Should he have gotten the shield? Leave Sam out of the equation. Did Bucky deserve to carry the legacy?

Should he have gotten the shield? Leave Sam out of the equation. Did Bucky deserve to carry the legacy?

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Other urls found in this thread: age of consent

>Serial killer
Hell no

damn straight the whole teasing of him using the shield is meaningless now

Why he should've gotten it is because he can throw the shield and use it like Steve, unlike Sam. Why he shouldn't have gotten it is because society views him as a terrorist

no need to tell the public his secret identity

No, they already set up how similar Sam is to Cap.
>Steve Rogers: You don't have to come with me.
>Sam Wilson: I know... When do we start?
Bucky mostly just wants a quiet life, he doesn't want to be the symbol for America or the Avengers or whatever—he may even still be a controversial figure in the MCU.

He's the only guy running around with a metal arm

>how similar Sam is to Cap.
sam is a normie with a jetpack
> Bucky mostly just wants a quiet life
what is the falcon and the winter soldier show

>World watching cellphone footage of Captain America curbstomping some criminals in broad daylight because of PTSD flashback

probably best to let Sam have the shield, even Bucky knew him being Cap was a stupid idea

Literally 80 years worth of stories to use with cap, we only see two from the last 10 years and now he’s gone

cap uniform doesn't have exposed sleeves

Also in terms of Endgame being the finale to Stark and having his final meeting with his father, it would be a bit weird having the movie close off with the murderer of his parents getting the mantle passed to him

>mfw americans don't have sense of redemption now

He probably doesn't feel like he deserves it

Also the idea of Captain America having a history as a brainwashed slave murdering on command of his superiors is one best avoided.

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He deserves it, but he probably don't want to and Cap knows that. Bucky's "had enough of war" as Tchalla said.

>hey bucky I just got that second chance we always wanted and I'm sure you'd love to have too, anyway, I'm gonna go enjoy the smug satisfaction of a life well lived, think you could put your attempts at living your life aside and live in my shadow?

Nope. It worked in the comics because it was something he had to do because of Steve's sudden death, here it'd just be selfish of Steve to ask that of him.

>serial killer
Remind me to execute you because you were brainwashed against your will by terrorists

Just skip to man on the wall in gotg 4 or something

Deserve? Maybe. Either way, he's still a wanted fugitive for crimes over the past 60 years. Regardless of how guilty you want to see him, he's in no position to inspire the world as Captain America, and Steve and Bucky both knew that.

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>sam is a normie with a jetpack
I meant morals, personality. Obviously. Cap's most important quality is his heart, anyone could have taking the super serum but not anyone can be Captain America.
>what is the falcon and the winter soldier show
He isn't going to be doing whatever will be happening there forever. He's winding down, he'll reluctantly help when needed but he wouldn't fit for taking up the Captain America role.

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Somewhat related question. Why is everyone so confused about where the shield Cap gives Sam came from when Thanos smashed it up earlier. People suggest he stole it from an alternate timeline and what not but the obvious answer is that since Wakanda is a friend now he just asked Tchalla to fix it. They have so much of the stuff they made cars and trains out of it, so getting enough to patch that chunk of the shield Thanos tore off they could probably fix it in like an half hour.

This is the weird thing about the MCU, especially as we've just retired two anchors of Marvel, they never got a status quo to settle into so we could see them go up against their iconic villains. Steve and Red skull will never have their iconic matchups. Tony only fought like three villains.
You know, despite all the hate on Age of Ultron, one thing I really loved is that opening scene where they're all fighting hydra(even if they wasted Hydra) , because it makes it feel like they have a status quo where they get together and fight villains. same thing with the CW opening scene. Endgame was the first time we saw the OG Avengers reunited in over 4 years, and its the last time now.

>he wouldn't fit for taking up the Captain America role.
that's what people said when he took the mantle in the comics and he turned out to be a good cap

Why didn’t Steve bring Bucky back to the 40s with him? Does he really want to stay in the future with a bunch of people he barely knows?

>A tortured man struggling to control his dark side who just wants to be left alone but keeps getting pulled back into the fight

Everybody expected Bucky to be the new Cap when he's actually the new Hulk.

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He might want to stay in a future where his condition can be treated and where the villains who know his trigger codes are all/mostly dead.

