Mr Ratburn is gay?


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Welcome to Yea Forums
The catalog is a helpful tool

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Why is this shit still on the air?

Seriously, even in the screenshots, the Flash is agonizing to look at.

if you don't put a good keyword in your title then it means shit, i am going to ctrl+f and move on.

Better question is why does there need to be two threads in a day about this?

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co-funded by the Canadian government and PBS and cheap to animate

Blessed papa AJ send these heathers to the afterlife

I mean... have you listened to how he talks? He always gave off homo vibes.

Both faggots need to have a mouse-trap snap their filthy necks. They can hold hands before the lever drops.

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I'm not the OP, but I honestly don't remember shit about this character other than that he existed. I can't even remember his voice.

I completely believe the anons saying he was always gay because that's something I've seen for years before this episode happened, but damn if I can remember about him to tell you why.

>tfw no qt chocolatier husband to dance goofy with

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i always knew it.

Is anyone surprised?

Why does this matter to toddlers? In what way does this benefit childhood development?

Gotta expose faggots to them early or else they might grow up with their natural inclination that homosexuality is weird abnormality.

I thought he was into no strings attached scat fetish discussion groups

>And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power.

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This is such a JK Rowling move. It's so cheap and effortless to pull the "lol this character gay now!" bullshit.

Not really, they're actually showing his gayness, unlike that fucking hack does with Dumbledore.

But his faggotry wasn't exactly implied until just recently.

You know what? Fine, let's use a different example.

They pulled a Korra.

I also preferred the idea of Mr. Ratburn being asexual, or at least someone who seemed aromantic. It made his character unique.

He is into theater and he sounds gay, this shouldn't even come as a surprise.

so this is why Arthur shoot up a school?

A bit of an overreaction from Arthur's side, I think.

Nah, he has always been closet gay. Look at this

why the fuck is the other guy's head shaped like that
it looks awful

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Raimi as guest director was a mistake.

That doesn't imply shit.

What was the Heated Arthur Gamer Moment the official Twitter was hyping up? Did they air that episode yet?

Arthur this episode realized the gamers need to rise up

the actual gamer moment will be next episode

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>Be gay? More like

funny how people like you always think the most interesting/tolerant/progressive/whatever thing is always to not have any characters be gay ever

wonder what this could mean

wait, Arthur is still going?

Good job making this same dumb joke in every thread about this

Class, you really worked hard today!

Anyone upset that Mr. Ratburn is gay is underage and never watched Arthur. My friends and I used to call him gay back in the day.

>every thread
What are you bitching about?
there like only 1 or 2

This balances out Star Vs. And it's lesbians

Wow, that's... pretty gay I'm not gonna lie.

Asexuality is a meme sexuality. All ”asexuals” just have very low libido or some kind of sexual trauma.

That your constant Gay pushing is annoying to point where you detriment media as a whole and leaving you behind would be making progress. It’s a fairly simple concept user.

Let's be honest, we all knew he was gay.
I still don't think homosexuals should be kids in cartoons, but at least this isn't terribly out of character.

does mr ratburn is gay??

I am not surprise about the gay revelation. What I am more surprise is that this show is still on air. I thought Arthur was cancel or something. I havent watch TV for a long time since most of my time is watching shows on netflix and Hulu


Because your fat.

Are you eight years old? Why do you care whats going on a cartoon for babies.

>I still don't think homosexuals should be kids in cartoons

same with heterosexuals too?

Kill yourself

Do you know what closeted means you fucking troglodyte?

Reposting episode summary:
>Class overhears Ratburn making a call about his wedding plans. Then the kids see Ratburn in a diner with a strict lady named Patty (VA: Jane Lynch) to continue wedding plans, and they think she's his fiance. They worry she'll toughen him up too much and imagine Ratburn turning into the Hulk. They try to make him seem lame to Patty but fail. Arthur and Francine go into a chocolate shop and meet the shop owner, and also buy chocolate to try and get Ratburn and the school librarian to eat together and hook up. Also fails. The kids go to the wedding and it turns out Patty was Nigel Ratburn's big sis. Ratburn then walks down the isle with the chocolate shop owner. The kids are happy for him but are also embarrassed... by his dancing only. The end.

They cancelled it years ago, but there was a glitch in the system and the studio keeps getting checks

>answering your own question
Cartoons for young children now feature adult homosexual men.

