Fucking hell

Fucking hell

Attached: 9B57A7B7-1B0C-40CE-A277-6E46D518AFD3.png (766x754, 1.35M)

>randomly bitching about an old inconsequential panel
It's gonna be ok. You're gonna be ok.

Do you know how old this panel is

That actually made a shitton of sense though.

Unlike, say, Captain Britain and Spider-UK never interacting before Spider-UK's death despite being the last 2 Captain Britains alive.

"um, sorry I broke your wall thing, teeheeteeheehehehehhhehhehehhehehe

Go back to that Yea Forums thread

It was going around on twitter due to knee-jerk reactionaries.

>comicsgater saw someone posted this one social media and decided to let everyone on Yea Forums know about it


Cool sword. What's the deal with that Spider-Man in the back?

It's Hobie Brown as Spider-Hero

Hey, it's funny because it's true.

The artist that designed the character didn't realize they were being problematic by thinking typical Muslim garb is funny looking enough to be a superhero costume.

MAGA shits getting rustled by a comic that came out in 2008.

Attached: imrs.jpg (1484x742, 140K)

Wasn't he already Spider-Punk?

She wears armour as a costume when she's actually superheroing, supporting character for Black Knight.

You're trying to make a big deal about some old shit everyone on Yea Forums saw long ago.

Attached: Black Knight- Faiza.jpg (637x780, 194K)

this just proves that zog has been busy at this bullshit for a while which we already knew

There's a few Hobbie Brown alternate Spider-men.

This one isn't the same as Spider-Punk

Alternate reality versions of all of these characters

This Hobie is called Spider Hero as a reference to the disguise Blade wore in the first arc of Ewing's Mighty Avengerd

Attached: Spider_Hero_from_Might_Avengers_-1.png (630x384, 435K)

Your hate makes you boring.

Thanks. Never realized he shared a name with the Prowler. You learn something new every day I suppose.

it's kind of sad how many people here get instantly butthurt as soon as someone posts a hilariously bad comic page he hadn't seen before

I mean, she could wear something less... crusader.
Maybe a cuirass with bevor, if she can't have a helmet.

Try harder to run it back OP.

I think the issue is OP is complaining about something that is 10 years old and makes sense in context

My butthurt was eternal when I've read this run a some 5 years ago though it stemmed more from the issue that Black Knight was banging someone that wasn't his sword.

Prowler, Spider-Punk and Spider Hero are all Hobie Browns from alternate realities he

>No moon demon emblem
This is not diverse enough.

It's from Secret Wars four years ago. Still old, but get it right.

I don't get it. Why is Captain America punching Hitler? USA and their Aryan ancestors from Germany fought on the same side, it is the evil ((THEM)) that push this modern revisionist drivel that we were on the side of communism.

You're reading a genre started by two Jews who created a fictional ubermesnch. Cry about it.

Attached: 931b7695-2ae5-4a8f-85ce-fac67770966e.jpg (800x450, 88K)

>mfw they call her Yea Forums's favorite brown girl

Attached: 1557027456112.png (599x462, 427K)

You're on Yea Forums, not Yea Forums

>moving the goalposts

Nah OP, you are still a retard.