Genndy "KINO" Tartakovsky is back on the menu boys

>From the Emmy-winning creator of Samurai Jack - Genndy Tartakovsky’s Primal comes to AdultSwim this Fall

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Other urls found in this thread:

Is this a miniseries?

Well, it doesn't say Toonami, but I'm confident it will air on Toonami.

I remember hearing about this

I'm down.

Is that the caveman from Dexter's Lab tho?

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Nice. Kind of bummed that it isn't a Sym-Bionic Titan revival, but that was always a long shot anyway.

This looks really awesome, why isn't Yea Forums talking about it?

Looks like based Tartakovsky is back on the menu boys.

>Yea Forums
>Talking about actual good things that need time and effort to actually seek out

You’ll get your 147 MCU threads per day and you’re going to like it.

There's apparently another thread already

Can't wait for another masterpiece that meme-riddled mush brains collectively decide is shit because their expectations weren't precisely met and they latch on to an opinion they saw while browsing the internet in another window when they should have been paying attention to the show because they neither are capable of thinking for themselves or focusing on twenty minutes of a cartoon and subsequently act like their word is gospel.

Kek, Gendyverse is back on the menu.

Looks really good animation wise. Maybe it'll be something like Samurai Jack in which there's a lot more action than there is talking.

It's okay, I liked the final season of Samurai Jack too. You don't have to put down people who didn't.

It sucked user. I hope one day you'll be able to accept that

That's what I'm hoping. I just wonder how they'll tell a story with no dialogue (this is assuming the cavemen don't have spoken language)
In SJ the guest voice + Aku did all the heavy lifting.

>Kind of bummed that it isn't a Sym-Bionic Titan revival,

It's been ages since I've watched that show and it's not up for streaming at all.

>Yea Forums talking about anything not waifus

Nah, it really didn't. Enjoy shitting on everything until there's nothing good left.

Word is it got written off for taxes and can't actually be aired ever again

>it got written off for taxes and can't actually be aired ever again

Shouldn't it be in the public domain then? How does this shit work?

>Do you mind if i save Western animation Yea Forums?

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Raggle fraggle!

>Genndy finna boutta drop another kino on us like Samurai Jack, flawed as it was, isn’t still COTD (cartoon of the decade)

I knew that character design reminded me of something.


I know you want to believe it was the savior of western animation, but 4 good episodes can only carry a season so far

kek, yeah probably coincidence, there is only like 3 ways to draw a caveman.

Terrible meme. It’s one weak episode.

There was one terrible episode, and five weak ones

Nice meme, retard. Rewatch the original series. Each episode was on par with or exceeded the average classic episode besides the finale. Just because you got butthurt at the story direction doesn’t mean the episode was bad.

I know you want to act like episodes 5-10 pulled down their pants and shit in your cereal, but the same people that made your precious meme beloved 1-4 made the rest of the season too, and it works really well as a cohesive story.

They physically CANNOT handle Ashi as a character. The have no arguments, just rage.

Pretty much. Like always it's just angry incels throwing a tantrum about a female character.

I see the classic Yea Forumsntrarianism has started up

>le 3 (or is it 4) magic episodes the rest baaaaad

The copyrights presumably still exist, but due to the financial wizardry, the rights-holders are not able to make money off of it. So they aren't incentivized to let other people do the same.

No. The government just owns it and any revenue it generates but since they aren't in the business of printing discs or animating new episodes that means it just sits in a shelf doing nothing

Same thing happened to Megas

That’s another thing, remember when all the sheep for months were bleating that episode 3 was the last good episode, and then one day on a dime the script turned to episode 4?


No, see, you're the one being contrarian. Most people outside of Yea Forums didn't like the season either

It's going to be better than S5 of Jack since it has no story to tell.

Dexter’s Lab, 99% of Samurai Jack, Clone Wars and his animation pioneering on Hotel Transylvania would like a word.

