Official Legends and Arrow Talkback Thread #1

Penultimate episode (for some random reason) for LOT and Finale for Arrow/ get in here CWversebros

>Stream 1

>Stream 2

>Stream 3

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Other urls found in this thread:

So Legends of Tomorrow is going to be the last show in this run?

Is it true that LoT is ending next season?

yes to both

How many episodes are in the final season of Arrow?

I'm disappointed, I wanted all the shows to end this week.


You all know the deal by now

Quick, post snacks>Stream 1

>Stream 2

>Stream 3

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Oh boy, time for more disappointment!

>Zari Jaan
This is the first time I heard of her last name

How come there's a Muslim character but not Christian character? Aren't there more Christians in America?

Just ate dinner (General Tso's), so no snacks. Drinking hibiscus tea.

>Breakfast deserts

No wonder her hips got so child bearing!

>Ray Palmer wants to BUILDWALL: Monster Edition.

I like Nate holding the dragon egg like a baby.

hes gonna build a portal to hell and make the monsters pay for it


Mcguffin dragon gonna be important

No, he's ruining Ray's reputation! He's suppose to be an angel!

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Ewww Gary

Android Gideon when?

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That third nipple is terrifying.

>tfw I actually have 3 nipples

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Oh good, Gary is still too pure to be truly corrupted.


...Damn it Gary

...Also, I really want actor Tom Ellis to show up in this Episode

Muslims get to be the new minority pet in to make up for all the post-9/11 hysteria.

So do I, but it doesn't look at pepperoni-ish as Gary's.

Gary knows how to use a Faerie.

Think that John will meet Astra?

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Hot dogs in Puff Pastry

Oh thank God he got his heat gun back.

Same, for the longest time I thought it was just a big mole.

A bit of Overkill never hurt anyone.

Now watch him not get to use it aside from that scene.

Yes Gary! Do it! Wish to play Dungeons and Dragons with the Legends,

Man, I like cotton candy way too much.

>Tabitha right now.

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Come on John, to get out of here you must simply pay a man his due.

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Is it true that Doom Patrol is a better LoT?

which one of you guys posted the LoT shout-out in the Beast Morphers thread?

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I'm having chicken lo mein with boneless ribs tonight

Dammit, we could have gotten this.

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my man! what if we get mum instead?

what if john sees malcolm and damien?

I actually want a season 5 now

Better show, yes. Better LoT? I dunno

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>I only listen for my name.
Oh Mick. I'm going to miss you.

Gary...always failing us

Hell really doesn't look all that bad

Hell hookers? Whats the point?

Holiest water there is.

>Gary, Mona is being tortured right now
I was wondering when someone would ask about her. Now all she needs is a personal time machine.

She had one of the time watches a while back.

Imagine shooting a scene with your wife with rapey undertones

Oh hey, we might get Darhk back.

Well, Dahrk is in hell confirmed.

Attached: DishAnywherePlayer_2019-05-13_20-15-02.jpg (1920x1080, 150K), Damien Dhark cameo tonight?

Also, I bet that ray is doing well in Hell and is redeeming folks.

kek Zari's got that cat backpack again

>Nora in that dress

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All those years of shooting rape videos in the bedroom finally paid off.

They totally fucked in the dressing room between scenes.

Sad thing is this making Ray seem successful.

While I agree at least make it DC related.

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Where else was he going to end up?

>ray is too pure for hell

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They fucked SO HARD after filming that.

God, Brandon Routh still looks like he'd be a fantastic Superman again.

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I bet he wants a palette cleanser after that Sonic movie

Failicity was a poor steward.

And he will be, for Crisis.
(Nora Lois?)

He needs a haircut.

>only 15 unique posters


Mick bullied him into not getting them anymore.

let it grow longer so he can do supermullet

Huh, anyone watching in NY area is in for a treat tonight. Pix11 has an interview with Elongated Man’s actor on the local news after the shows where he talks about a twist in the Flash finale

Is there a soul in that coin?

Of course John has friends in low places.

>Strip club filled with ugly neon-painted dancers
Yeah, this is still just Detroit.

Doesn't the bald dude voice Viren in The Dragon Prince?

...its in the terms and conditions of his crappy photosharing app, isn’t it?

