How do you feel about your tax dollars going to giant mutant hunting robots?
How do you feel about your tax dollars going to giant mutant hunting robots?
don't date robots
I thought Sentinels were privately funded.
if you've got a better idea for dealing with mutants I'd like to hear it
>How do you feel about your tax dollars going to giant mutant hunting robots?
I'm all for giant robots.
Is homosexuality and being black considered a mutant gene? Just wondering if I should donate more to the cause.
White skin is the mutation, mugga.
Life is a mutation.
Pretty good, actually.
Glad to see the suits over at Washington looking out for the small guy.
As long as they don't decide that humanity is the problem, leading to an apocalyptic future where Wolverine and Franklin Richards are one of the few heroes left alive, then I'm fine with them.
Which is why we build giant robots to purify the world.
Makes a fella feel good knowing they are up there...
Giant robots is probably the best use of tax dollars.
>giant robots
Whatever it takes to stop the mutie menace once and for all.
what about corn syrup?
could i least pilot one?
Pretty good, really. I mean, I’m already paying for Jamal’s Air Jordans and Laquisha’s 5th baby, so why not spend some cash for things that actually matter?
Well, the “Mutant Allegory” is supposed to work that way, making Muties stand-ins for nogs, fags and trannies, so...
Metal as fuck. Way better than welfare.
>How do you feel about your tax dollars going to giant mutant hunting robots?
Depends? Are we deploying these giant mutant hunting robots on American soil?
What a waste of military budget. We could have had the wall and cleaned up Chicago by now, but no. Gotta waste millions on wannabe gundams that don't even do anything
Is it true that blacks commit more crimes than mutants?
Why would it need to come to that? Why can't mutants live in peace?
Considering the Sentinels' abysmal track record in killing mutants, I'd say it's a waste of money. Just engineer a virus that kills anyone with an active X-gene, boom, problem solved, for a fraction of the cost of building an army of giant robots.
I fucking see you Master Mold
>Why can't mutants live in peace?
Ask them that.
Because the super-intelligent virus that controls our minds can't infect mutants. So we have to kill the mutants, our virus overlord demands it.
But black mutants are worse
I feel that this idea would feasibly only be fast tracked into being maybe once, even at the peak of anti-mutant sentiments.
For the sake of discussion, say it takes an entire auto-plant or a facility of similar size to make enough robots your analysts you are needed to combat and contain up to a dozen mutants at one time. That's going to cost you at least a billion, couple billion dollars in tax money (also assuming you/ whomever's running this shit doesn't embezzle any significant amount which is a bit of a stretch. An honest person doesn't go around trying to get killer robot programs started up.)
Plus the costs of transporting the Sentinels to any sort of outpost where they can be dispatched into a wide area (or just drive up to urban areas they want to search for mutants) is going to be a pretty penny. You've got all this going, all this money sunk into the venture and then what will predictably happen?
Maybe the Sentinels will catch a few dozen mutants but the more powerful ones are going to just up and demolish hundreds of millions of dollars worth of tax payer equipment, on homeland soil.
God knows how much money was blown in the Middle east for the past 20+ years. Imagine if anything close to that was spent on shit that tromped around here in the states, only to cause alot of property damage, even MORE property damage when the X-Men show up or Magneto's nap was interrupted, and was then ultimately *trashed*?
It's one thing if you sent alot of military hardware into a foreign nation and used it all over the years. Billions and more money spent on shit that doesn't even last a year? In peoples' backyards?
Even if you outsourced any of this, Sentinel Program would be scrapped after the first big failure on US soil and people--or more importantly, voters-- would be fucking pissed, mutants or no mutants.
So how did that work with people who are pro-mutants or friends with mutants but aren't mutants themselves? Like is that virus infecting Spider-man or Captain America or something?
gas chambers
Depends on the generation
Redpill me on sentinels
Are they intelligent like Skynet? Are they self replicating? How strong are they? Do they use more subtle tactics or do they just punch shit? What could be achieved if you were transported to marvel universe with all the knowledge and given control of them?
I wonder how advanced Marvel sex doll is. They can build fucking walking, talking robot, even robot with built in gears that rival super powered humen, hell they can even make completely realistic virtual reality.
I am suprised people still bother to deal with ol'regular real life and not all go into maximum escapism
I'd rather pay for human-sentinels
Feels good man.
Sucks that they kill people or whatever but giant robots are cool
>The west cant even do human sentinels right
Reminder that The Sentinels were just the creation of a lone anthropologist crackpot (later his son) and were considered a menace by civilians for most of Marvel's history, only becoming government funded (by supervillain infiltrators) in order to wipe out superheroes in general, not just mutants.
And the company probably gets tax incentives for putting up shop in local towns and cities
Why can't the mutant hunters look like X or Zero?
Better than being sent to Israel.
Fuck off with your lolishit.
Didn't both Trask die from getting squashed by their own Sentinels?
who is the gay guy with the bow?
Why doesn't the government ever use then on criminal mutants that don't fuck with the X-Men?
When the hell have we ever seen one go after Whirlwind? Or Attuma? Typhoid Mary? Or any other mutant that is a regular villain of someone like Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, or Avengers?
And why not use them against other superpowered villains too? They regularly attack Manhattan. So why not use the fleet of giant purple robots against guys like Dr Octopus, Rhino, Blastaar, the Skrulls, Atlanteans, really anyone that routinely attacks civilians in New York.
Marvel Earth was perfectly capable of building near perfect human androids in the 1940s. And perfect human biodroids by the 60's.
I imagine you can have a fully biological replica of anything you want for a sexbot.
Prejudice allegory robots bad
That's just my opinion of course I'm only going off of that I can gather reading these threads
It does seem like invading army of fish people or shapeshifting lizard aliens are a bit more of an immediate threat to humanity's continued existence than random 14 year old in a mall in Wisconsin.I would be fun to see the government roll out the army of giant purple killbots the next time someone tries invading Earth.
We're going to build a big, beautiful Master Mold and the mutants are going to pay for it.
A lot of mutants are really rich, that might be doable
It's an old Hawkeye costume IIRC, he used to wear skirts