The original series didn't have a story direction. Comparing the two is pointless because they aimed to achieve different things. S5 wanted to do something different with its overarching narrative and it fumbled through it with poor pacing, unsatisfying climaxes and weak character development. I mean shit who does two call back episodes in a 10 episode season? Why have two different manifestations of Jack's repressed guilt? It's like they had too many ideas for unrelated episodes and tried to mash it into one narrative.

Most people dislike the ending, which is fair. Contrarians are the ones insisting the show went downhill on episode 4/5.

>S5 of samurai jack ,Hotel Transylvania trilogy
Why are you excited for anything from this guy when he's released nothing but blunder after blunder in the past decade

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No, that's pretty widely agreed on.

>the original series is irrelevant!
I guess you concede defeat then. Your measurement for success was completely arbitrary.


I mean hopefully he learned how to pace things better now. The first three episodes of Samurai Jack were undisputed kino. Maybe we'll get something like that instead of Genndy shoehorning romance and directionless lore.

Oh, and I'm willing to wager the caveman is gonna fight an alien at some point.

Well consensus is king after all. Labeling dissenting opinions as contrarian means you must be right.

>Shouldn't it be in the public domain then?

What? No.

Your circlejerk autist buddies aren’t the general opinion, sorry to break it to you.

Ep4 played out like a classic Jack episode but everyone was too high on the 10/10 first three episodes that they couldn't deal with the mood whiplash. It still only went downhill after

The Hotel Transylvania films are fine and Samurai Jack season 5 was good besides the finale.

"Poor pacing" is the most garbage half assed meaningless criticism around. The whole season is about character development, you have no idea what you are talking about.

Nigger the measure is being a cohesive season long narrative. You clearly can't use the original series as comparison because it never tried to do that. Do you have no separate measure of quality?

The original series is pretty much irrelevant to season 5

>Those first three episodes were so kino! If only the rest of the series could be a Jack and the Archers episode that would be hella fr*ckin epic
>old show? Haven’t seen it since I was a kid, but man was episode 1-3 EXACTLY what I remembered!

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I'm glad AS is giving Genndy another bone but cavemen aren't all that interesting imo. Hopefully there's a twist

>Yea Forumstrarianism
>where it's pretty much agreed the show floundered with ashi as a companion by pretty much everyone in the samurai jack fandoma across various communities
and please don't act like the only thing everyone didn't like was the tengan ending. Everyone was shitting on the episodes when they were airing. Don't resort to history revisionism.
The only one being a contrarian here are the two guys fapping to ashi and acting like the second half wasn't a complete downgrade from the first half of the season.

>claims the people complaining about season 5 have no real criticisms
>when they give you their criticism you claim that it doesn't count
are you mentally ill?

I believe the government just owns the broadcast rights to those shows (which does prevent the production of new episodes), but not merchandise/home video rights. Remember, Cartoon Network also wrote off Thundercats 2011 and Beware the Batman, and Warner Home Video is still able to sell DVDs of both.

Another fucking animation about cavemen? What makes people think anyone would want that?

A few shitposters whined since episode 4 because NOT MAH SILENT KINO BAAWWWWW A SHOW HAS DIALOGUE

You say that as if there's a plethora of cavemen cartoons. The Croods is the only one I can think of from the past 15 years at least.

Are they printing new ones though or just selling out their stock

Nah, it actually isn't. You're supposed to keep your audience engaged by following the three-act structure and delivering on the climax. Jack started with three long, solemn and tense episodes, and proceeded with very lukewarm ones and ended on a "screaming time portals, thank you daddy". And Scaramouch needed more screentime.

Lukewarm is an inaccurate description falsely colored by your desire to not have plot and just do more episodes of Genndy waving his director dick around.

Damn imagine having so much shit taste you actually like ashi. Are ashi fags the rarest individuals on the internet?

probably, depending on how much animation there is like in the teaser I could see this being under 10 episodes like Shivering Truth. I wonder what studio is doing this.


