex" must be the same user as well.
it´s ridicules and a childish world view.
I think you are just triggered that somebody complains about your golden cow which is "sjw politics"

X-Fags can’t accept that they’re no longer the top dog. As a Superfag I can kind of understand, it’s hard to go from the 90s where Superman had 4 solos to where we are now. I’m also a Hulkfag and good God has the last last two decades post-PAD been fucking awful until Ewing took over. But the Avengers are Marvel’s premier team right now. The 90s are over, time to evolve or die.

What a fucking retard. What the hell do we even get from a villainous Emma these days? It’s not like she stopped doing shady shit when she joined the X-Men.

The simplest reason why there's less costumed heroines in leotards is because they're basically color swaps of one another. It's the least creative shit ever that got a pass back in the day but as art improves (YES, improves, shit like Squirrel Girl and the like are fringe cases), it's less excusable.
If you wanna blame SJWs and all that ordeal that's your problem, I'd rather listen to the artists who have talked about this before.

Attached: mystique_elektra.jpg (494x589, 99K)

I wonder if the leak that the Black Widow movie being about Yelena Belova and not a ScarJo prequel is true

She now wears a black version of her sexy outfit since she's taken over as Black King of the Hellfire Club after overthrowing Shaw. She's used her powers to make the X-Men forget about her and thus not go after her.

>same writing pattern in similar threads.
there is only so many ways you can say "comics don´t feature sexy ladies anymore" without repeating yourself you retard.
it´s not like the user is wrong. just look at the white queen. can´t even recognize her anymore

Not necessarily. I’ve been reading a lot about the current status of the comic industry and a lot has changed. Used to be working for the Big Two was the end goal, but now with Image and other indies, things have changed. You don’t waste your best ideas on DC or Marvel because you lose out on a shitload of money. Instead you work at Marvel or DC just long enough to build up a following and then you leave to go do indie work. See Remender and Fraction.

The school means that the books are full of some writer's OCs, at best filling the background, at worst taking up time and space where most readers want to see the actual X-Men. The school setting also ages the core cast and makes them into authority figures, making most readers identify more with the OC teens over them.

It's not doing anything positive at all for most of the adult cast.

I don't know about that, I read earlier that ScarJo is getting a $20MM paycheck for it, so it can't be just a cameo for that hefty check.

Based. I am too user, Yea Forums just wants to hate Hickman for some retarded reason.

>, I'd rather listen to the artists who have talked about this before.
well the leopard thing isn´t my fight. I just found it typical for Yea Forums delusion to claim that everybody who doesn´t like the current sjw state in comics to be the same person.
>I'd rather listen to the artists who have talked about this before.
you mean the artists which have talked about how marvel and dc told them to stop drawing their female characters in revealing outfits, sexual poses and overall tone down their body shapes?
>Squirrel Girl and the like are fringe cases
ok you are just full of shit. no reason arguing with somebody who is either full of shit or as delusional as a member of a suicide cult

>It’s not like she stopped doing shady shit when she joined the X-Men.

It's precisely this reason why the books need to stop having characters like her or Magneto join the X-Men. They can't be calling themselves heroes and wanting to be trusted, accepted and tolerated when they're recruiting criminals, killers and terrorists.

Honestly, while there's a few who might actually hate the guy, most are at the very least mildly interested in this. Even me, who doesn't care much about the X-Men, wants to check it out.
>ok you are just full of shit. no reason arguing with somebody who is either full of shit or as delusional as a member of a suicide cult
I'm sorry but if you really think Erica Henderson's art is prevalent in more than ONE Marvel comic then you're the delusional one. You have Larraz, Saiz, Dauterman, Carnero, Noto, Medina, Hyuk Lee, Stegman, Izaakse, Vecchio, Klein and Libranda doing regular art, but you're focusing on the art of the book for literal kids.

