Unstoppable Wasp is cancelled again

Why didn't you support it, Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Because nobody cared

And neither did you.

It's not my fault the plot was boring.

>Not enough Finesse
>Plot hasn't moved
>Focus on girl issues
Shit's cute though.

I guess she was stoppable

I actually sat down and read a story with Yea Forums in which they all praised the comic when it was just characters talking about the titular character extended family and then having a splash page of fighting bad guys who crashed a party.
It wasn't a story, it was exposition and mild fanservice (I am a Pymfag so I was in the target audience).
The other time I sat down and read another issue in Yea Forums they managed ot make superhero wrestling boring (I am a wrestling fag as well).
It was so weird to see this comic book indulge in quirks I love to death and do nothing interesting with it.

She'll just be placed into champions with more focus, along with the other cancelled solo legacy characters plus Miles and Kamala.

How many years until Marvel comics grows a brain and stops trying to pander to woke tumblr faggots.

>is stopped 2 times
Trash character.

It was a SoL comic, I can see why it didn't sell.


That's rumored to be cancelled too because the trade ends abruptly.

The Menagerie's brief reappearance was the only interesting thing about that chapter. They were like a beacon of light among the superpowered, infallible teenagers with attitude.

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I gave the first issue an honest try and found it boring.

It was supposed to be the culmination of her mental recovery but they focused three issues on it without a real payoff.

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She's a shit-tier character with no purpose, just like all these new SJW trash creations Marvel keeps trying to push and failing miserably with. Good riddance, I hope they kill all of them off.

Give her back to Waid, fuckers.

Even if they do shut it down (again) they'll just reboot it once more.

Oh well, I'll pick up the hardcover.

>comic gets cancelled due to low sales
>gets launched again
>gets cancelled again due to low sales

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Miles seems pretty useless there, are you going to get off the ceiling to help? Oh you're just here for the food

She's not cute

Little girls don't read capeshit.

Yes, I can see how a white female who is the daughter of two white people inheriting the family business is an SJW ploy. Truly the end-goal that the Jews are denying us is the immortal white male who has dominion over all things forever, so that none can inherit what is rightfully his for all time.

I want to fuck that panda

Fuck, meant for I don't know how I messed that up.

If you bought the comic, it would have survive. Cope.

Because Nadia is a cunt. Simple.

Third times the charm!

I bought it. Most of it was ok. Nadia is cute and I like her character but the plot crawled along. I did like her bipolar breakdown arc. It was really well done.

Is Nadia easily impressed? Because that's a pretty low-tier teamup; Gypsy Moth is the most powerful followed by Swarm, and their are at least four heroes at that part who would be completely invulnerable to them.

Do you think Alanna Smith lets Tom Brevoort touch her tits?

What book should they put Gurihiru on now?

They should just dump Whitley and do another mini like Ant-Man and the Wasp. Nadia and Scott getting stuck in the Microverse and weird shit happening was enjoyable and had way more happen in it's issues than both of Whitley's runs combined.

Such is the power of Jeremy Whitley. If you want to witness his level at maximum, check out Princeless, one of the worst comics ever published.

The Unsellable Wasp

Spoiler: the comic was total shit and centered around some dumb lesbian ship of two supporting characters. Of course, Yea Forums loved it.

I'm 80% sure Alanna is a tranny.

>check out Princeless
Is that the guy who is writing this? For real?
Why Marvel would hire him?

Does Pandamania even have a real name?

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Nah I storytimed basically every issue and nobody liked it. It wasn't storytime of pain bad but the only thing anyone liked was Finesse making a cameo and Nadia beating the shit out of her friends.

How would I know man? I just want to suck those panda tits

Being Guruhiru must be suffering.

Disney does not understand
Disney Comics is one thing
Super hero comics is another
they can not keep this line of art and stories focused on women and children
this does not sell
they should make comics for everyone!
and the style of art and history has to have the marvel style of the 70s. 80s and 90s
Disney is literally killing Marvel comics successfully for almost 10 years.

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>Why Marvel would hire him?
Have you read any Marvel comics lately? They hired Gabby Rivera and Mags Visaggio. They'll hire anyone with the right identity politics.

Miss me?

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Disney isn't running Marvel's publishing division. Ike is.

Honestly, when it comes to the book, Nadia is the best part about it, which she should be. It’s her friends in her supporting cast that nobody gives a shit about yet they just keep getting focus. The fact that they’re all geniuses just causes them to be boring due to being all too similar and their secondary traits just feel cardboard cutout

Tenth time's the charm!
To be fair """only""" four of those are Carol's fault

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Ew gross, fatherhood is patriarchy manifest and Hank is a wifebeater, don't you know?

The Young Avengers and the Champions have never teamed up before

Plus its a good idea to have a low stakes villain since Nadia's non-powered lab friends are at the club too. And Sam without his Nova helmet

Gwenpool 2: Eclectic Poolcapoo.

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Terrible art style
This is not Marvel, this is something else

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Did anyone actually give a shit about the 2 lesbians? They seriously had no chemistry and it felt like Ying was just going along with being the other’s girlfriend rather than making it believable that she likes her in return

Life support.

Someone took those "How to draw manga style" books from the early 2000s to heart.

Make comics with unattractive women
Ask if this sells?

>and the style of art and history has to have the marvel style of the 70s. 80s and 90s

No one can replicate the style of old comics because the artists they're hiring aren't good enough and digital coloring/rendering makes everything look plastic and disgusting.

It's Marvel for little girls. No, there's no such demographic, but there should be. Maybe if girls would read more comics they wouldn't grow up to be such fucking normie hypergamous sociopathic roasties.

wifebeater in this day and age just means he looked at her wrong

Sorry, but this is bad. It doesn't look like a fight at all. They are having a discussion at best.

How many of these guys are dying in Central Park right now?

This. The last run was hot garbage. This run was hot garbage with little nuggets of gold. There was potential this time around, but instead he wasted it because he wanted to focus on slice of life and muh cute diversity squad with no personalities.

If you want to appeal to young girls, fine. But young girls don't like to be bored. Moon Girl is for kindergartners and it's way more exciting than Nadia's story. Which is a shame, because Nadia has so much potential.

We still have that Gwenpool project they announced last year. We know it's not West Coast Avengers, since they announced it after that book was announced.