The fuck are you on about? The first three had plot. And they still had Genndy dick directing, but he seemed to realize afterwards that his time with the show was finite and needed to end things,in an abruptly manner, but still end it.

Not sure, but the individual episodes are also still up for purchase on digital storefronts like Amazon Prime Video, so they must still be able to generate revenue or else it'd be pulled.

"What if we make a show based on the best episode of Samurai Jack season 5?"

Y'all acting like a cramped last 3 episodes makes the whole season bad. Nothing that happened in any of the episodes was strictly bad, but it was slightly rushed. This doesn't make the entire thing trash.

Poor pacing means precisely fuck all.

But user something is either kino or shit there is no other way

Badass, can't wait

Did you ever stop to think that we could have easily gotten ten episodes of Jack fighting Scaramouche or the equivalent? That there was another point to the season?

Great. Now all he has to do is throw in a last minute waifu and have her take over the show

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What happened to those R-rated flicks he was gonna do for Sony?

No problem with that

This. I'll still checkout whatever he makes.

The point of it was to end the show, and also to fulfill Genndy's teenage-fantasy of roaming a desolated future with his waifu while slaying monsters with his katana on a motorcycle running on blood and tears. That's it.

so it's korgoth but in the past instead of the post apocalyptic future?

>season 5

So you're incapable of understanding even the slightest bit of subtext. No wonder.

Nice reddit post my dude!

Genndy literally said this on a stream, user. You can go back to pretending you're above everyone in a chinese imageboard for cartoons.

>I can't offer a concise argument
G-go back to r-reddit.

Cry some more, faggotron. Genndy used to be the shit, now he's shit. Kys.

What are the odds we'll see caveman dick and ass?

so dexter is gonna show up on the season finale?

It was. Just because it wasn't what you wanted doesn't invalidate that the episodes on their own were good. My only issue with season 5 was the rushed ending.

Don't pretend to be me with your waste of a post, you're confusing the guy.

lower than homosexual caveman action

Well if you saw it on a stream then that must be the only way to interpret it. I feel sorry for you when you don't have authors to explain their work for you.

-no guardian resolution
-aku ooc
-pointless callbacks
-dick jokes

>t. Humorless pedantic retard

Alright, I'll give you a more detailed breakdown then.
Ep 1-3 existed almost independently, both tonally and narratively. Jack starts off from a new perspective as a grim world weary cynic. He progresses through the episodes until he hits rock bottom, almost dying, then has to face his demons. He bonds with the wolf and through that regains some lost spark of himself, now ready to face and defeat the assassins.

Ep 4 continues the narrative but experiences a drastic tone shift. Some don't like this but I feel it best captured the style of the earlier seasons. This episode mostly develops Jack and Ashi's relationship, eventually ending on a fairly high note.

Now things start going downhill; in ep 5 they introduce Scotsman and the b plot of him finding Jack/building an army (the former ends up ignored and the latter doesn't really manifest until the very end, leaving Scotsman's character painfully underutilized). Jack meanwhile ends up in a sour mood again, seemingly doing away with the progress he was making up till then. He hits rock bottom (again) and get called away by the haunting ghost thing that's been teasing the audience since the start.

In ep 6 we have the obligatory callbacks, some ending up rather disappointing, but it does it's job showing Ashi and the audience what effect Jack has had on the world. It ends with a faceoff against the mysterious ghost, who ends up not really being anyone important. Perhaps he was simply a narrative device to represent Jack's guilt. Still, disappointing reveal for all the buildup. Ashi starts fawning over Jack, completely flipping her previous characterization of a venom spewing brainwashed cultist. A bit jarring, but understandable.


No need to hate on people for being objective. Most of the 'haters' really wanted to like it, why wouldn't they? It's like how the star wars fans were in denial about The Force Awakens for 2 years until they finally came through and accepted it sucked. After years of anticipation It's ok to feel like that, it's ok to let go, it's ok to accept it sucks, no need to keep hurting yourself, everyone was let down, not just you. Let it go user, accept the suckage.

