I went AWOL for a few days and came back to see the Watchmen getting a show...

I went AWOL for a few days and came back to see the Watchmen getting a show, going to assume that I'm late to the discussions

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You are.
People here didnt seem to like it.
So it should be very well received and last years on the air.

Any theories about where and when this is? Only thing I've heard that makes sense is people took the Rorschach pill

desu I can see rorshach inspiring a bunch of copy cats.

Dunno if this means if rorshach's journal is known now that veidt is old

Its well after Watchmen.

Ozymandias is now old (played by Jeremy Irons). It set in current times.
From the showrunner:
>"Those original twelve issues are our Old Testament. When the New Testament came along it did not erase what came before it...it all happened. And so it will be with Watchmen. The Comedian died. Dan and Laurie fell in love. Ozymandias saved the world and Dr. Manhattan left it just after blowing Rorschach to pieces in the bitter cold of Antarctica. To be clear, Watchmen is canon. Just the way Mr. Moore wrote it, the way Mr. Gibbons drew it and the way the brilliant John Higgins colored it."

They say the comic is canon.
So the people at that fringe newspaper have it.
That redheaded loser might be the one who started the movement.

so they are sticking with the monster and not the blue Snyder explosion, it kinda grew on me but I prefer this

Why do people like Rorschach Yea Forums?

So, we agree that those are stand-ins for the alt-right and Anonymous hence the bad guys, right?

No, user.
We do not.

please don't...say such things

It's just more kike demoralization propaganda, direct sequel to the original, Rorschach-inspired Truther/Alt-right anti-Veight/anti-Coalition terrorists vs literal ZOGbot police. Message is 'even if you're right about everything and battling arguably the greatest evil to ever exist, you can still be the badguys if that evil really is too powerful to ever be toppled and thus all your resistance just harm caused in vain'.

Rorschach stood for his principles under any and all circumstances, even when he saw his own death staring down on him. Plus he was right in the end

Anyone else not that cautious because Damon Lindelof is capable of making great telekino?

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Yeah, now lets talk like we've already seen it.

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>I'm late to the discussions
The discussions are always the same anyway regardless of the subject.
>its gonna be shit
>the original was great
>the original was shit
>I have no expectations
>SJW, NPC conspiration

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Hear fucking hear, user.

I have NO worries.

Yet this thread goes against your predictions.

Obviously, yes.
No. That hasn't been a real thing in many years now, and the autists who kept trying to keep it going were just lefty orange man bad types who made 'occupy democrats' memes. Scientology essentially killed Anonymous by turning it into a social activism thing.

Why obviously?
Cant be anitfa?

>So it should be very well received and last years on the air.
Until the writers start phoning it in and the final few seasons end up being terrible.

They're old white rednecks in the promo. And the people involved who already said they're updating the subject matter to be more relevant to modern politics are almost certainly going to see Trump / right wingers as a spooky threat rather than antifa.

Also Rorschach himself was right wing and they're all imitating him.

Rorschach wasn't right wing, dummy. He was an absolutist. he believed in the objectivity of truth and that morality is black and white. He didn't have a political leaning.

>His views were apparent through his portrayals of Mr. A and the protesters or beatniks that occasionally surfaced in his other work. I think this article was the first to actually point out that, yes, Steve Ditko did have a very right-wing agenda (which of course, he's completely entitled to), but at the time, it was quite interesting, and that probably led to me portraying [Watchmen character] Rorschach as an extremely right-wing character.

Objectivism / Ayn Rand is considered right-wing. Also Moore explicitly stated Rorschach is right-wing.

You don't understand what "right wing" means. Leftism is associated with relativism and the rehabilitative criminal justice paradigm where criminals are a product of their social influences and should be helped rather than stigmatized. Right leaning in contrast values traditional right and wrong morality along with personal responsibility and the punituve criminal justice paradigm where criminals are bad people who need to be punished for their crimes.

>Rorschach wasn't right wing
lol, what the fuck?

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The publication he sent his journal to was a right wing/nationalist rag.

What are the odds of me showing up?

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But not until the 2nd season gets greenlit due to high ratings.
They have to justify the budget, right now they're just throwing the dice to see.