The X-Men are trash

Why were these shits even popular?, From what I can tell most of their stories are just allegories for racism or Cyclops getting cucked but the thing is Magneto makes perfect sense, The entire oppressed race parallel falls apart when you take the fact that if another race could breathe fire or shoot laser beams segregating them wouldn't be racist it would be fucking common sense, Secondly if Mutants had the ability to run at 15 miles per nanosecond or spontaneously combust, They wouldn't be oppressed, They'd be at the top, They could easily defend themselves, They could use their powers as an advantage in sports/academics/businesses, Fucking governments will pay top dollar for their services in war/law enforcement or healthcare, Imagine Quicksilver being auctioned at a stock exchange, Amazon could practically charge customers for 5 minute deliveries if he was there, Lmao

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Imagine Quicksilver being auctioned at a stock exchange, Amazon could practically charge customers for 5 minute deliveries if he was there, Lmao
Imagine living in a world where Quicksilver is a more popular speedster than Flash

>Quicksilver is a more popular speedster than Flash
Flash isn't a part of the X-men goddammit as far as I can tell no DC story had speedsters being oppressed, Unless you count The Dark Knight Returns

I never really understood their appeal, either. Doom Patrol are way more fucked up as people and is a far superior premise

>It's a /pol/tard doesn't comprehend literature episode. Again.

??, Literally just explained why their literature is trash,It would've made more sense if Mutants were more like spoilt rich kids or little kids kidnapped for military experiments

Same ehre. The allegory doesn't work. The protagonists are self-entitled cunts. The stories are the same 5 beats repeated over and over in countless spin-offs. The Soap Opera elements and the cucking is tiresome. It's just a trashheap.


X-Men are popular because of concept. The majority of their stories range from mediocre to trash

Well, At least The Avengers didn't break up because Steve Rogers banged Scarlet Witch while she was dating Tony

This is how writers use 616 humans in an X-Men comic
Diminishing returns really hurt X-Books

Think about the advantage a normal jew have in money USA to a non-jew . And then look at how much blame the jew get for the problems in the USA. What the majority hates more than any real problem is not geting in the best deal in live. Making any nonwhite heterosexual male a evil SJW.

>this thread
>and again
>and again

Attached: Wolfsbane-New-Mutants-Earliest-k.jpg (500x824, 120K)

>Think about the advantage a normal jew have in money USA to a non-jew . And then look at how much blame the jew get for the problems in the USA
Except you know, Most of these criticisms are brushed aside and no one actually takes them seriously

The KKK do.

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>Yeah but none of their ideals will ever be mainstream, like most people can just call you racist or anti-semitic and your argument is shut down, No media outlet would want to feature, you companies would refuse to hire you to avoid bad PR and your friends will deny any relation with you

I will try a serious answer, despite this being Yea Forums. I could be wrong, but the peak popularity of the X-men was recorded in the 80s with Chris Claremont and the second X-men team.

Success was like a combination between Jim Lee's drawings with stories that corresponded the tastes of the readers. Claremont was quite enlightened in those years. Everyone remembers Dark Phoenix, but the whole management brought a lot of crazy and interesting ideas. MojoVerse, Omega-X and of course, Betty's transformation to a Ninja in quite disturbing way.

Until then the X-men had never been really popular. Today they live a lot thanks to the popularity of the past, but this can be said for any comics..

. I admit that is the truth in the USA and Canada me home country and probably all good country to live in but some countries do have anti-Semitism in schools. Maybe the X-man need to save mutants in countries like Iran more.

I also add one last thing ... in the 90's The X-men were managed better and with an honest background message of tolerance and respect for different ones.

Today this message has been totally raped in so many ways and so many contradictions that one could make a separate thread and probably get even more answers.

The main problem is X-Men just don't work in a shared universe.
I could buy angst and racism allegories, but I can not for a second buy normies beating the shit out of harmless mutants in the dark alley, while Fantastic Four gives a science presentation just down the street.
Writers can come up with any excuses they like, it just doesn't work.

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>I could buy angst and racism allegories, but I can not for a second buy normies beating the shit out of harmless mutants in the dark alley, while Fantastic Four gives a science presentation just down the street.
...Why? The F4 are Chad Super-Scientists who stick it to aliens and discover cool shit. Muties are more often than not deformed people or have dangerous superpowers that could go off at any second. Your kid could turn out to be a Mutie. Your kid could be killed by a Mutie if he goes to fart and causes a nuclear explosion. Reed Richards isn't harming anyone.

>Reed Richards isn't harming anyone.
Any superhero can go crazy at any time.
Not to mention there are as many mutants who can control their powers just fine as there are unstable metahumans.
The only difference between muties and supers is that former are born like this. And it's not like they asked to be like this.
If society can tolerate fucking Thor flying around, why can't it be equally accepting of Storm?

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>Any superhero can go crazy at any time.
And any person you walk past can secretly be Hannibal Lecter.
>Not to mention there are as many mutants who can control their powers just fine as there are unstable metahumans.
Oh yeah, the cream of the crop UberChads and UltraStacies living in the X-Mansion, after years of training can do so. Well darn, now that fixes everything!
>The only difference between muties and supers is that former are born like this. And it's not like they asked to be like this.
And? They don't stop being dangerous to the general population.
>If society can tolerate fucking Thor flying around, why can't it be equally accepting of Storm?
Because Thor is one guy. One guy who lives in Asgard and saves people from Giants. Meanwhile Storm is part of the "Homo Superior" who march around with dildos in their buttocks, scream about how they're gonna replace you, and chances are they'll blow up a school if they sneeze. Some look like birds and others like lizards with 7 arms and a donut for a dick. The normal people don't ahve any obligation to tolerate that.

>"Homo Superior"

Has someone ever pointed out to the mutants that calling themselves "" Homo Superior " is already a pretty big declaration of war in a totally gratuitous way? Also the scientific names don't work like this. Their name should have been "Homo Mutatis"

>a kike and a hypocritical aristocrat with superpowers and each with their respective cults are arrogant and want to rule the world
Who would've thought?

Furry Magneto

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Why did you make this thread again? We get it, you don't like the X-Men. You don't need to make this a daily feature.

No he is Furry Magneto.

You've never even read an X-Men comic.

What's this called?

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>in the 90's The X-men were managed better and with an honest background message of tolerance and respect for different ones.

This has a lot to do with the way the books changed in the 2000s. We went from an allegory that was usually broad and vague enough that anyone could identify with it, to focusing more and more on the minorities until it became impossible to identify with the X-Men if you were part of the majority. The message of peaceful coexistence, acceptance and tolerance was replaced with modern identity politics, voluntary segregation, and undisguised contempt for the majority. From Morrison onwards it becomes an unintentional redpill against allowing minority groups into a nation.