Demon proctology doesn't sound fun

[Glass Him]

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>hell is average American city

>not a pirate

No he doesn't. He looks great.

Hence why the shows are ending.

Gideon is qt

Why doesn't Gideon always show this much emotion?

Is it just me or does Gideon have make up on?

>you will never tickle Gideon

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That was literally in the commercials for this ep, Slowbro.

Fairy Godmother probably changed reality and her programming

Mona you should have just said you were kidnapped right there.

It looks like the set of the Spawn movie which makes sense.

Usually not ensorcelled.
Also, her husbando is gone.

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i didnt know that. thanks for the heads up bro

She's pretty dumb and has gotten worst after getting wolfman aids.

That Jafar isn't menacing enough.

...what are these, marvel civillians in the presence of X Genes?

Tobias Whale is telling me love happens again


>Kid Steel

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Nate, just let Gary have the suit.

You never wear it.

>Gary in the Commander Steel costume
You went too motherfucking far. Kill this bastard now.

That is a hot secretary.

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This is all Mona's fault.

Let it happen, you thick lipped negro.

I have a feeling that Tabitha is the real big bad with a plan to betray Neron.

I hope so. Her becoming good randomly is bullshit.

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Courts have upheld that bullshit clauses like that aren't legally binding.

But they probably would be in Hell.

>Neron/Ray contributes to the shit future Zari's from
Huh. Makes enough sense.

What makes you think she's good? Just because she had a talk with Nora?

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Nate is a hemophiliac. I think he probably got bullied

I can't tell if Gary is still trying to save them or not.

This is just embarrassing, and not even in the fun way.

>Sara and Ava in those dress making them dance
You know I can't hate Gary on that one.

I kinda feel bad for Gary
Everyone treats him like shit

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He's also a total dork that alienated his dad by being a nerd.

I'm pretty sure you can change your future. The Flash does it all the time.

gary should make them eat

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Constantine needs another show.

>Satan, Belial, and Beelzebub

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Satan had a boner.

This, right now he's carrying LoT.

...Gary is making the Fairy think he’s torturing them?

Also...week fucking move on the triumvirate.

No Lucifer. Didn’t need to be Tom Ellis. Just a handsome ponce with blonde hair.

>He'll is ruled by three white guys


I think it's both.
He is trying to save them. But he's also impulsive and they aren't suoer nice to him.


I mean fuck, John is giving them a pretty good deal, since if Neron takes over, they all get fucked.

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He really didn't deserve the amount of bullying he gets.

Astra can't be suffering too badly if she found time to put her hair into puffballs.

What did he say?

I'm okay with them not wasting Lucifer on this, or the First of the Fallen.

>reusing footage from the NBC show
So it's officially canon now?

That seems on brand.

>implying us courts have jurisdiction in hell

duh! magic-focused season means he's connected to the plot one way or another.

They're painfully tight.

I think it always was-ish.
I think they used the same footage when he first showed up on Legends.

You have to admit, he's kind of handling this badly.

And the cartoon of Constantine is officially not canon to CW and is canon to the JLWar continuity

It's always been murky. Astra is canon, but Chaz and Manny don't seem to be

>is canon to the JLWar continuity
That's fucking confusing.

I feel like this show is trying too hard to be funny now. The Constantine plot (Neron included) are the only things that are good this season

You're right. He deserves even more.

Oh, absolutely. But who would want their nipple back?

>I feel like this show is trying too hard to be funny now
Same for Flash. It's been a whole new level of shitty since they hired comedy writers in Season 4.

Nah, even Constantine is kind of trite and forced. It's just been a lackluster season overall.

A show is only as good as its villains.

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Did Ava always have those tits?

look at ava's jugs.

I never noticed Ava has some huge tits.

Geez Ava, that's low

>Unpaid overtime

And my sympathy is gone.

The old genie replacement trick.


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They weren't that great either.

Agreed. They went too far over the line intentionally and ruined the absurd charm. I've been bored all season, good chance I don't come back next year. Same with Flash. These CW DC shows have kind of overstayed their welcome for me.

Fuck you, they were wonderful.

>Nora is now the new fairy godmother.
And Tabitha looks good in black.

