Criminals killed my parents

>criminals killed my parents
>therefore...I must hate superheroes

hahahahaha WHAT

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>parents got killed
>doesnt become Batman

Superheroes didnt come in time.

>the police wouldve been better against the murderers who literally got into their bedroom like seconds after the parents had been woken up. Yeah the police absolutely could've responded quicker than a superhero.

She should hate whoever decided to put the superhero hotline and safe room in different locations.

she explains it. over reliance on ubermensch led her parents to death because they were too trusting in supers to save them. therefore, to produce a society in which normals are able to defend themselves, superheroes would be better off not existing.

>parents got killed
>doesn't eat Helen's ass

Pretty dumb of the father to not put the telephone in the panic room.

Wouldn't a gun have helped?
Was that the original pitch? She's a 2nd Amendment activist turned villain?

>she explains it.
That's not an explanation. That's shit writing.

His father was a dumbass.
I hated MCU Zemo but he had a way more believable reason to act that way.

A) The heroes never came because they had been fucking forced to retire, so her beef should be with the lawsuits and legislation

B) Her dad was trying to call guys who don't have superspeed while the burglars were in the room, so her beef should be with the old man's senility

Why not just pack a gun and some body armor? Both are super cheap to get and the land of freedoms.

I feel like people have been too critical on this shit.
Sure, it wasn't the greatest motive to ever exist in fictional media, but it's better than shit like
>Muh society.
>Muh obsession with jewels.
Poison Ivy
>Muh eco-terrorism and sjw agenda.
>Muh boner for an abstract concept.
I really appreciated that Screenslaver was one of the first hypnosis-using villains that wasn't blatantly overpowered or horribly underpowered(I'm looking at you, DC, with your whole 'hero breaks out of it using sheer willpower!' bullcrap). The motive wasn't perfect, but it wasn't overarchingly stupid either.

That's literally the point. Because of her father's over reliance on supers is why he didn't have any other security measures other than the first phones. With supers, people let themselves be weak and stupid.

Superheroes were outlawed at the time.

It's still stupid. Supers may not arrive on time everytime.

The movie just wrote her motivation very poorly. Her beef was that her dad was hoping to be saved by a hero rather than trying to do what he could do preserve his own safety, like fleeing into a panic room. As I remember, the gist of her deal is that she thinks people act stupid and irrationally when they have the safety net of heroes, so people should have their image of heroes be shattered completely so that they won't easily trust their safety to them.

The movie really should have focused more on that feeling of people needing to be more responsible for themselves, rather than on her disdain for supers, since that just made her look like a spaz rather than a "well-intentioned" extremist.

So everyone saw the villain twist/ reveal coming a mile away right? God, incredibles 2 sucked

then the police should be abolished too since we rely on them to arrest criminals

her name being a shitty pun/joke on evil endeavor didn't help at all either.

Bad writing

wasn't the superheroe he was trying to call already dead from syndrome's robot ?

>she explains it
ok but it's still retarded

As other have said Supers had been outlawed for years by this point.

Should've also revealed that she herself hired the criminals to kill her parents because she was disgusted at how their blind worship of Supers made her own brilliance go unnoticed.

>Wouldn't a gun have helped?
No goyim.

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genuine question: how can people say that you can"t say that j**** have all the power because it's antisemitic but at the same time there's stuff like this happening

She would have done a better job if she wasn't constantly shitfaced.

Not hating; I'd be an 8-days-a-week daydrinker if I was a billionaire too. But it explains a lot.

That's how they work

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the incredibles 2 is such a dumb movie

Well, hopefully I don't get banned for turning this into /pol/ so I'll stop here, decades of nepotism and playing the victim card at every turn. They will always promote from within and have hundreds of years of persecution to hide behind now, with WW2 being the ace in the hole.

>that's shit writing
That's you refusing a perfectly logical reasoning behind her motivation because...?

Brad Bird a hack

how do lefties defend this

actually the whole point was that his wife wanted to go to the panic room and call the police from inside, but he wanted to go to his sPeCiAl phone and call heroes.

Because this movie is terrible.
Only good thing that came out of it was all the porn of Ms.Incredible with her.

