Here's Your Next ENDGAME, Bro

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Marvel Studios made "Civil War" into a great movie.

I don't doubt they could make something worthwhile out of "Ultimatum". It's not a bad plot on a conceptual level.

I feel like Magneto using his powers to control Mjolnir is the kind of thing the MCU would do, if they ever get around to using Magneto.

We’d need more time bullshit to get mjolnir back unfortunately

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In 5 years

Ultimate is not the kind of movie you need 10 movies to build up.

>Marvel Studios made "Civil War" into a great movie.
Yikes and notbasedpilled

They should do Onslaught, not some nu-shit from 2008.

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You need the audience to have an emotional connection with the X-Men. That would require at least three movies.

Be honest with me Yea Forums, I haven't read Ultimatum yet but should I do it right now for morbid curiosity?


Yes. It's schlocky fun.

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I don't think general audiences are ready to see a superheroine cannibalized on the big screen.

Might not be a great movie, but it's certainly better than the shitfest that is CW in the comics

If you go in not expecting anything actually good you might have a fun time, It's uber retarded and has one of the worst conclusions to any story arc ever, but as said, it's schlocky fun

You just outed yourself, casual

Disney wouldn't allow that.

>You need the audience to have an emotional connection with the X-Men. That would require at least three movies.
But why Ultimatum? You can just adapt picrelated or Onslaught and be done with this shit.

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Ultimate War/AVX will be the Civil War of Phase X, so the X-Men and Avengers can come together as one group to fight Magneto in Ultimatum

>This was just Loeb coping with his son's death

yep, pretty much. it's not even a joke.

As long as MCU Magneto isn't a sociopathic terrorist who gets "forgiven" by Charles over and over again, and even allied with at certain points, I'll be ok.
Characters cross some serious lines in the Singerverse, and not ones you can step back from.

>not time traveling bullet
>no ridiculously evil Tony Stark
It was better than the source material at least

Ultimatum is pretty bad, but this moment was quite something.

>mutants are a fucking lie

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not him, but not a high bar, at all

And you think Ultimatum is a particular high bar?

this and this after

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Begone, newfag.