First reply is the first panel, second is the second. Let's make a comic! I'll draw anything and everything.

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Other urls found in this thread:


captain america sucking 2 dicks

your waifu

captain america sucking 3 dicks

she ra sucking catra's dick

captain america sucking 4 dicks

Your waifu sucking all four of Captain America’s dicks

>thread so far

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Deadpool playing rock paper scissors with Scud

Skud wins

A man looks over a cliff in the distance, against a sunset.

4 dicks sucking captain america

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Prove you're really him!

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Go on...

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The police burst in to arrest captains rapists.

i don't even know what to say

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then the police help Cap rape his rapists

scud the disposable assassin?

And one of the cops was Ruby from RWBY


then Skip appears and fucks everyone in the scene

Cut to Fred Jones' evil (or I guess good) twin, Ned Xounes (pronounced like zones)

then cutout to Blu from FHFIF waking up from a nightmare that was everything before


I thought you said you weren't going to do this again for a while.

And then Grand Moff Tarkin conducted an orbital bombardment of the planet.

Suddenly, a solid cube of (pic related because there's a word filter for some reason) appears, distracting everybody, including the people who were supposed to fire the orbital bombardment

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then OP's self insert drink the onions, becoming the manliest man to ever live, but without penis

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Or he would have, if not for the fact that it was a SOLID cube, and was the size of a house.

And then a Kingdom Hearts K appears on Tarkin's forehead showing that he's a servant of Tetsuya Nomura.

Blu then slaps Wilt with his disgusting looking cock and tells him to never let him fall asleep again

And then Recap Ray, reformed Retcon Ray who overcame his addition to black tar Russian heroine, tells us about the issue that never happened and how Disney is at Civil War with itself.

DCSHG Supergirl fucking OP's mom while Professor Hulk says: "i can't believe it, this is not an absolute win"

He then falls apart like the guy from the beginning of that Canadian deathtrap movie Cube, or the black guy in the Resident Evil movie, before revealing that the culprit was...

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then Professor Hulk dabs

Bugs Bunny kisses Andrew Dobson and he (Dobson) falls madly in love.

EVERMADUST! He's still pissed from the last issue!

Professor Hulk, with help from Red Hulk and Dr. Piccolo discover a cure for SPACE AIDS!

Time to take your daily dose, Japan!

>She-Ra sucking Catra's dick

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then Professor Hulk dabs, again

Tayuya, from the anime/manga Naruto, appears and asks if it's time for her cameo yet.

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then our protagonists, whoever they are, open a door and find Mommy Carol violently raping Peter Parker

Goku knocks on the door vigorously. "It's me, Goku!" he shouts, demanding they open up

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Uh... our protagonists are... Deadpool who is only doing this because he lost to Scud in rock-paper-scissors earlier.

And, umm... Old Ben Kenobi who is only doing this because Walt was an old friend.

Together they have to form a buddy cop duo to deal with the Disney Civil War.

The Emperor of Mankind tells Goku to sit this one out, saying he can go fight in the forever wars of the grimdark far future so that other characters can have a chance to be the focus.

don't stop, OP

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The grimdark elephant of the grimdark future time travels back in time to give Goku and the Emperor of Mankind atomic wedgies

>Actually used megumin

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Sensing a disturbance in the profit margins, an army of robot layers (with the letter K on their foreheads) descends upon our heroes.

but Spiderman in a wheelchair appears and saves the day

The layers are also lawyers.

And then televangelist Steve Martin pulls the chair out from Spider-man and he can walk again! Praise the lord!

Spiderman could always walk he was just tired


and dabs

Deadpool and Ben Kenobi have to argue their case in court, the judge presiding is...


fused with Frank Miller of course

who is blue for some reason

Deadpool asks "Aren't you a little young to be a judge?"

they answer that they are

and Frankuya proceeds to call him a filthy jew

in the nice way


Lieutenant Frank Drebin enters the courtroom, and he's holding an evidence folder, menacingly!

Cut to a babbling brook

And cut back to Frank Drebin who is being attacked by his menacing evidence folder

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then cut to OP's self insert crying at what a terrible, yet beautiful mistake this thread was

My dad comes back from the store to tell me he loves me. Pls.