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There have been other decent things- Ava's Limbo dream, Tom Wilson, Tom Wilson's insane theme park plan.

Nora sure has a lot of dresses this episode.
You think Ray got the frisky on in all of them?

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Eh, each season of Legends has been different enough that I wouldn't judge the next too much from this one. Especially with the Crisis coming.

What did the puppet do?

kek the Stein puppet

you've been GNOMED

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Puppet stein

So does Nora trick Tabitha back into being GODMOTHER, or does she become Ray's Godmother?

It's like some perfect encapsulation of the American government.

They probably got to keep all of them.

Possessed by a serial killer voiced by Paul Reubens.

Brainy on Legends. Maybe as part of the Crisis fallout he’ll be Green and maybe have to fight his prosthetic makeup heavy gramp gramp from SyFy’s Krypton

Those All State commericials try too hard.

He's a serial killer ghost.

I'll stick around to see how Crisis ends up, and then I'm gone. Crisis is supposed to be the Endgame of the CWverse

kek Gary

She's been nude before. They're out there

>Gary you dick!

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Legion of Doom set the bar for the series

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Mona is not worth all this effort.

I really wish Legends would take something from Supergirl. Or any other Earth. Maybe that can be the thing for next season.

Shrek and Gnome for next season Legends plox.

Should I watch Arrow season finale or Chernobyl?

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You know how Chernobyl ends.

But that would be hard on the budget.

Are these actors from his NBC show?

Agreed. She overstayed her welcome when she decided to be a dogfucker.


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And she grew up hot in hell, plus John's deal once again backfires.

Oh no. She's hot. And deranged.

Paint drying would be better than either.

Is she the whore who gave him directions earlier?

The NBC clips are really jarring because of how much higher quality the VFX are

There's nothing wrong with wanting to fuck a pagan god monster.

Astra got thot.

This is truly a Constantine level plot

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>demented Noah's ark



>Kid Zari has the dragon now
I really hate this show now.

Oh no, now Zari will go insane with power and burn Star City to the ground.

I was about to ask what color the dragon would be, but they showed it.

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Anybody else want to fuck Mia?

You're just finding excuses to whine.

>A little girl with a baby dragon fresh out of the egg
Why does this seem so familiar?

And then their will be a SJW fallout followed by pitiful damage control.

The weather alert came up thought someone was swearing

time to sleep...sleep forever....

So what happened to that scene from the promo? The one where there dressed as the Big3? Doesnt look like it's in next week either.

This episode is supposed to be a tear jerker

Was I the only one expecting Daddy Dhark to show up? Maybe next week.

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Well, rumor has it that Crisis will merge a few Earths. Brainy joins the Legends to help settle timeline errors caused by the fusing of timelines.

Also, that was a good scene of everyone swinging away.

It has been a few years since Star City's fan obliterated.

If Felicity dies it will be tears of joy.

There was an older Astra seen in Hellblazer, but it ended up being a demon trying to fuck with John's head

I was too

She's not dying in the present timeline. Might die in the future though

Need Alena pics STAT!

Who's the girl with white hair

>Felicity created a notable amount of commonly used tech in the future

Curtis pls

That was just a trailer gag.

Felicity's hacker friend with the glasses.

Seems like that might be the case next week.

It's next week. Nora will turn them into it

Based Bronze Tiger

Bronze Tiger better has not come back just to die


Bronze Tiger is tired with your Bullshit

Oh shit! Bronze Tiger for the rescue!


Bronze Tiger is the best character.


He's too busy not being in charge.

Remember when Guggenheim killed him off screen in a tie in comic but then they ignored it? Good times.

When did Curtis come back?

Alena is a very friendly, cheerful individual with a sense of humor. She has great respect for others skilled in computer hacking, namely Cayden James and Felicity Smoak, her personal idol. Alena is strongly loyal to Helix and determined to change the world through its technological operations, even though it often leads into dubious territory. Her carefree personality is not broken even when being pursued by Spartan, as she quickly gets out of the situation, leaving the vigilante behind.