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It still gets funding some how, despite getting more and more irrelevant outside of a handful episodes (like this one) as time progresses. It literally is the Simpsons of PBS kids

Motherfucker looks like a damn eggplant

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You mean normal people?

who gives a fuck

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Nothing is normal

>I had to come here since /pol/ didn't have a thread

The guy has acted and sounded gay and was always shown to be a bachelor. It works.

It works in Dumbledore's case too since he is the old mentor of a boy in a children's novel. There's no need to talk about his sexuality until after the fact, especially since the books started in the 90s when people were still "don't ask don't tell" about it.

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So where's the porn of these 2?


only good post
in fact i'd bet money he was always gay in the studio bible or whatever and they just couldn't show it until recently

lmao did an asexual cuck you or something?

On a scale of Korra to Princess Bubblegum how passionate was the kiss?


>All that huge attention it got and not a single person drew porn of it as far as I can tell
How could the internet fail this bad

Wait what? Where did this come from then?

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more like mr. rugburn

Aw, I'm happy for him.

Wow, now the 5 kids in the world that still watch Arthur will be tolerant toward their homosexual teachers.

You're misunderestimating the 500,000+ kids who saw this on Twitter first.

isn't that what you people want though? gay characters who aren't "forced", which apparently means they never ever show or reference the fact that they're gay unless it's somehow crucial to the plot?

It's stupid that you bother caring.

This is what most people want it to be done like
Some people (aka gate-keeper muslims) don't want to see it at all

Ratburn wasn't just shitposting. He knows what he's talking about.

So liking cake makes you gay now?

>Brownie cake

I kek'd so hard that my sides are now in orbit.

To them there's no right way to do it besides not doing it at all. Seriously, announce it late and you're as bad as that one woman who didn't have her old man character talking about how often his bussy got pounded and how much bussy he pounded back before he became the wizard world's most eligible bachelor to the young boy character for the child readers twenty years before Disney had their first gay character and announce it too early and your shoving it down people's throats because having a boyfriend in a backstory at the launch of a game is information that less necessary than the fun fact that Sol Badguy likes tea. Either way it's virtue signalling because they need a perfectly useless phrase to frame their selective cynicism that totally isn't hatred for gays.

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Now watch them introduce a trans character. Just you fucking watch.

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More like. RatinFlamesofHades


FUUCK I missed these threads kek


Mr. Ratburn doing something I think everyone thought for many years. I'm more shocked that there are still new episodes of Arthur being made.

>Implying he didn't marry just for the cake

The ultimate plot twist.

>faggots bad
>bullshit tumblr sexualities good

Mr. Ratburn has always been one of the campest, most obvious faggots in kids' animation I can think of. Anyone who didn't already presume he was gay before it was made explicit has badly malfunctioning gaydar.

>reminder that before all of this Mr.Burns was seen as a scary and evil teacher by all the students. And Arthur saw him that way aswell. All the kids knew what was up.

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he was already fuckin gay

The left really can’t meme huh?

But why hasn't he told the kids if he is a top or a bottom yet? There's more episodes than there are days in a school year, so, realistically speaking, the topic has to have come up once or twice. It's just not believable and obviously done for virtue signalling brownie points.

Faggots are more inclined to kill themselves so you might.

Nope straight people are normal. Its nature and biological. Faggots are abomination that even has diseases that exist that say what they are doing is against nature and can kill them.

I don't get it. How does liking cakes or sweets or whatever make you gay?

I have to believe you fags are being deliberately obtuse. How can you fail to see how fucking camp he is?

Honestly if they were anything like real kids yeah, they'd be constantly making gay jokes about him behind his back.

It just does.

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Felt natural in Hey Arnold, the show always had a focus on introducing potentially uncomfortable adult situations to the viewer, a gay teacher is right in line with that.

>having a personality trait makes you homosexual
Are you saying gay people are 2dimensional caricatures with no real variety in personality and tastes?

>potentially uncomfortable adult situations
He's just marrying a man

No, just that there are a lot of people who embody the stereotype and expectations aren't always subverted.

the show aired in the 90s when it was still extremely taboo

You niggas would be surprised and "outraged" if fucking Snagglepuss liked sucking dicks.

Not necessarily, but there are certain personality traits and ways of behaving that are only really found in (usually more feminine) gay men and not in straight men. Look at Kenneth Williams, to take a fairly extreme example. I'm fairly certain everyone knew he was gay, even though he never actually came out publicly.

Heck, there were people that didn't know Liberace, Paul Lynde, and Clay Aiken were not gay despite the mannerisms and signs.