From within the evidence folder unfolds Tetsuya Nomura!
"It was me! I started the Disney Civil War!"
Shocking the court.

and that user's dad was actually Nelson's dad!

principle skinner and ms krabapple are found in a closet making a baby and then the baby looks at me

And now everyone but Leslie Nielson is babies

then Carol, upset at Peter's ability to walk again, rapes him again so hard she crushes his pelvis to oblivion

Cut to inside Judge Frankuya’s mind, in which Frank Miller dressed as a penguin and Tayuya wearing this bikini files.catbox.moe/juyktn.png with the pubes and pit hair and the bulge, are having a discussion.
Miller is unsure what to do about the situation with the maneating evidence folder, since it’s not exactly proper court etiquette. Tayuya answers him by saying, “I’ll allow it.”
And since they’re not in the physical world, neither of them are babies.

>mfw a decent Comic came from shitposting, memes, and megumin

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oh shit i just noticed Jim there
good work OP

And then Evermadust, massive plot device that he is, undoes the babyfication and the kingdom hearts guy flees to avoid the incarnation of horrific punishments.

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As in, the Elder Scrolls game that came out before Skyrim, with a bunch of outtakes left in the game.

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The Bloo comic was enough.

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then Professor Hulk dabs again, and realizing what he has become, he spontaneously combusts.

"And on that day OP was pretty fucking cool" says the cooler Prince Daisy reading to the orphans.

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Captain America gets his daily dose from Doc Green.

the Cap then, after everything he lived through, decides to retire, become a gay internet artist, and goes to Yea Forums to start a "Lets make a comic!" thread

and then gets shot for plagiarism.

the shooter was Muttley of Wacky Races fame.

And Megumi was devastated to learn she was a FUCKING LEAF(Canadian, of the Syrup Peoples)

As Nomura flees through space, Deadpool and Kenobi pursue using an Arc-17 starfighter.

then Patrick Bateman appears and shows his dubs, surprising everyone

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Well then.
Blessing be onto you by [s4s]-tan.

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Muttley points his gun adjacent to Megumi, he propositions her for some sexual favors.


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Megumi starts touching herself in presence of Patrick's majestic trips

Then a shampoo advertisement from the comic’s sponsors with Will Smith in it.

Will Smith eats a bar of soap and calls it a real slice of philly

Will proceeds to transform into Uncle Phil and begins to devour our reality

As he does so, the underlying reality is revealed to be the Kingdom Hearts setting and Will tries his best to un-eat the reality.

Will-Phil reaches towards the screen, requesting the reader to find him the blood of a newborn piglet.

After un-eating enough of reality to escape from Kingdom Hearts and separate the worlds once again, and before he can break through the fourth wall, he is then killed by 2003 Shredder, because “There can be only one!


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[Patrick Bateman] and [the real Slice of Philly]have a battle of the trips,

I wonder who will it be!

This is the kind of shit you retards request, and unironically wonder why all the other drawfags stopped coming here.


You're no fun.

who proceeds to suck 10 cocks, AT ONCE

Dear God this thread.

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It's fine so long as people aren't actually asking for porn because it gets them off (like the user asking about string bikinis or peter getting raped by carol).

Drawanon gets a pat on his nondescript head from a mighty godlike hand.

> string bikinis

It wasn't a string bikini, I misread. It was a naruto character with body hair and a dick talking to frank miller. disgusting

inb4 this conversation gets added

And all the little orphan anons give OP a hug cuz he deserves it for putting up with all this crap

He draws EVERYTHING, so just suggest better things if it bothers you.

And then all the main characters were transported to whatever stupid anime wizard school this dumb bitch is from because she wanted to complain about the plot thus far.

in hushed tones, a group of revolutionaries discuss the state of the thread.

That's hardly the worst thing to have been in these threads.

Megumifag then commits sudoku after seeing such actions

>Bread crust

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It was godzilla, but he was only 2 feet tall.

His name is Greg the Backbiter. He wears a shirt that says "I will betray you, unironically"

Godzilla explains his arbitrary name change to the masses. He curses the revolutionaries with his voodoo magic.

And 2 feet tall Godzilla "Greg" was the dubs user, as he was using a plugin script to predict the dubs.