Ep 7 happens and we go to collect the lost sword. Jack does some self reflection and Ashi yet again shows off how badass she's supposed to be. Jack faces yet another manifestation of negative emotions, mad Jack (which already happened seasons ago?) and Ashi kills her mom. Jack defeats Mad Jack same way he did before and Ashi doesn't really get much character development from what should've logically been a pretty pivotal moment for her. Again, disappointing but acceptable.

Ep 8 is an almost complete detour from the main plot, an odd choice to make this late into the season. The scenario is pretty classic Jack so it gets points for that, but still, why is this here so late in the game? Ashi and Jack battlebond and Ashi's purpose as Jack's girlfriend/manpain manifests. Not my cup of tea, but fine, alright, there's still two more to go.

Ep 9, Jack finds the portal to the past from earlier seasons most fans have been wondering about. It's totally fucked and cuts off any remaining attempts to go back to the past, seemingly completing the message that the past can't be undone and Jack has to let go and move on. Aku finally gets off his ass and reveals lol twist Ashi's his kid. Oh no, Jack has to fight Ashi! Aku has robbed Jack of experiencing love (again)! What will our hero do? Give up of course! All pretty generic and predictable, but one more episode remains.


This doesnt really look like something id be interested in

Now finally we're at the end, and Scotsman finally makes a return, apparently having done nothing after making those resolutions way back in ep 5. Aku gloats about having captured Jack in typical Aku fashion so that's nice. He televises the execution and this ends up being what rallies an army for Jack (again, what the fuck was the point of Scotsman's resolution?). Jack has to Fight Ashi while Aku murders everybody. Ashi his freed and randomly realizes she can make time portals and tosses jack in before he or the audience can even process how drastic this turn of events is. Guess all that "coming to terms with guilt, reviewing the good you've done and seeing firsthand there is no way back" stuff was a bunch of bull. I don't like this, but I understand this is a heavily opinionated point. Jack kills past Aku rather unceremoniously (I actually don't mind this; makes sense logically and a big flashy fight was really unnecessary after the shit he just went through) and he and Ashi escape an exploding castle to live happily ever after like some cheesy action movie. But then, apparently weeks or even months later, in the middle of the marriage ceremony no less, Ashi realizes she a fucking time paradox and poofs. After so many disappointments, ending all this on a sour note just to have an artsy "bittersweet" ending that didn't even make sense was a really bad call. Half the audience didn't even like Ashi so they were already dissatisfied, and then they go and fuck the Ashifags too. This is to say nothing of the war between the "gotta go back" and the "he was never supposed to go back" factions.

If not for the last episode the weak latter half could've been left as acceptable, but this left nothing good to ride off. The all over the place pacing, underutilized characters and seemingly redundant character development was all too much coupled with this finale. S5 was not good. Maybe it wasn't terrible, but there were a lot of fumbles.

This is pretty brutal compared to Samurai Jack Season 5.

Again, resorting to ad hominem just proves my point further. You can't actually say why it's good. Because it isn't. Kys discord tranny.

Fuck You!

Holy shit, now I have something to live for

Nobody is going to read your autistic preprepared copypasta shitpost.

>S5 was good you're just a mad incel
>no it wasn't and here's why
>lol tl;dr go away you autist

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Is this gonna have a short dark hair tomboy waifu?

For all your bloviating your main criticisms seem to be that the Scotsman was underutilized, which doesn't really matter at all, and the ending, which you seem to have completely failed to understand.

You stop that shit right now! I've built a fucking empire bitching about SJW media and I can't have you ruining it with reform!

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Based Genndy!

>anime reaction image
Well that explains everything. You're just a butthurt Yea Forumsutist angry that season 5 tops everything to come out of Japan in the last two decades. Go back to Yea Forums to argue over garbage haremshit of the month, nobody here cares about your shit tier opinion.

The dick joke was funny. You are a meme spewing faggot.