While this is true, and the reason most new Big 2 characters over the last 20 years or more have just been variations on existing characters, it's also true that it's incredibly difficult to succeed with a non-Big 2 superhero comic. Invincible was the only notable success since 1990s Image.

>You have Larraz, Saiz, Dauterman, Carnero, Noto, Medina, Hyuk Lee, Stegman, Izaakse, Vecchio, Klein and Libranda
Differten user but none of those guys still draw chicks attractive so it doesn´t matter

>can't fap to it so it's bad
Yeah, fuck right off.

>I'm sorry but if you really think Erica Henderson
no I know that most of the other marvel artists aren´t much better then him either. I really can´t tell you the last time I thought that a marvel book had good art or even art which came close to the average comic from 2004 - 2010

>Larraz doesn’t draw sexy women

>no I know that most of the other marvel artists aren´t much better then him either
Yep, delusional to the core. Jesus fuck.

>beauty is sexist
what ever tumblr. at least you don´t deny that f female heroes have been made ugly because feminists cried on twitter

no just not blinded by identity politics like you

"Beauty" isn't softcore pornography, imbecile.
All that Shadman rotted your brain, if you really think Larraz or Medina are in any way similar or equivalent to Henderson.

showing stuff like this isn´t softcore either. it´s rated t for teen yet if larraz drew something like this now he would get fired.

Attached: Pepe-Larraz-2-spiderman-academia-c10-carlos-diez.jpg (650x1003, 182K)

>softcore pornography,
why do liberals always claim that showing of some skin = porn?
their need make everything about sex and gender is disgusting.
next you are going to say that women shouldn´t show of their ankles as well

>he would get fired.
LMAO the extreme persecution complex.
>why do liberals always claim that showing of some skin = porn?
No imbecile, you're the one equating "beauty" with bitches showing a cameltoe. Motherfucker there's more to beauty than appeasing your dick. Oh and inb4 "hurrr sex sells so it's only fair that BLAH BLAH BLAH I NEED TO FAP" because you're that predictable.

>He embraced the X-Men being weird and did crazy shit
so he copied Claremont

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I like her Barbarella/Dejah Thoris

Attached: Barbarella_Dejah Thoris #003 (2019) - Page 22.jpg (1987x3056, 737K)

What is going to happen to Gabby and Laura? I love their book

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I don't understand why everyone gives Morrison credit for this, Claremont had done this with Artie, Leech, and the Morlocks already

the 2000s were a glory day for X-men though. You had X-tatics, Carey's X-Men Legacy, Spurriers stuff, Hine, Kyle and Yost. Far better than the 90s shit

You're the one person that does

Wait so how do they bring back Charles?

Emma is pretty based when she is fat

Attached: emma fat.jpg (799x618, 356K)

>proudly hosted on Photobucket
This takes me back.

Charles is already back.

>House of X and Powers of X (to be read "Powers of Ten," like the Roman numeral) will run for 6 issues each over three months
>inb4 Yea Forums gets completely triggered 6 months from now because there's a new #1 and they still go into a total sperg fit over numbering
I can see it now. "Hurrr duur they're relaunching AGAIN it must've been really unsuccessful! Nobody is buying it! Yet another reboot!" Completely forgetting it was planned from the start like literally all modern Marvel comics.

Honestly, I don't even know if these two books are like House of M and Age of X-Men.

>there's more to beauty than appeasing my dick
Nah. It's not beautiful for me, then.

Then see


This book just sounds like a disaster because I don't think anyone is going to understand what it is. Like, is it another alt dimension? Is it the X-Men in their own world? Why is there so much fucking 80's and 90's nostalgia? Is this going to be another case of a creator putting their foot down on which characters matter and erasing all other mutants?

And I strongly doubt that Hickman will write a concise story over two 6 issue arcs. Hell, I'm still struggling with how that bald girl is wearing the O5's Jean Grey outfit.

Xavier came back last year, his mind is inside of Fantomex's body now while Fantomex is in the astral plane temporarily.

