Dear cishet people with straight ships and cis headcanons

>Dear cishet people with straight ships and cis headcanons.

Legit everyone on Yea Forums hates you, all of us. Go away. Yea Forums is ours and your ships suck.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Craig of the Creek is a much better show then Steven Universe

I love the POC rep, but SU slays

Straight idea

Tumblr rage

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Ahhh, fuck off with that

That's not going to stop me from showing those gem dykes why getting dicked by a big meat rod is objectively better than anything they can do to each other.

Explain to me what’s wrong with lesbians.

eat shit, tranny

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Oh, fuck you

Sorry falseflagger/actual Tumblrite, but Lapis is for Steven, for now and for always.

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Steven is like 7-10 years old.


He’s 14, just short

That makes it better.

is lapidot accepted in this realm?

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I'm tired of this. I stay inside my house to avoid you people and you still decide to leave your safespace to shit on my doorstep. I don't even care about your personal opinions but for some reason you want me to.

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Nobody cares, Internet is free reign, go cry about it like a pissy bitch if you have to but don’t act like you own Yea Forums

lapidot is shit
not for any sjw reason, it just sucks get real taste and/or have unprotexted sex

Based mandyposter, I'm sick and tired of this shit. /pol/ and tumblr just decided to come in and shit on everything today.

In fact, this entire thread, have unprotected sex.

Nice bait, OP, be careful with trowing it too hard, you may scare the fish

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Somone give some eyelashes to this dyke.

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i'm going to fucking vomit if i see another "HURR HURR GAY Yea ForumsMBLR" THREAD again
this is the lamest type of bait.
i'd take that weird fucking cartoon nudity pedo schizoposter back over this shit.

Drink bleach as soon as possible, you falseflagging faggot.

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>water bitch has a shit opinion
I'd say water is wet, but

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40% /SU/ I CI D E R A T E

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>people think OP is arguing in earnest
god Yea Forums is full of idiots.

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This is now a Lapiven thread

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water time

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The ego that causes a gay person to actually believe that they are superior to the majority of humanity and are in any way superior to normal people, must be massive

Fuck off discord tranny and have fun not passing.

are you trying to start a war or something?

worst gem



>Lapis makes for great porn, and I approve of all the Lapiven ships

Bit wierd you had to put that out there OP, but good for you.

I just liked the ship back when I watched the show and I haven’t deleted these yet

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/pol/ themed troll threads are cancer and against >>>/global/rules/3 and >>>Yea Forumsrules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.