Hello user, I am Toyo Harada and Welcome to the harbinger foundation

Hello user, I am Toyo Harada and Welcome to the harbinger foundation.

Tell me about your new gift and If you are worthy you may join me in the foundation zone.

But if your abilities are useless then you will be sent to the willows with the other unwanted.


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So basically a mid-tier super.

Your gift is truly unique my child,
but it tolls the foundation with the burden of degeneracy.
You have been blessed to join the Eggbreakers and become cannon fodder on the front lines to protect me.
Make no mistake it will be an honor you will accept with pride.

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Aren't you dead, Harada? Anyway here you go:

I'll be honest. I'm not entirely sure what this does, but the Foundation definitely had worse than this.

I can decrease the sloth of allies and increase the sloth of enemies

Yo, Harada baby. I love you but didn't you get the message? We have a new emperor now. You should lighten the fuck up. It's the Reiwa era baby.


Wait, that's some sort of crazy supervillan power. There must be a mistake. I'm not even religious. I tip fedoras all day.

Did I just accidentally a star?

Man, for something so strangely specific it has a fuckloads of examples listed.

As long as the foundation lives I live, and you will report directly to angel eyes to have your gift examined.

You will be a great help in destroying Major Palmer and his H.A.R.D. corps

Unlike myself an emperor turns to ash just like any other man.
But you will be a great asset in imprisoning the rouge agents of project rising spirit.

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I am sorry my child, but you are too dangerous to live, If the vine were to get their disgusting spider hands on you not only could they accidentally a star the whole galaxy is kill.

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Well fellow Aryan, when are we going to purge the world and go all Man In The High Castle?!

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Do not compare Toyo Harada to a fascist dictator.

And I do not need another electrician, with my right hand woman Amanda at my side.

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Yeah, well, fuck you too Nip. And fuck your negress. You'll be hearing from my Sphere.

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If you truly want anyone on Yea Forums to join your crusade, Mr. Harada, you have to promise them that you'll exterminate all non-Caucasian races, and force all women to be kitchen/sex slaves.


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I will blanket the world in darkness until I find my complete opposite. We will either do battle or be wed, I am child of man no more!


This has potential

>exterminate all non-Caucasian races
Unfortunately and ironically, black man has gotten absolute darkness powers , you are going to need to try pretty hard to kill me!

>Literally ooga booga where da white women at

This has to be a mistake. You sure you can't muster up enough electricity for at least a tiny LED?

>being surprised that niggers gonna nigger
Have you learned nothing during your time on this Earth?

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Where is the asian women at for me.

Nope, electricity powers are for the weak.

go hang out with master darque and baron samedi and the other edgelords in tibet or hell or wherever he is now. .

Your first mission is to go kill a fat, red head in hollywood named summer smith.

Why dont you put the stalinverse in a bottle divinity?

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Fuck off with your “Muh speshul nigger” bullshit. It’s time for the planet to be purged from the filth. If you are not with me, then you are my enemy.

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To Tibet it is, then a 1000 years of darkness.

Well that's somewhat useful I suppose, we can use it for extortion and bribery

Dysart's Harbinger was so damn good. Where did it all go so wrong.


We Doomsday now. I am fully prepared to die in a laboratory hundreds of times in order to maximize my potential.

>World connection

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Massive flaw in your plan. A willingness to die in a lab will be a component of what got you killed. Suicidal behavior seems like something that power would correct.

You can keep an eye on agent Ninja-K
You will be given the glory of killing bloodshot and his allies once and for all.

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>I am Toyo Harada


>and Welcome to the harbinger foundation.


>you will report directly to angel eyes
Who that, doesn't ring a be--
AHAHAHAHAHA WAIT nice one, mate. How about no.

Toyo Harada Was Right


Literally everything would have went right if only Stancheck didn't sperg out.


Power over Sound, Nice.


Awesome! So can I join you guys? I know I can't do much, but I'm sure if I work real hard I can help out!

You two are promoted.

dont be a pussy

you codename will be "RRREEEEEE"

Go hang out with gen zero you,.. zero.

Im gonna need to borrow that power for just a bit.

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