>not smart enough to appreciate a Hickman chart comic

lol go read Bendis or something brainlet

Attached: image71[1].jpg (1048x1600, 464K)

That's not what he meant and you know it.

The Black Monday Murders is SO FUCKING GOOD

Okay so I’ve only been making my way through Claremont’s run and the most recent uncanny with very limited knowledge about what happened in between. How did Prof X come back and why isn’t he with the x men now?

why cant marvel pull a crisis and reboot their entire universe?

Because some people can't accept things that are different from their childhoods. A lot of people grew up with Emma as a member of the Hellfire Club and sure it doesn't matter that for most of her existence she was a hero (around 11 years as a villain vs. close to 25 years as hero) that's what they remember so that's what they want.

Funny enough there's actually an interview with White about her from a day or two back and though he goes on about how much he loved her in Morrison's and Gillen's runs he also said he doesn't like her as an X-Man (which I don't know how you square those two contradictory opinions away) and, more importantly to me, that he never read Generation X as it was coming out. Just inferring/guessing but I get the impression that White was familiar with Emma from reading old Claremont Uncanny (or at least Dark Phoenix Saga) so he likes Emma as being probably the things he liked from the Morrison/Gillen stories (Emma as snarky/witty and confident) but filtered through his likely original impression of Emma (the villain from the Dark Phoenix Saga). That he missed out on all of Emma's development as a character throughout Generation X speaks volumes to me.

Why? I'm not saying it /has/ to be beautiful for me, they can chase other audiences. But every "neglected" audience can voice their displeasure and try to draw attention to them.

Who's in the middle of this pic? Kitty?

I'm very much aware of that and it's something I've kind of been critical of: no matter where you're working you should put in your best effort. If you're going to half-ass it at Marvel or DC why would anyone want to follow you to your own creator-owned projects? You've given them a bad impression. With royalties from outide media (film, TV and so on) you'll likely be getting a check if characters or stories you created are used and adapted anyway so it's not like there's no financial incentive.

It's not like guys like Remender or Gillen or Fraction wrote complete garbage at Marvel. In fact they really built their names by writing quality comics (fuck, Gillen got his start at Marvel doing a last minute fill-in run for Thor during Siege) and it wasn't until late in their runs there that things started going south (Remender from creative unhappiness due to editorial for example).

But people think they're going to get that Kirkman or Millar money and just think being able to slap (Uncanny X-Men) as a parenthetical next to their name on cover blurbs is all that'll be needed to sell their non-Big Two work. Because they're dumb.

The Marvel Multiverse is like a machine. When a part breaks, it's simply replaced.


I wish anyone who used that argument would get tossed out of a high rise window. It shows that the people making it are creatively bankrupt and really do see the characters as nothing more than self-insert wish fulfillment because eww who wants to be old and married when I can be a handsome man in some undefined age (but no older than late 20s) who can be in constant love triangles with hot superhero chicks?

It's like the western cape equivalent of waifubait/fetishbait romance manga like Komi-san or Nagatoro where the MC is a completely bland non-character so the otaku reading the series (and the author writing it) can self-insert easier.

This is what Professor X looks like now. Not even kidding.

Attached: Man Called X.jpg (1975x1167, 604K)

>can walk
>can also grow hair

Xavier confirmed unstoppable

I guess nobody at Marvel that wants the X-Men knows how to write the X-Men.

There's no one left in the readership who believes in teachers.

*Sticks out a finger to Rosenberg*

Basically bullshit with the shadow king in the astral plane and he ended up taking Fantomex's body to come back. He wiped the team who saved him memories except for Psylocke. He resurfaced for a mission with the remaining members of the original 5 calling himself X. After the mission was done he wiped their memories of him.

I like how X-Men twitter is butthurt about all the women writers being dropped, it's because they fucking sucked, and not in a good way

>Is wearing white and has an X on her uniform


What the hell is that?

