90s PGG

>90s PGG
>Cute girls punching monsters

>2010 PPG
>Political commentary on transgender rights

How did it come to this ?

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How the fuck is the horse wanting to be a unicorn = transgenderism retard???

I'm not the one who claimed it was

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This entire decade is cultural cancer filled with divisive poltical agendas and despair, what did you expect would happen?

>I'm not the one who claimed it was

>>Political commentary on transgender rights
Theses pages are clearly clickbait, but you are implying what they say is true

The writer of the episode himsekf claimed it was a transexual allegory you moron

>three years

Dude, did you literally dig up a article in order to attract attention?

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Just answer the suestion
How did things git do bad that cartoons for children are now political?

Thanks, Obama.

Try watching the new season of HSK. The whole thing is far, far worse than you could possibly imagine. There's blatant propaganda up the ass in every single goddamn episode, and so much of it that it is the most indoctrinated piece of shit I've ever watched by far.

What is it ?

Would sure love an explanation but mad ramblings is fine to.
harvey street kids.

Kids are the future

If you want the society of tomorrow to be in line with your ideas, you have to get into their heads now

I mean original ppg got a transvestite villian, and a literal feminist fighting the ppg.

I wouldn't call the unicorn as something political. Unless you are one of those people overanalyze things and take things too serious.

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They always were you dimwit. Either that or they are and were so simplified nobody above the age of two would watch them.

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It's not the same. That episode was encouraging young girls not to have extreme beliefs. This new episode is pushing an idea that could lead to a child claiming he is transgender and end up with them on puberty blockers, getting chemically castrated or at the very least have a severely delayed puberty which would be a terrible thing.

The radical feminist villain is more acceptable on all levels than the transgender unicorn

It is still political retard

Next time dont make a "why are cartoons political now" thread, but "why do cartoons have politics I dont agree with" thread

The question was why are cartoons political now. The answer is they always were. Stop moving the goalposts. If you want to discuss the difference then acknowledge that they always had political elements instead of claiming that it doesn't count if you don't like it like a retarded 3 year old.

Haven’t watched it, can you give examples on how bad it is?

>A pony wants to be a unicorn and the girls help him
If it weren't for people shoving the latest buzzwords in it you wouldn't be able to tell what year this episode synopsis is from

>Politics refers to a set of activities associated with the governance of a country, or an area. It involves making decisions that apply to members of a group. It refers to achieving and exercising positions of governance—organized control over a human community, particularly a state.

Not every topic is POLITICAL. They can be just TOPICS.

Yeah, and they shit the bed with that episode so hard. Everybody hated it for how poorly it handled the topic.

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There's an episode in which Audrey becomes a literal skinhead and tries to segregate HSK's from Harvey Avenue kids, and the ep revolves around that theme. That was the one that sticks out the most since it's clearly a pro-immigration hit piece. Then there's the homosexual propaganda in every single episode, an ep revolving around climate change and... well, go watch the thing. Every episode is disgustingly polluted. It's like honey filled with shards of glass.

I'm very sad, very dissapointed and disgusted beyond measure. I'm not mad however. It's a strange hollow feeling of exhaustion and simple disgust. The show didn't need this. It makes it unwatchable and that's a shame because it could've been a great cartoon. But what the end result is is propaganda. Blatant, shameless, crude and evil.

I'm very near the point of cutting my losses and abandining western animation as a whole. Clearly things aren't going to get better but worse.

I didn't start this thread, I'm just pointing out the differences here, between an innocuous feminist villain and a character specifically designed to be identifiable to children that is transgender in a time where parents are hypersensitive to such things and are willing to block their hormonal development. I don't want to see children forced into a life of delayed emotional and physical development. This is the more important point of discussion. Obviously cartoons have always had an element of politics but you're just being willfully ignorant if you can see how different it all is now

Or just keep trans issues out of childrens cartoons until we have this figured out more, and we don't have so many people who are obviously confused and not transgender claiming the identity as a socio political move

Similar in that a transgender "man" who is actually a woman with a fake penis is comparable to a horse wearing a fake horn.

It's a civil rights issue, which is worth discussing. The only mystery is why anybody thinks children's cartoons are a viable medium for it.

I mean could you imagine if your parents actually put you in puberty blockers as a man and forced you into high school? Being so much smaller than you should be, inches short with an actual baby dick, child voice and struggling with being less emotionally developed than anyone else around you? You would be reaching levels of development at 24 that you should have at 17, regardless if you transition or not

So does that mean Scooby Doo is transgendered? He always gets offended when he gets called a dog and thinks he's a human.

Cartoon 1: "It's important that we go out and vote!"
Saying one is okay and the other is too political isn't getting mad at the idea of politics in cartoons in general.