Based angryanon

lmao, the connection probably goes as far as something like machete and spy kids really

Do you know why it was funny to you? Because you have a double-digit IQ. So, yes, I suppose if you're someone who is an actual brainlet, you would find Season 5 good. Now please go away somewhere that's not here and let the intelligent people talk.

enlighten me

Well that's stupid.

Yes only intelligent people have allowed meme speak to fully infect their brain to the point where they unironically use terms like "brainlet" because it's easier than coming up with your own insults.

>humans and dinosaurs co-existing
So this is in an undeveloped part of the Flintstones world.

No, it's a friday night in the Flintstones world

This must be Fred and Barney going game hunting.

The whole fifth season was about dealing with depression and other negative emotions like hopelessness. Ashi disappearing is yet another manifestation of that, perhaps the ultimate manifestation of it, and yet Jack is pulled back from wallowing by a ladybug, the same innocent creature that started Ashi on her road out of the darkness. He is reminded of all of the positive emotions she brought him and the natural innocent beauty of the world. Pull back to reveal that he is sitting under a tree that looks a lot like a cross section of the brain.

>resorting to ad hominem just proves my post further
>kys discord tranny

>armpit hair

People typically have armpit hair, some more than others.

That’s one ugly looking guy
Is he supposed to be a caveman?

I can see how it would be a metaphor for the stages of grief, but I disagree that it was successful in it's metaphor and that the plot decisions that were made were necessary to make it.

It's not a metaphor for the stages of grief. I never said that. Pay attention next time.

Don't let Dad see this post.

Okay I'll rephrase
I disagree that it successfully portrayed dealing with depression, and I think that it's thematic focus does not excuse it's poor plot choices

He should pitch his Popeye movie to Netflix.

You weren't even aware of the metaphor which is well backed up my the whole season, so forgive me if I continue to disregard the "consensus correct" opinion.

Media owned by the government should be available to the public for viewing with no cost.
Gimmie me rights!

>cave-woman waifu

If only he had listened to his own advice the Samurai Jack finale could have been good

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I'm getting Conan vibes from this. (Which is entirely ok with me, we've needed a good quality animated Conan-esque show for years now.)

The guardian did get resolved, just not the way you wanted

Nice, my boy Genadii with a new series.

Can't wait, hope its good and not shit like Season 5 of Samurai Jack.

>New AS cartoon gets announced that looks interesting and different from whats currently airing
>Half the thread is people bitching about the Samurai Jack finale

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So which anime will this steal an ending from?

>new AS cartoon from a well known creator gets announced
>half the thread is people talking about what he has done recently
what a shock

what do you think brains look like

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Maybe if it didn't suck there wouldn't be so much contention

Eh, it's really vague

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>genndy literally went on record where he implies both this show and Jack were too good for Toonami and he was upset Jack S5 aired on Toonami
How can Toonamifags ever recover?

AS desperately needs to build up their original content now that they are poised to lose the FOX shows.

The only reason Samurai Jack's romance kinda sucked was that it felt out of left field in a franchise I think a lot of the core fans loved because it was an anthology more about a weird world and cool action before anything else. Jack was just sort of a vehicle to explore that, like a lot of knight errant sorts of characters.

Point being, I think Genndy can still make good shit and I think he'll do better on a fresh show than he did trying to follow up on an old show everyone already liked for very particular reasons


Like that.

Jack going back to the past and saving the world was the least of season 5 and especially the finale's problems.

the pacing was fucked because they had to devote so much time to Ashi, straight up. Right before the finale you have an entire sidequest episode that's just them fighting an unimportant monster and realizing they're in love, and then you get to the finale and they don't have any time to cover everything so when the final fight happens it's just throwing plot points at you one after another. Jack and Aku's last fight can barely even be called a fight, he just leaps through the air all YAAAAA and kills him.

looks sick, was surprised how few people ever brought this up pre trailer.

