Literally all X-Girls are best girls

>literally all X-Girls are best girls

What is their secret?

Attached: X-girls.jpg (720x540, 94K)

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This episode was embarrassingly bad.

It was redpilled as fuck

>grrl power
>end up screwing shit up
>the guys have to bail them out in the end

This is so early 2000s

Xavier's penis.

It was great

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Superior mutant genes, duh

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I didn't watch this show until a few months ago and I was so surprised to see this episode. Must've been a fun one to make. I was expecting Jean to scold the blonde and fire girl, but it was a surprise turn to see her join in on their fun. Also the music video in the middle was a strange fit but it added to the humor for me.

In hindsight, it was so on the nose it was smelling it's own asshole. But it at least gave us the girls in those slick Matrix outfits

>that entire dance sequence rotoscoped from an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Cheap, cheap animators.

What movie did the animators steal from in your gif?

but the porn

Attached: dancing mutants girls.webm (316x240, 568K)

They rotoscoped that dance sequence from Buffy. This show was done as cheaply as possible.

this one?

Attached: western game finally allows a harem romance.gif (384x288, 1.56M)

Why is this the only likable Jean in X-media?

Because she's genuinely trying to help people in this cartoon.

Not turning people gay, or blowing up planets, or harping on about MUTANT SUPREMACY GAS THE FLATSCANS.

Because it's the only version of Jean whose main contribution to the story went beyond "becomes an insane bitch and kills everything"

The movie is called The Craft, is about a group of girl that start practicing witchcraft.

>Why is this the only likable Jean in X-media?

Well, let's compare.

90s Cartoon Jean:
>"I'll scan the area with my psychi pow-AAAHHHHHHHHHHH!" *faints and is useless for rest of episode and this happens in every episode*

Evolution Jean:
>"I'll use my psychic powers to actually contribute!" *proceeds to contribute*

Best Jean in both looks and personality

The Craft (1996)

Are there any good Jean-centered episodes in this? Asking for research.

Why is there so much dork hate for rotoscoping as if it was some kind of fucking real life hack or anything like it. For fucks sake. I don't even know why I'm here.

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>Why is there so much dork hate for rotoscoping as if it was some kind of fucking real life hack

Because that's exactly what it is? Rotoscoping is as lazy and shitty as mocapping.

Blob intro ep where he lusts after Jean in typical Incel fashion after she's nice to him one time.

Showcases how she's pretty tough since she manages to go toe-to-toe with the superstrong Blob until back-up arrives.

X-Men Evolution made fall in love with Wanda.

Attached: Wanda.png (320x240, 83K)

I liked Evolution, except the premise in the first two seasons made absolutely no sense.

>Xavier enrolls mutants into his private school, but tells their parents that it's just a regular private academy and they know nothing about their kids being mutants
>Proceeds to take his private school students and send them to the local public school for their education
>Keeps the parents' money
>The parents don't ever realize that they're being scammed and the show never addresses that Xavier is scamming them

It got better in season 3 when they dropped the public school thing, though.

If cheap cartoons can rotoscope and suddenly become kino, more cartoons should rotoscope

lol. X-Men Evo was such a shit show.

Evolution was animated by Mook, a discount Japanese studio, so the budget was already razor thin. Rotoscoping just helped stretch it out as much as possible without making Evolution look as bad as the 90s X-Men cartoon.

>and they know nothing about their kids being mutants
When is this established?

Dude it's a way to turn 3dpd into cute 2d waifus it's unironically ultrabased and deepredpilled.

Probably the only time I was invested in this character

Can somebody explain who’s who? My memory’s not what it used to be.

>Best girl in anything

Lol no.

You're right about all the rest of them tho. They were great.

Left to Right: Magma, Boom Boom, Jean, Rogue, Kitty.

Kinda weird the way they tarted Magma up, considering she was only supposed to be, like, 12 years old.

>That Rogue


Yeah, I forgot who that was.

Because it often looks over-animated?
Because you can do things in animation that you can't with a camera and it just debases the medium.

She's sucks in everything else but she's actually kinda likable in this.

Still no where near BEST girl tho

Evolution Jean worked as a team member because they dialed her powers down enough that she wasn't in fuckin God Mode all the time. The 90s show had to do that "AAHHH PSYCHIC FEEDBACK I'M LOSING CONSCIOUSNESS!" thing all the time because otherwise she could resolve every conflict in 2 minutes (Justice League had to do the same shit every episode with Martian Manhunter).

Evolution Jean pretty much just had telekinesis and very mild psychic powers. So beyond levitating stuff and sometimes reading thoughts, she couldn't do much else, which put her on equal grounds with her teammates instead of massively overpowering her.

It was fun to see Jean and Cyclops get together over time. In the animated series they just we're a couple, no build up.

