Could this relationship actually work?

Could this relationship actually work?

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No, Pearl is a dyke and Greg is not ready for another relationship

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Yes, but you have that think Pearl/Mystery Girl has a chance despite the latter half being a Zuke creation and what the staff has said about her.

No. I have no idea why some are convinced it's going to happen.

One of my favorite early ships in the game, right next to early PeridotxSteven and yandere LapisxSteven and the one-off GregxAmethyst.

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Reminder that Steven has Rose's memories of being plowed by Greg.

Crew said MG was gonna be back for an episode, altho I may be wrong.

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What does the team think of her?

Well... to be honest she is his real mother.

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Steven x Greg? Maybe.

No other guy on Beach City has been able to satisfy him.

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Dude, Steven and Greg don't have any feet, they just have stumps with toes

Greg needs another relationship and pear lusts after his human cock, stay salty dyke best ship will happen

I believe that was said before The Big Show (an episode where Mystery Girl appears as a background cameo) but I could be wrong as well.
She was never meant to appear outside of Last One Out of Beach City and meant to be a means for Pearl to get used to humanity rather than a proper love interest.

I don't know why I'm so into this. I don't think it'll actually happen, but I guess I like seeing Pearl get over her negative emotions and opening herself to actually liking and caring for Greg.

I really oughta do fanart of them.

They're basically Steven's mom and dad without any romance involved. That's good enough for me.

This could work until Pearl got pregnant and disappeared or mutated or became a rock to bear her child. Gems and humans do not have compatible biologies.

Well, Rose willingly had a child. According to Sugar, she formed a uterus inside of herself to have a child.

Pearl wouldn't have to worry unless she personally wanted her own child... and not be there for them.

It's kind of perfect, really. She already has Steven to raise, so she could take the murdercock raw all day if she wanted.

I am going to post this on tumblr, to anno some of the idiots

What's going on here?

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I like it.
Probably won't happen though.

The only straight ships allowed in SU are StevenxConnie and SadiexLars.
Everything else is homophobic.

>Steven + Connie
>Greg + Rose
>Sadie + Lars
>Ronaldo + Jane


>Ruby and Sapphire
>Mr Smiley and Mr Frowney (Debatable)

If anything they could stand to have more gay couples on the show

>If anything they could stand to have more gay couples on the show
It's not going to happen and you know it Zuke, just give up and go back to the Homestuck fandom already.

Amber is the Homestuck fan, not Zuke. Look at Centi's designation if you want proof of that.

>Back for one episode
>Only the movie left

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I'm well aware of that, it's more of a jab on how badly Zuke wanted Lapidot to be a canon thing and the current state of Homesuck's writing.
>Only the movie left
The VAs are still recording lines despite the movie's lines being recorded well over a year ago, so that only leaves it and a 6th season (or more if CN fears the amount of backlash it'd get from the LGBT community for canceling the show) left.

Zack's been talking about stuff that we apparently won't see for "a couple of years" so I can't imagine there being any less than 7 seasons. 1-5 was Steven's arc of learning how he fit into the world and who he was and now we're basically on Steven Universe Z so we can flesh more stuff out.

>Zack's been talking about stuff that we apparently won't see for "a couple of years" so I can't imagine there being any less than 7 seasons.
Very fair point, but remember that this CN we're talking about here.

There's a season 6 confirmed

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Pearl x Steven?
Yeah, that could work.

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yes and it will