The State has captured most of the traitors and puts them to trial

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But it will have to wait, as the ongoing trial hasn't finished yet.

Greg-zilla goes on to talk about how he used a plugin script to hijack the planes on 9/11 and how he hacked the guns behind sandyhook. Greg was George "Dubs"uya Bush in a suit during those days.

The State is in fact a bureaucratic nightmare.
They need to file a file to file a file to file a file

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With reality uneaten, the magic school raped into oblivion, and the court back in session, we now have a new judge for a new case.

That judge is Yinsid, the case is the state of Disney VS the current plot.

With Harvey Birdman as the plot’s attorney and Miles Edgeworth as Disney’s prosecutor.

and Yen Sid is black for some reason

He's trying a ghetto youth look for rebranding purposes. Don't worry about it.

"DISNEY WANTS MONEY YE SEE??" The ghost of Walt Disney loudly whispers to Edgeworth, putting on his best fictional Al Capone impression.

then Shadman appears as the first witness and everyone justs
outta the courtroom

Gregzilla pleads guilty, but warns that he's running several plug-in bomb scripts stationed strategically in the courtroom.

A nine month pregnant Anne Frank riding the dick of the Southern soldier who saved her from the Nazis

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Phil Ken Sebben appears.
“HA HA...plug-ins”.

One brave soul refuses to leave. He stands firmly in the jury benches. Locking eyes intentionally with Shadman. "you're the SONOFABITCH who draws dickgirls don't cha, HMMMMMMMMMMMM??" as he brandishes his magical gun and touts his exceptional fedora.

the bombs fail and Gregzilla gets 25-to-life

Raiden (the Metal Gear one, not the Mortal Kombat one) reports that he's defused all of the bombs, and managed to avoid drowning.

Hush now your trial is up next!

Linkara licks his lips and Shadman falters in fear. "Didn't you know, I'm a nasty cock slut too, hmmmmmmm???" Linkara rips off her shirt to show magnificent breasts and undoes his pants to show his sparkly futa cock. Shadman's eyeballs pop out of his skull.

The next trial is up
The State of the thread vs. Degeneracy

Gregzilla is then eaten from the inside out by worms as Gog Agog, The Worm Queen, The Great Devourer, Scourge of Worlds, Bearer of the word Beast materializes from him and declares the circus officially open.

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Tayuya, watching from the mind dimension, reacts by saying, "Mine's still bigger."

every user in this thread gets executed

The court returns from break and the janitors sweep out

Hi there. I’m Dick Gina and I’m just wasting your time by reading this pointless panel.

"YOUR HONOR" Linkara interjects loudly to the chagrin of everyone there. "Is it not an AMERICAN RIGHT to want to pleasure a big filthy african nigger cock? Is that not the ideals we stand for? Hmmm?" He boasts.

A lone orphan user in the jury looks out into the distance and prays for the safe return of OP

Clowns and elephants flood the courtroom, the Angry Elephant is now the judge, the jury, and the MC here to announce the first act of the worm circus.

The judge spits at her for the judge was...

Guys, I think OP is done.

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Is this your first thread? He'll be back. Sooner than you think.

everyone suddenly held a funeral for OP, and made a toast in his honor, and peed in his tombstone

Pigeons came and began stealing the toast

This guy right next to Peter "iron Daddy's boy" Parker and Mommy Marvel making out

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the crowd silent, Joker suddenly calls Wolverine a nigger and a brawl begins

same as it ever was

wolverine yells that his mother was a nigger. He calls Joker a workaday fascist.

desuarchive.org/co/thread/107479897/ Here's a recap in case anyone needs it while waiting for the OP

>a naruto character with body hair and a dick talking to frank miller
what the fuck

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Darth Vader tries to play pool. And fails.

I need to leave for now, see ya later Yea Forums. You know that I will come back.

I'm back! And drunk! I'm on a personal mission to finish this thread. While shitfaced. This is probably a bad idea.

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fuck yeah

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I need to put more time into these. Haven't really been reading the thread also so can't wait to see where this goes.

Take your time, it's fine

yeah take your time, we gladly await the results
also thanks for this

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Forgot the picture

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>Hulk dabs again
someone stop this madman!