Although this show did a better job showing Rogue deserved him more.

Attached: Rogue_CPR_on_Cyclops.jpg (636x477, 91K)


>those orgasm screams

I'll take 90s rotoscoping stolen material over today's trash animation or the production line hannah barbara style that came earlier any day.

Rogue going full on 'fuck all you plebs' with an arsenal of borrowed powers made me hard as a rock

Just watching this. Missed it when I was a kid. I'm having a blast. The girls are hot too.

I don't get it, why all the hate towards Jean itt?

Attached: Jean Grey.jpg (365x548, 59K)

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Because she's so often a plot device instead of a character

>Muh psychic powers! SCREAM, EXPLOSION
>I'm PHEONIX!!!!
>I'm dead, muffled "Jeeeeean!" in the distance

What does Jean Grey want? What sort of things does she dislike? If she teamed up with someone she's rarely been around (say, Alpha Flight, or the Heroes for Hire), how would she act?

What is she like as a person, y'know, when she's not being a vastly overpowered cosmic plot device?

>What is she like as a person,

Pretty awful, considering Young Jean used her powers to brainwash Iceman into thinking he was gay.


the writers at marvel turned all the x-men into warped versions of their early selves. Now whenever the characters complain about the world treating them like shit, there's an extremely long list of crap they've pulled to justify the hate.

for Jean specifically, she turns people gay, edits the memories of others on a whim, and no longer gives a damn about personal space (especially personal mental space).

Jean "the world is my playground" Grey
Jean "you know" Grey
Jean "Cyclops is mine, but you can have Angel" Grey
Jean "you don't need a safeword" Grey

and all that in the damnably pg13 world of marvel comics. there's seriously a demand for jean grey as a dominatrix.

Mutants: Why are we so hated?
Normal People: Well you've almost destroyed the world like 10-12 times by now
Normal People: You can read peoples thoughts or dissolve them into dust on a whim
Normal People: Many of you have the power of a rocket-launcher at the end of a limb, and you refuse to allow any sort of regulation or registration of your powers
Normal People: You literally claim to be the next stage of evolution, here to replace humanity
Mutants: Must be dumb backwards flatscan RACISM
Normal People: Seriously?

Three mutants have been long time Avengers. There's also Namor who's pulled Ultimatum level shit. Nobody's said anything about them.

Then why don't people hate superhumans, like the F4 and the Avengers, too?

And members of every race have joined the cops, doesn't mean that other members of that race don't break the law

Many do

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Because these people never had to animate before and think its cheating somehow but its similar to saying setting up light on a set is cheating at filming.

Even utalizing this as her personality, a bitch, would be an improvement to being a boring plot device.

They don't market themselves as

Same reason people can hate the LGBT movement and all it stands for but not actively go out and lynch the fags they know are cops or firefighters.

Flaws and diversity.

They are flawed, each in a different way and that makes them more relatable and believable. Yet they are diverse enough so everyone can find a girl for himself.

That small brown chick is too fucking hot. What kind of deviant would make such a sexy cartoon?

Keep telling yourself that, kid

believe it or not that little brown chick is X-23

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That's magma

yeah similar looking

Attached: X-23.jpg (428x481, 39K)

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Yeah there seem to be a lot of default cute brown girls in this show

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Even Jubilee got a tan here

Forgot pic

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The answer is always Japan

Stupid sexy X-23

Evolution was weird in that every teen girl other than Jean and Kitty were either punk, goth, or emo. And by weird I mean hot as fuck. And it makes sense since you give the outcast personalities to mutants.

Goth Rogue made so much sense to me that I started to get werded out by the regular 616 comics Rogue.

X-Men Evolution still holds many of my "definitive" versions of X-Men characters

just think you know the secret you should start an animation studio and blow all your competitors away with this dark knowledge

whatever happened to this universe? Is there any hope of a followup?

they all look like trannys

Because it's the only version you grew up with. Zoomers were a mistake

>punk, goth, or emo
Inb4 those aren’t the same thing?

No, Wolverine and the X-Men took over and immediately crash and burned

Attached: wolverine_x-men_poster.jpg (390x500, 54K)

wait what? Is it the same universe? I never watched the wolvie series. At that time it was so obviously a marketing product, it pushed me away.

Wolverine and the X-Men was fucking great, tho.

It's not same universe. But same character, who are older. So it feels like a continuation. Except Toad who is a bigger pussy and green, also Magneto other other daughter Polaris is in it.

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>>Keeps the parents' money
Professor X doesn't charge tuition.

She was kind of unrecognizable.

Woah Gus Dapperson was in X-Men Evolution

It's interesting how this is nobody's "iconic" X-Men compared to the previous series and movies

this was such a stupid premise for a show but out of all the attempts at making cartoons relevant for a different audience it worked, it was like xmen + buffy