There is no such thing as too much Genndy and he just keeps on getting better

Can Genndy SAVE Western animation? Will this propagate more cool and fun mature animation? I hope this is a success.

>implies both this show and Jack were too good for Toonami
Jack was about the same quality level as everything on toonami.

Aren’t boring cal arts shows about kids doing bum fuck nothing more your speed, onions lad?

Oh shit, I hope there's a cameo in there somewhere, like the robot leg he tried to eat laying in his cave.


>Most people outside of Yea Forums didn't like the season either
That is absolutely false. The season has a fucking 100% on RT and 95% of public approval. It received universal acclaim and basically everyone that isn't an autistic nerd I've talked to absolutely loved the season. It ABSOLUTELY is a Yea Forums thing to shit on the 5th season, and don't EVER be fooled into thinking that it isn't a contrarian, hipster opinion.

what the fuck are you talking about? was this on a stream or something?

>land owned by the government should be free for anyone to live on
I hope you're joking

This. Yea Forums's hivemind on the 5th season makes no sense at all.

Well, the people he's putting down are the people who shit on a great season simply because they want to be contrarians, and they kill any and all healthy discussion of the show with their incessant fucking whining, so fuck them.

I don't think you know what that word means.

Are you trying to be ironic? Because that is literally how it should be. The government represents the people in a democracy, so what the government owns, the people it represents also own.

Read some books, burgerboy.

they shit on it because they didn't like it. It's possible to not like a popular thing because you legitimately did not like that thing, unless you mean to say everything popular is perfect and personal taste is a lie.

>it's literally the same parroted opinions over and over
>the same memes
>every thread discussing it devolves into literally the same posts over and over

It's the definition of a Yea Forums hivemind.

Shitting on something you don't like is fucking childish. I don't give a fuck if you don't like something, that's your opinion and you're entitled to it, but acting like the show is objectively shit and that genndy fucked up midway through, and that it was a disappointment to every fan (all opinions that have been repeated over and over since release) is complete bullshit. You can just say "I honestly didn't like it, was expecting something different", that's fine, but acting like the show fucked up its delivery and it has been universally well received by critics and fans outside of Yea Forums is petty as shit.

WHEN* it has been universally well received

>Shitting on something you don't like is fucking childish
so is watching cartoons but here you are

lmao epic user, tell me to have sex next

>something that's going to air on Cartoon Network
>need time and effort to actually seek out
Embarassingly basic.

Time for puberty, kiddies

What if I were to say that my issue was that after 4 seasons of making connections and having the ability to travel back crushed in front of him, that I find it kind of weak that his connection with Ashi gifting him a portal feels weak.

Over the last season we do see him open up to her, but the jack from seasons 1-4 was already like that. The show and character arc works as a single season, but I'd say its weaker as a capstone to the previous seasons.

>getting this mad at anime reaction image on Yea Forums
Maybe you should go back to twitter if anime makes you so mad.

>but acting like the show fucked up its delivery and it has been universally well received by critics and fans outside of Yea Forums is petty as shit
Why is it petty to hold an opinion? Because it's not popular? You complain of sheep and hiveminds on Yea Forums yet your argument against it is "more sheep believe something else, that means it's right!"

It kinda feels like they wanted to ignore the previous characterizations in order to tell a new story roughly based on the old season rather than a true finale. Like Genndy had outright forgotten the old stuff or wanted to rehash it more "true to his vision"

What is there to talk about? It’s just a trailer and there no other news about it

>why doesn’t everybody express their interest in things by autistically flooding the catalog with uselessly redundant threads and shitposts about it like me?

Ah shit. Here we go again.

What? Disney is going to do something with Family Guy?

Korgoth was a barbarian, this is a caveman.
But now that you mention it lets watch Korgoth

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The Yea Forums thread about this seems more excited.

>thread about upcoming show with good looking visuals and animation
>it's STILL just season 5 bitching

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They are taking back the FOX shows in like 2020-2022 and putting them on FX and Freeform

Obviously you brain dead retard.

