Can you redpill me on why everyone hates her?

Can you redpill me on why everyone hates her?

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She’s voluptuous

she RAPED Greg

honestly she's one of the better characters

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>Loves junk food
>Plays video games
I don't know about everyone because I sure like her.

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Why? She's legitimately the best and most mentally matured character.

I don't believe everyone does. You might be defective.

She hasn't been hated in a long time, but her S1 persona was pretty grating. She's my favorite gem/character right now along with Peridot and Steven. Some of the best development in the show, cool weapon and a genuinely likable character.

She is by far the most chill gem. If anything its probably just a bunch of loud incels projecting a bunch of hate for her because she is a "casual woman". A travesty apparently.

People hate her? As far as I know people like her for being the only Crystal Gem with good, consistent character development. That, and for being a lewd chubby shortstack.

People used to hate her more on S1, but to be fair she's one of the most and best developed characters in the show.
She grown to be very mature on her own way, and is the only one who doesn't rely all her problems on Steven.
She's best gem material.

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Amethyst isn't the most-loved character, but I think she's a high candidate for the least hated. I have no idea what you're on about OP.

dude are youy still living in season 1?

Nobody hates her.

Most hated character nowadays is probably Lapis and that is pretty much because a lot of her fans are insufferable idiots who try to justify every single bad thing she does

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Certain people are jealous of her S-rank lips.

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I love her

Shape shifted into Steven's dead mom to shame him or something. Cleaned up his garage as an apology.

I wouldn't pin blame on fans for that sort of thing. She's the most underdeveloped character in terms of main gems for sure but I can see what they were doing with her arc at least.

Her and Greg didn't hang out again until near the end of S2, so I guess they eventually patched things up.

only tumblrinas hate lapis because she's the only conventionally attractive character on the show, lol thin privilege

>Only tumblrinas hate lapis because she's the only conventionally attractive character on the show
Tumblr used to love Lapis and a lot of her deflectors are in there, since she is a victim of abuse she cannot be an abuser and she cannot do anything wrong

Mostly because of the garage episode

If you read into the subtext the episode from Amy's perspective is "ok so I took advantage of Greg after Rose died then blamed him when he couldn't take the guilt and then tried to seduce him again in a fit of anger in front of his son - but I cleaned the garage so we're squaresies right?"

1. She acts like a little shit.
2. No matter what, her shit traits persists no matter how many times she "learns" a lesson.
3. Her self-doubt (that's somewhat valid) is negated with "No, U is perfect as is". Admittedly the self-doubt was about something she couldn't fix but it's still clear she could improve.
4. The worst thing she did was psychologically torture Greg in one episode.
5. The are verious other lacking personality traits (such as her weird eating habits) that don't exactly make her a worse character but they don't make her anymore likable.

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She can't make herself taller, user. That was the whole issue and was cleared up when she met the Famethyst.

Most people dislike Lapis because they feel she's wasted potential, at least from what I've seen.

it's everywhere except for tumblr that fucking hates her

What reality are you from. The worst kind of tumblrinas love her because she's a "uwu traumatized victim". That plus the obnoxious lapidot shipping and Zuke worship contributed to the hatred of Lapis. And then there's the show itself glossing over everything about her conflict to get to a happy ending faster when they had plenty of opportunities to properly explore her character.

Didn't gloss over it exactly, Lapis is always pointing out how she fucked up. It's just not dwelling on it when there's so many other things to cover in an 11 minute format. We're not exactly done with her yet either if the Beta Kindergarten theory is true.

>Beta Kindergarten theory
i hesitantly ask what this is

Literally every Steven universe character is good, even the villains are interesting characters. Change my mind

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During the flashback in Same Old World (the one with the flashback w/ Lapis) she's in a very orange-looking place with a bunch of Quartzes. In Bismuth's initial episode, Bismuth mentioned they took out two squadrons of Quartzes on their own and Lapis's are known "terraform" and Lapis was only supposed to be on Earth for a "short time".

So tl'dr, Lapis helped make the Beta Kindergarten and thus was responsible for Jasper existing.