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I say we break his legs!

Leave him, karma will get him, one way or another

Very well.
Carmen Sandiego proceeds to "get" Hulk

Cut to a billboard for the movie "Number 1, a True Story" which is about issue #6, and maybe designed similarly to that issue's cover. Or it could be more like something else that happened in the issue.

Just an excuse to have a Marie Kanker snow up in the story desu

Lord Hater and the king are in a theater eating food and Hater says that he's getting sick of the fucking Kanker shit popping up and the king is like "tell me about it!!"


He actually put Carol violently raping Peter

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I’ll let OP decide whether she’s drawn or not.

And then Freddie Mercury rises from the grave to preform at the worm circus.

Galvatron is in the audience, and approves of the performance.

Suddenly, a bear-nado shows up.
In Portugal.

Deadpool asks why Portugal is involved now.

Kenobi explains that the writers are running out of ideas.

King Ramsay appears at the circus to challenge them to a cook off.

Shrek slaps both of them and tells the audience that fourth wall humor is lazy shit.

The fourth wall is unanimously decided to be the Source Wall.

The Source Wall is actually the Sauce Wall and is used as an ingredient in the cook off.

“Oh, great, another competition.” says the Bat-Manatee

I got too drunk and ended up breaking my phone last night somehow. So I can't post the pic updates, instead I'll just upload the pages as I go

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"Competition is the spice of life." Says The Baker, the ancient Lich-god of Cooking who is judging this contest.

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I like how Penti-cop came back.

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The cook off picks up as strange and esoteric things are pulled into the makeshift kitchen in the circus ring.

Such as...

“I thought that was cocaine?” says the Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past from the Future
An old man’s nostalgia.

The life experience of a hundred fruit flies.

Those trips are very sweet!

And a partridge in a pear tree

The two French people french kissing on a table.

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“What am I supposed to cook with all this?”


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I can get those for free by stealing shoes and taking them apart!

Terradorus the Explorus wanted to participate in the cook off, but couldn’t get there in time because there was a wall made of pure nope blocking the path.

And that's why there's a cooked boot on your plate.

Eat up!

Meanwhile about five kilometers away from the floating planet canyons of Arizona, a scientist was making an observation...

A talking beaver and ostrich with t-shirts and backwards caps comment how “Radical!” this comic is, on a basketball court.

Their dribbling skills are MAD

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why do liberals always try to blacklist or shut down conservative or centrist creators with bullshit claims of racism or sexism?
the shit some people have to deal simply for thinking that obama was full of shit is insane
no wonder comics are so shit nowadays. a huge percentage of talent is actively blacklisted from sharing their ideas.

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Comics has always been very nepotistic, it's not a liberal thing.

Yo this arc is getting kind of weird.

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If this is going in the Comic without context, you better not forget his fabulous eyelashes!

It started weird, it's going to end weird.

As the user eats his cooked boot, the Sauce Wall transcends his mind beyond space and time where he glimpses the very shape of the universe (it is somewhat wheel shaped) causing his eyes to explode.

“I just had an epiphany,” he says, “but I’m not sharing with any of you, at least not the full details, but I will give a hint. The King of Bumblefuck has a relative, and the relationship is that he is that person’s nephew. And this relative has never been seen in any previous issue. That’s all you get. Now I must go and get some new eyes. Fucking ravens, always stealing my retinas...”

The King of Bumblefuckland has a son you know.

I think Dr. Piccolo went beyond the impossible and found a cure for his 'tism.

The Prince of Bumblefuckland, now cured of his autism, boards an airship to go on an adventure to find his long lost great-uncle.

An arrow with a not attatched hits this guy in the knee, and it reads “The point is he’s somebody’s nephew, which wasn’t public knowledge before. Don’t be a dick, Shinji.”

>not attatched
Note attached.

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Shinji, who was just about to get the cure for 'tism from Dr. Piccolo, flies into an autistic rage and gets in the friggen robot to smash stupid archers and old memes.

He said DON’T!

What did you think was going to happen by shooting him with an old meme? He'd cry and fap to his old tape recorder?
No, he ends the goddamn world when he doesn't get what he wants.

Now fix it before Evermadust has to fix it.