However, Alena is serious and determined when it comes to protecting herself and her friends, as shown when rescuing Cayden. She even embodied an ends-justify-the-means attitude if the situation calls for it; Alena didn't mind killing (albeit accidentally) a corrupt A.R.G.U.S. agent who could lead Helix to Cayden's location, stating that he wasn't even an honest individual to begin with. Once Alena located Cayden, she quickly rushed to him, distraught, and worryingly tried to assure him that he's being rescued.

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Bronze Tiger and Slade are /our guy/s

I've been crusher on that Arrow reporter for years

Damn I never realized she had tits like that. First Ava now her

Curtis and Laurel out of fucking nowhere

I wonder if they'll manage to get Manu back for the final season in some capacity

I'm almost excited about this team, almost.

Are her boobs really that big?

How the fuck did Mad Dog's daughter go from Mestiza to Mulatto?

But can she burn her clothes off first?

>It's at Palmertech

I'd be okay with a crossover.

What the Hell is In the Dark about?

Blind slut finding out who murdered her friend.

A sassy blind girl

Doom Patrol is weird, LoT is wacky. DP is probably a better show (and I like LoT a lot)

A blind girl
It's made by Ben stiller

This Batwoman promo is getting really grating to watch

Sounds fun.

Extremely attractive yet blind girl who struggles being a normie due to past negative life experiences.

It's got a charm to it, but you need to have a high tolerance for bitchy sloots

Damn this is a really bad finale

I love sloots, so that's fine.

Anybody else bored? This is a season finale and it's so meh

Based Tiger claws

It feels especially bad, honestly. At least S3 and 4's had a "big fight" feel to them

strong independent blind girl fighting the patriarchy while sleeping around

So the cops are just looking the other way on the murder and cover up?

I mean comic tie ins are rarely followed. It is usually used as a explnain an event of lack of a certain character but as soon as someone wants to change that they will. Happens in most movie and game comics all the time.

They didn't know about the cover up

>Just noticed that the lightning bolt dagger on Eobard's chest is in the same position of the lightning bolt on his costume
I feel so stupid not picking up on that last week

Has there been a show with a more ungraceful fall in quality than Arrow?

Oliver you need to work on your "you're better than you think you are" speeches.

CW wise? No I don't think so...maybe Supernatural.

Game of Thrones

Sleepy Hollow.

Who the fuck is this

This future plot is legit better than the main timeline now

Did Mia just throw 2 people off a building

They are robots

I have hope for the books
Also Bran better be revealed to be the real champion of the Great Other.

One fight scene and she's sorry!?

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Hell, even in DC Human Target cratered harder.

Ooh, there's a strong contender.
John Noble villain season ruined that show.

What the fuck is going on with the pacing this episode? And the goddamn editing? Everything feels so frantic and messy.

So who is that new woman who threw the knife at Emiko? Is that the mayor?

That show didn't have a great high though, so the fall isn't as bad

The Walking Dead
The Flash

Only gay people and blacks have hiv ?

Anyone coming off with the impression that this show is just terrible now? This entire story is just uninteresting. The acting is brutal also.

>The Walking Dead
We have a winner

That at least waited until the final 2 seasons

I think shes higher up on the council of the 9th circle thats higher than the leader somehow.

I have no fucking clue


Only gay people and blacks dont know we cured hiv and are keeping it secret from them.


I keep forgetting that there's supposed to be a plot.

Heroes only had one good season

>I didn't do...anything.
Feels kinda unintentionally cutting

I remember the last time this happened. Felicity got bored and did hacking on the side. It's the same fucking plot.

>implying that magic johnson wasnt the first person to have their aids cured

Oh so this is how they all got the gang tat

Except the actress is leaving this time

This is the end? What's the stinger? Because there's like 10 full minutes left

This is so weirdly fucking meta, it's not even the end of the series yet.

There is still 14 minutes left

Man this was supposed to be nostalgic and emotional and I felt nothing. God damn I hate that I'm so jaded on this show

After Ra's Al Ghul, Deathstroke and Prometheus, Arrow will probably end on a lackluster serie finale.

Wow if anyone thought Olly was getting out of Crisis this is really putting a nail in that.

the last 10 mins is mon itor

I felt something when it was just Ollie standing there and things going dark but otherwise I'm in the same boat and this is just kinda laughable to me instead of emotional

This is the most boring finale I've ever seen.

