Fusion Thread
Attached: fusion.png (1649x1766, 679K)
Anyone have the fusion of Sonic, Roadrunner, and The Flash?
Attached: 1386030066354.jpg (1400x1407, 210K)
Flash Runner is the only one that looks good
Attached: fusion i want.png (1600x1600, 463K)
Attached: captain marvel fusion 1.png (1600x1540, 685K)
Attached: captain marvel fusion 2.png (1600x1540, 761K)
>begging for art, the thread
Attached: almighty jackass fusion.png (1600x1600, 535K)
Attached: meh fusion.png (754x836, 169K)
Attached: pinichio bullshit fusion.png (1600x1600, 926K)
Attached: psycho rock fusion.png (1600x1600, 483K)
Attached: zog fusion.png (1600x1600, 497K)
Attached: inoshikacho fusion.png (1600x1600, 603K)
>my I recognize that bottom right pic from Secret Wars
Does this mean I am finally not a casual?
Attached: weaponized autism fusion.png (1597x1743, 671K)
Attached: rick star fusion.png (402x789, 58K)
Attached: michael dorn fusion.png (1600x1600, 412K)
Attached: ninja girl fusion.png (1600x1600, 387K)
Attached: clone superhero fusion.png (1438x1979, 519K)
Attached: bitch fusion.jpg (1600x1600, 419K)
That’s about all I got
Attached: BDD99F45-DFC3-494F-A4EA-73DE6367A722.jpg (726x1027, 65K)
Attached: pearl fusion 2.png (1600x1665, 541K)
Attached: x-men fusion.png (1600x1600, 442K)
Attached: fox fusion.png (1486x1797, 514K)
Attached: amon recipe fusion 3.png (1600x1600, 405K)