CW Supergirl Thread

Damnit Yea Forums new Supergirl.

>Red Dawn
>Kara comes face to face with Red Daughter and the two engage in an epic battle; Lena turns to an unlikely source for help; Alex realizes she's missing parts of her memory; Brainy, Nia and J'onn set out to track down aliens who have been abducted.

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Other urls found in this thread:

kara should kiss her clown!

Brainy wants the post op pussy

>Supergirl and her tranny friend
No thanks

Battle ends with Red Daughter sitting on Kara's face.


>Why does everyone always think getting captured is the best plan?
Quote of the week

Only if shes still wearing that goth outfit

Nah, Red Daughter needs to peg Kara to show her superiority.

Colonel is not as bad now

So Brainy is about to get his character completely ruined.

Brainy just... became Brainiac??? Oh no... Ohhh no....

His smile and enthusiasm: gone

Is anyone still watching Riverdale? I can't remember the last time I saw a thread about it.

Something that never makes sense is how do power dampener work? If aliens are born with their abilities, wouldn't that technically just be normal functions for them?

wait what im late to the stream

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Why is Otis so based

I stopped making threads, but I still do. It's the one show that unfallingly make me laugh every time

Holy shit Otis is based as fuck.

Holy shit, Brainy is based as fuck now too.

does lex have a different pooping schedule from normal people?

Omg Alex is gonna kiss Supergirl.

You wouldn't think hitting pressure points on a shapeshifter would work.

to be fair its martian man jobber

Martian shapeshifters probably have different rules thank human shapeshifters

What part of bad writing do you not understand?

It really did give off some vibes, so did Alex's reaction. Did not seem sisterly

Flips like that always seem stupid to me when the character can fly

What the fuck was that

Can't wait until Alex pins supergirl down and gets her Krytonite strapon.

>Red Daughter's got lightning powers
Oh fuck. Electric Kara when?

alex has to kiss supergirl on the lips to revive her!

Kara could easily counter this with the cape move Mon-El taight her.

What if Alex eats the grass and kisses Kara to put it in her system, oh wait what the fuck is this shit?


>fucking spirit bomb
That's a neat trick

>starts shoving grass down her throat
It's ok! It's full of sunlight!

I think Alex' love for Kara really is romantic 'cause that was something right out of a fairy tale.

I love when they capture heroes and never take off their masks

what the fuck kind of asspull is this?

>Luthor executes his master plan entirely off screen
Are you fucking serious right now?

yay lex is a good guy now!

Time for President Lex!!!

Lex really loves being president, he has been in so many comic, live action, and cartoon universes. Im surprised he doesnt aim higher l.

>kara getting an ass whooping was such a strong memory Alex remembered everything

I dunno if it's considered a more powerful position, but he got a seat in the UN in Young Justice where he cucks the Justice League from doing anything, even humanitarian missions.

I forgot about that one, he pretty much neutered them and every other country kept letting it happen.

Brainy's going to come back, right?

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Kara, eat ass and kick grass.

by the end of season 5 as nia kisses him/punches him

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i like brainy 1.0 confidence

This needs to happen.

Where is Webm user? I want NECKS!!

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This season is probably the first completely good one

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red daughter gets lighting
kara gets healing photosintesis, nice


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A large alien ship appears off coast of city of San Francisco and starts to directly beam whale songs directly down upon them with a such violent force it starts to rip the very fabric of the planet apart.

Namor noticing this and deciding that they only he alone can put stop to this, quickly realises that he needs find whale that can communicate with alien vessel and tell them of the violent destruction that they are causing to their planet, the only problem is that sappy jappy's hunted them all to excinction years ago.

That when using his superior atlantean technology he decides that his only option then is to travel back to year 1986 and bring whale back home to 2020 with him but not before knocking some punk on the bus flat out on his back first for playing his music too loud, telling a couple of local cab drivers to go double fuck themselves and of course invent transparent aluminium.

I genuinely enjoyed this story. I read the whole thing.

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he just loves it to fuck with people
lex being president is his equivalent of flipping off everyone while cant touch this is playing

Loved the reference to TDKR with the grass.

>Smart robot man
>Falls in love with the tranny
I think the writers post her.
>Robot man gets reconed out of his feelings randomly changing his character is a split second.

why is Jon Cryer lex?

>>Robot man gets reconed out of his feelings randomly changing his character is a split second.

it wasnt even a retcon this is literally when you smack your computer and it stars acting up except instead of opening 12 tabs on chrome it turns into skynet

He wanted to make up for Lenny Luthor. Safe to say, he nailed it.

Red Daughter's not dead, right? She's just faking for Lex's plan, right?


She can't be! Lex just showed her the corruption and hypocrisy of Kaznian officials to make her go along with his ruse so he can save the world for the collective! She's going to be shown the error of her ways and eventually join the Legends when Supergirl is canceled!

>Red Daughter as a Legend
Mick can't stop landing the alien babes!