Looks cool, will check it out when it comes out.

They have Rick and Morty. That shit will keep them a float.

Is Genndy Tartakovsky’s Star Wars cartoon worth watching if Im not interested in the Star Wars franchise but like Genndy's work?

>>land owned by the government should be free for anyone to live on
>government steals your money everytime you buy something
>government steals your money every time you earn something
>government steals your land when they decide to
>government won't let people dying on the street because of their bad economic policy sleep on the dirty floors of their buildings as to not inconvenience the bureaucrats
>but you definitely shouldn't be allowed to use the intellectual property they bought with your money and debt on your children instead of having it be locked away never to be seen again


The trailer literally JUST dropped

Absolutely. The first half is more independent of the movies, but its worth watching all of it for the animation. Honestly its a unique enough take on Star Wars that even if you don't like other Star Wars media, you might like it.

literally never heard about it until this thread
actually kill yourself you worthless mcu bottom on the barrel spewfag

holy shit that looks fucking badass


If land were an infinite resource like intellectual property then uh, yeah.

Yeah, I don't get the hatred for SJ's fifth season either. Sure, it was rushed as hell in the second half and had really shitty pacing but it was still pretty good overall.

He's shown literally going back to a cave at dusk.

not him but it's fucking everywhere, rightfully so, but if you didn't see it before the thread it's either because you checked nowhere else before you came here, or because you're stupid

I dunno, he broke my heart before...

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Neat, I don't usually like stuff with excess gore but it makes sense in this setting and it isn't some action flick where a psycho runs into houses and murders families for 90 minutes. I really like the sound of dino and caveman hanging out. Have any comparisons been said between that and Jack with the white wolf in Season 5? Maybe it was part of Genndy's interest in stuff like this and now he's making it as a series. I liked him and the wolf, too bad it died.

It's the work of a god.

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Oh, holy shit. I love it.

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>inb4 20 billion "The Problem with Primal" and "Primal is garbage and here's why" videos made by self-loathing tranny uncles with cartoon furry avatars that cross their arms

Reminder that the comments section of primal has nothing but nice things to say about S5 and your hivemind opinion is the fringe. Anyone who says “muh episode 3/4” can be IMMEDIATELY discarded as being able to formulate their own opinion.

Your stupider than a caveman and you even went to school.

So there I was, banging Jack Kirby's wife

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Genndy is a god-tier action-director and this looks like 100% action.

I'm thinking Genndy has learned his lesson from the response to S5, and I seriously doubt there'll be a shoehorned romance subplot.

>Blaming him for Hotel Transylvania

He only directed them, he didn't write them

Looks very cool, I'm sure it will avoid the pitfalls of SJ Season 5 because of having no prior expectations and simpler plot.
Just give me cool animations of a caveman fucking up nature and we're solid.

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Hotel Transylvania has great animation though

That was Sony's doing, not his

It'll be good as long as it stays away from romance and to an extent comedy

I'm down to clown Charlie Brown.

It is worthy just to see my boy, clone wars grievous; that beautiful bastard is never going to come back in anything

What you just said is so fucking retarded. I don't love season 5, I think its good but towards the end it gets kinda bad, but I don't and many others dont intend to say their opinion is the main one, also that contrarian hivemind excuse is the fucking worst possible shit to say if you want to be serious and not shitpost, you might as well say anyone who loves the season is a hivemind. Please fuck off.

It's pretty good. Also the best version of Grevious appears in this.

>literally the only reason Genndy even is employed for AS is because of Toonami
>lmao toonami sux I don’t want my shows airing on that shit block
Can’t wait for this to bomb on Sunday since none of the stoner crowd will watch it

It is pretty pretentious of him to say out loud, but let’s not lie to ourselves, Toonamifags would just whine that’s its boring and not anime, so really no one loses by having it on regular AS

I enjoyed Samurai Jack S5, it just needed more episodes

Genndy himself is the one who chose for it to be 10 episodes. So he went into it with full knowledge of how much time he had to work with, and still fucked it up

guarantee adam sandler just wanted the main character to look like him, dont pin that shit on genndy alone. this is sony we're talking about

Unless the dinosaurs talk, it's gonna be a whole series based on pretentious NO DIALOGUE THIS IS SO KINO still frame bullshit.