1000% this and this. There's NO way to satisfy everyone on this matter. Some people are still QUITE sensitive on this matter of homo characters on entertainment media, for whatever excuse they try to pull to hide the fact they behold hatred on their heart. In the future, I don't doubt this will become much less sensitive to everyone, but for now, it's still sensitive for some.

That is NOT to imply badly-written gay characters don't exist and don't happen if you don't put effort or aren't being careful. That IS to imply that there will always be that weird obscure small few conglomerate of trolls and hotheads to always complain over gay characters, no matter if it's a character that reveals to be gay initially or later. Your best bet, is to just ignore, and rather listen to people who are willing to criticize, speak and compliment about it.

Remember that Yea Forums was never meant to reunite people who love to push anti-homosexuality propaganda. "Faggot" has always meant to be a throw-away term to joke around and refers to others, and NEVER to be taken serious.

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For some reason I thought they stopped making Arthur episodes years ago

Because you entered high school. Congratulations.

>Peter K. Hirsch
>Jon ((Greenberg))

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>co-funded by the Canadian government

Suddenly it all makes sense.

Good for him ig?

I am.
I guess I was just too dense to pick up on it.
But yeah. Never would've guessed Ratburn was gay.

I mean they are called fudge packers for a reason.

As a teacher what type of teacher invites their students to their wedding? You want those fucks as far away from your personal life as possible. The most they are going to see or know about your personal sexuality is mentioning your gf/bf/husband/wife and maybe seeing them once or twice.

Arthur is still airing?!?

Small town. He's friends with their parents.

To be fair, he's always had a faggot voice

But this episode was obviously made for boomer controversy

Reminder of what Pepe is.

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How many times has ED been taken down, only to resurrect?

And not even the good kind of Furfaggotry

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Let's be honest, he was pretty obviously gay back in the '90s, just they couldn't call attention to it because being gay made you worse than Hitler in those days.

i saw that coming

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>Oh, are you having cake?


Everyone knows Buster is next

I want gay characters to only be main characters, that way its easier to avoid their shows.

Based Prideposter

Then why was he angrily calling “the Vice President” in one scene?

That's one way to pridepost, but can you PRIDEpost?

Wait, Mr. Ratburn is supposed to be a nice dude in the newer seasons?

I just remember growing up with early episodes where Ratburn was a bully with no chill who got angry with the main character over petty shit. Did they change the writing for his character over the years?

It's more like if you were gay you had a social status equivalent to a mentally challenge person. There's a reason "retarded faggot" was one of the most common insults among kids in the 90s.

He's always been a nice guy. That was the whole point of his introductory episodes; Arthur had been told he was a grumpy hard-ass, only to meet him and find out he wasn't actually a dick and was in fact nice.


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Very high rate of diabetes in the LGBT population. Go to any gay bar and look at the male patrons there over 30. Clear 50/50 split between people who will drop like flies if they stop taking anti-AIDS meds and people whose guts are about to pop from hourly alcohol and sugar intake

Dodging the question, I see...

They also made that one furry movie, the one that was all about how smoking weed turns classic rock musicians into evil sorcerers or some shit

I remember that storyline. Maybe the imagine spots about Ratburn being mean just got stuck in my head. I also used to think Binky was the bully character because he was big, but in reality he was just an innocently ignorant moron with no filter on his mouth.

Canada needs to calm down it seems. Maybe a nice trip to the Calgary Stampede will be a good idea.

It is kind of offenstive that only feminine single guy is gay.

Introduce a gay character instead of turning characters gay.


Rock and Rule 2 WHEN?

If they turn the hot rabbit chick into a lesbian Im out.

Offensive to fucking who? Not actual fags, I can tell you that much. Gay men are probably some of the most anti-SJW folks around, their entire fucking struggle over the last half-century was for the right to offend homophobes by being themselves.

It's not really offensive, it's real. Introduce a gay character and you have people saying it's forcing shit down the throats of children and that character has no purpose beyond being gay propaganda and doesn't have a real personality. Fuck that. The teacher being gay makes sense and the show has been passed between so many writers and execs that I'm fine with this.

introducing a new gay character is gonna be a one off, or seen as a quota. because it's not like ratburn is any different now, matter fact, people been speculatin' if he's gay for YEARS.

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I thought gays hates stereotypes?

gays are like mexicans when it comes to stereotypes desu
as long as it isn't extremely negative stereotypes then it's fun

Reminder who ratburn's real love was

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He only loved him for his ability to make cake.

>The catalog is a helpful tool
So your name is catalog, then?

don't they always do controversial stuff like this right before a show is getting ready to get the axe

I find it annoying, but I am not gay. So, I can't judge.