A part of Bucky will probably always be a little broken, and he knows this.


Bucky can't simply walk back into his old life like Cap did. He was completely mind-raped by Hydra and he remembers every single atrocity he committed under their control. He was conditioned to be a deadly assassin to the point he's constantly assessing threats and the best way to eliminate them. He has a robot arm and that shit is expensive and requires maintenance.

He's happier in Wakanda where he can just be alone, appreciate the scenery and smash Shuri.

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Pretty sure in the TV show they'll work together to be the next Cap. Sam will be the public face.

I hate the Russos for this reason. Since hey took over after Whedon, they've never let the team fight anyone other than themselves. And if they go against big bads, either the full team isn't there or their members are dead. Not to say Whedon is any better, he made Hulk fuck off in the quinjet end of Ultron.

To be fair they have to accomodate everyones schedule and contract situation

Unfortunately the things about these movies is they all have to be an EPIC BATTLE as nobody will want to go see something marketed it as typical one comic issue "Hero and villain have random fight, nobody wins and they get away to feature again next month."

For him it wouldn't be a legacy, but a burden.

Bucky had way too much baggage. He's spent the last few decades as a brainwashed super solider, now he just wants to live out the rest of his days as a goat herder in Wakanda, occasionally plowing Shuri like a plot of land.

>Banging a underage girl
>Shuri wanting to bang the literal worst case of PTSD known with a hair trigger and with a robot arm on top of that.
I know HYDRA fucked up his head,but I didn't think it was fucked that bad.
Also why Shuri would want that?

because she's a woman

>also why would Shuri want that

Have you seen how many fanfictions about him girls her age have written? It’s up in the 10 thousands by now.

Cause she wants white meat

Not in his current state

>I'm going to be on top tonight wolf... and I'm going to tie you down. For safety of course, don't want you getting to excited and t-trying to choke me or anything.

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He killed the guy who made the shield so it would've been weird.

She seems like the kind that likes to be choked

>Because fanfiction is relevant/matters to canon now
>if a girl IRL wants it,the character definitely should
Ok, Yea Forumsmblr. I know Shuri was self insert bait,but Jesus Christ

>Also why Shuri would want that?
T'Challa promised to open Wakanda for the outside world.
So by extension that opens Shuri as well

I hope Sam gives him his big black dick

Not really. They had the keys to the castle. They shouldn't have made Cap 3 as Avengers 2.5 but it's as if they were gunning for Iron Man rather than Captain America the whole time so it makes sense.

She was legal in Black Panther, and it's been years since then.

No if only because it seems they don't want to utilize Bucky at all or maybe the actor just wasn't to be a part of the movies
he really says and does dick all after Winter Soldier

So if real people shouldn't be the basis for how fictional characters act, what should?

>they don't want to utilize Bucky at all
But now he can be Captain America's sidekick again.

To be fair, the Hulkbuster scene has been some of the best Hulk fanservice we've gotten even if it did necessitate he lose and had him be fighting another Avenger again.

It seems the obvious play to have them as a buddy cop situation assuming they get their own movie

>T'Challa is whoring his sister from now on
Just like actual niggers, I guess. So much for "advanced society" Lmao

No one's saying he should be executed, but he's not shown any of the spirit that Steve or Sam have.
He's still healing, really.

>and it's been years since then.

Not necessarily for her, though. Weird she wasn't confirmed one way or another, a poster had her as dead but some reports listed her as alive.

Captain America is not Batman. You can't have a Cap with a secret identity.

No, she was snapped, but not even counting that it had been years between BP and IW.

>movie stats that the was underage at that time,and she also didn't aged because of the snap
Found the pedo

Yes. He's a super soldier, he would have been better.

At least now that Stark's invented nanotech AND time travel we can confidently state that Shuri is the third smartest character in the MCU. Possibly second if we only count alive people.

>Stan still has 4 movies left in his contract
>people here unironically think that the chracter will be left alone after the tv show
Good to know you all are still retards


He didn't want it

She's literally stated to be 16 in Black Panther.
Granted we don't know Wakanda's consent laws, but as far as the rest of the world is concerned, she's legal, and that was years ago.