They absolutely need to have Hastings back.
But if not Hastings, who would be a close replacement?

>White Rabbit
>Gypsy Moth
>That cute Indian girl on Nadia's team with the blunt bangs
>The QT chink also on Nadia's team
Oh no, a boner.

An attempt to merge tumblr and an animesque artstyle. Hell, I can recall a few chapters of Agent Venom that pulled off the animesque artstyle far better.
Unfortunately, the artists name alludes me at the moment.

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I read last issue and it was the most boring thing I've ever read. Literally just wanted to see what the Young Avengers would do and found myself skipping most of the rest because fuck, how boring. Worst part is the YA didn't do absolutely anything. What a fucking waste.

You people are gay faglords. Gurihiru are based.

Yes they are, and have already made radical changes since 2012
Censorship arts and writers
As you can see all the comics with female characters in the title have this"Little Mermaid" line of art
And retarded line of stories
And by radically changing characters like Captain Marvel for her to suit MCU
Do I need to say the gay and SJW agenda of the current Marvel comics and Kevin Feige?

Damn, I actually gave it a read after that bipolar issue and really liked it.

I wouldn't want a Hastings imitator just someone who'd treat Gwen right like Nick Spencer doing a superior foes style book.

Not a single character in this "fight scene" seems to be in motion.

This is the kind of postmodern ironic writing that got the book cancelled. Superheroism is no longer superheroism, but more like "Ummm that thing? You know that, like, thing superheroes do, or whateverrrrrrrr?" Staples of the genre are treated like quirky tropes, something to be examined from afar and treated frivolously rather than with any dignity.

I know some anons here really liked this book and I too remember the pain of losing my favorite ongoing. So how are you holding up Waspfags?

I'm sure he'll come back. He's still doing work for Marvel, and his prospects outside of it have been relatively small. Plus they got Sina Grace and Jeremy Whitlea back on their books, so why not?

This is the mistake of the current Marvel
They weigh that all these little girls like these comics
They hate and do not buy
Girls want to see strong characters with curves, like the singers Beyonce or Rihanna
They do not want this kind of art.
Look at the example of DC, after many mistakes decided to back to the basics, good art and stories
Do not fuck the readers, DC learned
Marvel is lost and mismanaged, MCU has killed the comics forever and there is no turning back.

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Everyone who has touched Gwen besides Hastings didn't really grasp the character.
This is Gwen at her core. A NEET girl who got a chance to be something more, and despite living with the greatest fear that it'll be taken away from her will still try to do the right thing when the chips are down and the odds are against her. She's just like us.

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It's really been years since I've seen any super heroine thicc in marvel comics

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>Do not fuck the readers, DC learned

Posting this harder than I have ever posted it before.

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So Gurihiru can now work on Superman Smashes the Klan by Gene Luen Yang.

i did support it, god damn it
i bought every issue
i went to my fucking LCS every release


You mean crickets, because that's the only thing I hear right now.

Nah, but I think it's for the best. The writing's been on the walls since issue 1 pulled 17k. I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did. Then again though, Marvel seems to be sticking to 2 trades for books, instead of cancelling at issue 6.

>pants = evil
God bless Chris Hastings.

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This. People think that superhero stories are played out, but there hasn't been a standard superhero story in forever. There hasn't been anything that even approaches the tone or style of golden-age and silver-age stories that anything that has that level of both whimsy and trust in it;s audience is refreshing.

Ok butthole and nipple user
We get it
You want to have sex
A comic will not have sex with you.
It's a dilemma
It's also not our problem
Fuck off

Someone explain to me how these people who took Marvel comics to these sales drops still keep the job?

Dude you look like a fool or a shill posting these garbage art here

This. The response to "literal Nazi made out of bees walks into densely crowded area full of innocent civilians" shouldn't be "squeeee let's have a good ol' fight"

Art was good but I think they pulled whoever was working on it when they decided to cancel it because the last 2 issues have been shit

That's what No Surrender and No Road Home are.

>the last 2 issues have been shit
Nadia's breakdown and starting recovery were great.


Selling comics is secondary to selling characters.

>superpowered, infallible teenagers with attitude.
This makes me miss the New Warriors, they were superpowered teenagers with attitude but they were far from being infallible and for all of their reckless actions there were grave consequences (especially when they got involved with the rebellion to throw out a dictator in a banana republic only to find out they made the situation worse) and you could also feel why the Avengers got frustrated with them (like when they broke into the mansion and stole the Quinjet) but at the same time you related to them in thinking the Avengers were dicks (they never took the Warrior's problems seriously and brushed them aside).


Fantastic Four? Pretty much all the current Spider books running right now? How are you defining "standard superhero story" because I feel like we're still getting a lot of those.

>Look at the example of DC, after many mistakes decided to back to the basics, good art and stories
>Do not fuck the readers, DC learned
This was true during Rebirth, but then they hired Bendis and started up NuVertigo. DC is in many ways even worse than Marvel right now.

Does this mean Juggernaut is still Marvel's only truly unstoppable character?

>DC is in many ways even worse than Marvel right now.

The crippled black girl was prime waifu material ahead of its years, Silhouette was it?

The current group of shitters should either be killed off or given PTSD like Riri.

Bendis is running roughshod over DC and Snyder is rehashing Hackman's Avengers run in Justice League. Yeah, nah, it's pretty bad. They got Grant Morrion's Green Lantern and... that's it?

I'm more of a DC guy and I know they are doing worse bro. Like damn, all they need to do to fix Batman is kick King out but they just won't. Hell just let him write some obscure superhero don't let him touch the mainstays.

Hippo is a joke villain, but he is a strong guy.

It's actually impressive how most of that team are joke villains who manage to keep appearing.

All these examples of classic superhero writing are soulless imitations of superhero writing that get by on gimmick tactics like events or simple branding like having "Spider-Man" on the cover. These books are uninspired paperweights, written by writers spinning their wheels just to get that next paycheck.

>it was just characters talking about the titular character extended family and then having a splash page of fighting bad guys who crashed a party.
Characters drama and bad actions? That sounds like a big 2 comic alright.
> it was exposition and mild fanservice
What was I saying? Yeah, just another comic from Marvel (and DC).