Even when he’s a flesh suit, Ray is still best boy.

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The boys ?


Hey, a stealth The Boys ad. Neat.

Is Amazon making porn now?

oh my god it's a ten minute montage

>whole neighborhood is ex-law enforcement
Would love to meet the the guy who tries to rob that place

Did she just give birth in a sweater and under a blanket?

A goddamn montage, holy fuck

Uh oh, time for shit to get real!


Aw shit.

I knew there was a reason I still had this show on in the background while shitposting.

ollies gonna be ok right guys?

And we've watched the whole show die.

Why would you tell anyone they are going to die?

...his eight episodes next season are world hopping adventures with the Monitor?! And the reveal that...


So what will next season be about?


is Felicity about to fly back to Mars?

I thought Felicity was leaving the show, not Oliver.

stopping the crisis

Fuck now I am actually sad about Oliver

>mulitversal entity says you are gonna die an unavoidable death
He'll be finnnne

Olliver is leaving, and the show is following him. Green Arrow MULTIVERSE ADVENTURES!

Meeting alternate Diggle as his biddy cop, and this Dig took his step dad’s family name! And someone put a ring on it!

Where IS present william right now?

The Crisis will be a mercy killing.

Sounds like the final season is going to be the best season, not that that's hard.

Fuck, now I want to see the reactions of normie fans who weren’t all in on the other DC shows.

Nah, Amell's done for some reason. I guess he's just about as tired of it as everyone else seems to be, as I doubt he's got Hollywood calling.

Really bad song

way to make monitor a third wheel guys

Is legends gonna be invited to the crisis party

Supposedly he'll be Nova in the MCU.

So that leak about the first nine episode of all shows later this year being Multiversal shenanigans ahead of Crisis was real?

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That last ten minutes was more interesting than the past two hours.

Oh so he is still alive somewhere

Anyone watching CW affiliate on Pix11 in NY there is supposed to be an interview tonight or on daytime tomorrow with Elongated Man’s actor

Apparently the episodes of the first half of each season are leading to Crisis with Arrow having the series finale the episode after, most likely some form of epilogue.

This really felt like a series finale.

moniter is probably taking her to the past when he died so they can die together

Tomorrow, I think.

What time??? Please don't tell me I sat through Arrow for nothing.

Grandparents took him

Or another attempt to backdoor pilot Blackstar.

Couldn't catch Arrow. Can someone TL;DR me, please?

Can someone give me a basic summary of what happened on Arrow?

It depends. A lot of films are wary to cast leads from TV shows because their contracts can say the show always has priority and you're fucked if the actor is hurt or delayed on your set.

Also there can be character traits like "while you are this positive character on our network you cannot be seen in films murdering or fucking or whatever" because Little Timmy can't see Arrow fuck shit up at the AMC.

dull finale with monitor taking ollie at the end

He'll wrestle a few matches here and there for AEW since he's buddies with Cody Rhodes

Taking Ollie...sexually?

What about all those times he murdred and fucked on his own show?

Future team went Berlin on the Glades wall, Emiko died, Oliver and Felicity move to a cabin in the woods to raise their daughter, Monitor shows up and takes Oliver away to the Crisis, Future Felicity says goodbye to her kids and also leaves with the Monitor.

50 minutes of nothing, Monitor takes Ollie on multiverse adventures to prepare for Crisis, future Failedcity leaves for the dimension he ends up in after dying in the Crisis so she doesn't have to show up in the future spinoff they want to make.

They really are gonna try some shitty 2049 series with the new blood from Arrow and Flash, aren't they? God, it's gonna be insufferable
And, like every season of Arrow, I'll endure it regardless

That was the deal.

Just this episode or the whole season?

That was TV-14 murder and fuckery on CW so it's fine.

>monitor takes felicity to the pocket universe with oliver

The only thing CW loves more than spin-offs is locking in young talent for a decade or longer.

I liked the future plots more than the last three seasons of Arrow. Well, not at the beginning or end, but everything between the introduction of Mia and the return of Felicity was able to hold my attention. And Nora's episode was all good.

Emiko gets kinda redeemed then dies immediately rendering the whole thing moot.

