What is your comic/cartoon related wallpaper? Why don't you have one?
What is your comic/cartoon related wallpaper? Why don't you have one?
>Why don't you have one?
Too distracting and dumb.
Mines a work in progress but it's the covers of every comic from the Big 2 I've ever read.
I have art from Secret of Mana.
I used to have different Darwyn Cooke pieces cycling as my wallpaper but I like to change things up every once in a while.
The show started being shit after the season this came from, but I still like the design.
Currently i have a DMC5 one, it used to be misc touhou stuff.
Maybe i woulda had a doctor doom one, but most comics nowadays arent really good enough to have a wallpaper of one.
cartoons is even worse
I didn't really like MoS but I used to have this on my phone and desktop.
I really like this one.
I've had it as wallpaper since Volume 2 came out. It's not likely to change any time soon.
>Why don't you have one?
I have about 50 on rotate.
This is my current but I got more I switch between(1/?)
Thats pretty cool
(11/?) Forgot to post pic
(12/12) last one
Working on a better one
>Why don't you have one?
Because I'm not a retard
Does some textless version of this exist? Would be a cool wallpaper