I love how Jack Kirby that caveman is

Bless you, you fucking bastard. Thank you for this.
A friend refused to watch S5 just because of the internet shit talking. When I told him that even with its flaws it was worth watching he didn't give a shit.

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>it's literally just samurai jack but with a caveman and dinosaurs instead of a samurai and robots
I don't expect it to have much substance at all, but at least it will look pretty. The comic book style is a nice fit you don't see often.

sometimes simple stories are just good

>Being that asshole friend who keeps bugging people to watch shit they don't want too because you're spastic little twat who can't form human relationships without it being based around a hobby or shared interest.

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it's not like I told him more than once but he brought up the "lol I heard the new season of SJ sucked real bad" and when I defended it he went "well whatever" as in "the internet is always right anyway"

>making assumptions of people you don't know
oh jeez!

He's right though. His material is wasted on Toonamiplebs.

toonami has SAO, I wouldn't want to show my cartoons to the crowd that watches that

Not defending how he didn't watch it because he heard other people say it's bad but given how it's shit he lucked out

>that cross their arms

Did he actually say something like that?

I don't know where you're getting your information, but there's a good chance that the man also accounted for the budget he was working with. I would assume he'd prefer higher quality animation over more episodes.

it's not though
fuck you, sheep

>tfw not a literal sheep and can recognize S5 as the flawed masterpiece it is

how are they going to express how COOL and RIGHT they are?

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I thought they were cute together.

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Because it's a common gesture?

Pretty good.

Funny enough, looking objectively cool (more so if it’s at least vaguely apparent it’s ironic) rather than subjectively cool would probably help.
Oh and having only 1 frame of said image, but waving it around the screen as if it’s some stick puppet.
Nothing’s worse than fucking asshats who “barely try” no matter the medium, either go all out in quality (actually animating your furfag OC rather than switching between three frames of poses) OR HAM IT THE FUCK UP.

honestly, regardless of the quality of sequelitis, I love the shit out of the effort that went into animating Arin's avatar in those videos

this looks pretty good
im exited to see how they ruin it
is it going to be a romance subplot? its allways a romance subplot

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>You're just a butthurt Yea Forumsutist angry that season 5 tops everything to come out of Japan in the last two decades
this is Yea Forumsping

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There was a whole episode of Dexter done in Kirby's style actually

About fucking time somebody gave us or daily dose of edgy violence withouth any blabbering.

and su cucks should be banned from here or stay on tumblr, you're probably just trying to make up reasons to whine about genndy and what looks to be a quality action cartoon cause he doesn't pander to your kind by making every other character a fag.

How often do you cross your arms in real life? Or how often do you see people cross their arms?

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Ugh. Another melodramatic Tartakovsky show trying too hard to be good.

Why can't he make a fun cartoon again? I hate Craig McCracken's "it's ugly and random so that means it's creative" style. FH and WoY are fucking boring and pretentious but not nearly as bad as Samurai Jack.

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iirc 10 episodes was suggested by his co-writer. Genndy originally wanted a movie length special but his co-writer thought they had too much to cover for that short of a time.

So by what Genndy originally wanted it would've been worse.

Thanks, post with 0 comments because the bait is too weak on r/unpopularopinions


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>shit bait
>nuPokemon image

miss me with that gay shit, nigger

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SJ S5 was so easy to fuck up, he probably crumbled from pressure midway production
I got faith in my boy Gendo to make something new and great

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Fuck you it's shit

ooga booga

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how many sexy cavewomen do you think there'll be?

Then why bother commenting?

tell me why user, a penny for your thoughts