Sam's book was pretty good about avoiding this, too. He had attitude, but he wasn't respected and always had to struggle and fight to get what he wanted. And even then, he often got very little of what he wanted. It was a great underdog story.

gurihiru is trash

I'm not saying DC is perfect but Marvel constantly shit the bed on most every series, not just the big ones.
At the very least if they fuck up they can back out of it. Marvel just commits to its shitty writing decisions.

I did! Dammit, I just want to see cute girls having adventures, having somewhat smarter than average super fights, and suffering manic phase meltdowns! Is that so much to ask?

>i want this, no one makes this anymore
>here's this
>that doesn't count

Wonder Woman is pretty enjoyable.

why dont they make the covers super lewd nearly porn so more people pick it up?

Based Yoshida has gotten Marvel's shit together so they're honestly in a not that bad spot all things considered. Marvel now is way different from the latest dark times.

Is it really? I heard G. Willow Wilson was on it and that makes me very cautious.

Yea Forums may not always be reflective of the larger audience, but it shows that there is at least a potential audience for this character and book, people reading Avengers or Champions want to like Nadia, and want to like this book, but they gave it to the male version of Gabby Rivera to write, and when it got cancelled, they gave Nadia a second chance, and gave it to the same writer again. One of Marvel's biggest problems is rewarding failure. If he's some editor's friend and they want to give him work, make it some low-level cleaning or admin job where he can't do any damage, not a writing job he's terrible at.

I wasn't part of that original conversation but it doesn't matter. I jumped in to say that those books are shit, and fail to capture what they imitate. It's just as bad as a book that ignores classic storytelling completely. Neither accomplish the goal of being interesting superhero stories because they both do it wrong.

100% true post right here

Maybe you were a kid in the 70s or 80s but they aren't a lot of "young" people who look at comics from then and think: "I want to see this art style more".

Again, I love DC dude but that Shogun is definitely better than Didio. I know DC will get their shit together after DClock (If it ever ends) and we'll get some good stories again (Hoping for a JSA revival).

People liked it back when it was used for Power Pack.

The premise of Nadia forming a group of female geniuses isn't a bad premise, but the rest of the group being entirely made up of lesbian-looking brown teenagers from the New York area tells you instantly what Whitley really wants to be writing.

fuck, you are right. Comics peaked at the bronze age.

>check Newsarama article
>Unstoppable Wasp second run is planned to end at #10 all along

>there is at least a potential audience for this character and book
"Potential" is a completely theoretical term. Literally anything and everything has potential. Potential is an expression saying "[thing] is possible". Yes, it's possible. But is it LIKELY?

Miles defenders love to say that Miles has "potential". Sure he does. But has he realized that potential in comic books? He exists in a Sony film with a bit more complexity than his comic counterpart, and yet he's STILL outshined by his supporting cast despite being the face of his own movie.

You talk about a "potential audience," but you might as well say "invisible audience" for all the good it does for sales. Some characters just aren't interesting enough to keep consumer attention.

I have no idea how anyone could have thought that direction was a good idea.

Was this book meant for small percentage of female comic readers who are also children who are also lesbians? Why couldn't the retard writer just make comics about a teen girl superscientist instead of sperging out and hijacking the comic to have his teen girl OCs make out?

First arc is a drag, but it is also a lot of setup.

Maybe they wanted the Steven Universe audience? Which is dumb because no one gives a shit about those characters, and Ying had way more chemistry and history with Nadia. (Which is saying something, since Nadia's practically asexual.)

Comics have been dying for years.

>Why didn't you support it, Yea Forums?
Because the first issue had the descriptor "Small, gay disaster" in it and I want to still think that people are better than that.

Champions? I think it's just because War of the Realms hijacked everyone after issue #4.

first mini was basically an excessively long introduction of her supporting cast, with not much meat on its bones and no payoff

This caused everybody not caring whatsoever about the second mini, which also started in a similar way in the first issue, which nuked most everybody's interest for it.

Then they made the good issue #3 and awesome issues #4, but it was too little too late. Issue #6 and # having a bad Guruhiru copycat on art didn't help whatsoever.
It also had the payoff for the first mini due the characters interactions and relationship, but, well, too little too late

More specifically the B-Plot of the books ha been managed horribly: it should have been the binding elements of the issues, but it's almost absent.
There are traces in the first issues of vol.2, but I suspect the low sales or editorial changes about Pymtron killed it

Yeah but I actually want to read a book about an unstable teen super scientist fighting AIM while slowly breaking down and facing the shadow of madness her father left behind that makes all her father's old friends look at her with the same kind of distrust that drove him away while hiding their feeling behind fake smiles. I want flashbacks of the insane shit the red room did to her and have it shape the way she interacts with the rest of the world. I want her to face all her father's failures and overcome them while repeating the mistakes that led to those failures. I want her to unknowingly bring Pymtron back to earth because nobody will tell her the truth about what happened to her father and she thinks she's saving him from deep space.

Pym's are made to suffer.

It wasn’t twenty pages of Gurihiru-drawn giantess/minigirl smut per issue.

Miles is a completely different situation, where a lot of people like or dislike the character for race reasons before he even did anything, and a lot of Spider-Man fans dislike him because they fear him replacing Peter. There's all that baggage to deal with before you even read his comics where he's less interesting that his supporting cast and has a boring instant-win power.

Nadia didn't have that kind of baggage, people wanted to like her because she was Hank Pym's daughter, a new addition to the family group at the heart of the classic Avengers. Or they just wanted a teenaged Slav waifu. The direction and execution of her solo series failed to deliver on what anyone wanted or expected, and Marvel somehow brought the same writer back for a second volume.

Everyone knows there were no women in comics before the SJW cabal took control of the earth

I guess a majority of people aren't really attracted to Gurihiru's artstyle?

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I don't think he meant to hijack it with his OCs, I think they just wanted to make their teen girl superscientist book into THE teen girl superscientist book to inspire all young girls everywhere. They expanded the scope to a volume that the writer was not able to support.

>Nadia will never meet her half siblings, the killer robot and the half tiger baby

She did meet the half tiger baby. Ultron is also aware that she exists, but not of who she is.

She met her half-"brother" last issue which was basically a procession down the Pym family tree not including Victor.

