Damn, Chuck.
Damn, Chuck
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Not bad.
Tells it like it is.
inb4 thread gets spammed with godawful peppermint patty fanart
Go fuck yourself Lucy, unattractive bitch.
>she knows each fathers dick size
Charlie Brown is still a failure face
that's not Lucy
I chuckled niggas.
Reminder that this happened
>tfw you realize had "Peanuts" been written today, Charlie Brown would end up being a school shooter.
No, just all the lovely feminists would be calling him an incel/rapist/school shooter.
Because why demean a person only once when you can also demean them for being demeaned (by you)?
based and redpilled
It be that ba
how did they get away with this
nah he has a hot tomboy who is madly inlove with him. How do you fight incels, GFs.
Is the grief good?
More Power!
Out of all fictional characters, there's none that I'm more sure has said the word "nigger" more than Charlie Brown.
Whatever happened to savage Charlie Brown? Hes more depressed and mopey than anything now.
he wears the ancap colors and everything
you think Franklin let him say it or did Charile just decide to on his own without approval?
Where is wishy washy Charlie Brown?
Chuck ain't havin' it.
Both a tomboy and a nerd, but he never acknowledged their feelings.
That animation is so weird.
Is this fan made? Why is Marcy such a cunt in it?
You're a Sexist Pig, Charlie Brown!
based bullies
WTF is that the Earth 3 Marcy?
>that super smug grin in the last panel with hands in his pants
i love it
But Lucy's dad also has a son.
That’s not Lucy. It’s Violet
Lucy and Violet are both cruel little jerks, but still different characters.
Is the point that Charlie is a good guy going along with the joke in good spirits, or he's actually pissed and is showing Lucy how much of a cunt she is?
>young Neil Breen
I much prefer Lucy. She likes to tease Charlie Brown but you can tell she likes him a bit.
Violet is just a nasty cunt through and through. A cruel, unflinching bully.
Little of column A, little of column B.
When did charlie brown start to look like his TV self?
Only knew peanuts through the strips i saw in the 90s and the holiday specials