As it turns out, the arrowhead was coated with the cure, so after a minute he calmed the fuck down, before causing too much damage.

Good. Now he can finally make his father proud by becoming a champion giant robot horse jockey.

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And then they all went to the beach!

And then Aku, shape-shifting master of darkness, unleashed an unspeakable evil.

The end.

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Next time: The Prince of Bumblefuckland travels the ocean-like skies of Arcadia in search of the mythical sunken Black Moon.

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Is it actually over already?


At least the user after you got the reference.

Oops, wrong book.

Where was I? Ah, yes, “I dare do all that may become a man;
Who dares do more, is none.”

Giorno shares a hotdog with Spider-Ham

Guess they really porked you user

Evermadust faces his greatest foe: Buff Mister Ratburn

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My headcanon is that each half is giving a compliment, with one half coming from one side, the other from the... other. Not the best word choice on my part, but oh well.
And which side came up with which matches the order of the words.

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Meanwhile, Takua discovers the Mask of Light


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I came

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All of that happening in the middle of the courtroom is hilarious to me.

Anons trips can't be ignored.

He also seems to have ignored the judges' mindscape. But hey, maybe he's just saving them for later?

But then he trips and the mask breaks. Jaller calls him a dipshit.

The piraka rap starts playing with instrumentals by green day
Maybe it's gonna be some hulk dabbing checkum hybrid. Actually, while we're at it, can you add my dubs as well?

I dont mind it, other than Frank Miller dressed as a penguin, it wasnt that good

It's still part of the thread.

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user doing god's work

Meanwhile, five years ago...


"Damn you duckers. This is not a place to get free art of you sick and disturbing fetuses" said will from witch while holding hands with capitain america helping him get over his rape

Things get drawn in the order they were posted.


“You really are an idiot,” said Wolverine, “If that were true, there are quite a few things that wouldn’t have been drawn in this series.”

A pineapple in space was floating around, for no particular reason.


Then, it’s raining dalmations in London.

>kill jester

It grows back. The worms always grow back, for they are everywhere.

But wait, if everything is made of worms, then everything... is everything!

Some big brain philosophy right here.
Next you'll tell me that all we is is bones and we'll have to go light things on fire in light of this revelation.

Im already pouring the gasoline.

I’ll get the kerosene and diesel.

And then anons and I were yinglets and together we formed a stooge (a ‘nuisance’ being the local term for more than 3 Scavs, or a ‘stooge’, but less than 10, which is a ‘headache’).

Together we shall die in macabre, but hilarious ways.

I think we might need a new thread


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>the real slice of philly comes out on top.

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Kingdom Hearts is like being sent to Ultramar for us it seems.

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Frank Miller saves the panel

My only complaint is that her pubes and pit hair aren’t visible. But if the next scene with her gets drawn and hasn’t already been finished, there willbe a second chance. And even if it’s not there, I’m glad to have gotten this at least.

Then Somari the Adventurer ran past Mario and Sonic with his legs doing that figure eight thing, confusing them both

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Hell yeah, GregZilla is my favorite plotline in this thread.


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Zorak plays a smooth jazz interlude while the plot is on intermission.

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This is one intense courtroom drama...

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Yes, everyone is motionless as they marvel at the madness manifesting.

I doubt anyone saw this turning into the courtroom episode given how it started.

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Pic related playing foosball against Incineroar.

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The only thing that causes color out of the entire series (aside from the cover elephant).

God bless you, OP.

I did.
>Shut up!
But it’s true!

Incineroar accidentally eats the foosball and manages to step on a lego, causing excruciating pain.

I did not account for scale, but alright.

lego is just super effective against dark types. For instance, if you ever want to prevent a burglary; strategically place a bunch of legos around your door and belongings, those barefooted thieves won't know what hit em.

that's bullshit stan, i know you just invented that shit

The type effectiveness of legos quickly become a moot point, as a giant scale (the kind reptiles have, not the thing used to determine something’s mass/weight) falls from the sky, slicing the Incineroar in half, but not at the waist, or down the middle of the face and onward, but perpendicular to that way, so from side to side, but up and down.


that's it Mr. Lee, i'm calling Jack

Stan Lee withdraws Incineroar's decay back into his pokeball. He throws out his next pokemon, Hulkachu.