It is only make sense because of a gay stereotype.

>don't they always
>only three times now
Loud House, We Bare Bears, and Star vs aren't ending soon.

user those are just Americans. They're all fatties.

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>Implying he hasn't always been gay

>Star vs aren't ending soon
user, I.....


It helps teach them not to be weirdo autists on Yea Forums who get triggered by the existence of gay people, I guess

>in fact i'd bet money he was always gay in the studio bible or whatever and they just couldn't show it until recently

Back in 2005, there was an Arthur spinoff called Letters From Buster that passingly mentioned a kid having two moms, and PBS refused to air it.

It's easy to forget how recently even hinting at gayness was verboten, and it's a bit of why when the dam burst we went from zero to fabulous in sixty seconds because a lot of creators have been wanting to do it for a long time and only very recently have been able to.

>because a lot of creators have been wanting to do it for a long time and only very recently have been able to.
There is also the fact that you get to virtue signal, which is why you get so many characters Dumbledored.

Ratburn sounds like Mrs Doubtfire and likes to say "Oh my!", him being gay was Smithers-level obvious, and wasn't even what the episode was about

I thought "oh my" was suppose to be weird uptight thing.

I remember edd used to say this.

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>secret gay character in a 90s children's book who is a boy's mysterious old teacher and only offers guidance
>must be made gay retroactively to virtue signal before "virtue signalling" was a phrase
How does this happen in your brain?

>secret gay character in a 90s children's book who is a boy's mysterious old teacher and only offers guidance
But that is where you are wrong.

How so?

This but unironically
>we work hard so we play hard

Virtue signalling is when you brag about how woke you are while doing the absolute bare minimum.

>JK Rowling: Every other character in Harry Potter was gay, black, or trans and I've just never mentioned it
>Feige: Endgame will have the MCU's first ever gay character, a random NPC with like one minute of screen time about being sad
This is virtue signalling, because it's bragging about something inconsequential

>K.A. Applegate: I'd put a gay character in Animorphs if I made it today but that wasn't something I was thinking of in the 90s but if you want to write a fanfic where Tobias is trans don't let me stop you.
This is not virtue signalling, because she's doing something small but not pretending it's a big deal

>Rebecca Sugar: I made a show about space lesbians and every third episode is about lesbians and one of the major character is two lesbians in a trench coat trying to sneak into an R rated movie and they kiss a lot and get married.
This is not virtue signalling, because she's bragging about how woke her show is but her show is pretty fucking woke.

Ratburn's reveal is very minimal (it's the punchline, because the episode is about how the kids thought he was marrying this huge bitch who ended up being his sister and him marrying some random dude was the reveal), though it being on a PBS show still makes it noteworthy, especially since it's a PBS show that had been banned from having gay characters in the past, so I'd declare it not virtue signalling.

More like 50,000 /pol/lacks and maybe 10 kids

>it's bragging about something inconsequential
>Ratburn's reveal is very minimal

Any evidence AT ALL that the character was intended to be gay all along?

1. Gay ass sex happens in nature too: swans and ducks love fucking each other in the ass especially.
2. Everyone can get AIDS; and not just through sex. For example, your post.

Maybe he was also gay.

>and not just through sex. For example, your post.


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I remember my grandma burning all her Elton John albums when she found out he was gay (although I think in part that was because she was into him).

Why would there be? Plenty of people you think are straight are actually gay. Plus he was single and eligible without children. That doesn't automatically make him gay, but you're not going to get him talking about boyfriends to a child protagonist in a children's book series about magical adventure that started in the 90s.

All the news coverage makes it sound like virtue signalling, but in the actual context of the show and the episode I don't think it was in this case. Ratburn's character has always had a somewhat 'gay' vibe to him, so him being revealed to be gay doesn't seem particularly unnatural, unlike with Dumbledore. It seems like something that has been the case from Day 1 that just hasn't been touched on until now.

Fuck gay signs, as long as someone says I'm gay.

I going to assume you are straight, even if you got a dick in your mouth.

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This is the real question I have

Ah, the old British method.
"Mr. Bottomsly isn't gay, he's just a confirmed Bachelor! He and Mr. Toppam are just good friends, that's all. Good friends who enjoy long strolls through the park and Greco-Roman wrestling!"

>All the news coverage makes it sound like virtue signalling
That's really the problem here. Even when a character is said to be gay before hand, just seeing a buzzfeed headline gets people thinking that's all the character is there for, like liberal creatives would never want to include a gay character unless they're coerced by cynical marketing execs.