Why does the dude not want his friends to know he’s alive

>he ignored all of the other X-Books and the rest of the MU, and viceversa.
The best kind of book

Its so hard to care anymore about this stuff. It feels like relaunches happen every week now.

The whole machine has been trash for years and years

Because those were still just token ugly mutants you barely ever saw while 99% of the mutants that appeared in the book didn't have that problem. That's why people always talked about how the X-men all look like super models. Morrison's run also way more heavily pushed the notion that ineffective powers were quite common, unlike Claremont who primarily always had mutants have powers that were combat effective or otherwise useful outside of few token characters like Doug Ramsey whose entire shtick was that he was pretty useless without Warlock, that's why you had so many memorable people like Ugly John, Glob Herman, Beak, or that girl in Quintin's gang who could just make her skin show writing or designs on it in Morrison's limited run.

Why doesn't he murder the shit out of Cyclops?

that's some heavy rewriting of history. The Mutant Massacre is all about people hating on ugly mutants with very little power and killing a shit ton of Morlocks. As for the supermodel plot, that was Ellis which came AFTER Morrison and Whedon.

Everyone benefits from synergy, even obscure characters like Ghost, or villains like Hela and Kilmonger.
Everyone except Wanda.

Morlocks were inconsequential and out of view nearly always, barely ever used and then nearly everyone got killed off. On Morrison's book ugly and ineffective mutants were prominently used throughout the entire run. That was my point, you fucking moron. Claremont did token shit, Morrison had it be more mainstream.

>no bangs

One fucking job

Because he knows Cyclops was right

>Morlocks were inconsequential and out of view nearly always,
literally the first big marvel cross over was about them. And it led into the story of Storm depowered and becoming their leader. What the fuck is this revisionist history? I'm so sick of it

Only complete retards thought that was the case.

He's parodying his fellow marvel staff's tweets on the matter.

It's just what happens when shit goes on for decades and newer people either just get by on wikis or in-comic references or only read a couple of old trades. I don't blame them for thinking they know shit, what they pick up is good enough to understand the ongoing comics of the time, but trying to talk publication history with them becomes a mess quickly.

People can also have massive blind spots in their reading. Shit, I started with X-Men in 1991, went back and read Uncanny back issues prior to and through the Muir Island shit so I would understand where I came in, and called it there for years.
It was only later I went back and read all the fucking X-Men comics from the very first issue and to be honest, while it was good to read famed landmark stories, it generally wasn't worth it. Old comics are generally as shit as new comics, there's a reason only certain stories stand the test of time, and as we've just seen, even things like the Morlock Massacre fade out of accurate memory or knowledge.

Its not an alternate universe or pocket dimension. They're inside Legion's head. Remember when he took the X-kids and Nate to "AoA" in Disassembled?

This is just the same thing. Its literally all an illusion.

She’ll be back before his run starts.

does this lead to New Mutants or was that already a book/series

The whole point of the Morlocks was that there was a group of mutants too deformed to pass in human society, contrasted with the supermodel-esque X-Men. This title was named for and centered on the X-Men.

Morrison took this idea and built on it that most mutants look like actual fucking mutants, and the X-Men themselves occupied a weird elite "master race" role within the emerging mutant society.

Morrison didn't "rehash" what Claremont did, he built on what came before and pushed it into new territory, like Scott's marriage problems, mutants actually becoming part of the mainstream, Xavier's dream actually making progress. Things like that.

Attached: RCO023[1].jpg (1041x1600, 567K)

Even his main student characters all had expiration dates. They were mostly all written out of the story besides Dust and the Cuckoos.

Oh you mean the crossover where Morlocks primarily died out of panel? Or how Storm was the leader of the Morlocks but the only time you ever saw the them was on a handful of instances, i.e. token appearances? You're over exaggerating the prominence of them. They were nothing but token group kept mostly in the closet and often used as canon fodder. Morrison had ugly and superfluous power mutants be normal daily experience, where they appeared regularly and prominently throughout his entire run and be all over the place, in the school, globally, even regularly appearing in the stories in important roles, like in the case of Beak.

ok sure, he expanded a bit on the idea but Yea Forums keeps pushing the idea that Morrison invented this trope, he absolutely did not.