"Is there no man alive who can best me at pokemon foosball!?" Lee screams into the air, as the signature Kirby-dot illustration effects crackle around him.

Suddenly, Bruce Lee, Spike Lee, Ang Lee, Jet Li, and Pat Lee (the guy who drew Transformers comics, and sucked, and sometimes made other people imitate his style to pass it off as his own art, and allegedly set a hill on fire when he was younger, not some other Pat Lee, in case you were wondering) arrive to challenge Stan for his title.

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After that, the two basketball playing anthropomorphic animals from earlier play a rock concert in the courtroom.

"I DIDN'T CLAW MY WAY TO THE TOP SO A BUNCH OF ASIANS AND ONE BLACK GUY COULD STOP ME" Stan yells. He points to Ang Lee specifically, as Hulkachu menacingly stands behind him.

and Hulkachu dabs

and Stan Lee also dabs

And the anthropomorphic animals with guitars dab

even Ang Lee and OP dabs!

But that’s all, nobody else will for the rest of this issue.

And Scud shoots all of these people because their dabbing is ruining the circus.

how do you shoot a ghost?

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I want a hard copy of this

Superman comes out of nowhere and vanquishes the evil within everyone.

"the same way you shoot anything else, with a gun" Stan Lee's astral form utters out, as he brandishes a ghostly pistol.

"I've been stealing souls for years!!" Stan cackles "No one can shoot GHOST STAN LEE DEAD".

Well if it’s not invisible, you can at least aim at it. You probably need special bullets or some other weapon for it to work though. Unless it’s one of those tangible, mortal ghosts
Using the Devilmite beam, and his first target is himself, to proove how pure hearted he is, because obviously it won’t affect- and he exploded. Did we get crazy Injustice Superman?

"DARK CARNIVAL, DARK CARNIVAL" Stan violently shrieks as he fires ghost rounds all about the circus.

Bullet blessed by the Pope.

But then Angelina Jolie’s character from Wanted shows up and curves one of the ghost bullets to hit Stan right in his ghost-heart.

The Worm that Walks!


"but before I descend into heaven, completely free of all sin, there is something you must know. I had a show with Guns and Roses planned. Basically, as you see it, classic rock will be forever changed with my dying breath" Stan barely squeezes out of his ghost mouth, before going to ghost-heave, free of all ghost-sin.

ghost stan lee dabs before fading away.

Scud double taps the ghost body with more bullets blessed by the Pope.

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Those three anons who became a stooge of yinglets earlier get shot out of a cannon as part of their circus act.

"Zhe Flying Yinglet Brozers!"

The crowd as a moment of silence before uproarious laughter kicks in.

Now, the rock concert will go on... Next issue, because the circus is booked for the rest of this issue, but they do have some signage prepared, such as the band’s logo, “Stan Lee Memorial: Part Deux”, “No Flash Photography”, and “You can rock out, but we ask that you refrain from having your cock out. Unless you’re a lady, then we can dig it.”

Deadpool proceeds to ask what a “Yinglet” is.

"It is a french expression, ze term means little chinese man" Creepy Suzy explains to Deadpool.

Jack Kirby's ghost appears and says "Stan lied, we're both going to hell after selling our souls to Mephisto, check this out", then dabs, then fades away

“Well, that’s kinda racist, but okay,” Deadpool responds. “So does Yanglet mean something too?”

It is a horrible combination of bird and vermin. It's like being a kobold, but worse.
Also referred to as scavs, rat birds, trash storks, and slut weasels.

"ah, it is ze taiwanese variant" Suzy responds "basically ze same ting".

"aahh, but did jyu know a chinese man wearing a green hat wants ozer men to sleep wiff his wife??" Suzy states matter-of-factly.

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hey, we forgot to pee on OP's grave!

zach and giggle s date

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zach and giggle breakup

we all pee on zach and giggles

Except for Tayuya, who is now dressed more modestly.
After defusing from Frank, she’s changed to wearing daisy dukes and a sleeveless shirt. Her armpit hair is still visible, but she’s behind a desk, selling tickets and merchandise for the upcoming concert, so at least her bulge isn’t distracting anybody.

