Why does Calvin always imagine himself getting tackled by his stuffed tiger if he hates it so much?

Why does Calvin always imagine himself getting tackled by his stuffed tiger if he hates it so much?

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it's successful compartmentalization of a split personality

Even as a kid I thought this crossed the line and made Calvin just seem batshit.

Or Calvin is just such a loser that being miserable at school isn't enough for him, and he has to imagine Hobbes tackling & humiliating him as well.

Freud would call this the death drive in action.

Calvin doesn’t actually have any control over Hobbes. this has been a key point in the strips since the beginning

Because Hobbes is real

Bill Watterson might have tried to leave it up to the viewer to decide whether he was real or a figment of Calvin's imagination after the fact, but he cant change the fact that the comic was fucking written in a way that Hobbes has to be real for some of this shit to be possible

Hobbes is a Tulpa.

To me, the biggest evidence that Hobbes is real is that time Hobbes tied Calvin to a chair (at his request because he wanted to perform an escapist trick) and then couldn't get out. There is no way that a 6 year-old boy could possibly have tied himself to a chair like that, even Calvin's Dad questions how he did it.

6 years get themselves stuck in shit all the time

>Bill Watterson might have tried to leave it up to the viewer to decide whether he was real or a figment of Calvin's imagination after the fact
That's not after the fact, the comic itself is straight up ambiguous about it. On one hand as you pointed out a lot of Hobbes's actions only make sense if he's real, on the other hand nobody but Calvin ever sees him doing anything, nor does Calvin seem to react to the fact that Hobbes is just a doll whenever anyone else is present.

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Calvin is a subconscious small-scale reality warper.

Because Hobbes is a tiger. He imagines Hobbes doing tiger things and one of the things is that as a tiger, he wants to pounce/hug his best friend as he comes home as a sign of affection.

he's a stuffed animal

Could it be we're seeing Calvin's fantasy?

Only semi-relevant, but this always gets a giggle out of me

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audibly kekd


That just means everyone else’s perception is wrong. Human Perception is far more prone to error than actual concrete events being portrayed from an impartial narrator third person view.

You can’t tie yourself up like that. It’s a not a “wacky shenanigan” it is physically impossible without a second person.

Calvin does like it. He just likes complaining about it, but he secretly wants a buddy who is so happy to see him he pounces on him.

Post the teenage ones

Yea Forums? Because you are covered in trash?