Reminds me of when I tried to hang out with the cool kids.
Bittersweet Candy Bowl - BCB
He's still with us in spirit.
Do not read this comic
Why are being expected to think Paulo is dumb for not caring about dumbshit drama?
Is he just supposed to accept being ostracized for no reason?
Why do David and Daisy also seem to think he should stay away?
Why is everyone a cunt?
This sucks ass. Has any piece of fiction filler'd this hard before?
>When they decide to make another cancerous drama arc instead of goofy fun shit but stretch it out to once a week uploads this time
True bcb oldfags will remember this guy, created a vote between Rachel and Daisy for something 3D art related.
Daisy won.
>a vote between Rachel and Daisy for something 3D art related.
>Daisy won.
Bad taste.
There's a GIF giving a 360 view but it's >4mb
Just make her head brush the ceiling and turn her into a nymph and it's all good.
I'm literally only here for the art these threads bring
Hope we get some more good stuff this thread, last thread was wild
I know, could have picked best girl and the fandom picks worst girl, for shame.
I'm getting some strong CGI Moomin vibes here.
Daisy appears as a cheerleader like four times in the series so I bet it hasn't be updated.
Shame. Daisy used to be best girl before Taeshi turned her into an emotional harlot.
The stupid thing was dragging Mike over. I don't think they would have minded just him too much. It's almost commendable that he's insisting on including his friend even if nobody likes the dude anymore, but that's only if you isolate this scene from the greater context.
>Carter astral projects into Mike, merging their souls
>Mike is suddenly unable to ignore Lucy
Makes sense to me
Looks good, although the textured version could do with some lines like from the Walking Dead games. The eyes are kind of off-putting when textured. Also it's imperative that I know whether or not the model will include genitals.
Guess this is as close to an up to date height chart as we're getting.
>nobody likes the dude anymore
Daisy only dislikes him because of clunky authorial fiat.
yes, the plot is slowly progressing, Next week we'll get something! FOR SURE!
Augustus saying what every reader is thinking.
welp since there isnt' anithing to talk about, let's post all the stupid shit we have
I hope the mods actually archive the threads this time instead of 404
Why not produce some of your own?
Whyyy tho
christmas tree daisy gets me every time
ah i remember this from the previous thread, based post
>chochi lurks in bcb threads
I would if I could draw
And I'd probably get banned for lewd content but it would be worth it
mods don't like milfs
>deleted in seconds
Pic related: Part of one of my first drawings. If I can do it, you can do it
Just stick a bcb head over other lewds and trace them, that's how the pro's do it.
Based jojo poster
Forgot pic
That was janky and artificial as fuck. Liking Mike was Daisy's whole thing. Did she jump tracks to the Paulo train that hard?
This might be of help to the artist, can't be any worse than that last 3D bcb series.
I miss him
Except that right now she seems to think Paulo shouldn't be there. Doesn't seem happy to see him at all.
>Lucy hiding her tits straining against that little crop-top
Do we know what Amaya's dressed as?
The last two times she's seen him he's cried about her not loving him. That's pretty cringe bro.
Doodlefags know what we want better than we do
Why didn't Mike finish the job?
Eh might try something soon and see if it sticks, the shitposting here is fun
Speaking of bcb heads, whatever happened to headshrinking user? There's work to be done.
>abbey got dropped for Augustus
A genuine improvement honestly
The first time he thought she loved him because she lied to him.
The second time he cried because she wouldn't even acknowledge him as a friend.
He's willing to be in her presence though, unlike dramawhores Lucy and Mike
why is mike so fucking small compared to everone else?
Last panel jasmine doesn't look awful unlike every character usually does with chibishit.
So why is chibishit a thing again?
>He's willing to be in her presence though
Imagine having to fight your way INTO the friendzone.
Amaya is so cute I just want to protect her
Been a long while since we had a Yea Forums bcb art meme, maybe start here?
>people still post my work
Aww, I missed you guys too!
Holy shit, others took up the mantle while I was gone? Outstanding work. I’m so proud of this community.
Dio striding edits are a meme right now
Man, Paulo ping pongs so hard between being the absolute worst, and the absolute best. Let's see how long he remains "best".
>tfw they changed making out to going on a date in the new version
>hijacking the cancerous art meme
God's among men.
Got to conform to the anti-sex orthodoxy among the tumblr crowd.
Memes are fun, but are we even allowed that anymore?