Also, Artie is awesome and too forgotten by Yea Forums

>Ignoring Decimation, Messiah Trilogy, and Utopia

>Pretending that the young Xmen are important for some reason

The “shadiest” thing she did was try to kill Shaw who abused her for most of her life (I don’t give a shit if you don’t like the retcon or not it’s still canon). X-Men who’ve been on the team both longer and shorter than her have done far worse and I’m not even talking about Bishop, Cyclops, or Jean.

go watch porn then

No, they've been shit since AvX ruined the plot set in motion by Decimation, Messiah Complex and Second Coming. Instead of out heroes emerging triumphant from one of the darkest periods of their history and moving on to a new challenge we had to deal with the Avengers invading an X-men storyline and trying to pass themselves off as the heroes. That was followed up with a third worldwide mutant genocide executed by the Inhumans. That was followed up by our current WWMG being executed by the governments of the world. Saying we're stuck in Claremont nostalgia is blatantly false. We're stuck in shitty 90s nostalgia because all we're getting is Legacy Virus redux.

He certainly pushed the envelope but if it weren’t for stories like X-Statix, X-Treme X-Men, Academy X, and District X then the whole run would feel sort of flat.

Remember when the kid got his powers and blew up his entire school, and Captain Marvel and Hulk were eager to beat him up and were cracking jokes?

> nimrod next to tri-sentinel
> apoc next to pharaoh mask
> magneto opposite charles
> scott opposite jean
> mystique opposite destiny
> different moira's in the middle
what an absolute KINO cover

Attached: 1458341032587.jpg (242x200, 9K)

>Yea Forums just wants to hate Hickman for some retarded reason
I blame having read his books

Wolverine & the X-Men after Schism (Regenesis)
Bendis' run after AvX
Extraordinary after Secret Wars
Blue and Gold
I haven't kept up much past that point.

Is there really only one Avengers ongoing at the moment?
That's dope ... for a while we had like 6 books every month plus minis and events.

Thank you based Hickman.

New Mutants existed before, yes.

Love Artie and Leech, but they're better off forgotten until Marvel manages to get someone good on X-Men again.
I wonder what Yost is up to...

You do know that Emma is opposite of Jean and Logan is opposite of Scott on that cover....

Don’t worry, her book is gonna be cancelled and relaunched soon too.

The mutant "hero" we need but don't deserve.

Attached: Kojo's Horns.jpg (165x153, 9K)

Not with her current sales.

might actually read an x book for the first time in a few years

vertically they're the opposite and diagonally scott is opposite logan, who is paired with jean and scott with emma


Deadpool is in some weird category now. He is in the world of both X-men and avengers. Mostly he does his own thing.

I'm still so mad at the book being Power of 10

One of my favourite series. X-men should let some outsiders like spiderman inside .

The fuck am I looking at?

You laugh now, but at least she's not getting HICKMAN'd.

He said he'd like to write her at some point, actually. I'd like to see that, in fact.

who're opposite nimrod and i think destiny at the bottom?

Well, I mean... at least this one time he'd sorta get it right writing her as a fascist cunt. And what's another dozen stupid retcons for Carol anyway at this point?

Will Hickman bring back old Rogue?

Dude he writes in the exact same fucking way in every thread; clearly broken english with the exact same wording, always uses the same images as his 'evidence', and when he links videos from other places, nine times outta ten they're in BR.

This is gonna be one of those 'remember when Professor X was _______' moments. What is this, the 90s?

He should get shoulder pads and pouches. At least that would be entertaining.

> Hickman
> Writing a female character

Liefeld is making comics again maybe Xavier can team up in Major X.

