What are Yea Forums's thoughts on Gorefield?

What are Yea Forums's thoughts on Gorefield? youtu.be/tDqUDt3K5Mk

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>More ironic Garfield art
Why do great artists waste their time with overdone, tired ideas like this?

Judging by that other thread? Screeching autistic hatred because "NOT MUH"

Case in point.

i appreciate a lot of the effort put into some of them, like that video, but the concept is getting tiring



Holy shit.

This, good effort and animation but it's wasted on the shitty "what if Garfield but now he's fucked up and unsettling" thing that's overdone.

I fail to see the "screeching autistic" part of their ppst, if anything you sound upset that someone doesn't like what you do by overreacting to their post.

Not necessarily. I honestly think this video is fantastic in terms of artwork and production. But really, it's a shame they squandered their talent doing the same thing that's been done to death by everyone else the passed couple years.

Art style reminds me of something but I can't remember what.

Attached: lumpy.jpg (288x288, 33K)

I assume you made this video. Nothing wrong with the art, it's just that making a video about Edgy Garfield is kind of like making a video about All Your Base or something.

Fuck off with your projecting.

Lumpy makes a bunch of other shit beyond this. If you enjoy the effort he puts in, but you don't care for the Garfield stuff, he makes more stuff in the same style.

like Little Foot on drugs LOL xD

Kind of disappointed is not a real game.

Calling it gorefield made me say yikes out loud
I get the idea, but I hope it doesn’t turn into its own thing that gets taken super seriously

Doreamon perchance?

I like it, Garfield already doesn't have much to offer comedy-wise, so a reawakening of shit like this is fantastic.

Attached: jon2.gif (720x498, 1.21M)

This isn't even my final form

Attached: The Spectre of Cartoon Appeal.jpg (2864x1957, 2.66M)

because it's only tired and overdone on Yea Forums.

It just entered the nomiesphere about a month ago so it gets clicks and dollars.

Same with the shaggy thing.

Ironic Garfield is a bit passe by now but it establishes a good sense of horror regardless.
A comedic amount of post-script endings.