To shape the worldviews of children

No, scoob is just retarded you know that

Neither of us said it's not different or implied it's good, but the subjects have been part of the plot since the start of the show. And it's a social issue not political one you retard. Unless the unicorn is a metaphor for a president or voting in the elections it's not a fucking political metaphor. If you want to discuss quality or effect of cartoons on kids then make a thread about it not a braindead thread using buzzwords that don't even relate to the subject.

Why are you pretending like politics don't define social policy and that sociopolitical identities aren't entirely intertwined?

>a character specifically designed to be identifiable to children that is transgender in a time where parents are hypersensitive to such things and are willing to block their hormonal development.

Let's be honest, no kid going to be inspire by a fucking unicorn. Especially a tranny kid.

This sounds like the same discussion I saw about naruto being pro immigration. Are you sure YOU didn't just impart these ideas. The curtains are blue because that was in stock.

The actual episode didn't deal with transgender rights, but accidentally pushed transphobic ideas.


The writer did no confirm the allegory. A CN executive said the episode was about trans rights.

Here's the writer herself apologizing for the episode, saying she never intended the episode to be an allegory for transgenderism.


Just watch Lice Storm and be amazed at what is unfolding before you. My jaw was on the floor. These people are sick.

And no, I'm not advocating for my views to be represented. I'm extremely right wing, but guess what? None of this political shit should be in cartoons. There should be no political or ideological propaganda in cartoons, but liberals can't fucking do that can't they? They NEED to shit on everything because that's what they do. Ever watched Soviet TV animation? There's zero politics in them. ZERO. Because it was understood that kids and politics do not mix. Even Stalin didn't see this as objectionable.

This is a fucking mental gulag, a prolonged torture session, a suffering of the mind.

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Because the American animation industry has turned into a clique which selects for political orthodoxy instead of creativity or skill.

Because doing that results in a stable of bland, boring people who only want to recite their received party line and think this is very clever instead of creatively bankrupt.

Is Yea Forums so starved of drama that we‘re now digging up stuff from 2016?

>original ppg got a transvestite villain
i don’t see what that has to do with anything, unless you are actually dumb enough to imply Crossdressers are even close to Transexuals, when in reality, they hate each other and Transvestites think transexuals are faggots taking their hobby and making it some political bullshit. It’s like the difference between a normal horny bastard and a Furry. Just because they tangentially share one thing in common doesn’t mean they like each other

Let me guess the plot
>Lice problem breaks out
>girl goes over paranoid so shaves hair and is mistrustful of people who were in the live area
>friends mock her
>the kids she fear turn out lice free
>she apologizes and let's them in

I wouldn't be so sure of that, and I would be more worried about naive parents taking it as an indicator. I've already become aware of parents that have done this shit to their children for filmsy reasons, and I've known people to impose their wants and desires on their children in destructive ways. It's almost always adults fans of comics and cartoons, imposing their fandoms on their kids, a guy I know naming his sons Nolan and Tyrion. If they have liberal leaning views it's a perfect storm for puberty blockers

The unicorn ep was never meant to be about trannies, higher ups chose to market it as such after it had been made for brownie points

Its still isn't kid friendly to have a guy dress up as a woman.

It isn't even done as a joke, he just like being crossdresser.

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How do you know the showrunners aren't just trying to pass the buck after they realized how tasteless it was

He was the scariest villain most children were exposed to at the time

>horse wants to be a unicorn
Well that sounds like a charming story for kids.

>transgender horse wants to be a unicorn

Because what actually happens in the ep conflicts with the tranny acceptance message? I'm pretty sure if they had ACTUALLY wanted to write about trannies it would've been much, much different.

For real, a simple story about a horse wanting to be a pegasus or unicorn sounds nice for kids, why try to do it like this?

Maybe the writers are cryptoterfs

>It isn't even done as a joke
The joke is he's a bunch of Tim Curry roles smashed together.

Seems like you're seeing things that aren't there. Plenty of cartoons do episodes were kids divide themselves over dumb shit.

The reason why indoctrination works is because people like you have eyes but do not see. Sleep tight.

Also the pun "Satan Claws"

I wonder when the fallout from all the fake tranny pre-teens is going to drop.

I suppose we can expect the left to pretend like it never happened, like the leftist terrorism of the 1970s.

>homosexual propaganda in every single episode

I've seen the show and am curious as to how you came to this conclusion considering their are no gay characters in the show.

>If they have liberal leaning views it's a perfect storm for puberty blockers

No it doesn't. Even if it was, I still dont thinkthey ideas from ppg.

The chances that is happening is when Donald Trump will get shot by Mike pence. And Mike revealing he is a satan worshipper.

>trans rights

>horse wants to be a unicorn
>horse goes through a medical treatment to do so
>said treatment turns him into a disgusting and violent monster
They didnt think this plot through

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The only way this is possible is if you can't understand English. Lucretia is a lesbian by her own admission and Pink Eye is gender fluid, again by his own admission. I don't even know what that means because the left has far too many words for "faggot" and/or "genetic dead end"

The writers didn't understand that the violence is what made PowerPuff Girls a hit