According to the leaks Damian and Jon will be in it

Monitor is showing up on Supergirl's finale too so it probably is

is he gonna be on flash tomorrow too

i havent been keeping up with arrowverse but my understanding is that
>flash and green arrow and batwoman and LoT exist in the same world
>supergirl has her own world

will crisis on infinite earths merge supergirl into GA/LoT/flash/batwoman world? like, will they do what the comic did and get everyone in the same world and reboot everything? i dont want it to be just lol we have to beat the antimonitor lol

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I haven't watched any of the CWverse in a few years. How have they been? Have there been any cool villains?

>I haven't watched any of the CWverse in a few years
Lucky you.
>How have they been?
Not good.
>Have there been any cool villains?

Overgirl, Black Arrow, Reverse Flash
Thinker was a nice change of pace

>Reverse Flash
Oh shit he came back? Last I saw him he was in the first season of LoT.

How many times have we had RF now?
Flash S1, Legends S2, Crisis on Earth X, Flash S6

I want to see Bullseye the clown make an appearance next season.

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Twice; three if you count Flash Point

>one of the Earths Ollie visits is Arrow '66
How many people who dropped the show would come back for it?

Clock King should wear this.

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Comics Emiko superior.

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Prove it

Hopes for Season 8?

Every episode is massive crossover cosmic crisis shit no more street level stuff. Show ends and all the good actors get siphoned off to shows where they make sense everyone else gets nuked by the anti monitor.

Hopes for lot season 5 besides getting rid of mona

Monitor breaching Ollie from Earth to Earth to fight the villain of the week and recruit a team of heroes hopefully including Jensen Ackles as Red Hood and Brandon Routh and Tom Welling as two different Supermen for a total of three including Tyler Hoechlin.

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>when John Fucking Constantine walks into Hell with no escape plan and asks to meet you

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They are gonna get felicity back for the series finale to die with Ollie right


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They do now, asshole

If he gets there and is wearing a tunic and robinhood bat it would be great


...I just want Damian to be insufferable and not explain who he is to these peons and John to be a supportive good boy despite his badboy scar, keep Damien in line and playing nice with others, and wants to boost the team while downplaying what he’s really capable of until he's has to go full world of cardboard.

Satan is First of the Fallen though. John even calls him that.

Prometheus was the best villain in a season that kind of promised that Arrow was getting back on track... but then we got Great Value manlet Kingpin and everything went to shit


Get rid of Mona and the bureau annoying Jewish big mouth dude.
I fucking hate both.

Each show has been a roller-coaster of quality.

Arrow finally got back on track with Season 5 and then squandered it again in seasons 6&7.

The Flash got worse in S3 and then got slightly better in S4/S5.

Supergirl got better in S2&3 (Mainly due to Superman) and then worse in 4 (sans the main villain)

Legends is the only show that's been consistently getting better but the second half of S4 hasn't been that great imo.


>The Walking Dead


Best answers right here.

Are the zetas a reference to The Zeta Project?

Few seasons late there. This show died to me when Ollie ended up with Felicishit instead of Laurel (Who should be named Dinah). Them having a daughter was just a final nail in the coffin.

The real thing that killed it was they setup a powerful demon episode 1 then beat him in the middle of season 2. You dont beat the main antagonist in the midseason finale. Ever since then they changed the status quo every season to see if the new locations and cast would bring in an audience but it never did.

According to rumors, yes.

>All the Earths that Ollie visits has him married to Dinah
Would love to see his face.

>Diaz kills all of Bratva because they were all conveniently in the same building in Moscow instead of being an international organization who are at least spread across Russia and have operations in America
>Longbow Hunters kill Emiko's mother
>get away with everything
>Emiko is a Ninth Circle leader with no foreshadowing
>set up Adrial Paul as a big bad
>kill him off like a bitch almost immediately
>some never seen before bitch kills Emiko
God, this season is a hot mess.

DP is an actual good show, but it doesn't diminish LoT at all. They are very different on what they want to do. LoT have the arrowverse force behind giving it so much charm.

God I wish that was ME.

Attached: D4YX2aiU8AAZx3x.jpg (600x412, 41K)

This is gonna be the last nail in GoT's coffin

Amell confessed (crying) that he is letting Arrow go to be a better father for her daughter. He never wanted to stop being Ollie. He is moving to another city.

