How would you give Spider-Man a ending?

How would you give Spider-Man a ending?

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Harem End

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cancer. Radioactive stuff causes cell breakdown. Slow death via gradual loss of power, but increase in responsibility until he fails.

I wouldn’t, because any ending I would give the character would surely be ignored.
That’s no even a bad thing, trying to end an open continuous narrative always seems forced, the only solid way to attempt it is to show the characters walking away from the POV, implying that the adventures will continue without the audience.

Basically just pulling a Doctor Who: Survival.

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He already has two. MC2 is the comedy, he has a happy life and a loving family. Last Stand is the tragedy, where he never lets go and dies a senseless death.

Pick your poison.

What's Reign then? A reconstruction?

The Dark Knight Returns: Spider-Man Edition.

But with deadly Spider-Nut

MJ just had a nut allergy.

die a content old man with a couple dozen grand kids

He gets Kamala Khan pregnant.

Fake out his own death and drinking tea somewhere in Europe

Give a middle-aged Parker pushing 50 that's starting to slow down a giant how-to-do event of a book where all his villains unite as the Sinister Sixty-Six and conquer New York to try and corner and kill him once and for all. The theme of the whole book would be Peter being terrified of retiring because he's afraid he's letting down people who need him if he ever gives up being Spider-Man. He tries to take it all on alone to protect MJ and his young daughter but gets fucking mollered only to get his ass pulled out of the fire by old man JJ calling in the cavalry. Wolverine, Ghost Rider, the Hulk, Miles, the Fantastic Four, his brothers Kaine and Ben, even Venom and Superior Ock show up to help, among dozens of others.

All the people Peter's affected in some way make an appearance to return the favor and hammer in the lesson that there's more than enough people to carry on the mission after he's done. Cap it off with Peter fulfilling his fantasy of being the one to call "Avengers Assemble" with a giant, no-holds-barred brawl between the Sinister 66 and all of Peter's allies and him that tears down half of New York in the chaos. Norman and Peter get one last vicious brawl, Harry getting killed in the crossfire to save Peter in one final fuck-you to his dad's legacy, before Norman gets pushed off a building to his death by Peter's daughter who saves him from a backstab.

Epilogue is another thirty years later as an elderly Peter Parker enjoys a happy retired life running the Daily Bugle and super-sciencing up gadgets for his superhero daughter and grandkids, looking out over a super-futuristic New York that's visually implied to be better off than hours to show everything he did in his life has been amounting to something even if it was slow.

Didn't MC2 Peter die in Spiderverse?

Literally Spider-man Reign

Spider-Girl was the perfect progression.
Pete would age out but not stop completely and his flash and blood would carry it on because Pete would have raised them right

with my hands, I guess. wouldn't want to get any in my mouth

They brought him back in Spider-Geddon. Slott had enough of getting shit on for killing him I guess.

The only true way a Spidey comic should end :

By having him and MJ be married with May as a daughter, with Renew your Vows vol 2 ending, where the three of them swing happily across town as a super family.

But that's not Spidey's lif3 for he has to suffer. And given that Stan used to love those 70s and 80s tokusatsu quite a lot, I could see Peter eventually having his mutation going into overdrive and having to resort to using various therapies or robotic parts to have it stabilized only for it to make him into a permanent monster with little humanoid characteristics, leaving everything behind and being forced to protect the city from the shadows forever.


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I could enjoy that setting.

It's implied he revives as The Other in Spiderverse 2.

I'd add the Spider-Bite kid having survived his illness and growing up to take over the mantle of Spider-Man.

>Buh wha about Miles Morales????
Miles was shot and killed in a random traffic stop, unfortunately.

I'd just make Spider-girl canon

And Spider-man lived happily ever after, until he died from a rectal prolapse.


I want that comic of him coming back and mayday having to deal with him

I like it let’s get it to print

Find out in August when Spider-Man: Life Story ends

>polygamy is legalized in New York
>Peter marries ALL the bitches
>20 or so years later all his children form a new superhero team

It’s gone end with miles taking over and mayday probably dead sadly

Spider-Girl was the best way.

We don’t talk about that.

Is he strong? Listen, chum.
He's got radioactive cum!

I think he's back, though. And he's the Other now.

You think he grew his leg back?

>In a world with Reed Richards, Tony Stark and more super geniuses
>Peter has a prosthesis barely a step above a peg leg
Seriously what was that?

He probably didn't ask them for it or outright recused and used it as an excuse to finally retire and become a proper family man

Basically what they were going to do in Clone Saga.
He lives with MJ somewhere quiet, has a couple of kids. Occasionally uses his powers to save people if he happens to see it.
Miles_ becomes new Spider-Man.

hire the team behind All Star Superman

>Wolverine, Ghost Rider, the Hulk,
>Thinking you being slick like I ain't notice
I like it though

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Peter did refuse a bionic leg from Reed so he could raise May in peace.

