Reconmmend me some Iron Man runs that aren't boring or dont suck

Reconmmend me some Iron Man runs that aren't boring or dont suck.

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Start from Tales Of Suspense. Finish with either the Knauf or Fraction run. That's it.


Fraction was fucking garbage, what are you talking about?

It's messed up that the best modern Iron Man story is a one-off written by a crazy person.

Read Enter the Mandarin. It's a shame that Eric Canete is only known for that one Spider-Man page around here because he draws the coolest looking Iron Man.

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Matt Fraction's

Oh bugger off, it was comfy. It wasn't perfect, ut if he finishes the Knauf run and wants more, it's readable and entertaining. Why Yea Forumsmblr hates that while wanking over shit like Ms. mudslime,I'll never understand.

busieks run

>Yea Forumsmblr

Not doing a good job of convincing me, /pol/

Well, the best things in life aren’t free.

>Not doing a good job of convincing me
I gave OP my RECs. He can read them or not. Who cares about (you), user?

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They don't exist
Movies >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>shit >>>>>>>>> comics

There’s nothing wrong with Fractions run (except maybe the artwork).

Both "Superior Iron Man" and "Infamous Iron Man" were refreshing.

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Armored adventures

Extremis is the only translated Iron man book we have here, so i guess it has to be worth something, right?

Imo its the best Iron Man comic ever

>my brain is a hard drive, I need to wipe it

There was plenty wrong with his run

Which one was Knauf? Execute program?

It made sense within the story, and there are far whackier things within superhero comics that you could be criticizing but we both know you aren’t

The one that followed Extremis and morphed into Director Of SHIELD. They wrote about 30+ issues.

Ultimate Iron Man by Orson Scott Card.
It's very different from other Iron Man comics. And there are a lot of things that might bother readers. But at the end of the day, it's a very good comic.

>there are a lot of things that might bother readers
Naked children? OSC is a convicted pedo.

That's the one then, thanks!
Ultimate Armour Wars, if you enjoy Ellis technobabble.