*pees pants*

*pees pants*

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Kevin Smith writing aside would it be fair to say Widening Gyre has some of the worst art ever published by the big 2? Especially considering it was a special limited series with no monthly deadlines.

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Kevin Smith is such a skeevy fuck, he's also the one that was adamant that he get to write someone being raped in his spider-man comic and so retconned Black Cat's origin for being a cat burglar to her boyfriend raped her in college then got hit by a car so she decided to steal shit.

Kevin Smith

He and Joss are the posterboys for that skeevy 90's male feminism that has aged like dogshit and would get them ripped apart if they were working today (but they aren't cause they tanked their careers).

god no, have you seen how low that bar goes? even if you don't count those 3d war machine comics the bar is still lower than that

You think Kevin Smith cried when he wrote that? He cries for the dumbest reasons.

Gee, it's almost as if getting your childhood friend with no experience to do professional art was a bad idea.

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You mean, the kind of feminism that sees no difference between beating up a male and a female opponent? As shit as Smith and Whedon are, I miss it.

I could see it.
>And here I am... Me, a Batman fan since the 80s... Changing the history of one of my favorite stories... *Sniff*

>be hokkei fan
>go to LCS in a Lightning jersey
>’ay if it ain’t Kevin Smith in the flesh’
Felt really bad.

I don't know if you can say Kevin Smith was a feminist back then.

Chasing Amy is about a beta Ben Affleck being cucked by a lesbian (and thats a good thing)tm.

like many he thought of himself as one and practiced what he thought was feminism, but was not

Are you gatekeeping feminism?

I always assume it's because he's high like 18 hours a day

>makes an appearance
>gives a cryptic speech
>pees pants

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This website introduces me to so many horrible things, feminism gatekeeper isn’t even a blip on the radar.

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if you don't close the gate on people who shit at the communal table you're closing the gate on everyone who doesn't want shit on the table

It's not so much 90's feminism (which is basically modern day egalitarianism) that has aged like shit, so much as it is that we're finally seeing people like Joss getting exposed for unironically using feminism to score. Male feminists were the real "nice" guys all along and we're finally starting to admit it.

kevin smith has a podcast and apparently in episode 128 he talks about batman pissing his pants, I couldn't find the episode but I didn't try really hard.
do anyone knows what he says about it?

He's very defensive about it

At least he didn't make him cry