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Now if she looks like her dad, I wonder if she and Ultron see the same psychologist

Tiger baby is pretty cute

A lot of young people don't even look at comics period.

>I would die for him
Jesus fuck kid calm down, this is a comic that shit will actually happen now

Distribution putting floppies exclusively in specialty stores and increasing the price above $3 an issue will do that.

Came here to post this.


Does not compute. Here is your progressive heroes. Deal with it or ask for antartic press to publish your t&a filled comic

Hey man don't look at me, I bought it for Finesse

Jonboy Meyers?

Fuck off idiot.

You didn't even tried.

When's the last time Swarm wasn't a joke?

Kelly's Spider-Man/Deadpool had him get beat by a door, and Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur had him getting children hooked on cigarettes or something.

Based hopeful user

Never, they are an IP factory for a movie studio, and normies eat that shit up. They can run at a loss indefinitely, and they pay their staff pennies.

The comics fanbase isn't made of teenage girls. Some making SOL shit, no one reads that.

/ss/ fags rejoice
drawfags get to work, let's see some naked pouncing

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>The writing's been on the walls since issue 1 pulled 17k
Most of these "new audience" books tend to do better in digital sales, though obviously it wasn't enough here

>Then again though, Marvel seems to be sticking to 2 trades for books, instead of cancelling at issue 6.
Maybe they're hoping the first trade will sell well.

We've seen SoL work in comics, at least; Academy X was 74% high school drama, 25% standard X-Men plot, 1% older women macking on teen boys.

I think it can work if you have a good cast and know when it's time to put the SoL aside. Wasp was at least able to put the SoL aside for AIM/Nadia's mental breakdown, but we have no reason to care about the SoL stuff because it's poorly balanced, there's little drama and her friends suck.

Did we ever see these supposedly-good trade sales they touted, anyway? At least with Kamala and Moon Girl, you see it through audience reception and fan content, which gives you evidence that it has an audience. Nadia and Iceman had none of that.

Go cry somewhere else faggot

>Look at the example of DC, after many mistakes decided to back to the basics, good art and stories

It's not like DC is doing any better than Marvel in terms of Diamond sales, though. 6 of the top ten comics sold through Diamond in April were Marvel comics. 12 of the top twenty were Marvel, too. Marvel sells literally twice as many books through traditional markets as DC does

William is really big now, I guess it's because he's a cat.

>Nadia and Iceman had none of that.

Which is presumably why they got cancelled.

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because it sucked

bad characters like these?

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fucking garbage piece of shit

Do you really read this crap?

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Meanwhile in DC comics

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This is goodThis is...trash

That rings bells from years ago. Was that the comic where a princess complained about being called "fair"?

Oh come on, Kamala isn't bad character.

>complains about being called "fair"
Well, not with that attitude, she ain't fair.

>forced pro-muslim propaganda
How is she not?

She's a 100% secular crack-shipping fangirl with her hair open and uncovered.
Islamists cannot like her.

new wasp and new ant-man suck
give us the old team and not this one dimensional sjw crap

I don´t read anti white male feminist propaganda

she is a marie sue who constantly talks about white male privilege and how "evil" white men are

feministc vagina wolverine is also getting cancelled

>Was that the comic where a princess complained about being called "fair"?
Yes. She was imprisoned in a tower by her father, the King, in order to wait to be rescued by any prince that decided to rescue her. She escapes on her own, although it's not much of a feat since the deadly dragon that kept her in the tower was actually her pet all along. She's inexplicably a master swordsman, far better than her brother, and she sets off to find other princesses to rescue. Girl power. Shit book.

Another thing is school book fairs.
A lot of these books are what Marvel sells to those.

Nice to have proof that X-23 only sells when then call her Wolverine.

they have called her x-23 for a time now again but they just gave her another sjw costume and a annoying little girl character as well.
only the sexy, confused girl x-23 sells

Was their any Giantess content? For uh, research purposes.

>Character drama
Not really?

that´s not true at all
I remember reading and interview with a game indie game developer who was shocked that 99% of their kickstarter supporters were all male eventhrough he had seens a few women cosplay has his characters at conventions.
women in general don´t really financially support comics or games. they just pretend to be part of the culture to get attention


>add better artists
That's good
>keep the same writer and don't have him change anything
That's bad

>Bad character
Also, Spider Gwen's problem isn't about her character, but rather the lack/plain of it.

This series was pretty mediocre and as an Ant-Fag it sucks to have this as the only title featuring a member of the family, and it makes Marvel think that Ant-Man/Wasp related titles don't sell well when the reason is because they keep giving this shit writer the same series.

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They should bring back Pym and have an Ultron/Wasp series or give Spencer another Ant book. Maybe with Eric O Grady instead.
It boggles the mind that Ant-Man is the only movie character Marvel won't give a comic to.

That art looks pretty cute, but I can see why it wouldn't work for the Western audiences. It looks more like something made in Japan, sharp chins and all. They should stick to more conventional artists if they want to sell their shit.

If they bring back PymTron I'd want them to actually do something with him, I thought he was going to have a big moment in Duggan's GotG, along the lines of another Conquest sort of story but it never happened. After seeing Spencer write O'Grady in Hunted, I'd be more than happy to see him do a Black Ant series.

The last two issues weren't Gurihiru, retard.

It's incredible how easy it is to spot to same user who types like this in short, matter-of-factly sentences about the EXACT SAME TOPIC. There's no thread that goes without this same guy typing this same nonsense, fuck.
Dude who writes like a neanderthal knows what little girls like, yep.

The only Wasp I like was in A:EMH.


Post a single instance of her being "anti-white male", please (since you've turned "Mary Sue" into an empty insult).
Bonus points if you post TWO instances of her being that way, since you said she does it constantly. Please, I'll wait.

she's a wet blanket and always bitching in team comics and events
I don't like her
Sam has spunk and flies, much better legacy character


Sam is also a whiny bitch. Being openly whiny bitches is why I hate teen characters, at least the adults are usually more reserved

giantess fetish bait.

Floppies cost the equivalent of $4.75 where I live. The majority of people going into comic book shops are critical of the art in actual good books, why would anyone ever pick up one of these tumblr-style comics, especially at the cost? Gwenpool is the only good cutesy style superhero comic

Was it bad or something? The cover art looks pretty sexy.