Deleting shit that isn't even lewd is pretty lame.
administrators are homosexual
Tbf date ideas allow for more creativity in a response, so I'll let them have that one
if you're not dating me no one will! *gruntilda laugh*
To lucysmumanon, would recommend less emphasis on the boobs in edits, she's already a radiant buxom woman without going ott
>**Who wants some cany**
what did he mean by this?
story on this character? i started reading this a month ago and i didn't get it, is it some sort of inside joke? was he a fan that died? who is CARTERRRRRRRRRR
Where's them making out
He loves Lucy
I don't
Compressed for you.
Guys let's write a fucking story about what's going to happen in the next pages/chapter
Mike and Lucy start getting along again, during halloween for just a little bit,then when crossing the street one of lucy's candy falls mike goes back to get it and gets fucking destroyed by an ambulance, he wakes up in the hospital.
With lucy sleeping in a chair while hunched over next to his bed but he has no idea who lucy or anyone else is, his phone was broken during the accident so no more sandy for a while since he doesn't remember her
>What Happens NEXT how does mike tell her that he lost his memory and how will lucy react?!?
More for Carter!
All that hate
But this goes against the plot line of the epic final showdown against rapecat where not drunk Mike saves the day and wins the girl.
its not worth it at all.
t. former bcb smut artist
lucy deserves to be shamed and derided!
delicious blue eyeballs
So was it being cast out by Suitcase or an MI5 raid that ended it for you?
Daisy is the lewdest BCB girl
fucking kek'd
>referencing a much better cat comic
Bold move
While ignoring the author's art advice no less.
Here here!
you're a month too late, i read it and i love it and i think about it every fucking day and i hate it
>The ending that could've been
what's the comic?
>and i love it
>Mike Rotch
Instead of removing fanart the minute it's posted can a mod instead do their job and remove rule-breaking posts like
Welcome to the fold. I'm sorry you joined us when the comic is updating so fucking slow. Did you find the last few chapters especially shitty or do you think binge reading them makes the experience more palatable?
what the fuck is wrong with mods lately, you can't even make drawings about the comic without getting the thread 404 or your post deleted within seconds
sounds like something an NPC would post.
That means doing their job, and that's one thing they have in common with bagman.
Man, VGcatz has really gone downhill.
Tfw Suitcase made BCB chibi as fuck to just barely be Yea Forums acceptable.
i think binge reading was defintely the way to go, the last chapter weren't shitty, but i could feel the change in tone,
i feel like the comic ended during rachel's birthday party with mike spilling the beans and everyone hugging it out and accepting the lucy was a shitty person to him and none of them did anithing about it.
But the new chapters are still fun in their own way!
>In time, you will know the tragic extent of her failings
I expected as much. Unfortunately I can't go back in time and binge read this stuff for the first time instead.
>But the new chapters are still fun in their own way
Never expected to see this combination of words in a /bcb/ thread, but it's actually kind of refreshing. The comic isn't great imo, but I feel like Yea Forums gets too heavy with negativity sometimes.
What's your take on the current drama and Mike's recent behavior, and where do you think this chapter will go?
Good to see your still at it
i don't know...Mike feels like he changed quite a bit, but then again his "friend" tried to kill herself when he told her that he hated her, his long distance relationship isn't working cause she's too busy, and when they ARE together she's a low-key bitch.
That changes you, specially as a teen even if you have friends it makes you feel like you can't talk to anyone about it, but while it's true that mike changed i feel like the universe also changed, to slowly destroy mike's life kek
>like the universe also changed, to slowly destroy mike's life
That's not an inaccurate assessment.
I am, but are you?
Looks like they're gonna make up now. Also holy fuck how is Daisy of all people still looking like a giant thanks to fucked up perspective?
>Looks like they're gonna make up now.
Seems very anti-climatic after literally years of drama-mongering.
Do we have any other recent art of characters standing next to these 6? Would be nice to have an actual height chart to repost.
it's no perspective she IS a giant, her mom told her she was going be a giant for years now, but taeshi doesn't know how to properly pace everything so she just kinda grew in 2 chapters kek
well since no one is posting anithing i'll post my favorite moment in all of BCB
2/2 and everything changed after that day
Mike has never been more wrong
i agree, pineapple pizza is so fucking good.
but we gotta keep the meme alive so people don't eat all of the pineapple pizza everywhere, we HAVE to keep the masses ignorant about this culinary marvel!
here's another little comic
2/2 btw
I miss the dark tournament arc, the best part of it was when Daisy ate Kizuna and Carter alive on a 2x2 match
I mean is there anyone else even worth mentioning?
>paulo taller than david
consistency sure is nice long till taeshi gets sued for stealing this character?
This alone is why making a chart is pointless. Taeshi straight up said she changes heights on the fly depending on who's standing next to each other.
So she's purposely being a hack?
Having a height chart and sticking to it was even enforced with LOLSORANDUMB shit like Ren&Stimpy.