Maximum Capacity was one of the most realest episodes of a kiddy show I've seen, only plebs don't like it or Amethyst's characterization. Amethyst cleaning his garage wasn't suppose to be some apology more just an admission that she felt like shit for what she did. Greg didn't hold it against her because he knows how hurt she was at Rose's loss and that's just his character.

This. Great episode and one of S1's best.

Also this. I know people like to dismiss the Townies but most of them have properly fleshed out personalities too which is why they have fans in the first place. The characters are easily why people keep coming back to SU.

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If you're gonna post bait, make sure it doesn't make you look like a brainlet for doing so user.

I don't know why, she used to be the fucking worst but she somehow ended up being the only CG who doesn't dump her millennia of personal issues on a retarded 14 year old. She's cool, would hang out with if she bathed in turpentine to kill the sepsis leaking out of her.

Hey. Hey, anons.


I also like the townies as characters. Unfortunately, they are the source of one of the show's biggest flaws, that the gem stuff and human stuff are mostly separate. That's part of why the Aquamarine arc was so good, because the townies played a direct role in the plot for once. Shame there wasn't more of that throughout.

I agree, they should come together more. Letters to Lars was good for that but I imagine a lot of people skipped over it.

she's one of the few characters in the show i can say i still genuinely like a lot

>sup dude wanna see me shapeshift into your dead wife?

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thread needs more amethyst feets.


>early townie episodes had actual MOTW plots so there was a reason for gem shit being there with action and actual conflict resolution balanced out by human perspective characters
>you got a look at the friction between the two groups and it was the actual slice of life magic superhero show Sugar wanted to make
>just one season later gem shit and townie shit is strictly segregated for no fucking reason and the showmakers commit to this huge narrative flaw that wasn't even an issue in the beginning

The human and gem business was married pretty efficiently in the first season. Onion got a gem artifact and flooded the town the guy action figures. Lars ingests the fire salts and sets fire to the town. Steven and Lars have to save Lars' friends from getting killed by the eldritch moss. Starting in season 2 everything got harshly segregated.

>early townie episodes had actual MOTW plots so there was a reason for gem shit being there with action and actual conflict resolution balanced out by human perspective characters

Nope. Shirt Club alone proves that wrong and also shows how tunnel-visioned are when it comes to the earlier seasons of SU.

Shes always been my favorite

>Starting in season 2
but I liked Onion Friend

Onion Friend is a great episode.

She was always my favorite. She's pretty chill.

He's not wrong, though.

Nobody ever forgave anyone for anything, so yes he is wrong. That's like saying a cat forgives you for beating it near to death because you gave it some food afterwards.

I wouldnt change your mind. Tho I do think some characters need more time or more episodes to help flesh them out. Especially if you count fusions like Opal, Sugilite and Raindow2.0

RQ2 and Sunstone's VA's were in the recording booth somewhat recently so there's more of them coming. Opal is probably shit out of luck at this point and the less said about Sugilite the better. When there's other fusion options that are more versatile it kind of limits which ones appear more than anything else like VA contracts.

She bitches about how a small section of Earth died to create her to a kid whose mom died to create him.

Greg is an astonishing great guy. People like to shit on this show for showcasing how great and flawless women are but Greg is consistently shown to have a better handle on his shit then 90% of the cast

was she ever barefoot in the show?

His mom created her y'know. It's a bit more complicated than that.

only time i remember is in Beach Party

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The sugilite thing hurts me the most, I've wanted an episode where she has to protect Steven while brutally smashing and taunting bad guys since her first fucking appearance


Man, the season finale pissed me off. The showrunners go on and on about how the lame filler eps aren't actually filler because of some piece of foreshadowing precisely at 8:23 of episode whatever. Meanwhile, there were so many ideas that would've made for great arcs that got shoved all into the finale like Sunstone and RQ 2.0. That would leave Obsidian, aka the fusion we've known about since the beginning, to solely be the final Steven X CG fusion revealed in the finale.

All quartz gems are good

well,she is a hypocritical bitch a lot of the time,so i can understand someone not liking her cause of that. i still like her better than most of the other gems though.