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I mean, it could have been a critical look at the realities of power behind closed doors in the medieval world where a lord's wife could easily control politics through her iron grip on the household, if just by punishing her husband through food and starched undies.
Or you look at female monarchs who actually seized power from their husbands or came into power for being the only capable heir.
But such nuance is apparently for aSoIaF only...

Damn, that's a shame. The story was boring as shit but I loved Guruhiru's cute mangaesque Wasp, I appreciate seeing something different once in a while (although the action scenes definitely needed more work).
And I just know Marvel is going to blame the artstyle for the failure of this whole series, which is a shame.

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Shave off her head, and she looks kinda like whiter Miles Morales.

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it was a sol thing with barely any drama
that time Nadia started beating the shit out of her friends was great, but it was resolved, like, the very next chapter.

It wasn't "resolved", it started her making amends and learning how to cope and deal with it, which sets up for when factors down the line prevent her from dealing with it.


The multiculture pal feminist comic didn't sell? Shocker.

One less comic with the feminist robot in it. Now all we have to do is purge her from Iron Man and retcon 90% of the shit they have been doing in that comic for the past 4 years and I might pay for it again!

This was literally three years ago, and Fabok had to actually take a break from drawing comics for awhile because he was so burned out from having to do Darkseid Wars. He also hasn't drawn any interiors since because Geoff Johns is keeping him on hold for Three Jokers.

Big bipolar booty.


remember that the indigo goes...

her being bipolar wasnt resolved, her punching the everliving shit out of a bunch of normies was

Shame Pymtron didn't meet all of Nadia's science friends and duck them with his big robot dick

Can Gurihiru work for DC? I'd love to see her draw characters like Wonder woman, Supergirl or Powergirl.

As for Marvel i'd love to see her draw somethign She-hulk related, Black cat and Captain Marvel could be fun. Or some of the various spider girls we have.

Why is it always about lesbians with you people.

It's "them", the proper pronoun for two women.

You can’t leave Ike out of it. The comics division is his. This is Ike’s SJW agenda. He could stop it in a second.
I don’t know why, eitehr.

Stop it.

Worst part is it started out seeming like it would focus more on the superheroics this time around only to devolve back into the mostly sol that no one cared about last volume

Oh my bad, I thought it was one person so thank you for correcting me.

Because I don't encourage lesbian propaganda

Because the girl had 2 traits, that she was a genius and that she was a lesbian and despite not being a remotely interesting character, her plot point took up probably the most time out of the supporting cast in a book that wasn’t even hers

>>Can Gurihiru work for DC?
unless they have a exclusive contract, yeah.

I suspect it's mostly DC not being interested, though. They appear to have a harder time to use less mainstream artists compared to Marvel.

still thinking #3 and #4 made it up for it

I saw they worked on some Dark Horse Avatar stuff so maybe they can work for others besides Marvel. But I guess it depends on if they have an exclusive contract or something now.

She's forced pro muslim propaganda designed by "progressive" white people for other "progressive" white people that think that this is what muslims are like. It's yet another case of whitey trying to show their tolerance and understanding towards other races and cultures but really just showing how ignorant they are.

When was this again?

>she's a wet blanket and always bitching in team comics and events
She is much better in her own book.

Cassie Lang as Stature

Isn't she Stinger now??

I guess but she isn't really hardcore muslim nor her dad or mom is. Only really serious muslim in that comic is her brother and he is showed as an asshole.

That's my point. She's a white persons interpretation of a muslim.

Look at the sales numbers, it does not sell It's almost 100 years of comics That's not what the people want, children or adults, at any time

She's Sana Amanat's self-insert.

>Why Marvel would hire him?
Marvel has been having the tactic of hiring from Tumblr for quite a while now.

How many tanked relaunches do they need until they start reconsidering? Humour me for a second. Maybe it's not all these other, nonetheless still existing detrimental issues surrounding it. Think the unthinkable. Speak the unspeakable. What if - bear with me hear - what if, the diverse reimaginings, reboots and revamps themselves are the issue? What if the demographics slammed onto the main characters, simply aren't the demographics of the target audience most suited to the medium itself, thus the target audience most likely to buy the issues, can't relate to or identify with the protagonists and thus they don't buy the product? What if part of an actually working fix would be stepping away from the political engineering approach and towards catering to the customer's wants and desires?

And in case the inoffensive phrasing doesn't get the point across, what if, just as an experiment, did the exact reverse of what an arts graduate would recommend to them? Sack the entire current staff, including the artists and replace them all with White men, add some Jewish or Asian ones if necessary, and similarly, revamp and reboot all the shows to have all characters that (by virtue of their role and position in the story) have to be reliable, including the protagonists, to be White men?
Just the exact inverse of what has been tried out - and what has failed every step of the way, in the last few years.

Oh and straight. Make sure they're all straight, too. Forgot that one in-between all the panels full of brown women for 'heroes'.

Not going to humor you, retard.
Nadia is the best part of the comic by a mile. It's fucking brainless that you think THIS of all possible legacy characters is the Social Justice Gettysburg that will finally make everyone go back to Avengers #1 and stay there.

Whatever, if you're happy with another 10 years of every relaunch tanking, be my guest.

But it's just so fucking stupid.
Nadia is a white girl and the daughter of Hank Pym. How the fuck is she any more of a diversity push than Spectacular Spider-Girl?

I don't support comics with interracial lesbians.

>Art was too simplistic.
>Character that CAN'T be adapted into a movie.
>Up until recently, conflict was too low-stakes.
>Focusing on young girls, who can't afford to buy the comics.

Disney could launch 3 lines of comics
An adult with nudity and sex
Another traditional
And the last one for kids
And have a stamp on the cover to differentiate
In the traditional line only great artists and the best authors
And they must be autonomous and free from mcu

maybe on Yea Forums, but people don't really buy homogeonous medium any more. it's not as profitable anymore. and the market is widening. what with the video games, the MCU, the DC films, more people of different ethnicities are reading comics. just as more varied people are playing dnd and tabletop games.

tldr no

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Marvel used to do that.

Marvel Max = Adults
Marvel 616 = Teens-Adults
Marvel Adventures = Kids/Everyone
Ultimate Marvel = Older Teens

are they responsible for this ugly art?