I've not seen any bragging on PBS' part, though; AYRT seems to be comparing their actions to Applegate's. There was no "On the next season of Arthur SOMEONE IS GAY" media releases, they just put the episode on the schedule and people spread it on their own.


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No, but Ky Kiske collects teacups. And his blood type is AB.

Fuck, now all the fujos are going to flock to this show and rub their unwashed hands all over it.

Who invites a bunch of stupid kids to a wedding?

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There's no evidence that he's straight.

Maybe he should stay single.

This guy gets it.

I do think that making Ratburn gay is culturally significant, but not on the same level as making one of the kids express gay feelings. However, due to the 2005 incident and potential backlash that could hurt not only the show but the parent network, I can see why they didn't go that route.

tl;dr also I knew I was gay by the time I was 9, and I grew up in a Christian community in the 90's when there was no internet and no one on tv was out, so don't say kids can't have gay feelings because they do. It's not about craving dick/pussy--it's about wanting to protect and care for the people you love that goes beyond friendship.

No evidence he is gay either.

Why reply to that one and not

I had an attraction to male characters when I was six and then a physical attraction to a real male when I was 10, but I stayed in denial, thinking it was just a funny quirk of my body and I'd grow into liking girls. This also happened in the 90s.

Also your tl;dr is longer than the rest of your post.

The children are there to be indoctrinated in the Way of the Gay so that they can then be used as playthings for Ratburn and his new Gay Husband during their Gay Honeymoon in the Gay South of France, as is dictated by the Gay Agenda


>Exactly my point. There's no reason why children can't be portrayed as having gay feelings, and it doesn't have to be sexual. But it may take at least another 10-20 years to get to the point where it can be portrayed in cartoons as anything but a joke.

>Also your tl;dr is longer than the rest of your post.

My bad; I'm drunk.

What are you asking?

this but unironically

>Why would there be? Plenty of people you think are straight are actually gay. Plus he was single and eligible without children. That doesn't automatically make him gay, but you're not going to get him talking about boyfriends to a child protagonist in a children's book series about magical adventure that started in the 90s.

If they wanted to get in some gay characters, they should introduce ratburn buddy back in the nineties.

They dont need to say lovers, all they need to do is to say best friends.

If gays can't reproduce, how are they not extinct ???

This is cute

Why are people so shocked? I could tell as a kid, back in 1998. Hello, the fucker had a Scooby Doo obsession. Any adult who enjoys Scooby Doo is gay by default.

>gays can't reproduce
That is where you are wrong buddy, they just don't reproduce sexually.

My brother had a teacher who was Britney Spears’ cousin, and when she got married, she invited the whole class.

The show is called Arthur and it mostly revolves around the kids and Arthur's family. Writers risk a lot even suggesting something like that in early learning programming especially in the 90s.

Why do they allow a pedophile to teach 3rd graders?

He definitely wanted to bone both Nazz and Eddy

Especially since it seems like they were the only guests at the wedding alongside their parents & his sisters. What the fuck Ratburn? And Buster's mother let him leave the house dressed like a fucking dead head?

There's also the fact that none of the kids on the show (aside from maybe Francine's sister) have ever expressed any romantic interest which is fine. In the 3rd grade I was still grossed out by kissing and refused to acknowledge that my parents had to have sex in order to conceive me.

Flamboyant, single, theater major never tipped you off?

Same reason they let them become priests.

They made the antagonist gay? Is this becoming a cliche?

Why is everything being made using flash?
I swear, old school drawing and animation is dying and that's bullshit.


Arthur hasn't been hand drawn in ages. I think they recently switched studios...believe it or not animation (also flash) from a few years back looked worse.

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At least he'll FINALLY be able to get some cake

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But his husband makes chocolates, not cake.

wedding cake

Is that really what they're pushing these days? Shit back in my middle school days even the Left Leaning teachers were like "Yeah Hitler and the Nazis were evil incarnate but the Weimar Republic was a fucking hellhole to live in, so maybe the allies shouldn't have debt-raped Germany after WW1."

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Heh moar lyke...Mr.FAGburn amirite

You need to be 18+ to post here.

faggot here, this is pretty much what i wanted. it's being handled way better than how fucking steven universe, adventure time and korra did it too; "wow we have lesbians please clap". besides, ratburn has always been gay as hell.

Edd was very clearly a faggot

They aren't: he's just a /pol/ack.

And absolutely nobody is surprised.

This, but unironically.

