So the Ancient One says the wizards need the timestone and they're fucked without it
Does that mean the wizards are fucked anyway since Strange doesn't have his anymore?
So the Ancient One says the wizards need the timestone and they're fucked without it
The stone is just a means and not a way
Then why was the AO so adamant about keeping it?
I assume she knew, somehow, that they needed it to stop Dormammu.
Present day, Dormammu's been dealt with and it's less important
To stop Dormannu. If he attacks now they're fucked, but no one would be that stupid.
Dormammu’s no longer an issue and he was their big cheese for. They’ll be fine. Goddamn Mordo not helping out to thrash Thanos
Mordo's busy equalizing sorcerers.
>They’ll be fine.
The world isn’t going to collapse without the Time Stone.
It was just a REALLY effective defense weapon. You pretty much control time.
The next movie probably is going to deal with the blowback of not having the Time Stone anymore. and hopefully gives us a comic accurate Eye of Agomotto.
The ancient one said it was bad to take an infinity stone from the alternate timeline. It basically stops existing from that timeline when you don't return it. Dormammu isn't even an issue as long as the Sanctums don't fall. If another cosmic horror does fuck with Strange, He'll just make a deal with another one like usual.
Strange 2 is probably going to move away from the infinity war stuff with dream dimension horror, and all the better for it
And yes comic accurate eye would be fantastic, maybe even have Agamotto pop up as a caterpillar to bequeath it. A cape upgrade to have gold hems would be perfect as well
here's something I was thinking about and feel free to correct me because I'm retarded and don't remember everything
Why didn't Strange teleport everyone to Wakanda and have Thanos fight them there while using the Time stone to keep him from fighting? Was there something about Thanos being able to overpower one stone with the others or something? and you can only use the time stone a set amount of times before it fucks everything? I didn't realize how much I forgot by the time Endgame was out
>he doesn’t know where wakanda is and who is there
>using the time stone too much is dangerous, plus the time stone isn’t actially that strong (normal sorcerers can break out of a loop, only reason it worked with Dormammu is that he never experienced time)
All in all, what the time stone can do is really overestimated given it’s showing in the dr strange movie
The stones are an integral part of the universe, they cant be destroyed entirely, only "reduced to atoms", I bet DS3 will deal with reforming the eye of agamatto somewhow.
>Agamotto descends from the sky and gives a new one, this time with actual powers instead of just being a container
One and done
Considering Mordo has been going on a wizard murderspree, for what, 9 years?, you could say that.
But considering how magic usually works in Dr. Strange, there's going to be a workaround.
Because she was probably wrong. The Strange movie shows that she's kinda stuck in her ways and affraid of taking risks. You know Kaecilius gets a lot of shit for being a waste of Mads Mikkelsen but he was alright in my book. His character was a really interesting foil to the AO, and ultimately Strange is supposed to find a compromise, a synthesis, a snyergy from those opposing philosophies.
She's clearly planning ahead how to defeat Dormammu, now that's done it's not as much of a vital asset.
When Thanos said he reduced the stones to atoms, I expected ant man would collect those and put them back together.
I think it's implied to use the timestone Strange would have to make it vulnerable by opening up the Eye and he knows Thanos could just TP it out with the Space Stone or some shit if he wasn't quick enough.
>Considering Mordo has been going on a wizard murderspree, for what, 9 years?, you could say that.
Did the Russo's ever state if he got dusted or not?
And if he didn't, it's not like there were a lot of sorcerers left in Kamar-Taj until the Hulk snap.
>And if he didn't, it's not like there were a lot of sorcerers left in Kamar-Taj until the Hulk snap.
You say that like it's a bad thing for Mordo's "kill all wizards" plan.
>Dormammu’s no longer
He only no longer an issue because of the Time Stone, with it gone nothing can honestly stop him
He pwomised tho.
>implying Dormammu would bother attacking us again after getting out played by a lvl 20 wizard
nigga got out played so hard its not even funny and if he does surely Strange can beat him easily
He got out played by a lvl 20 wizard using loaded die. Strange can't beat the dungeon master now.
>Why didn't Strange teleport everyone to Wakanda and have Thanos fight them there while using the Time stone to keep him from fighting?
Per the Ancient One in Doctor Strange, you need to visualize where you want to go when using a Sling Ring. If Strange has never been to or seen Wakanda, he can’t open a portal.
>Was there something about Thanos being able to overpower one stone with the others or something?
No, but Kaecilous was able to break Stranges time stop in Doctor Strange and he was boosted with power from the Dark Dimension.
I’d imagine the Infinity Guaunlet, minus the Mind and Time stones would probably be enough to break a time freezing spell from the Time Stone.
The sanctums all got restored and the only reason they got ganked in the 1st place was because of the AO keeping him a secret from Mads
we´ll see the consequences on strange 2 or not idk
>If Strange has never been to or seen Wakanda, he can’t open a portal.
So how did he do it endgame?
>post yfw the living tribunal summons Strange to talk with other relevant cosmic beings after the events of endgame
How did strange become sorcerer supreme in 1 movie, offscreen?
hes not even the sorcerer supreme yet, everyone says carol is overpowered but strange manage to go 1v1 against thanos with 4(?) stones despite not being the sorcerer supreme
they could use a cosmic entity for endgame at least since the universe was on the verge of destruction at the end
He had advanced far enough that they trusted him with the stone though, isn't that the SS responsibility?
He literally saw the outcome by looking to the future. Also Avengers HQ is probably common public knowledge in some capacity judging by how the MCU is so keen on heroes being transparent.
If you fee yourself questioning why he didn’t do X or Y, you gotta remember that Doctor Strange did the things he did because it was literally the ONLY way. Any deviation from the winning outcome jeprodizes their victory
they could always just show Uatu watching everything
If the Ancient One couldn't see the future pass her death, how could she know Strange was "meant to be the best of us" or about Time Stone necessary to stop Dormammu? Both happened after her death.
The screenwriters have said that at one point The Living Tribunal was supposed to be watching the battle on Titan with a longer Thanos/Strange fight, but it was scrapped
he was the best because he tried to save her from dying
>He literally saw the outcome by looking to the future.
So he could have brought everyone to wakanda? Stop back peddling.
your mentor dies, you get all her stuff. isn't that the way it works?
He's not her only students though.
all her other students died
earth went from having a few hundred sorcerers spread across the sanctums to barely being able to scrape together two per sanctum
strange got the NYC sanctum and everything in it
he's the protagonist
er i mean
he did sacrifice himself to save them against dormammu so that's something.
I don't know if this is mentioned in the MCU, but the power stone serves to power up all the other stones, so they're much greater when coupled with it instead of alone.
He trained in the hyperbolic time stone chamber fighting Dormammu himself for god knows how long.
>If you fee yourself questioning why he didn’t do X or Y, you gotta remember that Doctor Strange did the things he did because it was literally the ONLY way. Any deviation from the winning outcome jeprodizes their victory
You cant exactly glue them together, so im not sure why you thought that. And i doubt you can use the dust of the stones the same way you use the stones intact.
The “fight” won Dormammu supposedly happened over 1000 time loop and what we see on screen is just a tiny fraction.
Strange was pretty much playing with an infinite lives cheat code until Dormammu gives up. With that many attempts and photographic memory, he probably went through a a bunch of spells and incantations.
> bwaaaaah! muh magic stones