Dio drops a road roller on Tayuya. He's got clown make up on and juggles knives. The children cheer.

Then Dio drops another roller on the Tayuyafag
the crowd goes fucking wild

Dio proceeds to juggle both road rollers, and the corpses of tayuya and tayuyafag. The crowd goes BALLISTIC.

“Um, Dio, that was just a blowup doll. She did that substitution thing.” Deadpool exposits.

Dio shushes Deadpool and adds him to his juggling act. the crowd begins to cry out of sheer enjoyment.

Dio is crowned the circus king by angry elephant. It is a proud day for the Brando bloodline.

Gog Agog, The Worm Queen, Ring Leader of the Worm Circus, Mistress of the Pleasure Dome, Star of the Gog Agog Show, congratulates DIO by offering him a worm to eat.

ghost stan lee and ghost jack kirby reappear for a moment to clap for Dio, King of the Circus. Jack tries to hide a silvery tear of joy.

>Carmen Sandiego

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Dio smiles knowingly, but holds a hand up toward Gog Agog, The Worm Queen, Ring Leader of the Worm Circus, Mistress of the Pleasure Dome, Star of the Gog Agog Show's offering of a worm.

He pulls on a stand of his hair, and melds it into his signature flesh bud. Holding it out towards Gog Agog, The Worm Queen, Ring Leader of the Worm Circus, Mistress of the Pleasure Dome, Star of the Gog Agog Show's face.

"Take it and use of it, Gog Agog, The Worm Queen, Ring Leader of the Worm Circus, Mistress of the Pleasure Dome, Star of the Gog Agog Show-kun" Dio calmly speaks with a collective, sexy manner.

this is getting out of hand.

Gog's worm and DIO's flesh bud get married right in the circus ring.

OP then begs for mercy so he can finish this goddamnc omic

"the only child of mine I've ever loved, he's a grown man now .... with a full life ahead of him." Dio happily yet uncharacteristically cries, holding a hand over his mouth to contain his smile.

Aku's offer is looking mighty tempting now, isn't it? Maybe the Master of Masters, the Deliverer of Darkness, the Shogun of Sorrow, officiates the wedding to bring the circus to the grand finale?

Is he an ordained minister?



“I object!” says TOM from Toonami.

"Master of Masters" implies that he is a master of ceremonies.

So Demyx can marry people too?

Go back to clang-clanging Serenity.


Who said anything about robots and parasites hooking up?

The Mighty Monarch sheds tears of joy as the ceremony comes to an end.
Roll credits, take a bow, exit stage left.

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Cut to the eyeless user who ate a boot earlier
“I can’t see ennethang.”

(parody of the mgs post credits phone call scene between Muttley and an unseen, unheard individual)
“Yes, the corpse was a fake, as it turns out.”
“No, we don’t know where the real one is, but he shouldn’t be too hard to track down.”
“Yes, sir.”
“No, sir, they haven’t uncovered the King’s true heritage, not yet at least.”
“Agreed, that would jeopardize the coup, I’ll have to silence him and the Prince before they ruin your plan, but since they don’t know where my true allegiance lies, that shouldn’t be too hard, Mr. Williams.”

So is the comic over and we'll wait for OP to finish drawing and posting the pages while bumping whenever we get to page 9 or 10, or do we keep going?
Or, I dunno, come up with non-canon one page mini-comics for him to draw, or give suggestions for this issue's cover?

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Who knows, we only have 110 bumps left in the thread. I don't know where OP will call the cut off point at.
I want to see him finish before this thread bites the dust.

People are just going slower now out of respect for OP.

For the cover, I dunno. There's a lot to pull from, Cap sucking dick, Hulk dabbing, Megumin, Deadpool, the trial of Gregzilla, Shadman, this new circus arc he hasn't finished yet. Give it time.

This comic ended twice. I don't know why OP is still continuing.

Because he's a goddamn legend. (In all fairness OP you can quit whenever you want)

And then it was settled after being persuaded by the all-new and amazing Josef Fares, Stardust decides he's going to wipeout Disney


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da da da da da da ... da da da .... da


da ...
da ............. da
12-=@eft da
d a

da da ,....


