Why is the comic industry not breaking in any new talent compared to the '60s-early '90s...

Why is the comic industry not breaking in any new talent compared to the '60s-early '90s? Is it just because the money's not there anymore?

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It is though. It's just that the talent is mediocre and the money is bad. You also have to consider the fact that the biggest genre is capeshit and that genre has been jogging in place and telling every possible story for decades.

There's actually significantly more new talent coming in than there was in the late 90's and early 00's.
But still, working for Marvel/DC is less appealing than ever before. You make shit money, if you're an artist you have to turn out at least 22 pages a month of someone else's scripts, you don't own any of what you create, you have to deal with terrible corporate politics and clashing egos. It just really doesn't make sense to work for the big two when you could put that time and effort into creating your own comic where you have complete creative control and get to keep all the money and rights.
Which is all the exact same reasons that Image was founded in the first place.

And if you're a writer, TV pays way, way more. Comics is just a terrible job to work unless you really love the characters THAT much or just need some way to build a portfolio while making some cash.

>Why is the comic industry not breaking in any new talent compared to the '60s-early '90s?
Oh so you're an idiot?

Smart and talented people don't go into comics if there are other avenues to share their craft. That's why everything in mainstream comics in 2019 is either trash or traced or is just filtered photographs with text added.

turn an industry into fuckshit and only fuckboys want to play. any good writers will be working outside the mainstream credentialing pipeline. everything from awards to media to editors to job placement. all agenda driven and all politically motivated

the game no longer selects for or attacts good writers so it no longer gets them

No, because it is too fucking hard to break into the industry. It's 110% WHO you know and not what you know or how talented you are. Only friends of friends manage to get anywhere.

what other avenues are there to share your comic book if not in the comic book industry?
I'm sure publishers for creator owned material pay more than webcomics... or zines?

It's kind of an embarrassing thing for any writer to get into. Even if it has become a lot more mainstream than before, comics are still nerd shit and most people look down on anyone who is actually a part of it. And it does not pay well for the amount of effort and time restraints involved.

This, it is insanely competitive, overworks most people, and the least legitimate media format to work under. Plus a writer can write for a sitcom and make a hell of a lot more money, and respect.

more so than cartoons?

Yes, cartoons are still a tv/film industry and can lead to one day working in legitimate tv/film. Or at least working along side those who do. Also major animated movies still have some clout if they are Disney or Dreamworks.

Yea because cartoons are understood to be made by professionals. Meanwhile comics are just seen as made by creepy geeks for creepy geeks. No one cares to see that it is actually an industry itself that makes millions too.

Traditional nerd culture stuff just has that stigma. Writing for role pen and paper playing game companies can make some decent money too but there is no point in even bothering to brag that ones does that to anyone else but specifically role playing game fans. Anyone else will write that off as more low class nerd shit.

i think with the onset of streaming services utilizing the comics industry as ip farms (especially indy), we're gonna start seeing much more respect being thrown towards indy creators, if it's not already being thrown around.

Indy always seems to be the biggest source of ip farming for film, more than the big two for the longest time. That has changed a bit in recent years but a shitload of 80s-00's movies were actually indy comics. Which is why it is so weird how it never gets much respect among comic circles. Who actually read Flaming Carrot or Mask vs people who saw and liked Mystery Men and Jim Carrey's Mask

i think there's going to be a shift soon. The creator of the goon wrote an article once about how books found a resurgence with the onset of harry potter. As in, suddenly kids were reading again. Comics havent had that happen yet. Where is the mediums Harry Potter? The next great comics creators/big thing arent gonna come from the big two, it's gonna be a creator owned thing.

Why go to comics when you can go to patreon?

build an audience? and speaking of... wtf is the best way to do this when entry to the biggest audience builder is so bottlenecked?

Overwatch porn.

>I'm sure publishers for creator owned material pay more than webcomics... or zines?
Retard. It's not that they don't pay you more, it's that they don't pay you at all.

plz elaborate on your intricate business knowledge of publishing with indy publishers.

Just do a webcomic, 4 to 10 pages a month + commissions and you already get more patreonbux than the guy doing 30 for Marvel.

>4 pages a month
Why even bother at that point?

aside from kill 6b demons.... what other actual quality webcomics are there?

Capeshit is really competitive and at the end of the day you get paid shit, little creative freedom and no one respects your work.
Indie & webcomics are slightly better in that regard (more creative freedom and respect) but still not a great career option.

Why are you posting pics from some gay bar in the 1980s in Yea Forums, user?

Because they only hire SJWs, and SJWs can't write for shit.

1980's? isnt that pro jared on the left???

- Vattu
- Stand Still, Stay Silent
- Gunnerkrigg Court
- Pepper & Carrot
- Lackadaisy Cats
- The Perry Bible Fellowship
can't think of many more currently updating, but here are some finished ones:
- Bad Machinery
- Dr McNinja
- Octopus Pie
- Scurry, books 1 and 2

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You can add Devil's Candy to that list.

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What does Marvel do with the billions of dollars they get from the movies ?

>the money's not there anymore

You answered your own question. Talent goes wherever they can make the most money possible. If you have ANY talent whatsoever the "where you can make the most money possible" is ANYWHERE OTHER THAN COMICS.

>implying they need to make comics

Design work for TV and movies pays better for less effort.

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Because new people with actual talent are chased out by the gatekeepers.

>you have complete creative control and get to keep all the money and rights

You're delusional and you've fallen for Image's corporate PR propaganda.

On the contrary, theres a lot more creativity and content being pumped out right now than it was back then, the problem is that while in the 60's, new talent was hand picked, brought up in publishing houses and allowed to become popular, today, because of the internet, there's such oversaturation that nothing sticks because everyone and their mothers draws on the internet.

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>being this obtuse

Their point was that no one with talent makes comics anymore.

Did you just now figure out that life ISN'T meritocracy?

capeshits dying. why would you keep drawing old and unchangeable media for mega corps when theres more "free style" media like manga. id draw manga.

>And if you're a writer, TV pays way, way more.

Also: Shittier hours, way less creative freedom.

>Comics is just a terrible job to work unless you really love the characters THAT much

Comics OUTSIDE of corporate comics exist.

Alternative publishers don't offer healthcare.

Neither does Marvel or DC. Writers and artists aren't employees, they are freelancers and pay for their own healthcare.

Bill Mantlo died for our sins.

Oh, wait, he's still alive? Okay. Bill Mantlo will someday die for our sins.

it's a list of what I've read that I'd recommend, I've never read Devil's Candy. I'm sure it's fine. I'd also add Digger but I haven't finished it, it's on my long to-read list.

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