Because she doesn't have a ton of cute, quirky qualities people can latch onto like Pearl.

Her angst was handled clumsily but then again, so was everyone else's

>Unlike the gems, never, ever treats Steven like an idiot or ignores his concerns
>Will drop everything to do anything for him
>Understands the situation his son is in and doesn't obsess about his safety to an annoying degree, but still shows he very much does worry
>Has maybe two moments ever where he comes into conflict with his Steven, which he actually takes steps to fix
>Never gives him stupid or bad advice, instead being very willing to say "I don't know" rather than lie to or mislead Steven
>Is the most consistently kind and levelheaded person on the show, even moreso than Garnet, whose entire personality is that

She's a shitty coward

>you don't wanna play pretend bro?

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I want her to bully me with her cute feet.

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This might be my favorite design so far.

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Lapis and Steven are both equally fucking unlikable. I don't really like any of the human characters except for greg and lars come to think of it.

I hate her new design, it makes clear that she doens't have boobs

Boobs on Gems do not make any sense as they are not mammals.

>when insult u good
>when u insult me bad
Reminder she and Sadie are the most garbage people in the show
>Lars dont be mad at me for trying to rape u i was feelin lonely :(

Ass > Tits and she clearly has a juicy one

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Amethyst canonically morphs an anus to eat so lick my dick with what it is logical or have "sense"


>Can you redpill me on why everyone hates her?
people hate her?
she chill and into whips, i can dig it.

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Because the writers thought they were giving her more character depth, but they were actually making her less likable because they couldn't tell the difference and barely understood what made her likable in the first place. This happened to basically every character in the show besides perhaps Greg by some strange miracle.

>Amethyst still has her sense of humor, but isn't a cunt for no reason anymore because of insecurity
>Pearl has loosened up
>Garnet is...
>Steven isn't naive anymore for the most part and is still the same goody two shoes he ever was

Mate what are you talking about? These characters only got better over time.

i just remember someone made a nude edit of this

>“Long week working on the movie, really enjoying this Saturday“

Rebecca is cute. CUTE.

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Long hair Rebecca > Short hair Rebecca.


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Nice jacket tho

Remember when Greg's brother was actually Carl

The CGs all got less and less mature as the series went on. Amethyst got progressively infantilized the more we learned about her. Pearl had all of maternal trappings stripped away layer by layer until she was just a neurotic mess of unrequited emotions. Her being a slave the whole time was her only saving grace. And Garnet, jesus, Garnet got completely fucked by "development". Her character was completely distilled down into DUDE FUSION LMAO. Her two composite characters that barely ever showed up had more going on than her after a certain point.



Amethyst is the most mature crystal gem, Pearl is the most motherly still and Garnet is, well, Garnet. You're acting like they still have these problems which makes me think you skipped like two seasons.

>You might be defective

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>Amethyst is the most mature crystal gem

You say this, but I simply do not agree in the slightest.

>Pearl is the most motherly still

That's not an accomplishment when Amethyst was basically never maternal and Garnet's personality became increasingly devoted to being a walking talking relationship metaphor.


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Why? It's good.

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Amethyst is one out of three characters on the show that I can say I really like, she's fleshed out well and had a good arc and she never ended up annoying or flanderized like Garnet, Peridot, Lapis.. even though she was kind of pushed to the side with all the other not-Steven gems in s4 and s5. All of the characters have wasted potential to some extent but so many others ended up flat out terribly written and underdeveloped or had their "arcs" tainted by ridiculously rushed pacing.. Amethyst made it through in the best shape, she started off kind of childish, lazy, and mopey but she was always fun and relatable, now she's also super reliable and mature and caring towards others. Anyway I can't wait to see more of her and Jasper's growth next season.

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retard nigger

Nice to meet you.

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You don't have to agree, the show makes it perfectly clear. Also you were the one who said Pearl wasn't motherly so I don't really know what you're talking about.

Peridot isn't flanderized, she'd be Spock if she was.