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let's end it like this
Suddenly 2 avatars of the Yea Forumssmic universe decided to end this comic... only if Captain America gives the two of them a blowjob
the end

I'm good with that. Hopefully OP is too.
I'd still like if he could do some one-shot, one page, one post, 2-4 panel minis, but that's his choice to make. I'll be here waiting for the pages of the actual comic either way.

Those were dark times.

Well, here's hoping someone steps up and makes sure the thread doesn't fucking die before he finishes this time.

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nighttime bump to save de threb

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I suppose if we want to bump with anything other than just saying "bump" we could try coming up with mini comics. No guarantee OP will make them, but whatever.

I'll start.
Panel 1
Deadpool and Scud are having a staring contest.
[beat panel]
Panel 2
Deadpool: So do you even blink, or is this thing pointless?
Scud:How do I know you aren't blinking under that mask?
Panel 3
Both at the same time:Stalemate...

Keep living, thread.

Morning bump.

Is this Comic finally over? It was a fucking mess and I want it to end properly!

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It is not, it has only been drawn up to here so far.

As far as making posts goes, I think we’re done with the story, but as the other user said, we’ve only gotten to a point for the stuff OP has drawn and posted.

>It was a fucking mess
And? Have you been here for the previous threads/issues?

Now it's really just a matter of making sure the thread doesn't die before it's finished.

Let me just say OP is really based for this. A fun thread for sure

Suggestion for cover
Somewhere have the words “Just when you thought you wouldn’t need to restock on brain-bleach”

Mini comic.
Goku keeps punching a boulder, but it won’t break.
Then a fist comes out of the boulder and punches him in the crotch.

I guess I’ll throw out a minicomic idea too.
Superman asks his hologram dad why his outfit has underwear on the outside, and is told that it was a trend on Krypton during the last week before it exploded. Superman then asks why it was popular in the first place, and is told that it started as a prank.

This is brilliant.

The Joker challenges Captain America, threatening to steal all four of his dicks. Cap left his shield at home, so he’s completely defenseless. Out of nowhere, Tayuya trips the Joker, and covers his face with her huge, hairy balls, causing him to pass out from the smell. Captain America escapes, relieved to get away from this awkward situation.
This is my suggestion for a mini comic, since apparently we’re doing that now.

the trendsetter was called Wimp Eel.

I think these minicomics are supposed to just be from one post, but that’s pretty good, so I guess it’s okay for this one.

What post marks the official end?


I’d say or But it’s not really my decision to make.



That's for OP to decide whenever he gets back.

I think the thread is already beyond critical mass though, where any new posts would not be able to make it into the comic since it would probably take the majority of the posts in the thread remaining for the rest of the comic to be completed.

Not saying it'd be as many more pages long as there are bumps left, but the amount of posts and time between those posts to adapt any more of the thread is a rapidly closing window.

That’s what makes it intense and sexy.

I agree

>LMAC threads are comfy as fuck until OP's best friend dies and he turns into an alcoholic
>new threads are slow to fuck as a result and need to be clogged with near-bump limit levels of replies to keep it alive before finishing

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Explain how.
I might not necessarily disagree, but I want to know your reasoning.

Oh dear Lord. This is my first time in one of these

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My first time was #6
I would have liked to be in earlier ones, but it's probably for the best that I only started when I did.

Even 5 and 6 had long lulls between posts from the OP that required the thread to be sustained on bumps until he got back.

Well, here's hoping the thread sticks around long enough for OP to get back to it.

OP, can you hear meeeeeeeee?

One last bump I guess

Last one from you maybe, but not me.

Not for me either

Okay byyyyeeeeeee...

Well, that was fun. Who’s for Chinese?

can you spot me this time?

I ordered a pizza.

With extra sausage?

Add mushrooms

He might not come back this thread, but I'm still going to try to keep it going for as long as possible.

Or me.

Both of these are phallic.

Farmer 1 and Farmer 2 curbstomping Thanos

Were they characters from a previous issue?

For as long as I can.

Some people move on.

Move on? Nah.

I didn't think so.

I can only hope OP will return.

Just let the thread die and give op a good amount of time to breathe

Never. Quick everyone, give OP your energy!

Have my energy!