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Would've made more sense to make her/the villain an extremist superhero. Plus it'd help differentiate her from Syndrome who already hated superheroes

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Buddy loved them until Bob dashed his dreams. Evelyn always hated them.

literally garou but somehow not as shit

Would have been better if she was an advocate like her bro but her methods of winning over the public got more and more extreme.

Because is not implied anywhere that the police got lazy nor it makes any sense that they would get lazy because a couple dozen heroes exist.

Shit writing

>how do lefties defend this

Liberals currently hate Israel because Trump supports it.

If anything it would be more interesting if she tried becoming a hero herself. But her draconian methods would end up making her the antagonist. You could even have screen slaver as a different entity and make him the red herring.

I wouldn't have cared so much if they weren't basically note-for-note just Syndrome again

>I feel like people have been too critical on this shit.
The fact that you're comparing her motivations to other shitty motivations only proves that we're rightfully critical of this shit. Screenslaver was crap.

>b-but these other villains have worse motivations
kys asap

He didnt knew that and he was expecting that even if they were alive, they would still come and help him, since supposedly those heroes that he had the phones of would come and help him, even with the anti-heroes laws.

And Syndrome, although hated them, still wanted to become either a superhero himself, or at least a supervillain, so he would still technically be a super something. Now he is simply super death.

>it’s cynical to hold the belief that it doesn’t matter what you sell if nobody buys it
>it’s also cynical to hold the belief that overall, the salesman is more important than the inventor
HAHA this movie was huffing its own farts to the point of hilarity

>gamma jack starts sterilizing normies
kinda terrifying

How did he not insta-beat the robot ever single time? You can use radiation to obliterate complex electrics, and even radiation shielding wouldn’t last long against a concentrated blast. The only reason radiation shielding protects us is because radiation concentration isn’t ultra high. If he can literally disintegrate matter because he’s able to concentrate his emissions nothing would stand a chance.

We are stupid even without supers

Yeah, it wasn't a well-written movie.

Would've been a bit of a let-down if it came out a few years after the original. But a big kick to the pants since they opened the movie with every actor going "we definitely needed 15 years to get a story like this together!"

Like hell you did.

Because Syndrome built a robot that was
a) Shielded from his radiation
b) swift enough to avoid his blasts
c) aggressive enough to not allow him to get a full hit in
Didn't his file say he fought the thing a couple of time? Eventually, Syndrome would have seen his weaknesses and just built them into the bot.

same way every other hero who beat it at first eventually got merked

>the villain is wrong

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>produce a society in which normals are able to defend themselves
but they cant defend themselves
in fact she created scenarios in which normals were unable to defend themselves

>The movie really should have focused more on that feeling of people needing to be more responsible for themselves
That kind of conservative message would land them in hot water

Why does she look like a mixture of sleepy and drunk?

They should of just had the stupid phone by the bedside.

You are not making any sense.

>We waited 15 years to see how the showdown with the Underminer goes! I wonder if he'll be the big bad or the second banana villain?
>The fight with Underminer takes about five minutes and he's never seen or heard from again.

Because she's probably a mixture of sleepy and drunk.

People irl rely on others to save themselves all the time. How many people carry cell phones to call the cops? Now tell me how many carry guns or knives.

People irl go to the phone, not the safe room.

It was pretty clear she was an attention seeking psycho jealous of her brother and supers using what happened in her childhood to justify her own lust for power and dominance.

She was totally fine with having mind controlled parents kill their children and smiled while Helen suffocated. She’s clearly fucked in the head.

It’s an irony; she derides her brother for childishly acting out of a want for supers back when she’s doing the exact same thing just in the other direction

Actually her father's cause of death is quite stupid. Calling the assistance of superheros doesn't mean you cannot get into the safe house to prevent the criminals invasion.

>female villain's problem stems from something that has to do with her father
Of course, lol.

Why? She's the villain.

It's a common trope, are they supposed to avoid it so people like you don't obsess over reasons of fictional characters? You're the reason moat current female characters are bland and boring, because people find idiotic reasons to sperg at anything so the coward writers take the safe route.