Greatest of all time

Greatest of all time.

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Other urls found in this thread:

If you think NCIS is the greatest drama and you hate animation sure

Even better than all the DCAU shows?

Nick should have called me and asked for my original script they carelessly thru away something great

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W.I.T.C.H. is a far better Avatar series than Avatar itself, to say nothing of the sequel-that-shall-not-be-named.

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It’s the best in its field for sure. But cartoons are not all about plotfaggotry and lore.

fuck, witchfag is still kicking.

I'm so glad someone took the bait. See, unlike you I actually have reasons behind my opinion - so many that I wrote an entire essay on them.

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I'm not reading that shit nigga

I can't believe I'm agreeing with Witchfag for once

>inb4 samefag accusation

It is nice to see avatar threads pop up from time to time.
It is also nice to see theyre still just full waifufaggotry, that makes me feel like a kid again.

But there's no waifufaggotry ITT yet user, are you thinking of another thread?

Sometimes I think about picking up WITCH just to see what his deal is. If I can BTFO him with FACTS and LOGIC or join his madness.

>It’s the best in its field for sure.
Second-best (by a small margin), but far from first.
>But cartoons are not all about plotfaggotry and lore.
Yes, they're also about characterization, worldbuilding, relationships, dialogue/humor, voice acting, animation, and music.
All categories in which ATLA pales in comparison to

>no waifufaggotry ITT yet user
Thats the key word. But yes, over time avatar threads have become a big uniform blob for me.

Would a crystal clear DVDRip be an incentive?

(Seriously, don't watch streams for that show. They're absolute trash, quality and otherwise.)

Not all cartoons need to be this. Also, if that’s what you’re looking for, anime has us beat by a country mile.

>anime has us beat by a country mile.
If and only if you're a weeb. If you don't identify with Japanese culture, anime is incredibly alien which makes it very difficult to enjoy unfortunately.

>you have to identify with a culture to enjoy its media

I don’t usually say this but that comes across a little racist

>If and only if you're a weeb.
This. You pretty much gonna have to know some basic japanese things that can't be translated to the west, like the significance and meaning of honoraries and shit.
Those nips don't export most of what they make, if they can't colonize the pop culture of my country with theirs that's their fault, not mine.


I'm literally the opposite of an SJW, as you're probably thinking. I'm not making fun of weebs at all in fact - just saying that not everyone can become one.

The future is 3D, user

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Book 2 > Book 3 > Book 1

What was the last good era of Nick here?

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>so many that I wrote an entire essay on them.
Oh no witchfag, I ain’t fallin for that old gag again

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You do realize the essay is in pic related there, right?

>Implying that whether the essay is in the pic or typed out in the post will in anyway affect the chances of me reading that autistic thesis of children’s cartoons again

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Witchfag just accept your show can't compete with TLA in waifu quality and fuck off.

Stop replying to WITCHfag

>implying you read it already
Give it a rest user, it's obvious your reading comprehension skills aren't up to the task.

Are you retarded user? TLA doesn't even have good waifus, they're mediocre at best. If you'd said Teen Titans you'd have an argument at least.