What is your comic/cartoon related wallpaper? Why don't you have one?

What is your comic/cartoon related wallpaper? Why don't you have one?

Attached: galactus.jpg (1920x1080, 352K)

>Why don't you have one?
Too distracting and dumb.

Mines a work in progress but it's the covers of every comic from the Big 2 I've ever read.

Attached: 6640055C-2C83-4E31-80D1-3AE18E61452C.jpg (1024x1536, 279K)

I have art from Secret of Mana.
I used to have different Darwyn Cooke pieces cycling as my wallpaper but I like to change things up every once in a while.

The show started being shit after the season this came from, but I still like the design.

Attached: It_Could've_Been_Great_171.png (1920x1090, 2.13M)

Currently i have a DMC5 one, it used to be misc touhou stuff.
Maybe i woulda had a doctor doom one, but most comics nowadays arent really good enough to have a wallpaper of one.
cartoons is even worse

I didn't really like MoS but I used to have this on my phone and desktop.

Attached: phone.jpg (900x1600, 119K)

Attached: Wallpaper3.jpg (2700x1550, 1.55M)

I really like this one.

I've had it as wallpaper since Volume 2 came out. It's not likely to change any time soon.

Attached: bm.jpg (1218x805, 119K)

>Why don't you have one?
I have about 50 on rotate.

This is my current but I got more I switch between(1/?)

Attached: 1548491665112.png (800x1246, 2.87M)


Attached: tumblr_mwmz7cSCPH1sth46mo1_1280.jpg (818x1353, 668K)


Attached: tumblr_og9ze8V0411ujfiv2o1_1280.jpg (1236x1899, 822K)

Thats pretty cool


Attached: 1546379811194.jpg (912x503, 138K)


Attached: received_674151326363183.jpg (600x890, 28K)


Attached: 13048.jpg (1920x1080, 256K)


Attached: 6eedac48411d2e2edf779fdb31529228.jpg (2000x3000, 884K)


Attached: 9d49b4fea7e4148b82bceaf33629a3f0.jpg (640x640, 54K)


Attached: 577aeea50aee8ae3d810121d8b7c7c9b.jpg (791x1200, 138K)


Attached: Mundo_TMNT_Sm-S-RVSD_1024x1024.jpg (768x1024, 340K)


Attached: 1542209343817.png (1920x1080, 1.48M)

(11/?) Forgot to post pic

Attached: AdriannaVanderstelt19-1-1024x682.jpg (1024x682, 76K)

(12/12) last one

Attached: 3c0fd98a2a2041cc0dc49341e97d3f1f.jpg (1416x1000, 202K)

Attached: DBGsHgTVoAAHK7G.jpg (1008x658, 132K)

Working on a better one

Attached: 1557183427430.jpg (2536x1071, 147K)

>Why don't you have one?
Because I'm not a retard

Attached: 1408932072797.jpg (1920x1080, 505K)

Attached: 1510516392687.jpg (1200x669, 677K)

Does some textless version of this exist? Would be a cool wallpaper

Attached: Thanos_Quest_Vol_1_1_Full_Cover.jpg (640x477, 86K)