No, he didn't, he clearly have crush on sarah in the first season, and he have imply to fuck in that future episode.

Out of the shows from my childhood to ruin, why this one?


I thought he was supposed to be a girl when I was a child.

I thought that was one of the biggest speculations in the fandom.

Gets them accustomed to reality so they don't turn out like you and .
>natural inclination
It's a learned response; homosexuality is as natural as heterosexuality, just less common.

Gay people exist. Get used to it.

He's a camel?

You mean learn to work and play and get along with each other.

I don't like gays in my media because I don't like gays.

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>Virtue signalling is
Not real.

Can't tell if retarded or not.

In third grade I was already licking pussy.

Based and redpilled.

Gross get Aids you disgusting faggot.

> Gay men are probably some of the most anti-SJW folks
Bullshit faggots want to spread Aids to everyone and should be killed on sight.

Weird to think that Mr Ratburn has had a cock up his arse. How do his students respect him knowing this fact?

this is your brain on /pol/

He's had sex. They probably fist bump him daily knowing he gets it like a proper power bottom.

Didn't Marc Brown draw a anti Trump picture? The guy is a total pussy.

More like on a gayly basis lol

You know Animals engage in homosexual behavior like humping and shit as a dominance thing. For animals it's a dominance thing and not a romantic thing.

>More like 50,000 /pol/lacks
You mean reddit


What show would you have rather that they ruined for you?

>being against a president makes you a total pussy

You a tranny?

You know that's gonna happen?

Same difference

Can't tell if the homophobia/all gays are pedos thing is just a meme or if it's serious and unironic.

It's a meme, but the genuine pedos that encroach on the movement fuel /pol/'s confirmation bias and they post it seriously.

>asking somebody not to make a custom fighting game character of their life's work is the same as expressing their political views

There aren't enough retarded wojaks on the internet that I can post at you.

It's one of those things where half are taking the piss, and then a couple of actually serious people think themselves in like minded company and join in.

ratburn is a diddler

As someone who loved Arthur in preschool (both the show and books), making Mr. Ratburn gay doesn’t really surprise me desu.

But what is up with his husband’s gay Justin Bieber haircut?

>Show has been on for 22 years now
>"Only" has 246 episodes

They manage like 10 episodes a year, so I can imagine it's hardly the most high budget of PBS' productions, especially looking at the animation quality.

Who's the other guy?


Is the guy in your picture, gay?

In the actual episode, they went to trash the wedding because they didn't want Ratburn marrying some woman, but then they found out it was his sister

New character.

What does Arthur have against incest

What could be worse than your teacher touching your cock?


I knew something was different about him

This show is for elementary school children

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Elementary school children won't ever meet a gay person?

"cake" is a liberal slang term for sex with underage boys

god willing



Y'all know what the real question is?
When will Mr Ratburn announce that he is joining the Avengers?

Wow you really subverted my expectations there.

>the mild mannered side character with a lisp is gay
I mean its a bit on the nose don't you think?

God this depresses me so fucking much. I grew up with the original Arthur ad everything, even have VHSs and a book signed by Marc brown, absolutely loved the show. I don't mind them taking characterstwhile in new directions, it's a natural progression for a kids show to modernize, but I've hated the show ever since they went all flash because it looks awful, that coupled with just bad writing and plots has sucked all the soul of the show out


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>In new directions
Go rewatch some of those old VHS tapes and try to justify Ratburn being straight again

This character's been around for 22 years and there was no implications he was gay. This is Dumbledore and J.K. Rowling all over again but on LSD. I guess I gotta try and wipe this whole string of events from my mind now, any suggestions user?

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>literally who twitter screencaps
kill yourself.

Arthur: Endgame when?



>Looking down at the show's producers on the battlefield
>Aruthur: All I know is that he doesn't have the script yet.
>Buster: So we keep it that way
>DW: You know it's a trap right?
>Arthur: Yeah.... but I don't much care
>DW: Good.... just as long as we are all in agreement
>DW reaches out with her hands as wind and electricity kick up, summoning the plane that DW broke all those years ago and the plane that she had made to stop the Producer
>DW: Let tell him not to touch it


What a riot. Guess the gay agenda's been fulfilled completely, then?

Of all things Trailer Park Boys is still hands the best at handling gay characters. And they've been the best since before it was important to the masses

Holy shit. That is fucking sad. I get more likes just for stating I ate Chinese food.

If people hadn't thrown a fit back in 2010 Arthur would've tackled gay people a lot sooner. It's always been a show that actually tries to address issues head on instead of hiding them behind metaphors.