I like Sam and feel like he’s the logical pick to carry the mantle from a story standpoint. He’s Cap’s protégée, he’s morally similar, and he doesn’t have all of the emotional baggage that Bucky has.

Problem is, he doesn’t have any actual powers. At best, he’s got a glorified jet pack and a familiar. I don’t think he’s actually equipped to be Captain America for long.

>You can't have a Cap with a secret identity.
I mean sure you can, it wouldn't even be a unique idea. Anyone can be behind the face. Anyone can take up the mantle if he dies in combat. What's important is the shield stands is thrown and the message it stands for. The message is more than the man.

This, but unironically

It was a retcon. Originally in the weeks following IW she was confirmed alive, but they changed that in the months afterwards, which is why she was the only significant character that was dusted offscreen (that appeared in IW anyway way).

I believe she was originally intended to survive, but they realized afterwards that if she did, she'd become queen of Wakanda and age 5 years which would throw off her little sister dynamic with Tchalla, as well as question why she didn't fix Vision during the timeskip. Since the Wakandan's weren't gonna show up in Endgame until the final battle anyway they just said she was dusted offscreen.

The characterization from the actual comics, but apparently you forgot those exist.

What part of her comic book personality indicates she wouldn't be interested in Bucky?

No one indicates that she would, more than most

Within the context of the world the MCU has created and its characters, it literally makes zero sense for Bucky to get the shield and become the next Cap America.

>murdered a shit ton of people

Cap should always be a publicly known figure, if not an actual soldier imo

>Brainwashing makes it your fault and no the ones who forced you

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Pretty much the entire world knows that Bucky was the Winter Soldier and I think despite his growth since then there would always be at least an underlying concern/paranoia of what he could do if he were to turn since folk (especially those in intelligence/defense who now know The Winter Soldier isn't just a myth) have seen it firsthand. Even by Infinity War/Endgame Bucky doesn't seem to be very confident that he's now or possibly ever going to be right in the head, just better or good enough when he needs to be.

Also there would always be talk of it just being nepotism that Cap gave his shield just to his bestie, especially for people who didn't know him personally. Granted Sam is a friend but it shows Cap's belief in him to choose him based on his work and his convictions.

As hokey as it sounds, being able to have faith/confidence in Captain America is a pretty important to the mantle.

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>>Shuri wanting to bang the literal worst case of PTSD known with a hair trigger and with a robot arm on top of that.
Unironically it actually sounds like something a woman would do.

>The characterization from the actual comics
>the movies giving a shit about the comics

She's supposed to be smarter than that. I will kek so hard if they end up doing this in the future, though

The real issue is how the fuck is the Falcon gonna use it

They should,though

I mean it's not like pinkies don't do that .....

No, he looks like Antifa.

>Granted we don't know Wakanda's consent laws
It's a African country, take one guess.

MCU Bucky would never want the SHIELD, and it would be a PR disaster if he ever got it.

Winter Soldier is a recognizable character by his own, NOBODY gives a fuck about falcon so it makes sense as a marketing thing

What about something like USAgent?

Fuck legacies

Winter Soldier is only recognisable because of the MCU, and the same can be said of Falcon. These characters have been made relevant for normies because of these movies. Comics are irrelevant.

t. Barry

Bucky is far more entitled than cap to go back in time and live out the life he lost out on

I dislike the concept of 'mantles' just let them be who they are

He would've been able to walk the walk better than Sam, but in terms of ideals Sam is a better choice

>Returning to Hydra times where his evil clone is carrying out hits on numerous people
He'd probably start a crusade against Hydra/SHIELD

But is that really their doing or did that decision come from up higher?

Like Cap should've

Who's to say he didn't? By marrying Peggy, he probably became deeply involved in SHIELD operations so he likely dug Hydra out of it before it could go too deep. We can only speculate, though

No way that MCU Bucky would've wanted Steve's sloppy seconds.


They talked about wanting to do some 70s-era story about Cap going crazy for the 3rd movie, and they talked about MODOK at some point, but I think they said Feige walked into their office, said "Civil War" and walked away, then the rest was history.

>Bucky mostly just wants a quiet life
Should have probably made him go with Steve then. If anyone was robbed of his life it’s him.

Hold it up to block things. It's not a lightsaber, user.

Seems it'd get in the way of his wings and general fight style of uzi'ing from above

Yeah, if only you could hold a shield and a gun at the same time.