And then blinditems says that many of the whores he sleeps with are on that city.

He also had an affair with Emily that was too much for her in the end and she decided to downright quit everything (fcuking finally, never be with married guys grills) reason why she won't stay next season.

Hollywood fucking sucks senpai.

Attached: D4YX5GiUYAEd9Wz.jpg (3404x2269, 1.04M)

>That pose
That's a goddamn Stand and you can't convince me otherwise.

>have magical power to make Sara and Nora do literally anything
>realize what I'd make them do
I'm a bad person

>Believing blind items

ikr, I would literally make them watch anime with me

Attached: D4Yaz2bUwAAIPfc.jpg (3628x2418, 1.09M)

I'm surprised to see this, tbqh. I had this realization early this year and dropped all the CW cape shows.

They just have this feeling of "cheap, serviceable-at-best" writing through and through. And I keep wondering where the hell the good writers and good showrunners are, since the CW should more than be able to afford them. The worst part is that, as far as I know, CBS and WB straight-up use long-running CW shows to test new writers, which is often the reason why these shows *never* age gracefully.

>not believing blind items

Dude, I'm sure 60% of it is fake, but there is a shitload of truth there. The real hard ones are the comments on the guess section, and dear Lord, the stuff you read there from people that were in the business but just couldn't take the rampart sexual exploitation on it.

Protip: don't have a single youtuber singer daughter. She'll literally be fucking fat old men before she turns 16. Guaranteed. Fuck, Drew Barrymore was doing cocaine at 12.

Attached: D4Z7awIU0AERVgr.jpg (2048x1536, 409K)

how is zari not fat from all that eating? i always thought she was compensating from the dystopia thing but turns out she was always that way even as a kid.

Attached: 1555874920110.png (1366x1318, 330K)

It's probably a genetic thing. My family eats a ton but none of us are over above the normal BMI


we need zari and kara in a eating contest.

Any webm requests?

Oh man its really cancelled, hope the short season means that it would be better quality at least

they're already felicity-less so it's a step up already by comparison.
sara and ava's dance routine?

yeah I thought mine was a mole too, but it grew too much like the color of my nipple in my late teens

Doom Patrol is Legends meets Legion

Where do you think hookers go after death?

I hate how vigilantes have saved the world on several occasions yet the people in Arrow treats them like they are monsterd. Lazy writing.

Attached: cq5dam.web.1200.675.jpg (1200x675, 181K)

self-perpetuating hell. you fuck a hell whore, you get to stay there longer.

No, Jaan is muslim equivalent of sweetie or honey


Did they really think people would not notice two different black girls?

No, only the Astra flashback was

Even the lil girl actor satan asked to choose from is a different actress

>Why does this seem so familiar?

Doesn't ring any bells

Hatefuck the smug out of her

Agreed on everything except Supergirl. I found previous seasons painful to watch, especially the annoying wannabe feminism and nobody calling Kara out on her bullshit. Season 4, to me, has been an improvement on all fronts.

Its Jessica Jones Meets Daredevil

So, I presume you havent watched LOST


I guess monitor visiting all DCW shows

I didnt even see the point of future plots except for more excuses to worship our one true goidess felicity

Glad we get at least 10 confirmed episodes of no felicity arrow

>sara and ava's dance routine?

This is the best I could do

Attached: lot ava sara dance.webm (854x480, 2.95M)

Why does Arrow suck so much?

the entire crew is phoning it in

Any one got the webm of Damian killing Felicity

>The combined unique poster count for LOT & Arrow talkback thread is 65, that too with Arrow season finale

How did it all go so wrong, Yea Forums?

I wanna go back to the time of Arrow Season 1 hype ;_;

>Arrow Season 1 hype
Season 2 hype was way better.


Her last name is Tomas (or Tomaz or Tomasz), you dang speedwatcher.

The only thing they ever got right. Unsurprisingly, it was barely a secret.

Arrow was a rushed mess of a finale but they did a really good job with the Oliver/Felicity/Monitor epilogue. Gives me hope they can actually end the show well next season.

Yeah but they also keep killing people.

Gary should've wished for pole dancing.

Will you watch Arrow 2049 bros? Mia is pretty hot desu.