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Old Peter Parker is picking up his sandwich at a deli and starts chatting about his final adventure as Spider-Man because at some point in the adventure his identity was revealed, he loses his powers for good and he retires after Matt Murdock or somebody kept him from legal consequences

After the chat a mugger bursts in the deli and Peter dispatches him with his cane, he starts breathing heavily and then glances through the window where he see his Uncle Ben smiling

It's left ambiguous whether he has had a heart attack but the last image we see is his face smiling in the same way

>Lose his powers
It's not a fucking Lantern ring

A combination of the old M2 Spider-girl and Renew Your Vows
Peter passes the torch to his daughter after some family superheroing

He had reed work on one but he never got the sticking right I guess

Same ending as the early 70's japanese comic, he befriends a woman who manifested tiger powers after her brutal gangrape and he helps her take revenge on her rapists.

Some shitty kid with superpowers 20 years from now doesn't stop a villain when they could have and it results in Pete's death, thereby teaching them with great power comes great responsibility

He wasn't born with the powers and they can be stripped away

Hell Ditko wanted them to fade for good at the end of his tenure, that's why there were a few arcs where they fizzled out

Ditko had more than a few bad ideas and that was one of them.

Arthur Morgan Style

Old Man Peter and MJ retiring somewhere quiet.

Something around the lines of Logan, He goes out like a badass but has someone to carry on the legacy of Spiderman. Maybe a son or daughter he has with MJ.

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I don't know, Morrison's whole schtick is expanding on the beginning of a superhero and the ending of one. Wouldn't be a stretch for a comic to show Spider-Man's final great feats

He had a granddaughter in Old Man Logan, but she's a little bit evil.

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If Hawkeye was a good father she'd likely never turn out the way she did.


He also had a daughter, I wonder who the mother is?

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Gloria grant?

Probably Valerie from Spidey Super Stories (#11)

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Last Stand is the ideal ending. Its the complete opposite of what Peter deserves and that's why its perfect. Peter exists only to suffer.

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A Rework of Last Stand Spider-Man

Peter is now in his 60s, older than Uncle Ben ever became. He has a son whose in his mid 20s, but the boy never adopted his father's powers. Peter really wanted to retire for years on end, but the opportunity never opened. All the younger heroes moved to other cities, states, countries, and planets. All the older heroes died, retired, or moved away. Villains in New York still exist, but they're just terrorists, gangsters, or criminals.

After Matt Murdock passes away in peace, Peter and Johnny Storm have a conversation about a hero's departure and the divide of ego and alter ego. Peter can't leave New York behind, because no one else is there for his spot. Further into the story, a bunch of retired villains are being killed in a very Spider-Man-esque way. It gets to the point in which Peter has to solve the mystery, but days and days later, he can't reverse the effects of the murders. New York believes that Spider-Man failed them, so the mayor calls the NYPD to kill Spidey.

Peter is too overwhelmed, his spider senses have been chewing him for the entire story. So he takes one last dance with Mary-Jane, calls his son on the phone and tells him some things in a way that Uncle Ben would've told Peter. And Peter dies by fighting off NYPD swat police

He dies with a slight smirk on his face, as his Spider-Sense didn't tell him he would be shot in the back. Maybe for Peter, this was the way it had to be, Spider-Man dies in vain, while Peter dies with peace

And then there's a subtle nod you'd have to pay attention with a dead Peter on the ground, still grabbing onto one of the cops in the same pose as Amazing Fantasy 15

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what a cutie, did she catch on?

That would be ideal but the whole thing and its storyline tie-in to the Spider-man comics happened because Straz is an undercover weeb and wanted Spider-man to secretely be a mage via totems and be Shiro Emiya so he could have an Archer expy.

I don't think so

>His son doesn't inherit the responsibility
You are a bad writer and should not be allowed near Spider-Man. It's not personal, it's only pragmatism.

Things don't end up the way we want them to, that's the theme of my idea. It's a bitter sweet ending for a character with a bitter sweet beginning

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Have him retire after giving Mary Jane cancer with his radioactive jizz

Spider-Man should have ended in the early 90s right after Harry Osborn/Green Globin death and Maximum Carnage, the clone saga happened because the writers didn’t know what to do anymore.

Felicia. Period.

but peter doesn't seem man enough tbqh

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He has to make the final decision of being Peter Parker or Spiderman, but leave it open ended.

MC2 but with Ben Reilly & Miles Morales thrown in somewhere, maybe Pete trains Miles & Ben trains May? Something like that. But with less Osborn wank and without the silly robot leg thing that doesn't make sense

only correct answer

source or bullshit, I'm enough of a Ditko fan that I've heard every account of what his apartment was like in his old age, and I've NEVER heard of this

Felicia will have to do a bit more growing herself before I can be happy with a Spidey x Cat ending. She's a lot better than she was, especially now that Peter revealing his identity to her more or less brought back her pre-OMD characterization, but now there's trust issues between the two that they need to reconcile, not to mention the fact she has to deal with the fallout of her actions as the wannabe Queenpin of New York while she was still being written as a villain thanks to Slott's dumbassery. Also the fact she's still very much someone who doesn't want to slow down, and struggles with what to do, as she wants to be a better person for Peter's sake, but she has difficulties with going straight in terms of career choice. Normal jobs are too boring, and she made an effort doing the Robin Hood schtick, but found it was a lot more trouble than it was worth, to her.

I'm of the firm mindset that while Peter was the best thing to happen to Felicia, they're NOT endgame material, that'd be Peter x MJ.

Well, not yet, anyway.

Protect yourself, grab some lead
Stay away from his shaft and head
Here cums the Spider-Man

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