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And then she is taken to Lena's secret dungeon where Red Daughter and Lena doubleteam Kara with kryptonite strap-ons

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That doesn't look like Benoist.

I'm beginning to understand why people post Blade Runner Ryan Gosling

>mfw was gonna drop supergirl post S4 becuase i only came back for brainy
>mfw CW teases me with evil brainy plotline

god fucking dammit looks like the rides not over yet

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Is it me or is every evil Supergirl incredibly hot?

J’onn J’onnz has many powers, but chief among them is taking a dive for plot convenience. This power is so strong that it’s featured in just about every appearance of the Martian Manhunter.

Seeing him talk and act like his ancestor is almost enough to make me wish they weren’t gonna do Crisis next season in favor of a good old fashioned Brainiac invasion.

When she has the helmet on, she looks like Mysterio.

Any more Webms? I'd like more of Russian Kara and Kara in that shirt please.

Also any Webms from the last two episodes?

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well we might get brainy as either season finale/mid season finale boss (i hope)

Also, Brainy having to go full Brainiac to take down the Anti-Monitor would be fantastic as everyone struggles to figure out what to do when he unveils his Skullship.


Sorry, I'm lazy and making webms takes (me) forever. Maybe you can be the new Webm user

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dont make me want things that probably wont happen

although if it did it would be the Green lantern cartoon all over again...

>What? It’s an ancient Coluan design. Very traditional.
>It was tradition for my people to take over whole star systems, but you don’t see me flying around in a ship made of crystal!

It's okae, I can attempt some Webms later perhaps. Thank you for your service Webm user.

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who up

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They beat the emotions out of his programming lmao. rip 12th lvl autism for now.

Melissa's up

the rent is due Friday and her landlord said if she's around Friday lunchtime while her kid is in school maybe they could work something out, but she doesn't believe he'll stick to his word and anyway, she know's she's going to start her period before then

she told him that and he just grinned and she wanted to throw up but instead she kind of agreed and tried to work out how she could just get the money instead before Friday

Mellissa should always wear her up like this, this way you can see the entirety of her neck

*her hair

i honestly forgot which exchange this was based on

> what do you mean i have to let red daughter peg and dominate me to stop lex
>stop talking like this alex!
>[eyes roll
>[angry frustrated but slightly horny noise]

>that Alex hip to waist

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Thoughts on Lena's neck

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Indeed. Also, It's brainy looking at the logo?

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It’s just conjecture on how such a conversation would go. Brainy wouldn’t understand the issue with the skullship, and Kara would get standoffish about it cause of Krypton’s complicated history.


Honestly, this is the only season of this show that does not make me groan. I pretty much had to watch it with my friend before, but now I'm looking forward to it. Both the bad guys and the supporting cast have been top notch this season. Plots are more entertaining (finally a non-Kryptonian invasion ending to the season, they did it three times in a row)

Can I be Webm user too?

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how fucked up would a martian body explosion be?

Very gooey, like a slime death

Remember Lex will be back for finale next week.

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don't let the thread more necks!

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Necks with kryptonite collars.


Im bothered by the lack of CUTE Kara ITT, post some.

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I'll post lewd Kara then.

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>15 seconds in

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S05E022 titled "worst superman movie" from the 80's

Next season of Supergirl will definitely have a ‘vs. Batwoman’ crossover episode just for shits n giggles.

- Kara founds a batarang with a note in her department. It reads:
-Dear Kara I have batkidnapped your sister and I will have PG batsex several times with her unless you come fight me.
With love, Batwoman.
PD: Bring Lena too.


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That show is basically Oprah saying
>"You got the lesbian, you got the lesbian, everybody got the lesbian!"
It's so infested with political agenda it's unwatchable.

God what a neck

c u t e

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Yeah it's strange as it not working on Brainy made sense. He's just naturally that way, but technically if it worked like it does on everyone else it'd be more consistent. Glad it didn't work.

Hey now, Daxamites are not Kryptonians.
At least, no Kryptonian or Daxamite would admit as much.


Too complex for you?

you neck fetishists are weird

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and they want us to believe that this is a lesbian

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How did the girl with iron skin get that huge scar on her forehead?

she got body for breeding

>Batwoman: Probably your mother told you you're special, that you're here fir a reason. My mother taught me another lesson, when she died in the street for no reason. She taught me that if you want the world to make sense, you have to force it to make sense.
>(insert more TDKR references)
It's going to happen. The writers think the girls can't sustain by themselves.

I’m holding out hope they’ll do the classic “I’ve implanted a bomb in a random Gotham citizen” storyline. That’s always been a much more effective way for the two to see the humanity in the other.


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Does the Fortress of Solitude have a doggy door, or does Superman need to take Krypto out for potty breaks?

Krypto can shit anywhere but he burns the poop into ashes right after so you don't have to take care of it
He just knows better so he doesn't just shit anywhere

Do you have this without the text?

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Post more CUTE Karas!

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And that’s why Krypto’s the goodest boy.