Attached: major-x-secret-identity-revealed[1].jpg (738x730, 103K)

Works for me.

Are they going to un-gay Bobby with this relaunch?

What will happen to X-23?

Attached: 616d8253af1358e9f4ef0fd9e1b70f61d07ed1f3.jpg (866x1222, 110K)

maybe some porn comic artist can buy the rights to her

>Nigger just walk around wiping people memories as he likes

It is because of shit like this that people wanna nuke mutants

Don't need to buy the rights to make porn parodies.

Attached: Snikt comic.jpg (1550x1198, 969K)


I hope they make him even gayer. Like flamboyant California gay.

What if the wole on his face was conected to the one on his chest?
He would punch himself.

anybody got link?

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

JJ's successor.

She will remain as she's always been: a ruined character who's best written incarnation is from a quest on Yea Forums.


Attached: X-23 lick.jpg (466x680, 318K)

best jailbait is sad jailbait

why did they make her a snarky twenty something?

will her little sister have a slutty teen phase?

Attached: tumblr_pqzfntlLJn1x2w3jmo1_500.png (500x375, 151K)

Kind of funny how Glob Herman of all people is the only Morrison character that is still relevant in the current X-Books. And he's undergone so much character development that he might as well not be the same person Morrison wrote.

As long as they keep Rosenberg far the fuck away (maybe move on from the whole racial segregation allegory shit since that stopped working as soon as Marvel quit isolating their series, like how are mutants still second class citizens when fantastic four and other mutated superheroes aren't outright shunned and villified?)

Attached: laura kinney dakimakura.jpg (553x1445, 132K)


>dat cover
I came.

Secondary mutation.

Skin color is a muation yes.

That can't be an accurate representation of Creed's size.

They tried that with Time Runs Out/Secret Wars but it didn't quite work out.

I don't follow superhero stuff, I only know the big names from X-men.
Who are those girls in the middle? Is that supposed to be the same/clone girls, or just a case of sameface?


>attractive women in revealing outfits is porn
holy shit guy, spent less time at the church whipping yourself and have sex

Okay, I still don't get it. I read her wikis, there's nothing about her having clones or multiplying.
I know about the multiverse stuff, is she going to get other versions of her (but not the other characters)?

yes user. the world is out to get you.

Do you have sauce on this quest?

>x-men who try to keep mutants as a group separate from the rest of humanity
This shit is so ugly. How can you argue a "separate but equal" take on your minorities allegory?

>The Black Monday Murders is SO FUCKING GOOD
Too bad it, much like Dying and the Dead, will never actually be finished ;_;

>How can you argue a "separate but equal" take on your minorities allegory?
They just got done calling mutants Hitler for not letting a cloud of toxic gas slowly kill them.

>They tried that with Time Runs Out/Secret Wars but it didn't quite work out.
No, they set it up ... but then didn't follow through ( about the only 'change' I can remember is that Daredevil went from being publicly known as Matt and living in San Francisco to back in NYC and having a secret identity again ).

Most books, like Ms Marvel, just picked right up where they left off.

idk the same reason that's coming back in fashion with left-leaning politics in a subtle, insidious way.

It's nearly always the visually interesting ones that tend to stick around while the actually interesting personalitywise that go to limbo. Why do you think Anole and Rockslide, or Eye-fucking-boy has stuck around for so long? They were the ones with interesting visuals, where as Pixie or Idie were just obnoxiously pushed on you and nobody cared.


It's just a stylistic choice. Moira is one of Hickman's favorite characters so there's that. Some of these Moiras are AUs.

more like Hackman

Absolutely fucking based. Mutant Quest



Hickman once made Fantastic Four a top 10 book, that was so successful it got a fucking spinoff that was also high charting.

Fantastic fucking Four.

Don't get me wrong, I like the 4, but they sell like shit and have for decades.

Wondering the same.


don't tell me this wasn't the most based F4 moment in years

absolute kino. i'm super hyped for hickx-men