It's pretty alright by Marvel's recent standards

Why don't they draw comics like the public who's going to buy the magazines like it?
Are they stupid?
That kind of art people don't like!
As an artist why you're going to draw something that the target audience doesn't like?
It is stupid on the part of the artist and the editor who seeks these artists.
Look at Adriana Melo's case, she draws in the style that the public wants and she's 20 years in this market, she knows what the public wants and makes art for this audience.
Unlike the current Marvel female artists

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pushing a message is more important than the potential profit being missed out on, for them.

Post cute Nadias!!!

God, imagine the smell.

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Does this thread deserve cute Nadias?

Yeah, she's fucking awful

> white girl
> girl
> in a superhero comic series
The race thing is secondary marketing-wise. That's mostly tongue-in-cheek. Superhero comics are made to be marketed towards an audience with an adventurous spirit and who are prone to idealizing heroic traits such as strength of body and character, reliability and integrity. Traits neither realistically found in a woman, nor expected from her. So you're marketing it to boys mostly, and since it takes a certain degree of idealism to be really enthralled by the traits often found in superheroes, it's White boys for the most part (the last part is more complicated than that but let's skip that). So they see a super hero comic series with a female protagonist, and already don't expect to find anything that appeals to them in it, so of course they're not interested from the moment they see the front cover. And even those curious enough to give it a read, are bored not long later, since without the fascination a proper hero can bring, even an intricate story can't keep them for long (which isn't there lately either). And to highlight the race-is-secondary thing

Dragon Ball. Just to name one example. Asian (or White depending on how you imagine it) protagonist, all the main characters are Asians at first - even the aliens are Asians a lot of the time, at least visually, but an enormous and enthusiastic audience among literal niggers. Brown people will still idealize White or White-passing heroes, if they exhibit the traits associated, even if they themselves are not White. You don't have to take that as a statement on what qualities they expect from their own kind, but it is a trend you need to acknowledge nonetheless.

And before you go mouthing off because pic also has a female protag, it's magical girl parody. Different genre, different medium. Magical girl has been tried and has proven to work with female protagonists. Same can't be said of superhero comics.

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>Can Gurihiru work for DC?
I thought they already were

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April was kinda ab exception since marvel had a few #1 and their shitty event
Marvel releases like double the amount of comics that dc does but only makes 10% more in total revenue
Not good
Also overall both dc and marvel are doing terrible thanks to sjws and feminist alienating all the long time fans

Sex still massively sells
Especially nowadays where everything gets censored by liberals

user you are wasting your time
This place is called Yea Forumsmblr for a reason

Good art wasted on shit writing and a boring character. The comic was more about pushing YASKWEEN muh science propaganda more than it was about telling a good story with interesting characters. How long before the 3rd relaunch? Sana Amanat was a mistake.

>designed by "progressive" white people
But her designer and original writer isn't white. You're full so shit.

>Sana Amanat

Just as soon as they realize people who complain on twitter are not the actual buying fans

>Ignoring the other creators
What about Adrian and Jamie, faggots?

Why does everything the gurihiru studio touch get canceled? Not that Wasp was anything special. Gwen getting shitcanned was a blow, this is just another fodder for cute art getting canned.

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Gwen's sales took a hit every time Gurihuru took a break thanks to the fill in artists until she hit cancellation numbers. But really though Gwen made it to 24 issues and 3 specials so it wasn't a total wash for Gurihuru.

Who knew having girls as you main demo isn't gonna sell? Brand new discovery.

>How many tanked relaunches do they need until they start reconsidering?
The mistake you're making is believing that the old Marvel business model still exists. Marvel the way we once perceived it died when Sana Amanat took over. The same day Marvel announced itself as a "lifestyle brand", Marvel comics declared its desire to stop making books for their old audience. It's like when MTV decided to stop branding itself as a music video channel and became a Millennial soapbox channel. It took a while for the music to disappear completely, but eventually it did. Marvel will continue to string these failed books along until it becomes more viable to switch over to to their youtube channel 100%. At that point, Marvel will only exist as a racially diverse movie franchise and a youtube cooking show.

The worst part about Guri comics is because they are Japs, they have to make everything sameface and adorable, which then backfires when another artist comes along and draws a character as an ugly, deformed troll so tumblr will be pleased.

>Why didn't you support it, Yea Forums?
Because I was promised fashion detective stories with Jan and Nadia, not boring brown girl scientist sidekicks.

Is this the comic that started by telling you which religion and sexual option each one of the girls had even before stablishing their characters?
If that's the case I'm surprised it lasted so long.

Why are all western comics for girls seemingly about "WOMEN" as a concept rather than "a woman" induvidualy?
I mean, a female character in these comics can never just have goes and struggle to achieve them, she has to be a metaphor for the female condition in all times.
If it's Sci-fi, it's reallt about woman in tech.
If it's about Sports, it's about sexism in sports.
If it's about magic, it's about the pursecution of ancient female ideas.

Looking at manga, it's completely different.
All girls actually have objective and strive to achieve them. Comparing a modern comic for girls with the likes of Sukeban Keiji, Ace Wo Nerae and Rose of Versailles makes them look pityful.

You didn't answer the question idiot. How is Nadia van Dyne more of a diversity pusher than Mayday Parker? Your entire bullshit argument that girl superheroes don't sell is objectively wrong. Spider-girl lasted for 100 issues.

No. This thread is actually flat out sexist. Not even the good kind of sexist. Saudia Arabia-tier sexist.

I love spider girl with all my heart but she kept going that long due to her vocal fan base I don’t think she was ever a top fifty seller. Nadia just needed a better hook and they could’ve used her book to bring hank back, building her character more along the way and giving hank a solid supporting role to redeem himself. They let the book get to muddled in bullshit and not letting her just go on adventures

Speaking of Marvel Rising, what's Inferno's personality? The fist volume listed all the characters' powers and personalities in issues, but they only mentioned his powers. He barely has a role in the current book. The movie just showed him running away from people for 40 minutes.

I want to learn about the character, but I have no grasp on who or what he is.

Kamala's religion is wasted potential. I know they had to keep the darker bits out for a light-hearted, positive and child-friendly book, but it's just set dressing. And even then it's often ignored.

