I love these comics

i love these comics

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Me too.

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dogisaga is certainly one of a kind

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This shit is hilarious

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Attached: kyung_and_friends_comic_30_by_dogisaga_dc5d0t2-pre.jpg (965x828, 146K)

>Dont listen to other people!

>I have no digestion system.

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Someone explain his most recent TERF one to me.

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>i love these comics
because you are fat and stupid.

Attached: philosophy_headscarf_kyung_comic_by_dogisaga_dcv7g9t-pre.jpg (1100x726, 171K)

think this is a good place to end the dump

wow rude

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Thanks user!

>fear that people can read your thoughts and judge you for bad ones
That's just.. silly... ha...

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Cheers for reminding us these exist user.
Missed my favourite though.

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I like how they all think they're better than eachother but they're all chinks in the end

Be nice to BPD people please!! :)


Thanks OP.
In a related topic, anyone have the aborting comic from the crazy Asian girl?

please no

What the heck is that tiny picture of?

looks like a girl hanging a stuffed animal


Attached: smash_body_colonialism__by_dogisaga_dc5cqss-fullview.jpg (800x1290, 138K)

You don't know the half of it.
Each different Asian ethnicity considers all the rest to be subhuman bug people.

There are many, and I mean MANY problems.


what did he mean by this


>tfw this was me growing up
my dad did this shit all the time, he would send me to the store for an item and do this shit.

sorry to hear that user. hope you're doing better now

That pic is so fucking accurate lmao

So do Europeans; only Americans think they don't.

thanks user i appreciate that. Things are better thanks and looking up. I have finally escaped my BPD father and am living my life well. If he got help things could have been better for all of us.

So basically every other ethnicity are violent eusocial cockroaches(termites) and americans are vanilla cockroaches

These comics are hilarious but they also make me sad.

I'm having delusions!

No, you retard!
This is real life!
I hate you, user!

Tomorrow, delicate, organizing ideas, I need a little of time. Amazing comics

>tfw only narrowly escaped panel 4

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>must of


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When America collapses all the different countries that come out of it will consider all the others to be subhumans AND consider the Europeans to be even more subhuman.

No that's how Americans feel about other states too.