Only absolute garbage drivel that nuCartoon Network haemmorages out doesn't, but the general quality level also reflects that.
why do you guys care about height of all things?
i get it with daisy cause she grew up in like 2 chapters but who cares about everyone else
i hate to defend this fucking comic but you guys are just looking for shit to complain
Sounds more like it's in the vein of a retcon.
Calm your tits Taeshi and realize consistency is a virtue as a decent artist.
says the guy that doesn't draw since he was 10 and has no idea how to draw a body
She'll sue them and say she made it first
What clothes do you want 3D Daisy to wear?
the bib of shame
i rather she wears nothing but, how about something hot, like a clown suit?
a latex onesie and boots, with whip and fishnet accessories
I'm not them and I don't care a whole lot about height, but the proportions being so loose hurts the art fairly frequently. Head shrinker user showed that fixing the bobbleheads pretty much always improved the way things looked. Having characters go chibi for effect can work, but when it's done sporadically and for seemingly no reason it just seems lazy and doesn't look good. Even if it was done on purpose, this is a comic where the characters get molested, try to buy condoms, and attempt suicide. Trying to make BCB cutesy and light-hearted constantly is just silly. Plus, honestly, the characters aren't as cute as they used to be, and the hands look really human. More human proportions would be more fitting.
Cursed Daisy
Her cheerleader uniform would be a good start, and then maybe one of those animal skin, sleeveless tunic things that giants wear in fantasy settings.
i completely agree, but i hate it when retards that
1 never draw
2 know nothing about art
3 watch some youtube video and think they're pro artist
say stupid things that they don't even understand just quoting things and buzzwords to make it seems like they know what they're talking about.
But once again, i agree with what you said.
This please
Bonus if she's about to smack a guy
pants coming off right meow
ew, fuck off
U-unf, good stuff, 3D-user
that's really cute user! keep it up
shall we activate the masheen?
Since the thread is dying. does anyone know where can i read this comic?!
Inspired by Gorefield -- maybe add more with Mike running for his life?
Here in this thread.
Now this is grotesque and I like it
Add Mike running
i love you user
what the FUCK DAISY i thought they just made out, i didn't expect them to fuck, welp. goodbye to being a doctor
BASED user posting international comics
after so many years i finally get to read this, thank you user
i agree with Mike running away is a must, fucking amazing drawing btw
based abbey he ain't messing with no ho
augustus stealing brownboy's girl
anyone has the preview for Volume 6?
Good shit user, let's post more comics!
here's the TRUE ENDING of BCB comic 1/3
>Piss Comic
Mods please archive this thread so people can read this Bonus Comics that are hard ot find
Thank youu~
Can somebody tell me what the fuck this comic is? I've been following it a while via threads and what I can tell is in the world of furry bait one kitty likes a goth kitty but the goth kitty has a history with dealing with the kitty's family's suicidal tendencies so now they've adopted the emo cat. and he's being a chaperone and stopping the joker cat and manlet kermit from getting close to the white suicidal cat
small big tits >>>>> tall and no tits
also sandy has hair with sucks when you get BJ it gets in your dick and it hurts to pull it out after
From what I can gather
>White Kitty is one of those bipolar attention whore tsundere psycho bitches
>Kermit Cat was her best friend
>A sort of romance was forming at one point but she shut it down before it could start because she can't into feelings well
>She continues to "comically" hit him and such constantly
>Kermit Cat's current girlfriend goes "Yknow what the fuck is this bitch hitting you? That isn't funny. That's fucking bullshit."
>Kermit Cat goes "Huh I never thought of that" and starts getting salty at White Kitty who continues to be bitchy
>Eventually boils over at the worst possible time where White Kitty wants for things to be cool between them and Kermit Cat tells her to go fuck off
>White Kitty doesn't take this well and attempts suicide because she's a bipolar psycho bitch
>White Kitty is sent away, people are salty at Kermit Cat for telling her off but don't know he is the reason she tried to kill herself
>A couple months later she chooses to come back to the same school because attention
>Gives everyone the cold shoulder when really she just wants to make Kermit Cat feel even shittier
>Starts hanging out with Sephiroth Cat who was the one who saved her when she tried to kill herself by calling 911.
>Now there is perpetual drama between Kermit Cat and White Kitty
>Problem is the entire friend circle almost always takes White Kitty's side because she has to always be right, further alienating Kermit Cat and making him feel worse when originally he was the voice of reason for the group
>On top of that his current GF is a going nowhere long distance relationship that won't work and he refuses to admit it to himself
Long story short. Sephiroth Cat saved White Kitty's life when she tried to kill herself when Kermit Cat rightfully told her to go fuck off after she constantly acted like a bipolar bitch to him.