The first volume had small bits where Kamala's religion interfered with her American teen life, or annoyed her. But she still loved and respected her beliefs and culture despite all that. They didn't go hardcore with it or anything, but it added flavor and complexity.

But for the most part, all that's gone. Despite the obvious culture clash, her being a Muslim rarely impacts her life anymore. I remember her and her friends talking about how hard it was to be an outsider because of their religion/families/whatever, when meanwhile Kamala's outcast-ness has been completely forgotten about and she's surrounded by similar friends.

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Nadia's minis were written by a self-loathing male feminist with an agenda, Spider-Girl was not.

You didn't even read it

Sounds like things that are detrimental issues surrounding the comic and not the very act of making Nadia the star of her own Wasp comic.

There's Rosenberg's Secret Warriors, he was okay in that.

Okay I keep for more deserving anons

It's the Stature costume with Stinger colors.

>Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur had him getting children hooked on cigarettes or something.

Swarm? Getting children addicted to smoking? Of all the Marvel villains you could use for that story, why Swarm?

All it took was Loeb getting off the book for that to happen and Duggan to bring in the real classic Marvel hero suffering. I don't think it was Loeb but in Sam's debut Thor offers him membership to the Avengers right away which was pretty bullshit. At least Zeb Wells used that and made an arc about Sam's mom telling him no and how Sam had to earn it. He was humbled after that arc.

Besides Davida, Jimmy and Courtney what other diverse characters did Spider-Girl have that were regulars? The others that I can think of were just guest stars or eventually left.

Yes her name was Silhouette. Honestly everyone but that nerd kid who hanged out with them was good.

As filtered through the writing of a White westerner who converted as an adult.

The next Editor in Chief needs to make a policy of not hiring any talent from Tumblr, not hiring anyone that's a social media "activist", not hiring anyone who ever worked for Comics Alliance, and not hiring anybody who looks like an absolute Wendig.

Are you seriously going to imply modern contra-Yea Forums wouldn't shit bricks over even that much?
This faggot is complaining about Nadia being a girl for fucks sake.
Anyway what OC's writers chose to attach to a character isn't inherent to the character. Peter Parker had the dumbest co-cast in Spectacular Spider-man, the teacher assistant retards, and had to share the book with White Tiger. This didn't define Peter Parker and the lesbians from this comic don't define Nadia.

I ain't implying anything I was just wondering what other diverse characters Spider-Girl had because her comic was pretty white otherwise.

Also bitching about diverse characters isn't anything new, people bitched about the DCAU Justice League because of John Stewart and Hawkgirl being there instead of Hal and Hawlman and referred it the Minori-League.

>and referred it the Minori-League.
And referred to it as the Minori-League.

At least my right shoulder is doing a lot better now. I'll be staying away from Marvel and DC stuff from now on. Do I still have to buy all those Gwenpool comic books? Just asking since I read a bunch of them when you guys story timed them. I guess I should buy them and then throw them into a corner of my room or store them someplace else.

Now that is just not true. She is fine character.

She's only bad under certain writers (Waid) but yeah in general she's pretty OK.

I agree that it is wasted potential but few of these idiots act like Kamala is still that kinda SJW character she was meant to be for first time.

"OK" doesn't mean good or intriguing. She's a fangirl with an ethnic background and Mr Fantastic's powers. That's not particularly interesting. All it does is give Marvel progressive bragging rights.

This, give me a new Ant-Man ongoing. Maybe an Ant-Family book where they all have to save Pym and go on adventures.

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>They should just dump Whitley
Too bad he was already announced on another project

>Missing the point
Kamala is a practicing muslim but not off the deep end, they wanted to show that. They wanted to show that her life didn't start and end at being a muslim, that it wasn't her defining trait, more just part of who she was. Just as a book with a christian character isn't 100% about christian shit. That's half the point of the book, to normalize an issue thats been shown in the media as wake up bomb buidings sleep, repeat.

Her family is shown to be very religous, and her brother (To even his fathers over all dislike) is the one taking everything off the deep end. So the book hardly shys away from that stuff.

I don't disagree that its now been put so far back on the burner that its a nonissue now, given that she is spending so much time elsewhere. But again thats kind of the point. Her entire life doesn't center around her faith, the same way someone like Daredevil or those around him doesn't bring it up his faith in his day to day life.

Its just trying to normalize something thats been warped into some real shit by the media.

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Why should musselmen be normalized though?

>MCU introduced a perfectly good carrier of the Wasp name in Hope
>Comics division REEEEEEEs cause she's straight and make their own new Wasp
>This Wasp's comic runs fail twice

>"I'll kill you heehee"
We ALL know what Nadia was TRULY thinking about.

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dissecting his body to learn the secrets of Extremis?

Nadia isn't gay, retard.

i don't buy trash

>that it wasn't her defining trait
Except it IS her defining trait when it comes to marketing her character. She pops up on team books that just so happen to be all-Asian, and her body swap crossover with Spider-Man deals with racism in one of the most inclusive cities in the world. She's a token disguised as a unique character by speaking the same language as Millennials.

That's not the reason. New characters very, very rarely work out. Even Kamala isn't doing so hot now and she had a pretty great start for being a new teen character. It's just how the market is. That's why the top selling comics are always the same thing. The publishers know what sells but they still try to push other comics. In some cases it's really counterproductive to force a character or franchise that nobody wants. Look at the Inhumans.

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>Spider-Man deals with racism in one of the most inclusive cities in the world.
Deals with racism? In a few throwaway lines?
>in one of the most inclusive cities in the world.
One of the most inclusive cities? New Jersey?

How many times did she grow giant in the comic? Not even once? There's your answer

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>but SOME of her creators are white
And that is wrong why? Not all her creators are white, and that's the end of it.

>marketing her
Who gives a shit about marketing? I'm talking about the books writing, not whatever is used to market a character.
>one of the most inclusive cities in the world
Ah yes New Jersey, well known for its tollance and progressive mindset.

Um excuse me sweetie but she had more important things to do like show that even black lesbian transgender normative handicaped girls of color can get into STEM. I'm a progressive liberal shitter and even I cringed at this comic

Glad its shit canned. What little character they showed from Wasp was put on the back burner for nonsense.