>Arrow 2049

Attached: 1556068856121.png (1238x667, 999K)

Nora is cute. Cute.

First time BLACKED by Tiger's son, and then Barry's daughter? And then Felicity escapes with the black monitor? Uhm, something is going on there bros. Nice

Fuck the Arrowverse.

Attached: Count_Vertigo_Werner_Vertigo.jpg (244x328, 59K)

Bad Writing.

Maybe his Post-Crisis version will actually be accurate to the character.

If only the truth could be said for absolutely everything else.

Nude pole dancing.

At least Crisis will be active.

You know what I actually prefer a low count participation if it means the main thread remains active for multiple days


Nora screaming "Gary you dick!"

I have a feeling there will be a spike in attendance but mostly company wars shitposting (COIE "ripping off" endgame by killing off ollie).

Attached: Lot Garry Nora.webm (854x480, 2.91M)

so damien cameo confirmed in the finale?

Hope so, no point of just mentioning him in the episode

wonder if they can have malcolm, ra's...heck all of the dead arrowverse villains do a cameo.

Man I never realized how nice Zari's tits were

Attached: Zari cleavage.jpg (1280x720, 135K)

Dont forget Slade, as long as the actors are available I dont see why not

slade's still alive though, at best he needs to cameo for COIE but it's better if he actually does something.

got a screencap of said blind items? I believe you it would just be nice to have it all in one place for ease of reading

>something is going on there bros
I wonder who could be behind this...

Attached: katie caity pedowitz 134186.jpg (1997x3000, 632K)


Anyone know when new season of Legion will start airing

Attached: killicity.webm (1280x718, 2.59M)

fuck! i just realized damien's personal hell might be him being neck snapped by felicity over and over again.

Thanks user

this was one of the 1st webms I made that Yea Forums liked this was one of the

just glad that the file was still up on desuarchive (some don't work anymore).

Wow thanks for the effort, I had been away from Yea Forums for a while and wasnt sure if i would have found it in the desu archive

>That spoiler tag fail
>I dun goofed

When's Krypton season 2 gonna start airing?



where will he appear though? arrow's over after COIE.

Legends could go to Vlatava. His powers would let him go against Flash, even if it's the same as their Top. He could even fight Supergirl, which gives them an excuse to let him fly.

technically.. they could do a crossover with Lucifer.. right?

technically yes, but it would involve multiple earth shenanigans

I would be okay with that

They could even do it during this infinite crisis stuff they are planning on doing. Or was that just a rumor?

realistically, how many can they get on-board for COIE? shaq wearing the steel suit might not be high on people's wish lists but that would be worth a 'WTF?!!' reaction or two.

they will probably just re-purpose old footage or some shit like that

>DCW threads on Yea Forums will never be as hype as they were during the first couple seasons
Are any of the Titanverse shows any good? I want to believe.

Attached: twgWTKw.png (1040x760, 82K)

right now, the entertainment appeal of COIE is guessing who will actually appear in person.

>Burt Ward as an older version of Adam West's Batman

Doom Patrol

Doom patrol is good

well.. I you have to watch it.. Just watch the doompatrol episode. Everything else is trash

*IF you have to watch it

Doom Patrol is great, maybe the best capeshit show.

Titans is a show that exists.

Fuck you guys those last 10 minutes of Arrow really got to me
It went from a shitty season finale probably as bad as S4 to a series finale out of fucking nowhere

don't listen to those trannies, doom patrol is usual sjw garbage

Attached: 15545603896790 2.jpg (1211x901, 323K)

anyone got a clearer version?

>Fuck you guys those last 10 minutes of Arrow really got to me

Lol you are the only one, cause it meant nothing

The whole episode felt messy switching in between future & present plots abruptly

Even the doom patrol episode had a different Niles in the Titan show right?

Attached: Neron T&C.png (1674x864, 1.38M)

Here's one after I lrn2paint

Attached: Neron T&C.png (1536x864, 1.03M)

thanks guys!
it would've worked if it was laurel and not felicity

>it would've worked if it was laurel and not felicity

Maybe and also having a good plot with the goodbye in the end would be more digestible

> implying you wouldn't secretly like to become a drag queen in the perpetual cabaret