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>Villain > anti-hero > straight up hero
Hell yes. Make his character come full circle.

....what? nobody else wants him to get his own suit in BP2?

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The vibranium suits are broken and take all the tension away. When was the last time T'Challa got hurt while wearing one?

Well it's better than machine gun man.

>When was the last time T'Challa got hurt while wearing one?
When Thanos slammed his ass to the ground in infinity war

yes,but now try using the real shield while using your wings or mid flight, Falcon doesn't have any special serum like bucky or Steve, he can't throw as hard or manage it as well

Then he won't. You realize that he doesn't have to be written into situations where he has to do things that don't make sense, right?

Underrated post. Even putting aside the rep of the Winter Soldier, this actually makes sense in context of where Steve and Bucky are at.

He didn't get hurt though. The vibranium can even take grenades point blank without getting hurt. I'll rather have machinegun man than superman levels of durability.

This. Not to mention that Stan has always been on record on wanting to keep playing as Bucky for a while.

Let's say he'd wear a mask forever as Cap since he was a soviet terrorist for most of his life

There is still the problem that if someone find a copy of that book, he'll go back to murder mode

I wasn't though

>have a weak mind that succumbs to outside influence
>not your fault
Bucky a shit

"Deserve" has got nothing to do with it. Bucky wants nothing more than the quiet life and only got pulled into Infinty War's shenanigans because it was Steve who was asking.

>Is a super solider
>highly trained combatant
>Cap's best friend
Bucky made the most sense, but he was the wrong skin color.

They’re not gonna do it after this

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It's almost like he'd be an interesting Cap. Nah, let's go with the character with seemingly no baggage or anything interesting about his personality.

>The guys does damage control on himself while not making a mess of it
Okay I guess

How many half white wakandan kids are there at this point?

>Sam legit becomes the white wolf in the MCU

honestly would be okay with this even tho it won't happen

What's wrong with fucking a 16 year old? it's legal..

>No baggage

>16 year old
pick one


16 is not the age of consent in most countries, Billy Bob

Indeed, in most countries it's even lower.

She's also royalty. She can do whatever she wants. age of consent


>World won't let my be Captain America
>Doesn't want to be Captain America
>Not in any condition mentally to be Captain America
Clearly he's the obvious choice.

Of course, he had the superior costume.

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Cause marlel is known for respecting established character arcs.

Good, then. Bucky doesn't need AIDS on top of all what happened to him

user that's not how AIDS works.

Shuri fixed him and she’s not even underaged. She’s 18 in BP and older now.

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bucky too busy blanda up wakanda

>that fake apology

>You can fix PTSD instantly
Turn your brain off, I guess

She removed the trigger words and he’s getting therapy.

Implying Cap hasn't also killed a shit ton of Nazis

>Gives the black buy who's best skills revovle around diversion and long range combat a close range weapon
>Said black guy has absolutely no super powers.

I give Falcon a week before he ends up like Trayvon Martin.

Right, but nazis and right wing individuals in general aren't actual people and can safely be executed en masse.

No, as has been pointed out his whole thing in the MCU is "leave me alone, gosh", he's not really been a hero or shown any paragon qualities.
That's why I want USAgent, so that Bucky and/or Sam can grow into the role by showing how they're different from Walker.

>16 year old child
Jesus Christ.

>Busiek's "costume is 70% black pants" designs

>killing soldiers in a war is the same as assassination of civilians

He probably saved that timeline's Bucky much earlier

I remember people getting hyped for Dum Dum

He's white.

I really like him, Even for so much little screentime, Neal actually made him look great .
He should come back due to time travel/alt. timeline fuckery If you ask me

Should've used him in Agents of Shield. They even had an LMD arc.

So by default he should get the shield?

>brainwashed/tortured super soldier forced to assassinate people
>serial killer
Yeah, i guess all those kids in africa that were forced to join the military in order to survive should be treated as war criminals too despite the fact that if they'd refused to join they would've been killed on the spot.

>he’s not really been a hero
>not really been a hero
>not really been a hero

Have you ever met a 16 year old? They're absolutely children. If you are still one, don't worry, when you're older you'll see it too.

The Sculptor looks good in the Sekiro movie, I see.