>Deals with racism? In a few throwaway lines?
That's all it takes. A body swap story can't just be a body swap story. You gotta sneak in that brown person struggle to be socially aware and progressive. Even if it's just a panel or two. White people bad, after all.

>One of the most inclusive cities? New Jersey?
I mean yeah. Jersey has a huge community of Peruvians and all sorts of other shitskins like myself. It's the bus stop or DMV waiting line of the USA, and by that I mean you can find all sorts of people packed into one place.

Yeah, her religion shouldn't be her defining trait. But my point is that her religion IS an important part of her life and impacted parts of her daily life when she didn't want it to.

Like I'm glad ALL her school time isn't dedicated to her being a social outcast because people hate Muslims, but a big point of her debut issue was how there's this big clash between her (non-crazy) Muslim upbringing and her (normal) American teenage environment. That was a detail I really liked, and it added more complexity to both her character and her religion. But Wilson's book needed a lot more conflict, because after a while things got really clean and dull.

Amir's religious stuff is just a gag most of the time. We have the Imam, and he's a great character. but that's pretty much it. Plus he provides no conflict and stopped giving us insight into Muslim affairs a while ago.

I think it's a great idea to shed some light on a religion most people aren't familiar with outside of media. It should be normalized. But it's since shied away from the fact that it actively DOES make Kamala's life different from the usual. It's simultaneously normal and different. As someone who practices a religion as much as I can, I know personally experience this clash quite a few times.

>Who gives a shit about marketing?

>I'm talking about the books writing
And Marvel doesn't give a shit about that. They care WHO is writing the books, but not the writing itself. Your opinions about the writing are meaningless.

>Ah yes New Jersey, well known for its tollance and progressive mindset.
I'm not sure what you mean by this. Jersey certainly isn't Alabama. You're being dishonest here.

She's a teen girl with daddy issues user. What do you think she'd /really/ want?

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>You're being dishonest here.
>Your opinions about the writing are meaningless.
>When discussing the writing of the book
Nah your opinions are meaningless here friend, we aren't and never were talking about the marketing, so stop trying to shift a conversation into something nobody cares about.

I can imagine kamala appearing in too many books isn't helping either, I've had to drop her main book now I'm only getting my kamala fix from Team up and Champions

To turn tony back into jantron and have two mommies

A dildo?

The marketing has everything to do with the effectiveness of the character. Marketing means success or failure. Doesn't matter how good the writing theoretically is when no one knows about the character.

If you're so obsessed about the writing, fine let's talk about it. Most of Kamala's stories are slice of life fluff. And that's fine, but it isn't engaging. Her sales numbers reflect that. Her enemies are jokes that she easily dispatches more often than not. And her supporting cast orbits around her with no personalities to call their own. The straight stacey of her school becomes a pink haired dyke and joins the mindless progressive clique. She even crushes on the Muslim girl in the hijab. Oh, is there another lesbian introduced in the book? Pair em up and call it a day. Consequences? No need for them. Get your best friend blown up and it doesn't matter. Just give it a few issues and he'll come crawling back from Wakanda and it'll be like Civil War 2 never happened.

>If you're so obsessed about the writing
Imagine someone being so obessed about the way a comic book is written, what a fucking faggot.

How old is Gwenpool? She's legal, right?

Very legal

On Twitter, Hastings said she's 18.

Because I've been told constantly that books and cartoons like this "aren't for you" so I don't buy or watch them

Was I still supposed to?

God I hate armor being drawn like spandex, just look at those defined leg muscles
Is there an artist that gets it right?

I don't know much about Ant-Man lore, and I don't want to make a new thread just for one question, so I'm gonna ask here.
Why doesn't Ant-Man have wings too? Isn't that extremely convenient for a hero who needs to travel in the air a lot due to small size? I get thatwings are Wasp's *thing*, but is there a logical explanation to why she's the only one with them?

Yeah, her origin story involved her being a high school drop-out neet while all her friends moved away for college.

>but is there a logical explanation

Hank just liked to ride ants like horses

He gave himself wings when he became the wasp, he just likes theming I guess

Keep telling yourself that.

the author said he only had a plan for 10 issues, that's what he wanted to do and he did it. It's fine. And I have been buying it

he also had wings as Yellowjacket
I think only Scott doesn't have wings or any kind of self-flying system

I'll blame it on Scott being shit at flying, makes sense for the character

Because it was bad

>I am a Pymfag so I was in the target audience
Uhhh, no you weren't.

Nope. Have fun with more ugly Gwen.

The Mouse basically grants them infinite moneys so they never actually worry if something bad happens.

He wanted to do more since he was begging people to buy it on his twitter a few months ago, saying that if they didn't, it'd have to end.

Meh. 10 issues of Gurihiru art to cherish. Good enough for me.

Damn, she's not in her early twenties at least? Was there a time skip and she got older? Just asking because of the predator thread over on Yea Forums:

>>Damn, she's not in her early twenties at least?
apparently not.
She seems older because most artists draw her as early\mid-20s, and she doesn't really speaks like a 18-years-old.

She's 18 but looks like she is early twenties, I didn't know reading graphic novels or being a comic book geek ages you fast. Also, I'm going to be staying away from Marvel and DC stuff. However, I did read the Gwenpool comics when you guys story timed them on here. Should I buy the comic books since I did read them? I can just throw them into a corner or stuff them in storage after buying and receiving them.

Because ~96% of women (and girl) customers are straight dumbass.

I wonder how long it will be until Disney just closes the Marvel imprint, or reduces it to exclusively Spider-Man and Avengers monthly issues.

Yeah I feel as if they should make this video a mandatory viewing for all employees... weekly


They were given the perfect template for comic art, and yet they cant even bother to utilize it

Can turn this thread into one that shows just how shit Modern Marvel art is to classic Marvel. I'll start with a great example from classic Marvel.

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Why should I? I've never cared about the Wasp.

Well, in theory, you could stop him, but it involves cheating. And if somebody took, got, or copied his powers then they might end up being unstoppable, depending on how well they can use those powers.
And if Cyttorak decides Juggs hasn’t been evil enough lately, he can boggart some power, which would also result in him becoming stoppable, but probably still pretty difficult to stop.

But why not make something new then? Fiege seems to be solely pulling from older characters

I will concede that the depth of the art is excellent for only using 6 colors
but better? nah m8