This man is sad. Has his own woke list and prays anything he thinks is woke fails.

This is clickbait beyond clickbait. They try so hard to be anti-SJW and anti-leftist that this passes for news. It's embarrassingly low quality.

See the ep for yourself.

I wonder what would happen if a voice actor refused to do something like this. Then they'd have to get a replacement and it would be extremely clear what happened every time you watched it.

Just because he's artsy and dosent talk about football? Isn't it bad to portray all gay men like that?

It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. Playing the "how stereotypical is too stereotypical" game to try to find something wrong with this is kind of shitty.

The PBS kids demographic probably just watches whatever their parents put on.
Parents probably feel comfortable setting their children down to watch something they remember from their own childhood. Mr. Rogers lasted so long at least partly on that principle.

I take it you've never watched South Park

We need more straight guys who like sewing , theatre, polite mannerisms, and we need more gay guys who like sports and cars and fighting etc.

Is there a way to fast forward to the reveal? I don't want to watch a half hour of this.

Sure, people subverting expectations is great and all, but sometimes gay people act gay. It sucks that a lot of the criticism of characters like Soldier 76 and Dumbledore get flack for not being stereotypical so people see it as a case of them being suddenly gay, but there's really no way to please everyone with these characters.

>half hour
it's 12 minutes

Pretty sure you'll get blacklisted for doing that.

Wait what?

Honestly, I don’t give a shit. All I just care about is the memes.

This, he literally lived with Arthur for a bit.

From contributions from viewers like you, thank you.

The only way to win is to not play at all.

But Hitler was appointed not voted in.

>which apparently means they never ever show or reference the fact that they're gay unless it's somehow crucial to the plot?
You've obviously not seen what Yea Forums considers the best cartoon gay couple.

Attached: gus_wally.jpg (745x494, 51K)

Disagree. SU, for all it’s fault, handled gay characters pretty good.
The only complaint I would have is we barely get to know Ratburn’s husband, which is sadly a reoccurring trend in animation.

HEY! I fucked him HARD for that 'A'!

I’ll be surprised/impressed if they actually flesh him out as a character after this. I don’t see it happening.

They mean the people who like to say "just don't force it down my throat" as a way of saying "keep it in the closet". There's all sorts in this conversation of how to do it "right".

Sadly me neither.

The dude looks like Arthur's dad. I guess Ratburn is settling since he couldn't win the real prize of his eye.

>Ch 1 of 149
Free speech was a fucking mistake.

What a faggot.
It's ok to shit on absolutely anything and everything with the show, that's the point.

Just click on the yellow circle at the bottom of the picture. And it's short length. So click at about 11:30.

Did you not read it all the way through?

>"My father was not that big of a hypocrite to be part of a show that would constantly poke fun at African-American people, Jewish people, gay people - and only quit when it comes to Scientology. He wouldn't be that hypocritical."

>South Park co-creator Parker told The Hollywood Reporter that deep down they knew Hayes was forced to quit the show by senior figures in The Church of Scientology.

>"We knew in our hearts there was something way more rotten going on," he said.

That's kinda tame. I'm surprised they didn't have someone like Muffy or Binky question why he's marrying a guy, or finding it "wrong". When they did the 9/11 episode they hit all the grief tropes which was really cool.

Where do you see this stuff online anymore? Watchcartoononline only has up to season 19

He married a fucking bean

Well shit, the kids even have a good reason to be at the wedding. They weren't invited.

kek remember all the anons complaining about last minute dykes being the only gay representation in cartoons?

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>man can't even want some brownie cake without also being gay

I don't want any gay characters but the alternative would be to move back to my third-world country so you guys have fun with your homos

Most of the adults in the show are married aside from him, and I think it's confirmed that all the kids are straight

As someone who's not even a millennial, it's easy to think how weird it is to have gay stuff in elementary school. Heck, back in 4th grade kids would call eachother faggots all the time and the teachers wouldn't even care. Now it seems that every male student with a sensitive side is gay all of a sudden.

A gay teacher probably, considering that kids don't really get those feelings until puberty. That's why I can't fault the episode too much.

How old are you?

Always amusing to watch worthless idiots go full-blown "they're turning the frogs gay!" over this shit.

21, not sure if that makes me not a millenial or barely gen z, not sure about the terminology anymore

>man I can't call people niggers anymore without someone giving me a hard time, fucking clown world am I right fellow boomers?

I got those feelings when I was about 9. Before that I was just fantasizing about male characters without knowing what that was.