Blue Self-Existing Storm
Yellow Southern Castle of Giving
Earth family- Gateway Clan- Sky
I define in order to catalyze
Measuring energy
I seal the matrix of self-generation
With the self-existing tone of form
I am guided by the power of vision

Harmonic50: Overtone Matrix Self-regulate universal fire of radiance

So bold..

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Because she's FAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttt

>more nigger behavior than Garnet

None of the Gems had boobs, except for Rose "human-kin" Quartz.

>typical 'I don't feel good about myself because I'm defective so my arch is self confidence' character in contrast to the more complicated and arguably unique issues of Pearl, Garnet, etc
>Probably the least involved with Gem lore exposition for a CG
>Not as conventionally attractive as Pearl and Garnet and Lapis so she is less likely to be white-knighted by waifufags when she does something atrocious
>arguably has less of an excuse to do atrocious things in comparison to other characters

I pretty much hate all SU characters equally or worse than her but I can kinda get why people at the very least find her boring.

I don't hate her (why should anyone hate a fucking catoon character, she's not even real) but I don't like the way how she's purposely designed to be unattractive just to promote self acceptance.

Reminder that the grape ape spends her time rolling around in garbage water that has actual dead bodies and her own excrement in it.

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pic is superbly wasted potential

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More season(s) to come and she already has a VA. She'll be back.

absolutely, but imo she was more wasted than lapis. you could have replaced her with a lamp in the finale and no difference would have been made at all

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I want to fuck Amethyst with all my power

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That’s not saying much when every character in this show is mentally and emotionally retarded


I love her, she makes me think of the cool, mean high school girl who molested me in middle school


The angst was pretty annoying but she became better over time and is easily the least psychotic gem. Also the only fucking character to acknowledge that maybe, just maybe, they shouldn't dump all their emotional issues on Steven for him to resolve all the time.

Watch the season again.

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She's cute and a chill bro.

I actually marathoned it before CYM and nope, still no forgiveness of what the Diamonds have done and the show's never painted their actions as positive. Pick up a dictionary and look up the term for redemption. Hint: It's not the same as absolution.

Lapis has two lines in CYM and they're like "Yeah" and "WE GOTTA GO". It's actually kind of hilarious.

So whats stopping the diamonds from destroying Earth like they planned? Before it was saving memories of Pink Daimond, now that they know shes alive and Rose is 'out of the picture', theres nothing really stopping them. But since Steven says things are cool, thats it.
As far as the show is concerned, everything is ok. The space lesbian nazis arent the big looming threat anymore and corruption is cured, in fact they're family.

oh yeah, that was funny.

it's a shame all critical analysis of this show is people seething about diamonds being literal nazis or whatever

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They have no reason to destroy Earth, sure, but they're still going to be mining out planets because that's literally how they reproduce. They don't do it out of spite or malice, but to grow their race. That's the part that needs changing and that redemption is them giving up these things and adapating to a new way of life. They were wrong about Earth, they were wrong about the war and they were wrong about their entire system being a positive thing. Redemption means they're bought back from the brink and have the ability to become good, but it doesn't mean everyone suddenly forgets their deeds. At that point you'd just be beating a dead horse mentioning it every other episode like you expect the audience to forget.


As far as lewd artists go, you could do a lot worse than Blushmallet. At worst her art is just sort of bland and repetitive. It's not actively offensive to look at like Glenn Garth.
>mfw whenever someone posts some of his abominable sketches on /sug/
Say what you will about Blushmallet, but at least her art never gives you this horribly unnerving sense of uncanny valley from how gruesomely over-detailed it is.

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I like Lapis because she's a terrible person. She does bad things to make herself happy and runs away instead of dealing with the consequences of her actions, which is great. Not somebody you'd want to hang with, but great to watch.

A bitch in this fandom that understand you can enjoy characters that are terrible without excusing their behavior.
I respect you, user.

Really she just needs a good episode or two and watch how many people get back on the Lapis train.

Also more songs, Distant Shore was great

bullshit,gems have had noticeable busts in the past.

>Peridot isn't flanderized

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would sex with