>“This is a war for our culture, and that’s why we exist here, on ‘America First,’ on the Salem Radio Network,” Gorka said
lmao if its a war how are they getting beaten by a gay cartoon rat

Mr. Rogers was the best. The man breathed love, kindness, acceptance, and empathy. He was the closest we had to a damn saint. Damn shame the world went shitter after his death.

How can I go on nostalgia trips and watch old episodes of Arthur knowing Ratburn canonically takes it up the ass?

Mr Rogers lasted so long because the man was a fucking national treasure. Have you forgotten what a master the man was at speaking and presenting ideas?

The cut off for millenial is 1996, you're pretty much z. I'm in my 30s and growing up no one said "faggot" around teachers. We knew it was a bad word.

What about just "fag"?

I'm 29 and if you called someone a fag in front of a teacher you were going to get in trouble. You must have had a very strange school experience. Either that or your memory is hazy.

No. We weren't calling each other gay either. There was the occasional "aw man that's gay".

Not if I can help it

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Rumor has it that an upcoming episode will feature Buster getting
gender dysphoria and beg his parents for gender surgery.
They agree and Buster now dresses and looks like a girl.
Arthur is fine with the adjustment at first but when he starts
having feelings for femBuster things take a turn.

Based and redpilled.

Ratburn sounds like slang for something horrible.
>fuck, that cheap whore gave me ratburn

>one angry gamer

>not getting a ratburn after getting a Rusty Venture
Sorry you have shit taste bro

Thought that was pizza.

Arthur hates his sister and consider unholy for any sibling to not hates their sister too.

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It was still illegal in some parts of the nation when that aired.
Including California.

> growing up no one said "faggot" around teachers.
Why not. It means a bundle of sticks. When my classmate said our teacher taught him that. I think she really hated faggots though.


I am pretty sure the economic crisis, hyper high inflation and unemployment as well as resentment over the Maastricht treaty played some role into this. Gay acceptance ? Not so much.

>When they did the 9/11 episode

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To be fair, the show is from Arthur and friends' point of view. How many spouses of your teachers did you ever get to know while in grade school?

That's pretty awful that your teacher was teaching you all to play dumb and be evasive. Not just because "muh homophobia" but because that's a bad character trait.

like most lgbtfags


Aren't gays stereotypically fit?

I remember seeing 2 men kiss as a child and immediately being revolted at the idea
If anything my parents are the ones that taught me tolerance and respect

Man is a damned legend.

When I was real little I didn't really get the concept that shows existed prior to myself. So when something would come on I'd think it was a live new episode if it were new to me. No idea that half the shit I watched was made 20-30 years before my birth.

Literally the PBS kids website

Ratburn was literally a football Chad in High School though.


Ah yes the homo cartoons of the Weimar Republic explains, in full Hitler's rise to power.

PBS farms remembers

Gotta clutch those pearls user.


That's a pretty weird thing to lie about.

>Mr. Burns
Is this the fabled Yea Forums autism?

The entire board is embarrassingly autistic. Just look around.

>2. Everyone can get AIDS; and not just through sex. For example, your post.
Honestly extremely good and funny comeback, but I still hate gays.

April 9th. There's a fire at Lakewood where we explore
>I lost a loved one (Sue Ellen's mementos from a pen pal burn)
>I almost lost a loved one (Arthur's dad was there and now he's afraid his dad might get caught in another disaster)
>The unaffected (Buster wasn't there that morning, acts like he was so he can "belong" with the survivors and then forms a bond with the janitor who got injured in the fire)
>PTSD (Binky can't stop pulling fire alarms because he's fucking terrified of flames now)

It came out in 2002 and was a disaster aftermath episode so yeah, it's very clearly a "help kids deal with 9/11 and similar events" episode.

April 9th. There's a fire at Lakewood where we explore
>I lost a loved one (Sue Ellen's mementos from a pen pal burn
>I almost lost a loved one (Arthur's dad was there and now he's afraid his dad might get caught in another disaster)
>The unaffected (Buster wasn't there that morning, acts like he was so he can "belong" with the survivors and then forms a bond with the janitor who got injured in the fire)
>PTSD (Binky can't stop pulling fire alarms because he's fucking terrified of flames now)

It came out in 2002 and was a disaster aftermath episode so yeah, it's very clearly a "help kids deal with 9/11 and similar events" episode. Pretty good though. Actually humanizes the janitor with some character spotlights since he also gets written off in the episode

I'm more surprised by the fact that this show is still on the air

how many godamn are we gonna have about this fucking episode?

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